Under the care of Lin Feng, the fire unicorn has long been different from what it used to be. It is comparable to the top innate masters in this world. Its divine beast bloodline is fully activated. Although it can't compare to the Jinwu's true sun, it can burn the sky and cook the sea, but it is by no means a Taoist Sanhui that can compete.

The three also felt the great danger. In the face of absolute strength, "Tian Gong San Qing Bian" could not be suppressed at all, but they were broken through by the flames in a moment. Diffusion, the top of Yongxu suddenly fell into a boundless sea of ​​fire.

Everything is flying ashes, like purgatory, tired of collecting naive essence and releasing it, guarding the square, it seems that the eyes of a god lock on Lin Feng above the fire unicorn: "Your plane is too much!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Lin Feng was in the sea of ​​​​fire, but he was unscathed. He smiled indifferently: "Is there? Compared with what you have done in the Daozhen lineage, I think it is still far behind."


In an instant, the Eight Desolations and Six Harmonies were silent, and the "Dawn of the Aperture of Heaven" was angry.

Today's Kuan Shoutian still doesn't know the truth of the year. Although he feels guilty about the Tianqiang clan annihilation, he does not think that he is at fault. For the sake of the world, he is willing to bear a sin.

"Come out, don't blame me for bullying the disabled."

Seeing that Tien Shoutian's "Famous Sword" came out of his body, Lin Feng flew down from the fire unicorn, and with a wave of his hand, "Tianyan Zhanfengyue" started, and his momentum became even stronger.



Kuan Shoutian didn't pay attention to what Lin Feng said, the real essence spread all over the body, isolating the real fire of the surrounding unicorns, and he started to become famous and mastered the "Nine Suns Heaven Art".

"The six suns burn the night!"

Tire Harvest Heaven's body is pure Yang, it is immune to attacks such as fire attributes, and its control power is very strong. When the six Yangs come out, it absorbs the real fire of the unicorns around it, adding more power, just like the bright sun, melting the world. .

"Attacking one's own shield with one's own spear is not bad! One slash of Fengyueren will not leave behind!"

Lin Feng held "Heavenly Flame Slashing Fengyue" and slashed horizontally at the six suns that came from flying.

"Tianyan Zhanfengyue" was originally the invincible blade of Yin Zhuang Zhu Wu in the Xenomorph Demon Realm to fight on the battlefield.

Cut Fengyue, Fengyue is easy to break, love is difficult!

With the attributes of the five elements, it is the first evil sword in the demon world. The straight single-edged blade is similar to the Tang sword. The blade is straight and slender, with a single edge. , the handguard is engraved with the symbol representing the ghost clan, and the inscription "Zhan Fengyue" is signed on the blade.

The power of this knife is powerful, and it can be seen that Yinzhong Zhu Wu once cut off the pillar of Shenzhou with this knife.

Later, Yin Zhu Wu died, and "Tianyan Zhan Fengyue" was also lost, until Yan Wangsuo did not know where to find it together with "Nirvana Sword", and was later captured by Lin Feng.


The swords collided, and it was too hard to bear Lin Feng's tremendous strength. He immediately took a few steps back. The tiger's mouth cracked in the hand holding the sword. nothingness. .

Chapter [-]: Ingeniously Capture the Promise Change 【Subscribe】

The masters make a move, the temptation is unnecessary, the extreme confrontation, the madness into the martial arts, the sword is as fast as the wind, the style is like a brilliance, and the swords show their beauty.

At this time, Daomen Sanhui and Huo Qilin also fell into a fierce battle.

The body of the fire unicorn mythical beast is very powerful. Sanhui falls below and can only rely on the sword formation to support it. Seeing this situation, Kuan Shoutian is secretly anxious in his heart, and then performs "Nine Suns Heaven's Judgment", trying to draw the battle situation. end.

But seeing Bei Fangxiu's "Famous Sword Jin Feng" pointing to the sky, the golden beams lifted up to the sky, and there was an image of nine suns in the same sky.

"Jiuyang Liaoyu!"

A majestic Dao Yuan was destroyed to the peak, and the nine suns appeared all at once, illuminating the surrounding universe, and it was possible to swallow the sky, and the victory or defeat was just a thought.

"Is this the best of the nine suns?" Seeing that he was tired of receiving his energy, Lin Feng also made a move.

"Ten suns burn the sky!"

Lin Fengdao pointed at the sky and turned into ten golden scorching suns surrounding his body.

"This is "Jiuyang Tianjue", how can..."

Tired Shoutian felt that they came from the same vein, but there were plausible tricks, and he was shocked, but on the battlefield, he didn't have time to think about it.

Insufficient foundation, Tien Shoutian relies on a proud sword intent to fight against the power of the ten suns, and the unfavorable combat conditions interweave the most difficult battle.

The "Jiuyang Tian Jue" used by Lin Feng was obtained from the scorching sun of the apocalypse. Although it was a pirated copy eager for quick success, it could not hold up Lin Feng's deep foundation.

The ten suns merged into one and turned into a round of golden and fierce suns. Two huge blazing suns collided over the top of Yongxu, and they exploded like a spark hitting the earth.


The top of Yongxu is like the end of the day, the sky sinks and the earth sinks, the flames roar, setting off a world-shaking storm, the heat wave spreads for hundreds of miles, the beacon fires link the city, and everything is destroyed!

In the blink of an eye, the mountain at the top of Yongxu collapsed under the impact of the hot energy, and the rolling boulders scattered with the fireballs all over the sky.

In a short period of time, the top of Yongxu, which originally stood in the sky and looked at Qianshan from afar, has become history!

In the sea of ​​dust and smoke, Kuan Shuitian knelt down on one knee, the "famous sword" in his hand had been thrown into the mountains in the distance, his blond hair was scattered like a waterfall, his mouth was constantly coughing up blood, and his gorgeous golden robe was tattered...

"Bei Fangxiu actually...cough...he lost, how is this possible!"

Zhai Chalcedony coughed up blood and said incredulously, as if the idol in his heart had collapsed, and he felt that his life was dark.

Liu Fengcui and Cuo Jiangsheng were also injured and retreated not far from Zhai Chalcedony. They were all shocked when they saw the "Famous Sword" let go.

The yellow smoke billows, the morning light is sullen, the red blood under the body is like paint, the sleeves are swayed, sweat is like a rain, suddenly stood up, wiped the blood on the corner of the mouth, and muttered to himself: "I can't lose to you. , it is even more impossible to lose to yourself.”

Can't lose to myself, can't lose to myself, what kind of mood, condensed into heavy self-talk, what kind of thoughts, evokes deeply buried stories.

Tired and proud, even though he was hit hard, he still stood firm: "I will not retreat. No matter how many burdens or obstacles, I will never retreat!"

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