Emperor Yuanxie looked at the legend of Qianye and said: "The person who brought you will serve in Tiandu, and this emperor can forgive the past."

Then Emperor Yuanxie looked at Su Huanzhen: "Invading Tiandu, Su Huanzhen, do you have an explanation for this emperor?"

"The inferior can also lead people to serve in Tiandu." Su Huanzhen said sincerely. .

110 Misunderstanding【For Collection】

The supreme magic power shrouded the four fields.

Outside the Tiandu, on the broken earth, the Central Plains Righteous Path, mainly the world's sealing sword, gathered in Tiandu to launch a general attack on the Tiandu, and Yuanxie Huang and Luohu fought one after another.

Luo Hu killed most of the righteous people and horses in a destructive posture, while the Yuanxie Emperor ordered Leng Chuixue to lead all the people in Tiandu to take a counterattack against the righteous way in the central plains.

For a while, the elites of Tiandu, Kuangtu, Lengchuixue and other generals have a lot of gaps with the innate masters such as Ye Xiaochai, Wangu Changkong, Jiuzhou Yijianzhi, etc., but they can also play a role in restraining, freeing Luohou Unstoppable, with one knife and one palm, the Allied Forces of the Right Path were defeated.

Emperor Yuanxie was restrained by Su Huanzhen and Chiba Legend. Although he didn't do it, his momentum was overwhelming.

Emperor Yuanxie looked at the legend of Qianye and said: "The person who brought you will serve in Tiandu, and this emperor can forgive the past."

Then Emperor Yuanxie looked at Su Huanzhen: "Invading Tiandu, Su Huanzhen, do you have an explanation for this emperor?"

"The inferior can also lead people to serve in Tiandu." Su Huanzhen said sincerely.

Hearing that Su Huanzhen had worked, the corners of Yuan Xiehuang's mouth twitched slightly. Su Huanzhen was a disaster star, and he couldn't even avoid it. How could he be allowed to join Tiandu? Looking at "Thunderbolt", the organization that Su Huanzhen joined, There is no one alive!

Su is really true, Qu Shitu and Que Chensi can be called the three stars of "Thunderbolt" together!

Although Emperor Yuanxie was confident, he had to guard against it. Even if he wasn't afraid, he had to think for the sake of heaven. So Emperor Yuanxie resolutely rejected Su Huanzhen: "One infidelity, a hundred times of uselessness, the great achievements of Su Xian, I know a lot about this emperor 540. The person you used to work for has now been trampled on the grave! Do you think this emperor will let you enter the capital?"

"Hey, Su is really true, you are despised by others!" Chiba Legend heard the words and struck mercilessly.

Qianye Legend has some sense of superiority in his heart. After all, Emperor Yuanxie only recruits himself, not Suzhen. From a certain point of view, he is more popular than Suzhen. This can be regarded as a kind of recognition all the time. Su is really curious about black history.

Su Huan was really turned over to the end, thinking of his criminal record, Rao is a little embarrassed because he is thicker than the city wall, although he is all for the right path, but betrayal is betrayal, with a criminal record, it is indeed better to gain the trust of others. It was difficult, so he often used the incarnation, but in the face of Yuanxie Huang, he was not sure whether changing the vest would be useful.

"Hahaha... I drank the cold wind with a single sword and a broken body; there is a drunken Huanglong at the moment."

Just when Su Jianzhen was in a dilemma, a long laugh broke out, and the drunk Huanglong suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

"Drinking Huanglong!"

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous. When Luo Hu saw the appearance of Drunky Huanglong, he immediately left Dao Wuji and the others and rushed towards Drunken Huanglong.


Seeing familiar people, Drunk Huanglong's complexion is gloomy and uncertain, he is not a person with deep scheming.

When he killed Luo Hu, half of it was bewitched by Dao Wuhou, and partly because Luo Hu was indeed a tyrant who sparked the war at the time, but after being plotted by Dao Wuhou, he learned the truth, and he still felt a little guilty towards Luo Hu!

"Why did he come here?" Dao Wuji on the battlefield (bfdf) was shocked when he saw Drunky Huanglong, guessing the purpose of Drunky Huanglong's coming, and at the same time carefully restrained his momentum, suppressing the restless Dao Dragon blood.

Although Luo Hu suffered a lot of injuries after a fierce battle, after seeing the drunk Huanglong, he still made a bold move. With one step, he slammed away the attacking Yan Tinghong, asked Jian Guming, Ye Xiaochai, and immediately He jumped up suddenly, and slashed towards the drunk Huanglong with the "Ji Du Dao" in his hand with unparalleled power.

Drunk Huanglong originally came to find Chi Yan Chilin, but as a result, his nerves were relatively large, and he entered the battlefield before he could figure out the situation, and he also encountered Luo Hu who had not been resurrected for a long time.

As for Luo Hu, it is not necessary to kill the drunk Huanglong, but more to find the place back then. If he can beat the drunk Huanglong to the ground and sing and conquer, that is the most ideal result!

Drunky Huanglong didn't want to be an enemy of Rahu, but looking at Rahu's posture, it was obvious that he didn't intend to give up and had no choice but to pull out his "dragon scales" to resist.


The blades were facing each other, and the strong airflow swayed the eight wastes, and the two men retreated a hundred feet at the same time, facing each other from a distance.

After a lapse of many years, the strength of Drunky Huanglong has improved a lot compared to the beginning, and Luohu has been transformed by the Yuanxie Emperor, and it has become stronger, but the previous battle consumed a lot.

Drunk Huanglong said loudly: "Luo Hu, I don't want to explain what happened back then. Today I only came here to find someone, and I have no intention of becoming an enemy of you."

Luo Hu stared coldly at Drunk Huanglong: "I bow my knees and surrender, I can let go of what happened back then."

"If you are surrounded by strong enemies today, if I join the battle, what are your chances of winning?" Drunk Huanglong is also the prince of the poetic Tiancheng. Although he is relatively second, he is still very strong. How could he admit it.

What the drunk Huanglong said is true, a strong man is enough to change the situation of a battle. Rahu is naturally aware of this, but with his personality, how could he back down? Luohu waved his knife and said proudly: "My feet are stepping out of the war. , my hands are clenched to destroy, my name is Rahu."

Although it has not been stated, the attitude is already very obvious. There is only one word - war!

During the stalemate, evil spirits surged, and the double body of Buddhist karma descended from the sky.

"Buddha's own karma is a hindrance, and the sky is extremely turbulent.

Love this disaster, female Rong everywhere. "

As soon as the twins appeared, they launched a violent attack on the righteous path. The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend. The Buddhist double body saw the righteous path besieging the Tiandu, and thought it was a good opportunity to win over the heavens, so they attacked the righteous path. This sells a favor to heaven and brings an opportunity to form an alliance.

The strength of the Buddha's double body is not the sword Wuji, Ye Xiaochai and others can contend, so the balance will be seriously tilted!

Both Su Huanzhen and Qianye Legend frowned secretly. The intention and power of the Buddha's double body made them feel uneasy. If Tiandu ally with the evil spirits of the extinction realm, it would definitely not be good news for Zhengdao.

Emperor Yuanxie didn't take it seriously. Whether or not there is a double body of Buddhist karma doesn't have much impact on him, but it's okay to use it.

"Go back."

As Emperor Yuanxie waved his hand, the Tiandu generals who had killed the Quartet began to retreat, and Emperor Yuanxie said to Qianye Legend and Su Huanzhen: "This is the end of today, limited to the blind people of the sun, and the world will return to the sky within three days of sealing the sword. Du, as for Su Huanzhen, I hope you don't appear in front of this emperor again! Otherwise, this emperor may not be able to help but kill you. This is the emperor's advice. In addition, if you have nothing to do, you can investigate the Li clan. , I believe it will be rewarded.”

"Oh, the Li Clan?" Su was really puzzled by what Emperor Yuanxie said. Hearing what Emperor Yuanxie meant, it seemed that there was a misfortune in the east. .

Tiandu's troops retreated, and the righteous side also began to retreat. After this battle, in addition to Dao Wuji, the innate masters such as Ye Xiaochai, the righteous allied forces, suffered heavy casualties, and they added up to less than [-] people!

The Buddha's double body was a little unhappy when he saw this, and he helped the people of Tiandu himself, but Tiandu put pigeons when the victory was in hand, giving the right path a chance to linger, obviously not intending to accept their favor.

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