Seeing Xiang Duxiu insisting on going against her, Rong, the girl in love and misfortune, didn't say much, her eyes were cold, and between her fingers, several Yanliu Dao Qi was as fast as lightning, rushing down.

In an instant, the flames rose, the tongues of flames spread, and the evil flames were powerful, like a meteor shower, shaking the realms of the ten directions.

Xiang Duxiu pointed her toes a little, her figure was erratic, and she calmly avoided the waves of fire.

Facing the successive tyrannical attacks, Xiang Duxiu's brows tightened, seemingly aware of the abnormality, and fell onto a broken driftwood, with her right hand forming a sword finger, as if she was continuing her qi move.


With a deep shout, Xiang Duxiu pointed with his sword, and saw a handkerchief flying out.

Uh, this handkerchief is of course not some trick of Xiang Duxiu, it's just for wiping sweat!

Well, the wonderful world, ordinary people do not understand!

Xiang Duxiu wiped the sweat with a handkerchief and complained, "It's really hot, fire-type exercises are the most annoying!"

"Hahaha, you are the first to dare to provoke this seat like this." Rong, the love-calamity girl, had seen Xiang Duxiu's luck doing her work, and thought that Xiang Duxiu would make a big move. Just to wipe the sweat, I instantly felt that my IQ was insulted.

"Provocation?" Xiang Duxiu wiped away the sweat that kept coming out, and complained innocently: "Where is it? I'm really hot!"

"Breakthrough swallows the sky!"

Hearing this, Rong, the woman who loves disasters, has an urge to beat the other party violently, and put this urge into action. At the moment, she flutters her sleeves. However, the evil flames converged into a huge fireball, like a comet hitting the earth, pressing down abruptly, as if to smash Xiang Duxiu to the ground.

"One sword, three moves!"

However, before the flame ball fell, Xiang Duxiu threw the silk towel in her hand, and the handkerchief danced in the wind, blocking the love and disaster girl Rong's move for a moment.

In the blink of an eye, Xiang Duxiu seized the opportunity, drew the long sword around her waist, teleported her figure, and rushed to the front of the love and disaster girl Rong in a blink of an eye.

Terrible, terribly cold, terribly beautiful!


Xiang Duxiu and the girl of love and misfortune passed by by mistake, the cold light flashed instantly, and the three vital points of the girl's neck, heart, and abdomen were simultaneously cut by Xiang Duxiu's long sword, the sword qi penetrated into the body, and then three bloods were shot out. arrow.


The love-calamity girl Rong snorted, and her injuries healed in an instant. She turned to look at Xiang Duxiu, who was posing handsomely, and said with murderous intent: "You are very good, and you have successfully angered me!"


Xiang Duxiu had already put on a handsome appearance, but she didn't want the evil spirit woman to possess the "power of the mysterious female", and she was injured and not dead, and suddenly said in shock: "You are not dead?"

0 flowers

"To kill this seat, wishful thinking, create a god, and die!"

Consciously being placed by Xiang Duxiu, the love and misfortune girl Rong shot angrily, her hands wide open, and the "Creation of the Gods" was motivated. I saw the outbreak of the extreme essence of evil, and suddenly a powerful and unparalleled evil force swayed, and the world was hanging upside down. , Cangyu shook, and all the evil spirits in the world belonged to the love and disaster girl Rong.

"Well, it's not good, flash!"

When Xiang Duxiu saw this, she didn't dare to take it hard, she quickly flew back, and escaped from the attack range of the love-calamity girl Rong.


The way of creating the gods, overwhelming the mountains and the sea, bombarded the surrounding landforms into a huge deep pit, and the water of the endless Black Sea continued to flow into it, forming an artificial lake.

"Hmph, such a fast movement, such a sharp sword, this seat will remember you!"


Seeing Xiang Duxiu fleeing, Rong, the girl who loves disaster, did not pursue her. She reached out to touch the snow-white neck, and a trace of anger flashed in her eyes. If it wasn't for her immortality, the sword was enough to take her life. Women are very vengeful. , Apparently, the girl who loves disaster is the one who hates Xiang Duxiu!

"Well, the prison has entered a difficult state, it seems that the evil emperor has succeeded!"

The love and misfortune girl Rong looked at the combination of the prison and the misery, thought for a moment, and returned to the "Demon World Buddha".

Emperor Yuanxie used the "Demon World Buddha" to pull the prison out of the space fault and put it back into the misery. Looking at the returning love and disaster girl Rong, he said, "You are careless!"


The love-calamity girl Rong did not refute, but said, "Do you know who that swordsman is?"

"Jijing Jianpa. Fragrant Duxiu." Emperor Yuanxie said casually: "A very interesting person."

“Scented alone show!”

Rong, the love-calamity girl, wrote down the name and prepared to take it back in the future.

"Let's go, the next stop, the four worlds!" Yuanxie Huang did not contact the people in the prison, and controlled the "Monster World Buddha" to go to the opposite peak wall.

Lin Feng had been away from the Four World Realm for a while. The Shattered Island was evacuated, and the Tower of Ciguang was half destroyed. Now only the Fire House Buddha Prison is left to oppose the Upper Heaven Realm.


There have been a lot of things happening recently, and it took a lot of time. I would like to apologize to everyone here. Now I will resume the update and guarantee the third update. If something happens in the future, I will explain it in the comments.

In addition, thank you for your monthly passes, flowers, and thank you for your support here!

Chapter [-] It's snowing when it's sunny [two more. Ask for flowers]

Monster Market.

There is a war going on in the Yongliuping apartment, and there are golden horses and iron horses in a radius of hundreds of miles, and the sound of killing is loud.

The army of the sin field and the people in the land of Qiu She were stuck together, soldiers against soldiers, generals, swords and swords, and they refused to give in to each other, but in the time of half a column of incense, the entire Qiu She Remnant Forest was full of corpses and bloodshed. into a river.

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