He Hua Chanti ordered people to hold down Tianqiong, who had locked up his body, and wait for his fate.

Duanxie Chanti led the army back to the city for repairs.

The Demon Empress put away the "Xie Zun Dao", came to Hua Chanti with a smile, and bowed: "Xie Zun Dao has shown sincerity, is the Demon Lord still satisfied?"

"The Demon Empress is trustworthy, I should keep it in my heart." He Hua Chanti smiled lightly, the battle between the Holy Demon and the Holy Demon is imminent, and some unstable factors are naturally the targets to be excluded in advance. The right goal, so as not to affect the situation in a pinch.

The hatred between Tianqiong and the ghost Tathagata of Doomsday Saint Biography cannot be reconciled, and Tianqiong is arrogant and conceited, unwilling to bend his knees, so naturally he can't let it go.

In contrast, although Xie Zundao and Tianyan Mocheng have a rift, they are not irreconcilable.

Originally, the Demon Empress and Su Huanzhen had been in touch and were going to join forces to deal with Tianqiong, but because the unclothed teacher Yin Zhong was dealing with it, Xie Zundao and Tianyan Mocheng secretly reached an agreement, so that the plan to kill Tianqiong was carried out ahead of schedule. It's just that the appearance of Qing Haichao and others made some changes in the plan.

"...The Demon Lord is polite, I have other important matters, so I won't bother you, please!"

After the demon queen gave her a salute, she left with the four little lights of the demon birthday.

He Hua Chanti turned to look at Duan Junheng and Black Nineteen who were walking over, and said with a pleasant expression, "Thank you, Your Excellency, for your help."

Black Nineteen looked at him Hua Chanti with great interest. He was very curious about this "eldest nephew" whom he had never met. With such skills and appearance, Black Nineteen recalled that eldest brother (Demon Emperor Zhixin) ) once looked like, like, really like!

I haven't seen him for many years, and even the child is so old! Thinking about being alone, sure enough, I am much worse than my elder brother!

Duan Junheng coughed dryly (good): "Nineteen."

Black Nineteen fell into deep thought, ignoring it, as if he hadn't heard it.

Seeing this, Duan Junheng shook his head and sighed: "My father is calling you, but your response is so indifferent. It was a waste for my father to rescue you from the red tide, provide you with food and clothing, teach you martial arts, and work hard to save you. Raise an adult..."

Listening to Duan Junheng chattering endlessly, the "Prison Soul" in Black Nineteen's hands turned into a red cloth to block his eyes, and said coldly, "You have said this many times, aren't you annoying?"

"I haven't even started yet, so you say I'm annoying, you unfilial son!" Duan Junheng said sadly.

The corners of his Hua Chanti's mouth twitched a little, and he didn't give face so carelessly. If the two of them had not helped Tianyan Mocheng just now, Hua Chanti really wanted to send them out with a stick.

"Cough, sorry, I was confused by this unfilial son!" Duan Junheng tidied up his clothes to make himself look more solemn, and then looked at him solemnly, Hua Chanti, with a lovable smile on his face. : "You are the unfilial child of Zhixin, I am your grandfather!".

Chapter [-] The Eve of the Decisive Battle

"You are the unfilial child of Zhixin, I am your grandfather!"


When he heard the words, he looked at Duan Junheng with a smile on his face, his face changed instantly, his fists made a "click", and the "Magic Seal Staff" in his hand stopped, and said coldly: "Your Excellency is joking. There has to be a limit."

"I'm not kidding, I'm really your grandfather. If you don't believe me, you can find the unfilial son of Zhixin to confront him." Duan Junheng did not change his face, and said he reached out to touch his Hua Chanti's head, but he was hid by Hua Chanti in the past. Pass.

He Hua Chan mentioned that he couldn't confirm whether Duan Junheng was real or not, but he believed it a little in his heart. After all, you can know this kind of thing as long as you ask it. Words are cheap and know yourself.

"The two of you, please follow me into the city, and I'll ask the devil father." He Hua Chanti invited Duan Junheng and Hei Nineteen to enter Tianyan Devil City.

In today's battle, the apocalyptic legend has been destroyed, and the poor need to be dealt with in order to complete the ritual of "Sacrificing Blood for Thousands of Sins", so that the "Rhinocero Horn" can be completely transformed, so as to increase the victory of the Holy Demon.

Duan Junheng was disrespectful, and became more and more satisfied with this eldest grandson.

Now that the power of Tianyan Mocheng has surpassed the bardo world, and without fear of King Zhou's revenge, Duan Junheng simply took the black nineteen out of the bardo world.

 600 Returning to Tianyan Demon City, he Hua Chanti contacted the Demon Emperor Zhixin in the Asura Ghost Tower through secret techniques, and told the matter exactly.

Demon Emperor Zhi Xin was very happy when he learned that his adoptive father and younger brother were coming, and impatiently used the teleportation array in the secret room to return to Tianyan Demon City to recognize him.

The family of five talked freely for one night. In addition to their respective encounters, they also talked about the deployment of the Holy Demon War.



Above the tall and magnificent city tower, Emperor Yuanxie and Luo Hu stood side by side.

The returning unclothed master Yin stood behind him and reported on the previous battle in Tianyan Mocheng: "After this battle, the apocalyptic legend is no longer a problem, and the holy party has not gotten any advantage, but I don't know one thing, since evil The emperor expected that the holy party would make a move, why didn't he take this opportunity to capture him?"

Emperor Yuanxie shrugged indifferently: "Qing Haichao and Jing Canglang are the candidates for the Six Holy Guardians, and now they are too panicked, it is better to leave familiar opponents than to face unfamiliar enemies. How is the deployment?"

Unclothed Master Yin Xiaodao said: "It is ready, Tiandu, the Sun-Blind Clan, the Demon Army, and the affiliated forces have all entered a state of preparation, and can send troops at any time. With the teleportation formation arranged by the Evil Emperor, our army can avoid the holy Square eyeliner, directly attack Yansheng Mingluan and Tianfo's hometown."

"This battle is just the beginning. The forces of the three religions are deeply rooted, and it will not be easy to remove them all, so as to find a lot of gaps between them, and their appearances are inseparable." Having said this, Yuanxie Huang paused and continued. : "In addition, you must pay special attention to Su Huanzhen's movements. This old traitor is best at inserting needles, sowing discord, and leveraging strength. Shi Yin, you and Qianye Legend, Fengyou will fix this emperor, and don't be careless."

For Su Huanzhen, Emperor Yuanxie has always attached great importance to him, but he didn't want to kill him directly, so let the unclothed teacher Yin pay close attention, so as to avoid any moths.

The power of the three sects, Yuanxie Huang is very clear, it is simply an endless high-level, how many forces have taken turns to fight without overturning the three sects, it can be seen how deep the background is.

Emperor Yuanxie is not in a hurry, he can take his time.

Three days have passed in a blink of an eye, Shura Ghost Tower.

The devil's birthday is approaching, and the six concubines gather together.

The dark tide of the magic atmosphere is surging, the majestic image, the bright light bursts, the solemn hall, the unworldly foundation, with the lanterns lit up, brilliant and splendid!

"Wangba moves again and again, walks my own way, Moruo Juehai, idealism is creation."

Demon Emperor Zhi Xin flew down, he transformed Chanti, destroyed Chanti, and the generals of Tianyan Mocheng bowed down to greet him.

"See the Demon King!"

"See the Demon King!"

"See the Demon King!"

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