Young Master Hongliu Xie felt a few powerful breaths approaching from afar, and said coldly: "Attention, there are a few more masters here."

When the words fall, only the rhyme of fine poetry arrives first.

"In one fell swoop, the whales are so happy, and the waves of the world are rolling in their sleeves. Who is equal in ancient and modern times? Qianqiu Xue, Banxi Butterfly Dream."

Snow fell, a white robe flew over, and the tide of the sea stepped into the void and strolled down.

"The wind is raging for thousands of miles, the hustle and bustle of the world is raging, and the world is at a loss. After all, the ancient road slumbers, the clouds are vast, and the sky is washed away."

At the same time, Jing Canglang also came with two friends, Yidengchan and Xuanhuzi.

"Jing Canglang, I didn't expect you to be here too!" Hao Tianqiong glanced at Qing Haichao cautiously, then looked at Jing Canglang, an "old friend", guessing the other party's intention, with a smile on his face.

Qinghaichao is proudly independent and shows the style of the world.

Jing Canglang looked at Tianqiong with some surprise, and his expression was unclear for a while.

Looking at the situation in front of Xuanhuzi, it seems that Tianqiong and Xie Zundao are united and ready to attack Tianyan Mocheng. In this way, they should be regarded as the same front, at least for the time!

Chapter Sixty Black Nineteen

Outside Tianyan Mocheng, the battle is on.

No. Tianqiong and Xie Zundao forcefully picked up Tianmocheng, and at the same time, Jingcanglang, Qinghaichao, Yidengchan, and Xuanhuzi also came to synesthesia.

However, Jing Canglang and Qing Haichao didn't have a good impression of the evil spirits and the poor. Although they had the same goal, the three parties were wary of each other, and the atmosphere was strange for a while.

Sword Master in black looked coldly at Jing Canglang and the others, with a long sword against his shoulders, and provocatively said: "What, if you want to fight, I will accompany you."

"Humph!" Qing Haichao snorted coldly, and waved his sleeves, as if dismissive: "It's up to you, not worthy!"

Qing Haichao doesn't like to talk about soldiers on paper, and there is no arrogance in his words, which makes Swordsman in Black very uncomfortable.


The black-clothed swordsman is an explosive temper. Hearing the sword, he wanted to anger Qing Haichao, but he was stopped by the red evil young man beside him, and said meaningfully: "The demon queen has an order, assist the Tianqiong to target the Tianyan Demon City, Don't be extravagant!"

The four young masters of Yaodan have experienced a period of running-in, and their relationship is unusual. Coupled with the secret order of the demon queen, the swordsman in black immediately pressed his anger and turned to look at the side of Tianyan Mocheng.

Xuanhuzi looked at Tianqiong and Yaodan Sishao, his eyes narrowed, and he touched his long beard and said, "So, our goals are the same?"

"Hahaha!" Hao Tianqiong laughed wildly, and said to Jing Canglang with a hint of mockery: "I can't think of a day when you and I will join forces to fight the enemy, but it's a pity that Yu Shenfeng is not there, so much less fun!"

"Humph! Joining forces is only for tonight!" Jing Canglang snorted coldly. To be honest, Jing Canglang didn't want to join forces with Tianqiong, but tonight was a good time to annihilate Tianyan Mocheng. He was not someone who didn't know how to choose. Knowing that it is not easy to conflict with Haotianqiong at this time!

After solving Tianyan Mocheng, the next goal is to be poor.

And the idea of ​​​​being poor coincides with Jing Canglang, which can be regarded as a tacit understanding between old enemies!

Duan Mie Chanti looked coldly at the three forces besieging Tianyan Demon City, and with a wave of the sword, a group of demon soldiers swarmed out of the Demon City!


The sound of killing began, the battle axe was raised, and the forces of the four sides collided violently.

"Sword Weeping Rain!"

Hei Yi took the lead and rushed into the demon soldiers with the "Yaksha Sword" in his hand. He made a mistake with both feet and jumped high. In a strange posture of holding the sword between his feet, he released several invisible sword qi, like a gust of wind blowing. Like fallen leaves, it instantly killed dozens of demon soldiers from various angles in the air.

"Xuan Lei Broken!"

Duanmie Chanti was also in high spirits, with lightning flashes all over his body, and he slashed with a horizontal knife, and all of a sudden, thunder rushes, and "chichi" attacked the black-clothed swordsman with a sound.


The black-clothed swordsman screamed, stepped on the hilt, the point of the sword touched the ground, the sword body suddenly sank, flipped up, the blood-colored sword light suddenly soared, and the sword body was like a cuckoo crying blood, spewing out countless beautiful blood flowers. .

"Sword Weeping Blood!"

The blood rained, the thunder flashed, and the volleys clashed. In the middle of the battlefield, a shocking scorched black pit was split open. The foundation of the young swordsman in black was not as strong as Duanmie Chanti. The hand holding the sword was slightly numb, but fortunately, Young Master Hong Liu Xie and Young Master Ziyan Demon shot in time, and there was nothing serious.

Yin Yufeng Shao was calm and calm, lightly supported his glasses, and immediately saw the opportunity, opened the "Blue Sky Bow", and swiftly shot an arrow at Duanmie Chanti who was fighting, but was blocked by Jixie Xieluo!

At the same time, Demon B of the Demon City's Fierce Fire confronted the Xuanhuzi, and the demonic fire spewed out one after another, turning a battlefield into a field of fire.

"Oh, burning the mountain is going to be sentenced!"

Trapped in the flames, Xuanhuzi still had a disgusting expression on his face, and even did not forget to speak out to tease him, his steps were light and unhurried, his eyes glanced, and he wanted to find the flaws of Yaoyi, and use one move to defeat the enemy!

On the other hand, Yi Deng Zen took a photo with the Dead Butterfly in Shang Mocheng!

The photo of the dead butterfly is a cold and evil magic city killer. He has a cold and deep personality. There is a black swallowtail on the back of his left palm. He often chats with people while enjoying the butterfly, and he is addicted to the butterfly. Relevant, very deadly.

Dead Butterfly took a picture, shot ruthlessly, and the black butterfly flew, until it took Yidengchan to the key points of the whole body.

"There is no room left, and this monk of mine is going to get angry!" The "Dry Chan Wheel Pestle" in Yi Deng Chan's hands was spinning at high speed, and the Buddha's light was magnificent!

Jing Canglang was confronted with the ignorance of the magic city. "Eight Dances of Ink Marks" moves smoothly and unpredictably. The ignorance of the law is difficult to resist.

Qing Haichao and Hao Tianqiong faced off against a group of demon soldiers, and they were invincible as if they were no one, and often dozens of demon soldiers exploded and died in one move.

Surrounded by strong enemies, the weather is against each other, and although the generals of the magic city fight with all their might, it is difficult to change their disadvantage.

At the time of the crisis, a powerful demonic energy erupted in the magic city, and the mighty palm forced the retreat of Tianqiong, and everyone looked at him!

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"Gods and demons have lost their bounds, the world is in chaos, the blood calamity has begun, and the flood and wilderness are unified."

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