The Lord of Disasters was originally the manager of the Vessels of Extraordinary Birth, and after hearing Tian's stern words, he said with a hint of grief and anger: "After the elder brother was sealed, the original hometown of Tianfo sent troops to attack, we are not the enemy, we have lost the elder brother. Entrusted, the vein of strange birth... has been destroyed by the Buddha town!"


When Tian Zhili and Di Zhili heard the words, their expressions changed. They didn't expect that during the seal period, the Buddha Township actually destroyed the Vessels of Extraordinary Birthday!

On the other hand, Yan Ming, Yao Yao, Underlord of Disaster Reduction, and Bing Wuyi were all silent, their faces slightly cold and hateful.

"Heavenly Buddha's bald donkey broke the foundation of the Wuli clan, and I'm going to smash it to ashes!" Tian Zhili clenched his fists tightly, and his body erupted with killing intent.

The Yuanzhong Li family had no father and no mother, and was born in the vein of Yixuan, which was nurtured by heaven and earth.

If there is no Vessel of Birth, although the Li Clan can reproduce with other races, the bloodline is not pure after all!

Back then, those younger generations of the Li clan were surrounded and suppressed by the Heavenly Buddha and the Second Vessels, and they were all killed and injured. Now, there are only a few people left in the pure Li clan bloodline!

Standing in the position of the Buddha Township is to avoid future troubles and change the land, and Tian Zhili will do the same thing.

The long grass is not rooted, and the spring breeze blows.

Jiechen's face was gloomy and he said, "The fake Buddhas in Tianfo's original hometown, and the demons and demons are really hateful. Big brother, order it! Kill demons, destroy Buddhas, and slay demons, and avenge the blood revenge for the ages."

Jie Chen's voice fell, and the evil master, Yao Yao, Yan Ming, and others all clasped their fists and saluted, and shouted in unison: "...kill the demon, destroy the Buddha, and slay the demon, and avenge the bloody revenge of the ages!"

Tian Zhili suddenly stood up when he heard the words. If it were a thousand years ago, Tian Zhili might weigh the pros and cons and make a decision before moving. However, the thousand-year imprisonment has already consumed Tian Zhili's patience, and the fire of hatred burned his mind.

He wants revenge, he wants to vent, and he wants to kill!

"Organize the army, set off, I want the demons, Buddhas and demons to be destroyed together." Tian Zhili said coldly, Zhongli quickly set off, and smashed the mighty Luan Shengming Luan.

The relatively calm Bing Wuyi felt that the action was too hasty, knowing themselves and the enemy, and winning every battle, but now they didn't understand the situation of the Holy Demon War and they rashly attacked, which was really a big deal.

Just looking at the high-spirited brothers, he is not good at pouring cold water, he can only go with the flow and adapt to the situation!


Yansheng Mingluan outside.

Mountains and rivers shattered (Zhao Haohao), magma spewed, and the originally solemn sacred place is now devastated.

The Three Religions Arbitration was deeply pale, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, and there was a look of despair in his eyes!

Terrible, too terrible!

Seeing Sanxiantian being thrown into an unknown space without the ability to resist, he felt that Sanxiantian was more likely to be evil than lucky. Although he had the will to die, he felt that his sacrifice was in vain.

Try your best, but in vain in the end!

Facing the Emperor Yuanxie who controls the power of time and space, they had no chance of winning from the very beginning!

The Legend of Qianye, the Demon Empress, Huang Quan and others were also very shocked, and looked at the Yuanxie Emperor with complex emotions of fear, joy, helplessness, and worship.

After Emperor Yuanxie had banished San Xiantian, he was thinking about how to deal with the troubles and Ye Xiaochai when he suddenly felt a call from a different force.


Emperor Yuanxie groaned, and his figure disappeared instantly, appearing above an ethereal sea of ​​clouds. .

Chapter [-] Time City [two more]

Shuli Peak, a long sea of ​​clouds, a slow and quiet airflow, revolved in the different sky, building a mysterious and different city.

The timepiece drifting in the air, looking at the endless time, falls to the ear every second.

The white clouds are vast, the air is full of special spiritual energy, the ground is empty, only a strange white tree is very conspicuous, with a strange sense of mystery.

"Since the emperor has been invited from now on, why not show up to see him."

Yuanxie Huang looked at the empty and strange world around him, as well as the countless time meters in the sky, and knew it in his heart.

If you guessed correctly, this is Time City, one of the most mysterious realms of misery!

Time City is a city that trades on time. It does not belong to the strange space of the Three Realms and Five Elements. It controls the flow of time in the world.

And when Emperor Yuanxie spoke up, inside Time City.

"City Lord, you are still in the mood to drink tea!" Seeing the figure of Time City Lord making tea from a distance, Yin Sui walked over with anxious steps.

The City Lord of Time put down the teacup, looked at Yin Sui and muttered to himself: "Yin Sui, ah Yin Sui, you have been drinking the years dry for too long, and everyone has become fat!"

"How can I be fat." Listening to the indifferent words of the City Lord of Time, Yin Sui's thoughts were interrupted 667, and he was quite dissatisfied.

Time City Lord took a deep look at Yin Sui, and then said solemnly: "Don't think that you are wearing a cloak, I can't see it."

"City lord, it's not for you to understand the life of the six-pack. Let's end this topic!" Yin Sui didn't want to be entangled in this issue, and said sternly: "There is a big devil outside, and he wants to smash the time tree with a knife. Well, then we will be miserable!"

"Well!" Time City Lord nodded and said: "It makes sense, then you go and bring him in!"

"Why is it me again?" Yin Sui was a little unhappy, Yuan Xie Huang was not easy to mess with, what if he hit him?

"Besides me here, there is only you, and whoever you don't go to." Time City Lord said as a matter of course, saying here, the most time-consuming figure appeared in Time City Lord's mind.

I don't know what happened to the unfilial son.

Facing the unscrupulous boss, Yin Sui finally succumbed to the lewd power of the Time City Lord.

A flash of light and shadow appeared in front of Emperor Yuanxie.

"Respected guest, the city master has a request."

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