"Ha!" He Hua Chanti chuckled: "Ghost Tathagata, you really didn't disappoint me, even after hundreds of years, you still returned to this path.


"I have to find the answer in my heart.

"The ghost Tathagata is a little confused, the emperor Tathagata and the ghost Tathagata are one body, but their beliefs are completely different, and they are each other's demons, and it is difficult to break free!

"Do you want to prove the Tao? Back then, I guided you to obtain the "Rhinoceros Horn" to start a road of killing Taoism. It's a pity that it fell short, and because my magic city was sealed, I can no longer contact you. How? The ghost Tathagata is the emperor Tathagata, and now it belongs to the ghost Tathagata. Would you like to share your thoughts with me?

' He said with an easy-going expression.

The Ghost Tathagata shook his head slightly: "I only know what I have experienced in the cold and warm situations! Back then, when I became the Emperor Tathagata, I thought I was enlightened, but now I know that the Emperor Tathagata is not me, but a temporary change caused by many karma and external forces!


"Ha! After a long circle, you still haven't got the answer you want. Now that you are back to your original state, it is God's will that you think about it. This is the most suitable way for you. Or - nature!" He changed Chanting paused, and then said, "I believe that the darkness of your nature and your future path will also prove my judgment."

"I'm looking forward to the day when I can testify with this body." The ghost said.

"Well, come with me! Finish your unfinished business."

After he finished speaking, Hua Chanti stepped down the tower, and the Ghost Tathagata groaned and followed.

The two came to the dungeon, he Hua Chanti opened the dungeon ban, the ghost Tathagata entered with him Hua Chanti, and at a glance, he saw Hao Tianqiong who was bound by the water string.

"Ghost Tathagata!"

After Haotianqiong saw the ghost Tathagata, he screamed and struggled frantically, but now he has been sealed and bound by water strings, and his efforts have been in vain.

"Tianqiong, long time no see!" As the ghostly Tathagata approached Tianqiong, the "Purifying Rhino Horns" behind him began to agitate, and the evil light was charming.

The sky stared at the ghost Tathagata desperately, and said coldly: "It's ironic that the Tathagata becomes a ghost, and finally you show your true colors! How, a virtuous practitioner, now do you want me to sacrifice the "purifying rhinoceros horn"? , come on! Hahahaha..."

In a desperate situation, Noble Heaven is still arrogant and arrogant, the fire in his heart is burning his heart, and he only hates the difference of one thought, and he has ended up in such a field.

He Hua Chanti has never been soft-hearted towards the enemy, and said indifferently to Tianqiang: "For abandoning the magic city, the current fate is the price you should pay."

Then he turned around and said to the Ghost Tathagata: "Go ahead, make up for the shortcomings of the past, and let the "Punishment Rhino Horn" transform."

The ghost Tathagata's eyes flickered, and then he waved the "Purifying Rhino Horn".


A knife seals the throat, blood is splattered, thousands of monks and ten thousand Buddhas are killed by blood, purging sins and punishments will be opened to the world, and the horn of the evil rhinoceros is finally formed!

I saw that the original blue-green blade of "Purifying Rhino Horn" became bright red like blood, and its shape should have changed. The golden barbs on both sides of the rhino horn had also turned blood red, and the end of the blade had red and blue sharp horns and a ghost head. On the other side, the two ghost heads meet, and the red cloth strips wrapped in the curse and the hilt are scattered. After floating on the hilt, it looks even more sinister.

"Ghost Tathagata, I'll wait for you below..." The last breath was unwilling, resentment, and at the moment when the words fell, like dust drifted away.

The Ghost Tathagata held the transformed "Rhinoceros Horn", and the strange evil energy in his body became stronger, and the vitality in his eyes greatly increased.

He Hua Chanti nodded with satisfaction, and as a result, the strength of the Rubik's Cube has been strengthened by one point, and the battle of the Holy Demon has also increased by one point.

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After completing the ritual of "Sacrificing Blood for Thousands of Sins", the Ghost Tathagata left the dungeon, returned to his room, and sat behind closed doors. In the depths of his mind, he saw the appearance of a war between heaven and man.

The Buddha's glorious Emperor Tathagata and the ghostly ghost Tathagata each held a magical weapon and fought in their consciousness...

And he Hua Chanti returned to the main hall and came to the Demon Emperor Zhi Xin.

At this time, Nixie Xieluo was reporting Yu Shengmingluan's movements to the Demon Emperor: "Report to the Demon Emperor, according to the investigation, apart from Su Huanzhen and Ye Xiaochai wandering around the Kuishan border for a long time, Yu Shengmingluan did not make any other obvious actions."

"Su is really true, Kuishan! This action is big enough!" He Hua Chan stepped forward.

The weight of Su Huanzhen is not a joke, and every move should not be underestimated. People who used to despise Su Huanzhen are now trampled on their graves!


Jixie Xieluo bowed to him Hua Chan: "The devil is saying that Su Huanzhen went to Kuishan, it should be to target the demon army."

"There are so many demons, Yu Shengmingluan should be afraid." The demon emperor nodded and said, the demon army is the elite of the demon clan. The army is lined up, and even a super-innate master can be surrounded and killed.

Jijie Xieluo wondered: "The demon army has a huge lineup, and all of them are brave and good at fighting. Even if Su is really plus Ye Xiaochai, and the people of the ancient Wu clan can't compete? And Yu Shengmingluan's troops are scarce, even if you try your best to help, it will be difficult. Shaking Kuishan in the slightest, I don’t know what Su is really doing?”

Duan Junheng bit the chicken leg and walked into the hall, casually said: "I have observed the situation of Kuishan Mountain, there is a Tianquan on the top of Kuishan Mountain, and millions of miles of water are accumulated in it. I'm afraid that there will be no one out of ten demon army generals!"

When he heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he said solemnly: "The Evil Emperor has already prepared for this, and has established a teleportation formation inside Kuishan. Ghost Que, Su Zhen's calculations are useless!"

"Oh, so are you ready?" Duan Junheng nodded thoughtfully, and then continued to nibble on the chicken legs.

Demon Sovereign Zhi Xin's eyelids jumped when he saw it, and he thought: "Dad Duan, can't you pay attention to your image? How can you let me lead my subordinates in the future!"

However, Demon Emperor Zhi Xin just thought about it in his heart and didn't say it, otherwise he would definitely be scolded by Duan Junheng's long talk. .

Chapter 3 The Eve of the Final Battle [-]

Asura Ghost Tower, inside the main hall.

Seeing Duan Junheng nibbling on the chicken legs in a very unimpressive manner, he Hua Chanti didn't know what to say to Duan Junheng, a cheap grandfather. The Sacred Demons are controlled by the barrier and cannot communicate with the outside world. Only with three consecutive victories, the barrier will open!

The outside world is hosted by me and the evil emperor. I believe there is no problem, but the devil should pay more attention. I have received the news, and the candidates for the six holy guardians have also been selected. They are: Yi Ye Shu, Jing Canglang, Qing Haichao, The soul of the fruit, the Buddha of the sky, the lack of a boat and a sail, the strength of the six people should not be underestimated. "

"The soul of Yunguo! The Buddha of the sky!" The Demon Emperor Zhixin Wenyan was silent for a moment. For Jing Canglang, Quzhou and others, the Demon Emperor didn't have much feelings for him, but the soul of Yunguo and the Buddha of the sky let the devil Huang Zhixin was filled with emotion and recalled the past events from a long time ago.

Now the Buddhist calendar double element in the Demon Emperor's body has been depleted of "three or six zeros", only pure demon essence, the strength is stronger than in the past, and the old opponent Yunguo Dihun has not seen for many years, I don't know how to cultivate?

As for the Buddha of the sky, the Demon Emperor Zhixin’s feelings towards him are more complicated. The Demon Emperor was originally born of the Buddha of the sky, and he should regard the Buddha of the sky as his mother. The Demon Emperor was abandoned in the Zhongyin realm and let the King of Zhou draw his soul for him. If it wasn't for the special fate of the Demon Emperor, I'm afraid he would have already died and scattered. The complex emotions in it are difficult for outsiders to understand!

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