Chapter [-] Demon Emperor Fallen God Tower

The third round of Taihuang Shenjue.

On the battlefield, different scenes, the same people, unabated hatred, unresolved hatred, killing, only killing!

After several confrontations, they had already thought about each other's strength. After a battle, Duanmu Xianlong seized the opportunity and started to kill.

With the power of the sky, Duanmu Xianlong crossed his palms with cold eyes, and in an instant, the flame dragon crossed the sky, pressing down the turbulent waves.

"Shining python scale finger!"

Duanmu Xianlong was swift and ethereal, and its virile strength converged on its fingers, and its qi strength became a python.

"Frozen and chubby!"

In order to fight for a first-line chance, Jing Canglang destroys the true essence, the power of "Washing the ink Kunfeng" reappears, the scabbard drives the shocking waves, and fights the evil dragon out of thin air.

A sword that shocks the world, contains eight methods of calligraphy, elegant and Confucianism, breaking the wind and clouds and turning the flames, destroying the world and shaking the power of the evil dragon, double strikes, and the ice and flames dissolve each other.

"It's this sword move again, your martial arts is still nothing new." Duanmu Xianlong showed disdain on his face, but there was no contempt in his eyes.

Jing Canglang took a few steps back due to the impact of Yu Jin, and said with a cold expression: "After the seal of hundreds of years, your vision is still so short-sighted."

The divine decision ignited the flames, the anger and hatred began, the war contract that was delayed for hundreds of years, the 14 hatreds of the present and ancient times, and the uncontrollable fighting spirit, only a long drink was heard.

"Open your heart! Drink!"

The golden hand locks the wind and the clouds, the silver arm destroys the mountains, the gold and silver are combined into one, and the world is absolutely unstoppable.

"Ling surging!"

The edge resurfaced, the ink marks and eight dances washed the sky, bloomed with dazzling cold light, slashed the mountains and split the sea, and swept away the dust and waves without the sword qi. At the moment when the extreme moves collided, Jingcanglang's inner breath surged, vomiting blood and flew back.


Jing Canglang was at a disadvantage, but his unyielding will never wavered.

"Rin Hongtao!"

Jing Canglang's "Kun Feng" leaned on the ground, the ice waves swept the sky, Duanmu Xianlong changed his defense, but saw Jinghua burst out, and in a blink of an eye, the enemy looked at each other, and the sword was approaching.

"It's you who makes me unwilling to be kind! Ha!" Duanmu Xian's dragon palms were majestic, he defeated Kun Feng, and his provocative words showed his determination to kill the opponent.

When the two sides fought to the extreme, Jing Canglang was limited by time and time, and the opportunity was lost.

The hatred eyebrows and eyes are close at hand, the sea is raging, and the attributes are unbearable.

Duanmu Xian's dragon's energy exploded, and terrifying flames burst out from his palm, it was the red-leaning lock-gold hand of "Fen Ru Yao Shu"!

Seeing that Xian Longjue started, Jing Canglang's eyes changed, his sword stance changed, and the raging waves hit the shore.

"Wither wave!"

Moved to the extreme, Jing Canglang raised his true essence again, "Washing the ink Kunfeng" cut out layers of sword seas, and the ink marks danced and tossed, shaking the evil flames.

The flames burned the sky, the raging waves swept the mountains, and the two giant forces suddenly detonated.

Victory, only in an instant, defeat, only surprise!

Seeing Jing Canglang disappear in the moment of the word "End", Duanmu Xianlong's green eyes could not see any emotion, and he murmured to himself in a deep voice: "Is it just defeating?"

After the words fell, the word "Yin" flashed at the foot of Duanmu Xianlong and disappeared from the battlefield in an instant.


God decides on the other side.

Ghost Tathagata vs Qinghaichao.

Knowing that the buddha and ghost in front of him are extraordinary in cultivation, he dare not be careless about the tide of the sea.

"Xuelang is hurt!"

The wind and snow suddenly appeared, the cold wind was cold, and a unique martial arts game was launched!

"The Ghost Tathagata will knock on the door of the ghosts of all calamities for you."

With a cold voice, the ghost Tathagata swayed his clothes, and the evil rhinoceros horns swirled out from the ancient times, and the gods and Buddhas were silent in an instant, and the righteousness disappeared!

The "Rain Whale Vein" opened the battle group, holding the tide of the ocean for a while, the ghost Tathagata, and the tide was incessant, the Buddha and the ghost were seen, the two people who were supposed to be evenly matched, but saw the ghost energy permeating the flood, and the two fought close to each other, the ghost Tathagata The hilt hits the tide of the sea.

"Uh... time restraint!"

Qing Haichao retreated with a blow, and before he thought about it, he blinked his eyes and faced life and death.

The determination of the ghost waves sweeps the eyes around, the Tathagata changes color, and has the power of surpassing the ghosts and gods.

In order to seize the instant victory, the tide of the sea lifted up the waves, and the power was surging in an instant, and the power was overwhelming.

"The vertical waves are turning over the west and east!"

There was no hesitation in the sudden battle, the immortal sleeves were raised, and the waves were endless.

"Six Disruptions of Ghost Zen and the Way of No Delusion!"

The ghost Tathagata sank, and around the bead, he sang the devil, Brahma, and evil, and in the blink of an eye, one hundred and eight skeletons and souls burst forth.


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