Seeing this, Xuan Xiao turned his gun and stabbed the evil minister Zuozhu.

Xuanpin jumped up, the dragon halberd held high, and slashed at the evil face vest.


He was shocked by the divine might of Yan Mo, the power of destroying the world, and the evil spirit of the king of Yan erupted indiscriminately. Xuan Xiao, Xuan Pin, and Xuan Mie were blasted out at the same time, and the surrounding prison troops suffered heavy casualties!


Thank you for your monthly flowers tickets, rewards, Spring Festival coming, and hard work in the new year. At the same time, I wish everyone a new year, all the best, and good health. .

Chapter 2 It's Everyone's Responsibility to Eliminate Slag Fathers [3/[-]]

When the blood falls, the battle to the death begins, and the evil phase kills the road, killing the third watch.

With one enemy, the evil aspect of the King of Hell still did not show his defeat, and in the first battle, he defeated the three princes Xuanpin, Xuanmie, and Xuanxiao.

"My son, do you realize your shallowness?"

Unshakable strength, witnessing Wang Fei's words, the evil character of the King of Hell looked at the rebellious sons with cold eyes, opened his bloody mouth, and said silently: "Call your father and king, and you can be saved from death."

"Hmph, we don't have a father who mutilates flesh and blood, witness our determination to kill you!"

Xuan Xiao, Xuan Bin, and Xuan Mie share the same hatred, vow to destroy the scumbag father, and use their own skills.

Father and son, the king and the prince, the bloody waterfalls and waves are shocking again!

"Hell Prophecy!"

When the evil aspect joins hands, it merges the palm of the prison sound, and the magic sound swaying, rushing like a wave, and mercilessly drowned.

"Ye Wang, "One, two, three", let the boy give you a ride! The sky strikes the dragon's head!"

Xuan Xiao single-handedly provoked the evil, and the killing voice broke thousands of miles. There was a blurred battle shadow, the sharp spear pierced the light, the palms clashed, the blood was terrifying, and the sand was flying.

After a few fights, Xuan Xiao was unable to support himself, fell into the downwind, slipped backwards, and the tiger's mouth split blood.

"Destroying Heavenly Palm!"

Xuan Mie's eagle eyes were sharp, he raised his Yuan and destroyed his palm, joined the battle group, and caused another bloody storm.

"Dragon Martial Strikes Thunder!"

However, seeing Xuanxiao, Xuanmie attacking the evil appearance of the King of Hell, and the scheming city and government are all profound Xuanpin, and he also stepped forward to fight, waving the dragon halberd, regretting Qianshan, angrily and desperate, which is a declaration that cannot be played.

The dragon war was startling the dust, the flames of war spread to the eight wastelands, and the unstoppable fierce battle gradually became extreme.

The father and son killed each other, and it was miserable for a while, and the eyes that looked at each other were hatred, anger, and even more absolutely!

"A bunch of perverts!"

Although the evil appearance of the King of Hell is brave, but under the cooperation of the three princes, it is always difficult to withdraw, and his heart is full of anger.

"Prison Sea Ten Thousand Tribulations!"

Knowing that a long battle is unfavorable, in an instant, the evil phase of the King of Hell is full of demons, the heaven and the earth are dark, and the dark demons flow like a thousand waves and never end.

"Squirting Silver, Barry Smoke and Guns!"

Xuanxiao's spear shot out like a dragon, leaving no room for it, going upstream, his sharp edge like a shooting star dashing away the demonic energy.

"Destroy all beings!"

Xuan Mie gathered his palms at the same time, gathered gas and transformed into a shape, and scattered the evil part of the impact with one palm.


In the sound of shock, Xuanbin flew up, clasped the "Dragon Martial Halberd" in both hands, stared coldly at the evil appearance, and counterattacked strongly.

"Xuanlong swallows the world!"

The shocking purple dragon roared out, Xuanpin swooped down with the dragon's shadow, and the dragon halberd in his hand directly hit the heart of the King of Hell, who was too breathless.

"Bang... puff~"

With one move, Long Xingqi, who was not ready to dodge, attacked with energy, and the evil figure grabbed the front of the halberd with both hands, but was still pierced by the dragon's halberd in his chest, seeing red for the first time.


The three cloud flood dragons roared in the sky, and the thunder roared in an instant, sweeping the battlefield, trying to relieve the siege of evil.

"Your opponent is us, Qijue Slash!"

After transforming into black, he led the crowd to surround and kill three Yunjiao, Shiyan Yan Wang's "Seven Jue Leaving Hate", killing flames to defeat the enemy, and prevent them from interfering in the battle of Xuan Xiao and others.

"Evil wood bundle!"

The evil spirit of the wood crystal spirit suddenly burst out from the ground, like a group of beasts thirsty for blood, attacking the three cloud dragons, instantly entangling them.

However, the three-headed Yunjiao has become fine over time, with rough skin and thick flesh, and it is difficult for the demon vine to penetrate, and the three-headed Yunjiao shattered in a flash.

 "Mistori Xuanyou, send me to meet the devil, ignorant Xuanyou, send me to meet the devil!"

The King of Hell, who was in the Jialuo Palace, knew the situation outside, and his deep heart like the sea couldn't help but start to get anxious. Whether it was the evil appearance or the three cloud scorpions were very important to him, if there was a mistake, his strength would definitely be Great damage, immediately destroy the spell, and summon the three-headed cloud Jiao of the primordial beast to come to unblock it.


Inspired by the King of Hell, the three cloud flood dragons did not entangle, and the three heads spurted thousands of evil thunders from their mouths, and the thunder light flickered.

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