Still crying, the Son of God seemed to sense Emperor Yuanxie's aura, so he kept his voice away. Emperor Yuanxie picked him up from the midwife and took a look. He was also stunned. This Son of God was a baby girl, and he knew it before. , not so strange.

The strange thing is that this baby girl has two small horns on the top of her head, but the lanugo on her head is pale red, and her complexion is ruddy and plump. It is not as weak as ordinary babies. She can already see things just after birth. Looking at Emperor Yuan Xie with big watery eyes, a "giggling" laughter came out of his mouth.

"Is it because of his own magic essence that caused this little guy to mutate? Or is it because he has frequent contact with himself and is subconsciously influenced?"

Yuan Xie Huang thought with some doubts: "The Son of God looks like a trumpet Yuan Xie Emperor. When outsiders see it, most of them will think it's his own seed. No wonder Yu Qiufeng and Binghua look at him with strange eyes. ."

However, although this little guy possesses powerful magical power, because he is still young and has not awakened, his current intelligence is still as innocent as a baby.

Emperor Yuanxie looked at the Son of God, put his finger lightly on her mouth, and the Son of God sucked instinctively. Emperor Yuanxie smiled and poured the magic essence into the mouth of the Son of God.

The little guy was not polite, and he took a big mouthful of food. After absorbing the true energy of a congenital master, he released his mouth contentedly, and then burped and fell asleep.

Just this amount of food, that is, Emperor Yuanxie, can't be supported by ordinary people.

Emperor Yuanxie looked at the weak Yixi Haitang and injected a pure vitality into it. After giving birth to the son of God, Yixi Haitang had lost all the power of death and became an ordinary woman.

Emperor Yuanxie looked at Yixi Haitang's complexion and asked, "Have you thought of a name for this child?"

Under the nourishment of vitality, Haitang's spirit gradually improved, but even her body completely recovered in just a moment.

Feeling the change in her body, Haitang stepped down from the chuang overnight, looked at the child in Emperor Yuanxie's arms, and said, "Her name is Chenxi, and I hope she will be like the morning sun and bring hope."

"Dawn? It's not bad."

Emperor Yuanxie handed the sleeping Xiao Chenxi to Yixi Haitang, and then gave the two midwives some silver taels to send them away.

Yixi Haitang gently hugged the Son of God, looked at Emperor Yuanxie and said, "This child is the daughter of the God of Death, aren't you afraid that she will grow up and seek revenge from you in the future'~?"

"Do you think this emperor will care, take a good rest, this emperor looks forward to her growth."

Speaking of this, Emperor Yuanxie sensed that Luo Hu was approaching, so he left the room. Not long after he went out, he saw Luo Hu take his newly received Huang Quan and walked over.

Yuan Xie Huang looked at Huang Quan a little surprised. He didn't expect that after his own changes, this rabbit still found Luo Hu's radish head. What a sin!

However, Emperor Yuanxie didn't care. If Huang Quan wanted to avenge the people of the Moon Clan, he had to find an opportunity. Emperor Yuanxie believed that under Luo Hu's care, this rabbit would sooner or later become the real fighting force of Tiandu.

Luo Hu walked in front of Emperor Yuanxie and looked at Yixi Haitang's room: "The change in the sky just now has something to do with that newborn child?"

Yuanxie Huang nodded and said indifferently: "Yes, this child has great potential, maybe within a few years, he can surpass you now."

"Oh, that's really exciting." Luo Hu heard the words and did not express dissatisfaction, and then said: "When will you answer me about Man Sui?"

"To lift her curse, it is necessary to completely eliminate the power of Xietian Yuwu left in the world. In addition, this emperor can also exchange blood for her through the blood pool of Tianmo, or give her a new body." Yuan Xie Huang casually Dao, Jun Mansui's curse was caused by the residual energy of Xietian Yuwu, which penetrated into the blood of Jun's family, but it was not difficult for Yuan Xiehuang.

Hearing this, Luo Hu shook his head and said, "No, Feng Qing's bloodline must be preserved."

Luo Hu attaches great importance to his brother's only bloodline, unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not choose to let Jun Mansui change his bloodline!

Emperor Yuanxie said indifferently: "As you go, as long as you find all the remnants of Xietian Yuwu, this emperor will destroy them and lift the curse of you and Jun Mansui!"

"Well, thank you." Luo Hu said politely.

"Be polite, this emperor is really not used to it." Yuanxie Huang said and glanced at Huang Quan, lining up on Huang Quan's shoulder: "You are very good, work hard, only here can you find your true value."


Huang Quan looked at Emperor Yuanxie with some confusion, what does this mean?Has the other party discovered his identity?

Rahu said, "Who is the next goal we want to be really right?"

Emperor Yuanxie thought for a while, what is now active on the stage is also the annihilation of evil spirits and the dying kingdom that is about to come to life, because the Son of God, the dead kingdom and the heaven will meet sooner or later, and then said: "The dead kingdom, Let the world seal the sword and the Japanese blind people play the front."

There are also a lot of masters in the dead country. Heaven, Earth, Asura, and Wujie Zunhuang are all good. Anyway, Rahu can't be idle, so let him fight!


Top of the Nine Heavens.

In his spare time, Lin Feng flipped through "The History of the Holy Demon". This "Original History of the Holy Demon" has a mysterious origin and records many unknown secrets in the plight, as well as martial arts and miscellaneous studies. It can be said to be inclusive.

During this period of time, Lin Feng also benefited a lot, and according to the elixir recipes in "The History of the Holy Demon", he made a lot of elixir such as "Life-Continuing Golden Pill"!

However, after staying on the plane of "Thunderbolt" for a while, Lin Feng also missed Sister Wang a little, so he decided to take Xiang Ling to the plane of "Zhu Xian".

Before leaving the "Thunderbolt" plane, Lin Feng had already made preparations in advance, and used "Infinity Gems" to materialize Yuanxie Emperor and Quzhou Yifandu Dingbao. If you don't fight with those big bosses, you won't be exposed, and Lin Feng can travel back at any time without any major problems.

As for Tian Bu Gu, Unlove Letter, and the Son of God, Lin Feng also has arrangements, so don't worry about it.

In the "Thunderbolt" plane, there are too many routines. Lin Feng is ready to relax. With the re-integration of the three souls and two bodies, Lin Feng's strength has also been greatly improved. With his current strength, he is definitely not inferior to Heiqi (abandoned). Heavenly Emperor), hanging and beating the Buddha's double body, it is a matter of minutes.

Everything was arranged properly, and Lin Feng used the "traveling system" to bring Xiang Ling to the plane of "Zhu Xian".

The aura of the "Zhu Xian" plane is far from that of the "Thunderbolt" plane. Due to the limitations of the environment, the most powerful plane on this plane is only equivalent to the Earth Immortal. King Jian Wu is now a super-innate master with comparable combat power. Jinxian is naturally invincible in this world, even Qingyunmen's "Zhu Xianjianzhen" can't stand Wang Jie's "Eight Dragons Reverse Road".

However, King Jianwu was not a warlike person, he just found a suitable land in the wild, and led the people of Killing Shattered Island and the Yin and Yang family to build their homes together.

Zi Nu, Da Si Ming, Shao Si Ming and other Yin-Yang family members gradually integrated into it during this period.

In the great wasteland, there are also many crises, and there are not a few poisonous insects and beasts. For those ordinary people who kill and slaughter the island, there is still a certain danger. When the wasteland was opened, some people died because of it, but in general Still, settled down.

And these people didn't complain much, because compared to the Slaughter and Shattered Island that fought with the Fire House Buddha Prison all the year round, this place can already be regarded as a paradise!

After Lin Feng passed through, he scanned his mental power and quickly determined the location of Sister Wang, and brought Xiang Ling to the place where King Jianwu opened up and removed.

After many years, they reunited after a long absence. King Jianwu and Xiang Ling cried while hugging each other. When Han Yancui saw Xiang Ling, he ran over and hugged Xiang Ling.

Later, the three girls chatted on their own, leaving Lin Feng aside to blow air.

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