Bravely smashed the long-term seal, and then a towering mysterious totem emerged.

"Dala has no bounds, welcome the decree of heaven." Lord Ben Xi turned into a black peacock and flew up, landing on a platform with the totem. .

Chapter [-] Heavenly Mandate 【Subscribe】

The door to lust opened, and the Eight Wildernesses shook the heaven and earth. Under the gaze of Lin Feng and the love and disaster girl Rong, He saw the towering buildings rising from the abyss and soaring into the sky.

The totem of the different towers protrudes, standing on the clouds, and the huge sunlight totem above the spire shines brightly, which is a symbol of leading mankind to hope.

Ben Xijun turned into a peacock, flew to the high platform on the left side of the totem, and bowed to the sky: "Dala has no boundaries, welcome the heavenly decree."

After the words fell, a huge magic formation flashed from the sky, and then several rays of light flew out from the formation, and fell on the steps above the high platform in turn.

At the highest point, a noble and gorgeous woman with outstanding demeanor floated down from the clouds. She was dressed in a yellow robe, with a magnificent oriental fantasy style. She wore exquisite hair accessories on her head, like a noble queen, as amiable and amiable. , out of reach, arrogant and detached from all things in the world, is contempt for the indifference of the world.

"There are many powers in the sky, returning to the bright road of the Nine Realms;

There are few redemptions in the world, and I am not afraid of the dark path of three lives. "

The Soap Sea Daluo opened, and the Chongfan against the sea broke open, and the Chongfan against the sea in the sacred coat broke out. As the leader, Jiu Shenlian looked at the only two people below, with a displeased expression on his face. Se, then looked at Ben Xijun, and found that he actually had a scar on his face, and said coldly: "Holy Inquisitor, you have disappointed me!"

Dove God Lian is the supreme leader of Nihai Chongfan, the holy and noble "Holy Navigator, Heaven's Mandate".

For Dove God Lian, it is a supreme joy for believers to be inspired by miracles in the holy scriptures, and then prostrate at her feet and worship her. She also enjoys it and enjoys the sense of superiority, but the situation in front of her She was so disappointed that she even forgot how she came out!

"My subordinates are not doing well, and I will ask Tianyu to punish them." Bian Xijun is the second person in Nihai Chongfan, known as "the Holy Inquisitor · Dibang", symbolizing punishment, in charge of evangelism and preaching, discipline and punishment, and he is dedicated to defending Nihai Chongfan, it is his dereliction of duty to not expand Nihai Chongfan, and now his nose is bruised and his face is swollen, which damages Nihai Chongfan's "brilliant" image. I feel wronged, but I can't say it!

Lin Feng also understands Jiu Shenlian. She is a hateful and pitiful person. She was born with a terminal illness. She lives with her brother who was born stupid. The hard life has made her develop an extreme self-character. For the unbearable past, Jiujin Lian has never disclosed to other people such as Ben Xijun. In addition to consolidating his image as the spokesperson for the gods, it is also to avoid Ben Xijun and disaster Fengxing from thinking that Nihai Chongfan belongs to their sister and brother's hegemony. Emotions, and the ever-shortening life, made Jiu Shen Lian gradually move to the other extreme.

Compared with other people in Ni Hai Chong Fan, Jiu Shen Lian is even more heartless, and she has not even revealed a trace of apology to Ben Ji-jun, who has always stood by her to the end. She takes it for granted. Chongfan's fuse, in this process, the person who suffers the most damage is the amorous Benji-kun!

In the original plot, Dou Shen Lian held the "Sacrifice of Amnesty" in the name of the evangelistic conference. Under the leadership of Tian Yu and Di Bao, he opened the road to the Black Sea Prison from a miserable state with the lives of 30 believers. The love and disaster girl Rong is also one of the rare female bosses in Thunderbolt.

Perhaps it was because women were more interested in comparisons, and Rong, the love and misfortune girl, was very unhappy when she saw Tian Yu who was aloof.

"Don't be rude, black dyed hibiscus!"

"Zilan Jiuwan·Fanghun Dream Returns!"

"Withered face old seal · Withered wood Dingquan!"

"Ling knife cut!"

When Ben Xijun, Meng Jiasheng (Meng Zhengsheng Yin), Qian Xiyan (withering Yan Lao Yin), and the Sword of Despair saw this, they blocked them at the same time, each using their magical abilities.

"Beyond one's own strength, the disaster will swallow the sky!"

The female Rong snorted coldly, and the fire of love flew with her long sleeves. Since Tianchi Jiye died, the female Rong of Love and Misfortune has inherited all the "power of the mysterious female", and her strength has increased by [-]%. It is an easy generation.

 Although Ni Hai Chongfan's two seals have their own thaumaturgical skills, they have insufficient foundations. They are only innate realms, and the sword of despair is not comparable to a top innate, and Ben Xijun is only a weaker existence in the top innate. People teaming up is not an opponent of Love and Misfortune Girl Rong. In the dance of red sleeves, Love Misfortune Girl Rong instantly defeated the masters of Nihai Chongfan.



Emperor Yuanxie carried Chen Xi, the daughter of God, to Tiandu prison.


The door opened, and Xiao Chenxi watched curiously, feeling the breath of the daughter of God, the source of life in the dead country, the supporter of the earth in the dead country, and the two met the Son of God at the same time.

"Congratulations to the Son of God!!"

Seeing this, Asura looked puzzled. A little girl actually made the arrogant heaven and earth kneel at the same time?

In fact, it is no wonder that before Asura died, the god of death had not yet come to the dead country, and he was caught here not long after he appeared, and the heaven and earth did not talk about it during this period. Things are not understood.

The celestial being can't see, but his spiritual sense is extremely sharp, and he looks at the morning light with excitement, feeling the creative power nurtured in the morning light: "This is the power of God, such a beautiful power, only in this way can the kingdom of death be brought to life. , once again become the only color of life! Son of God, the one of heaven has been looking forward to your coming, and only you can make heaven and earth bow at the same time!"

"...It sounds like I'm very important, but you are locked up by your father, you are definitely not good people, I won't believe you!" Chen Xi smiled, and made a face at Tian Zhe.

"You laughed, ha~ God, Shengyue, we are pleased, and hope that the son of God will pity the dead country and bring life to the dead country." The mood of creation, only the gods understand that the dead country is all created by himself. His life and siblings, although he controls the forbidden blood marks of all life in the dead country, unless he is helpless in the end, the gods are reluctant to start, because he created life, he has feelings that cannot be separated in this life.

The gods hope that everyone will get out of the dead country and transform the incomplete life they have created. They don’t want the dead country’s life to be the slavery of war forever, but the barren dead country has no such resources, and the divine power of the son of God is the key to changing the dead country. , for which he would rather give up his dignity and mask.

"Dad." Chen Xi's mind was no different from that of a child at this time. Although she was smart and sensible, she couldn't make up her mind. She turned to look at Emperor Yuanxie, hoping that Emperor Yuanxie could guide her (Li Zhaohao).

Emperor Yuanxie looked at Tianzhe and the others and said, "If Chenxi changes the dead country, Tianzhe, Earthquake, Asura, you are willing to serve her as the Lord and never betray."

"It is our honor to serve the Son of God." The heavenly person said gently and humbly, and the earthly person echoed.

Asura heard the words and said: "If the dead country can no longer be a slave of war, Asura is willing to follow the goddess and become the sword and shield of the gods."

Emperor Yuanxie was more at ease with Asura, but he didn't trust the Heavenly One. He warned: "Destruction is far easier than creation. The dead country will develop in the direction you expect, but if you betray, then the dead country will no longer exist. necessary to exist."

Hearing this, the Heavenly Master felt a tightness in his heart. The strength of Emperor Yuanxie was unfathomable. Even among the Heavenly Clan in the Six Heaven Realm, few people could match it. However, he could faintly feel the power hidden in the depths of Emperor Yuanxie's body. .

The twenty-ninth chapter love disaster strikes the sky 【Subscription】

Reaching a preliminary agreement, Emperor Yuanxie opened the prison, untied the restrictions on the heavens, the earth, and the Asuras, let them return to the dead country first, appease the people in the dead country, avoid their troubles, and then turned to look at the prison on the other side. The Royal Five Dragons.

The relationship between the Yutian and the five dragons is not harmonious, especially Dao Wuji. Because of the oppression in the upper world, in order not to be taken back to the upper world, after Dao Wuji came to the misery, he did a lot of bad things against the other four dragons, among them Mo. Dao Juechen's genocide and Xiao Richao's childhood encounters have more or less his figure, only the drunk Huanglong and Xiaojian dull luck are better, and he was imprisoned here before being harmed by Dao Wuji, which is also a disguise changed their fate.

Mo Dao Juechen and Si Xiao Richao who knew the truth naturally would not easily forgive Dao Wuji, and even fought each other. Every time they were persuaded by the elder brother Drunk Huanglong. To make brothers love each other, it's a pity that the younger brothers are stubborn and ignore his love. Fortunately, their skills have been sealed, and it would be better to tear them apart!

Until recently, the relationship between the Royal Heaven and the Five Dragons has eased, at least on the surface!

Dao Wuji saw that Emperor Yuanxie looked at them, and immediately said: "How can you let me go out, let's talk about it!"

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