Quezhou sword formation together, not much to say, directly open the real formation, after the "Heavenly Sword" in Quezhou's hand lost the wild god, it has no previous power, but it is still no problem to open "Zhi Geliu".

"First Form Ten Swords Mountains and Rivers Swaying!"

Don't give the Buddha Ye's body time to speak, Quzhou Yifandu is a big move, and countless swords attack the Buddha Ye's body like a violent storm. Attack, there is no room to dodge, only reckless way!

"Heaven creates criminal karma, evil creates and destroys obstacles!"

Tianchi Jiye and the love-calamity girl Rong fought against the Buddha Emperor and the Emperor Tathagata of the Nine Realms. The consumption was quite large. With the suppression of the formation, when they saw that the lack of boats and sails were fierce, they dared to support the big ones. The riots, the evil spirits are awe-inspiring, a bizarre double-body golem rises from the ground, and Xuanhen helps and protects the whole body.

"Clang! Clang! Clang..."

Thousands of sword qi slammed into the golem, sending out a dense and ear-piercing symphony of gold and iron!

After the extreme collision, although the golem was full of cracks, it did not collapse, but Quzhou Yifandu was not fighting alone.

"Zen Hai Lei Yin!"

The Emperor Tathagata saw that the opportunity could not be missed, and he made a decisive decision. The Buddha's essence was condensed with his palm, and he slammed it out with a single blow.


The Buddha's Yuan impacted, and the broken golem suddenly exploded with a huge explosion, turning into a sky full of evil shattered fluorescent light and dissipating.

"Ah~ puff~"

The golem shattered, and the Buddha's double body was severely injured, vomiting blood and flew out.


Knowing that nothing can be done, the Buddha's double body immediately turned into light and left, and returned to the Bodhisattva in the demon world. Quezhou Yifandu and the Emperor Tathagata did not pursue them. There was no way to target the power of Xuanhen, and it was useless to catch up.

With the departure of the Buddha's double body, Quzhou Yifandu and Di Tathagata cancelled the "Stop Ge Liujian Array" and the opening of the Ming Scroll, lifted up the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms, and went to Luyuan Yicheng to heal his wounds and discussed at the same time. The opponent's Buddhist double body plan.


West Wulin, the capital of heaven.

The setting sun was like blood, reflecting the water around the city, like a sea of ​​blood.

The chilling cold wind blew through Dao Wuji's upright face, but in Dao Wuji's heart, he was thinking about how to lure Luo Hu to the Dragon Burial Wall to kill him.

And for this decisive battle in Tiandu, Su Huanzhen and Chiba Legend also spared no effort to pull people everywhere.

Jiuzhou Yijianzhi, Ye Xiaochai, Eternal Sky, Yan Tinghong, Eagle Eyeless, No Two Doing, Asking Sword Guming, Kuanghe Binglie; The head of the hospital, Yu Xiaoxiao, and others also joined the operation. Together with the [-] people in the world, and some martial artists who came to hear the news, the momentum must be huge.

Su Huanzhen said to Sirius and Hades, who were beside him, "(bffg) The defensive air shield outside the Heavenly Capital, just ask the two of you!"

"Yeah!" Sirius nodded indifferently.

"Su Huanzhen, remember the conditions you promised me, yay!" Yan Wangsuo reminded Su Huanzhen, and immediately made a move with Sirius.

"Death cry!"

"The order of death! Yay!"

With the cooperation of Shuangqi, "Death Transit" reappears in the world, and the power of endless darkness turns into a blade of destruction. Wherever it passes, the ground shatters and rocks, and it is about to hit the defensive air cover outside Tiandu City.

"Horizontal knife. Split the ground!"

A blood-colored saber qi suddenly shot out from the city of Tiandu, and the huge saber light slammed into the god of death, and it was actually smashed to pieces.

"Dangerous!" Sirius was startled and flew to dodge.

"What? How is this possible!" Yan Wangsuo also fled quickly. He was very familiar with the move just now, which was used by the Taixuezhu, but isn't the Taixuezhu dead?


There are a lot of heroes with high and low strength, Xiang Su is true, a master like Chiba Legend can naturally dodge, but those black-clothed sword guards and ordinary people in the world are not so lucky, and they are suddenly killed and injured. , howling.

"This is the "Doomsday Myth", the "Doomsday Myth" that was cut off at the beginning was taken by Yuanxie Huang, I didn't expect him to be able to repair it, but why did he learn the master's move too much, did Yuanxie Huang see it? Can you learn all martial arts moves, or is there any other reason?!" Su Huanzhen instantly judged the origin of this saber qi, although there were slight deviations, it was still inseparable.

in heaven.

Emperor Yuanxie and Luo Hu stood side by side, Emperor Yuanxie retracted his saber and looked at the crowd below. If you count the demon horns, there were probably no less than [-] people, and there were many "acquaintances" among them. He turned to Luo Hu and said, "I can't think of it. Your popularity is very high, not long after you were resurrected, so many people greeted you."

Luo Hou looked down at the heroes below: "In this era when the strong are fighting and the weak are living in a humble way, looking up to me is their only hope."

"Your eyes always look down on the world, but excessive pride and pride will make people lose themselves." Emperor Yuanxie reminded that although self-confidence is an indispensable thing for a warrior, it is also necessary to see the situation clearly.

"Humph!" Luo Hu said proudly: "They are not worth my attention. It is you who opened the devil's gift. This war will create new heroic legends, and I will make the gods lament!"

"Ha!" Emperor Yuanxie smiled sarcastically: "This emperor is looking forward to your performance!"

"My feet stepped out of the fire, my hands clenched and destroyed, my name - Luohu."

Rahu stepped on the fire of war, dressed in golden armor, carrying the "Jidu Knife", and slowly stepped out of the heaven.

"Luo Hou, everyone be careful, drink!" Dao Wuji reminded, and took the lead in sending out a strong saber qi, slashing towards Luo Hu, who was flying down.

Luo Hu waved his hand casually, shattering Dao Wuji's blade Qi, then looking at the flag behind Dao Wuji, he said coldly, "The world seals the sword!"

As soon as the words came out, death shrouded, everything was shattered, and the black-clothed sword guards who were close to the shore of Tiandu were instantly incinerated. Under the raging wind and fire, it was difficult for those with insufficient foundation to jump half a step.

A mighty figure, his footsteps do not stay for any reason, but only step towards his own purpose, towards a land where the flames of war are spreading.

"It's a hard angle!"

Kyushu Yijianzhi showed a dignified look on his face, "Silence of the Gods" was unsheathed, and the move to become famous was shot.

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