Duanmu Xianlong and Jing Canglang, the two old enemies, faced each other again, glaring and hating, and the demon atmosphere was even more chilling.

"Lie Canghai!"


Jing Canglang dived into the inner essence, and the vibration force roared, like a wave of silver and silver, and the light spreads a thousand feet.

"Beat the sky!"

Duanmu Xianlong's madness remained the same, and he waved "Burning Industry Evil Dragon Slash", unavoidable and unyielding.

The figures of the two are staggered, one is pushing, the other is persevering, and the hatred that has lasted for hundreds of years is deep in their hearts.

The moves are counterattacks, and the surrounding is shocked.

After the Yin body was returned by the ghost Tathagata, Duanmu Xianlong's combat power became more complete.

On the other hand, Jing Canglang, the previous injury has not recovered, and the combat power has been greatly reduced.

"Open your heart!"

The moment he strayed, Duanmu Xianlong turned his palm and Jing Canglang was half a point slower. Although he avoided the key point at the critical moment, his sleeve was still burned by the fire palm.


The most familiar with each other, the deepest feud, Duanmu Xianlong's "burning industry" screamed, and there was no way to retreat after the battle.

Jing Canglang's "Kun Feng" was furious, and he entered the hatred of hatred.

"Frozen. Flourishing!"

"Zhu Yantao water style!"

Duanmu Xianlong and Jing Canglang made great moves at the same time.



The decisive battle is endless, and the battle will never end. The heavy damage to the body and the will to press, forcing both sides to consume energy, has reached madness.

Duanmu Xianlong Daxiu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and "Burning Industry Evil Dragon Slash" pointed at Jing Canglang: "The grievance between you and me is understood today."

"Live alone, or die together." Jing Canglang's expression was cold, and his heart was already determined to die.

"Hahaha, it's exactly what I want!" Duanmu Xianlong let out a wicked smile, like a raging dragon, Jing Canglang was injured and blocked, and death was enveloped in an instant. .

Chapter [-] The Final Battle of the Holy Demon

The Holy Demon War has entered its final stage.

Yansheng Mingluan was destroyed, the holy energy was completely lost, a page of the book, the Buddha of the sky and others fell into a hard fight.

Seeing that the battle situation is unfavorable, Su Huanzhen is even more at risk. Qing Haichao wants to make a quick decision. He steps on the ethereal pace, his figure is looming, his fairy sleeves are fluttering, and he starts to make waves.

"Cover your hands and shake off Tao!"

The tide of the sea attracts the water and air of the sky and the earth, the blue light shines, and it turns into a torrent of torrents.

"Dark Burst!"

Asura, the god of war of the dead country, moved his thoughts, made his ultimate move, and his palm qi was undercurrent, and he hit the ground, and the earth burst in an instant.

The wrath of the sea, the trend against the sky, detonated a peerless struggle.

The extreme move handover, Asura dark energy is mad, and the tide cannot be recovered in time, and he loses in an instant. He takes a few steps backward, and a mouthful of blood infects the earth.


Blood stained the "three five three" yellow sand, Qinghaichao's old wounds have not healed, and new creations have been added.

"The big waves turn the west and the east!"

The anger is like a river and sea, surging incessantly, surging wave after wave, rushing towards Asura.

"War is ruthless!"

Asura's thoughts moved, and his whole body was bursting with energy. In the blink of an eye, the "War Fire. Antelope" in his hand was transformed into "War Fire. Ruthless", and he used his shield to neutralize the mighty force of the stormy waves.


Fighting to the point of madness, mercy is absent, the waves collapsed, and Shura's color changed.

Seeing that the raging waves were about to engulf Asura, I saw a thick and long bone gun smashed through the stormy waves and picked it out. Accompanied by the splendid battle, the bone gun broke through the sea and waves, and moved towards lightning like lightning. Qing Haichao poked his heart out.

The wind was blowing, and before the gun was ready, the air waves had already blown the white robe on Qing Haichao's body.

"Whale Teng Fish Dragon Fury!"

Qinghaichao didn't dodge or evade, and fought back brazenly, only to see Qinghaichao's palms flying, and his energy was rising.

"God's Wrath!"

The shocking waves were furious, and the gods of war were also furious. Asura's fighting spirit was high, and the flames of war were unleashed in his body. In his hand, the "War God Killing God" carried the power of regret, and went forward indomitable.


The extreme collision, the energy is shaking the sky and the earth, the aftermath is layer upon layer, the mountains and mountains are destroyed, the war is raging and the snow waves are surging, and I am shocked to see a touch of blood added to the flying snow, and the shocking waves stop!

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