"Is this the wormhole opened by the 'big clock'? It's not very good!" Lin Feng said indifferently. Now this space wormhole is not stable. As long as Lin Feng is willing, he can smash it with one punch and let him It returns to nothingness.

However, Lin Feng did not do this. Morgana's demon army and Carl's gluttonous army were just ready-made exchange points for Lin Feng!

Compared with Lin Feng's indifference, those ordinary citizens were not calm. Looking at the huge space crack, these ordinary people thought that the end of the world was coming, and they seemed very flustered.

From the crack in the space, the radiation radiated from countless red rays of light, and a voice like a dead country came from within, violently impacting human cognition and subverting their three views.

"This is the light of the sun, it's a good energy." Lin Feng transformed and absorbed the light of the sun that hit his body, and the Pixiu also absorbed the energy.

This kind of energy is not very helpful to ordinary people, but it is a good supplement for practitioners like Lin Feng.

As the dark energy of the space wormhole flows out, it is continuously transmitted to all corners of the earth, opening the hidden genes of those super soldiers.

A whole new era is coming!

"Let's go, show your face to the world first."

Lin Feng threw the Pixiu from the fifty-story high-rise building. The Pixiu roared up to the sky and turned into a huge dragon beast of dozens of meters. Its huge wings covered the sky and the sun, which was shocking. Lin Feng jumped to the top of the Pixiu's head and stood between the horns. between.

"Heaven and earth don't speak, calamity incarnates; kill and clean the world, my life goes against the gods."

The sound shook the world, everything was silent, and the citizens of Juxia City below looked in horror at the sudden appearance of the behemoth. Because of the angle, they couldn't see Lin Feng above Pi Yao's head.

However, because of the wormhole in Juxia City, the satellites of major countries have begun to adjust the angle and pay close attention to the wormhole. The appearance of Lin Feng and Pixiu naturally also entered the sight of these people.

The major bases are all messed up into a pot of porridge.

"Omg, God, who will tell me what's going on?"

"What is this? A true god descended, or an alien invasion?"


After the citizens of Juxia City were shocked, some chose to panic and run away, some took out their mobile phones to take pictures and sent them to the circle of friends, and some middle-aged two teenagers directly knelt down and begged for immortality, and took me to pretend to force me to fly!

However, Lin Feng ignored it. His high-profile appearance was to attract the attention of this country. He did not have much affection for the Super Seminary.

Although Lin Feng is not an earthling in this world, he is not very interested in the super seminary's move to use the earth as a battlefield. To put it bluntly, these aliens are experimenting with earthlings. The transaction, Lin Feng did not believe at all.

Even the wars on Earth are caused by these aliens. If there is no Super Seminary, how could Death Karl and Morgana come to Earth.

Of course, there are some reasons for the earth itself. Weakness is the original sin. If the earth is strong, it can crush Carl to death in minutes. I am afraid that he will not dare to attack the earth with ten courage from Carl!

As Lin Feng pondered, the Pixiu had passed through the sky above Juxia City and came to the vast sea.

Juxia City is an important city in China. The military strength here is still relatively strong. It didn't take long for several combat helicopters to fly towards Lin Feng.


The sound of the propeller was very harsh. Lin Feng wanted to not realize that they were all difficult, and he deliberately let the Pixiu slow down, otherwise, let alone a helicopter, even a fighter jet would only be able to follow behind to eat dust...

Chapter [-] Juxia City 【For Collection】

On the combat helicopter, a soldier in a green military uniform said to his comrade-in-arms: "Little Wang, do you think this person is an alien who ran out of the big chrysanthemum."

A stronger soldier in the back row said with a northeastern accent: "Old Li, how do you know he is an alien? You see he wears a robe, rides a giant beast, and has a halo. He might be a god."

A soldier with pimples next to him said: "We are soldiers, and we don't engage in feudal superstition, but what kind of species is this man riding, and he doesn't know what he eats. It's unscientific to grow up!"

Xiao Li looked at the Pixiu with huge wings in front of him, and saw that his claws were bigger than a helicopter, and swallowed: "You said, if we fight, can we do it?"

"If we can't agree, we have to do it!"


As for the Pixiu, surrounded by the five "five-five-zero" elevators, it feels a little uncomfortable. It is also a divine beast, and it has a natural sense of superiority. If it weren't for Lin Feng, it would eat these iron shells now. !

Lin Feng stood on Pixiu's head with his hands on his shoulders. Although the distance was not short and the sound of the propellers interfered, Lin Feng could still easily hear the conversation of the people on the helicopter.

He could even hear the conversation between the military headquarters and the liaison on the helicopter.

One of these people caught Lin Feng's attention, and this person was Dukao.

Du Kao is Du Qiangwei's father, the former Admiral of Nuo Star. He once launched a war in the Denuo galaxy. His record was recorded in the history of the universe and was widely circulated in other civilizations, including the ancient angel civilization.

In the year 1000 of Kamigawa, he brought Cheng Yaowen, the son of the Dexing royal family, the Light Shield family, to Earth, and was one of the planners of the Earth's genetic experiment, monitoring the every move of the selected super warriors.

Later, he became the commander-in-chief of the Super Seminary, Earth Defense, and Xiongbing Company, and the sniping of death and the demon army, but Lin Feng felt that it was not that simple. It doesn't live up to his reputation as a war madman.

Lin Feng could sense that there was a lot of energy in Dukao's body, and he didn't know what the other party had planned, but it was hidden so deeply, obviously the plot was not small.

With a thought, Pixiu accepted Lin Feng's order and turned into a small beast to lie on Lin Feng's shoulder, while Lin Feng used his space ability to instantly appear in the cabin where Dukao was, and stared coldly at the war madman.

From the appearance, Dukao is only in his early forties, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a face with a Chinese character, his eyes are piercing, and he is dressed in military uniform and looks stern.

At this time, the surrounding soldiers reacted quickly. Except for the pilot of the helicopter, the other five soldiers aimed their guns at Lin Feng at the fastest speed.

This kind of traditional hot weapon is no longer a threat to Lin Feng, but he still hates being pointed at by a gun. The little Pixiu was instructed by Lin Feng's mind, and when it moved, it turned into an afterimage, less than a second. Time turned around a few people, and all the metal such as firearms, daggers, and helmets on their bodies were "clicked".

To Pixiu, metal is like chewing on crispy noodles.

These soldiers were all shocked. Could this little guy be the giant beast just now? This has changed a lot!

When Dukao saw this, there was no change in his majestic face. In the past few years, he had seen many creatures that could eat metal.

In contrast, Lin Feng's wormhole technology just now surprised him even more. According to where he is, there are not many people who can control the space handling technology!

When Lin Feng was looking at Dukao, Dukao was also looking at Lin Feng, with long silver and white hair, tied into a braid, with a handsome face, about [-] meters tall, and a golden halo of unknown material behind his head, elegant in appearance. With majesty, he is dressed in a white robe, and his prominent shoulders show his lofty status. The soft and soft texture gives him a calm and elegant taste.

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