Because he was on the verge of death and possessed by the light of the sun, Liu Chuang also officially activated the super soldier gene, swayed up and got up, and at the same time talked to the mysterious voice in his head: "I don't care about God of War and glory, Love comes and goes... I'm going to let out this bad breath now..."

"What?" Ge Xiaolun asked when Liu Chuang stood up and muttered to himself.

Liu Chuang turned his head and said viciously: "It's none of your business, I didn't talk to you, I will abolish you today!"

As he spoke, he grabbed a bottle of wine and rushed towards Ge Xiaolun. The two quickly began to fight. Although they were both normal fighting techniques, the two who had activated the super warrior genes were much stronger than ordinary people. Their strength, speed, and physical strength were much stronger. It has been improved several times, and a single punch has a thousand pounds of strength, and the ground and walls are cracked.

However, the management is also a super soldier, but Liu Chuang is a gangster and often fights. Compared with Ge Xiaolun's fighting experience, he is much more experienced, and he beat Ge Xiaolun down in a few seconds!

If it wasn't for Ge Xiaolun's strong fighting ability, if he were an ordinary person, he would have been beaten to death by Liu Chuang long ago!

"Little bunny, what grandson are you pretending to be, get up!" Liu Chuang gave Ge Xiaolun another punch.

At this moment, Lin Feng teleported into the alley.

"Oh my God, why did this person suddenly appear!" Seeing Lin Feng who suddenly appeared, Liu Chuang was taken aback and took two steps back.

Then I felt a little cowardly like this, looked at Lin Feng, who was wearing a white robe, and said with a northeastern accent: "Who are you, you want to meddle in your business, right?"

Lin Feng looked at Liu Chuang, but he didn't see any movement. A green tree tusk sprang out from the ground. The tree tusk grew frantically at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it grew into a five-meter-high tree in almost less than a second. The big tree, different from ordinary trees, was like a living person, and its branches entangled Liu Chuang instantly and fell down.

"Mom, what kind of monster is this?" Liu Chuang was shocked and struggled hard, but this branch was made by Lin Feng with wood-based techniques, so it was extremely resilient, even if Liu Chuang tried his best, he couldn't break free.

The two punks on the side, Ge Xiaolun and a pretty girl were all stunned, this is so unscientific?Except for those movies on TV, myths, they have never seen such a situation in reality.

Liu Chuang struggled for a while, and found that he had nothing to do. He shouted at Lin Feng: "Who, let me down, do you know who I am? People gave me the nickname Rentougou. If you don't let me down again, be careful that I will kill you."

Lin Feng did not say a word, but there were a few rattan whips growing on both sides of the big tree. When Liu Chuang saw this, he felt a little bad, and immediately confessed: "This hero, I was wrong, I was wrong, please beg Just pass me, I will never dare again... ah!"


The cane whip flew on Liu Chuang's body and hit Liu Chuang with a "pa~pa" sound. Liu Chuang let out a scream of ghosts and wolves. He hanged Liu Chuang for about a minute, and beat him no less than a thousand times, even a super soldier could carry it. He couldn't stop, he was beaten to pieces, and only half his life was left before he was put down.

Lin Feng lowered his head and looked at the half-dead Liu Chuang, and a "Light of Healing" instantly repaired Liu Chuang's injuries, and then said indifferently: "The lord of the elf world, you can call me Yang Shen, and now I will give you two The choice, one is that I give you divine power, and you worship me as a god. The other is to fight and be convinced. Which one do you choose?"

Liu Chuang quickly stood up, and found that he was resurrected in an instant. He looked at Lin Feng and was instantly in awe. Hearing Lin Feng's words, he didn't want to be hanged and beaten again, and hurriedly said: "You will be my boss in the future, you ask me to go there. East, I will never go west, if you ask me to bring a dog, I will never catch a chicken."

Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "Call me Yang God, and follow this seat with peace of mind in the future. I can give you eternal life and inexhaustible wealth, but you must pay absolute loyalty. Can you do it?"

"Yes, I definitely can." Liu Chuang nodded again and again.

Although Liu Chuangren is very mixed, he can still be made. The God of War of Nuo Xing is not blown out. Before the income of the super seminary, Lin Feng will bring it under his command, but 770 still needs to be beaten and beaten to be useful. .

Lin Feng turned to look at Ge Xiaolun, Ge Xiaolun took two steps back nervously, Lin Feng said indifferently: "You also have two choices, join the world of elves, or leave."

Ge Xiaolun said cautiously: "Well, if I choose to leave, will I be caught and hanged!"

"No." Lin Feng said casually: "But if you stand on the opposite side of this seat in the future, I will kill you."

"Gudu!" Ge Xiaolun swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Then I...I wish..."

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, a policeman drove over and got off from what three policemen, two males and one female, two male policemen were ordinary, but the female policeman was very beautiful, took out a pistol and pointed at Lin Feng and others.

Without waiting for Lin Feng to speak, Pixiu swallowed the three policemen's guns in two mouthfuls!

Qilin looked at the empty hands for a moment, Pixiu's movements were too fast, her keen eyes couldn't see clearly, the gun was swallowed by Pixiu!

The other two policemen were also surprised and inexplicable, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

And the camera in the corner has passed the picture here to the command center of the Juxia. Lianfeng and Yuqin are under the order of Dukao, and they have been monitoring people with super genes. The power of the galaxy and the God of War are both of them. The object of the key insight saw that Lin Feng was actually digging the corner of the super seminary, and immediately reported the situation to Dukao.

At this time, Dukao had just been fished into a helicopter from the sea, and it was inconvenient for him to do it himself, so he handed over the matter to Ryze.

And Ryze also knows the seriousness of the matter. The power of the galaxy and the God of War are the key weapons to deal with the ultimate fear. There must be no mistakes, otherwise their plans on the earth for thousands of years will be in vain. This is absolutely not allowed of. .

Chapter [-] Angel Yan【Seeking Monthly Pass】

Over the sea outside Juxia City, a fighter jet was flying fast, and a woman with a helmet was sitting in the cab. She had a very hot figure, bright red hair, and a cold temperament. She looked at the monitor and said coldly. : "Rose arrives at the Giant Gorge in ten minutes, please respond from the Giant Gorge."

"Rose, Rose Giant Gorge received, coordinates 35...69...28, the runway is ready."


Qiangwei reported back and flew the fighter jet to the Giant Gorge. Ten minutes later, it landed on the main ship of the Giant Gorge.

The cabin opened, Qiangwei took off her helmet, shook her head, took a deep breath, rolled over and jumped out of the plane, then walked quickly to the command room.

The headquarters of the Juxia is also known as the "Black Great Wall" top-secret engineering headquarters, which is specially responsible for observing the movements of super soldiers and aliens, research and development and operations.

There are the most advanced equipment and instruments on the earth, including the technology of the Denuo galaxy, which plays a pivotal role in the entire earth.

The intelligent computer report of the command: "Deno 3 system data report, near the solar system Pluto, a strange space building has detected a flashing signal, terminal analysis, it is suspected that the big insect bridge terminal has been opened. And far away in Kamigawa Emperor Reina of the Galactic Sunstar also sent a message that she activated part of the super gene program of the earth. And hinted that the earth may encounter other interstellar invasions."

A group of staff members are investigating the data individually, and they seem to be very busy and nervous. The wormhole in the sky is likely to be a prelude to an alien invasion, but now the technological level of the earth is not at the same level as that of the other party.

At this time, Dukao, who was thrown into the sea by Lin Feng, had already returned to the Giant Gorge by helicopter to preside over the overall situation, and looked at the picture on the virtual screen with a solemn expression, which was the scene of Lin Feng hanging and beating Liu Chuang.


Qiangwei pushed open the door, walked in front of Dukao, and gave a military salute: "Report, Qiangwei has come to return to life, please instruct the chief!"

Qiangwei's full name is Du Qiangwei, the daughter of Du Kao, but because Du Kao has extremely strict requirements on her, she has developed a withdrawn and indifferent character.

Dukao looked at his daughter, returned a military salute, and said, "Do you know the light of the sun?"

"I know, Lieyang star." Du Qiangwei said lightly.

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