
Chapter 999 Inspection of the Workshop

In the blink of an eye, winter has come again in Longyou, and the first light snow is falling.

The sky was getting brighter, and Li Ye didn't want to get up, hugging Yang Yuhuan's delicate and snow-white body under the warm quilt.

Yang Yuhuan is indeed a goddess who can be called frozen age. Without comparison, she would not have such a profound feeling.

Her third sister Yang Yupei's skin has gradually become saggy in recent years, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes cannot be covered up even with powder. The luster on her skin has also disappeared, like a dull bead, and the original pearls of a mature woman have gradually faded away.

But Yang Yuhuan is completely different. Her skin is still as smooth and delicate as mutton fat, white as snow, full of elasticity, with a silky luster, no wrinkles on her face, a pair of beautiful eyes like a deep pool, and her body is plump and mature, incomparably beautiful. She is seductive, she looks like a woman in her thirties, she is worthy of being a beauty that only appears in a thousand years.

"Today is a day off, husband, please sleep for a while." Yang Yuhuan put her arms around her husband's neck and whispered in his ear.

Li Ye smiled bitterly, "I have something to do today, so I can no longer fall in love with the land of gentleness."

Yang Yuhuan said coquettishly: "It's such a long day off, but I just want my husband to hold me for a little longer."

Li Ye felt angry in his abdomen. He turned over and pressed her down and said with a smile, "Then let's perform the morning ritual again!"

Yang Yuhuan hugged her husband's neck, her eyes were full of charm, "Glutty, I will torture my family to death."

Soon, her eyes became fascinated.

Two quarters of an hour later, Li Ye finally got up. He put on his underwear. Yang Yuhuan quickly pulled the bell, and two maids rushed in to wait on the master to get up.

"Yuhuan, is your third sister's child's condition getting better?" Li Ye asked.

Yang Yuhuan folded a roll of towel and put it between her legs. She lay on the bed and said lazily: "It should be much better. She hasn't come here in the past few days. I sent someone to ask yesterday. The child's condition was very serious before. Even my aunt was sick. She said she might not be able to survive, but after taking my husband's life-saving medicine, her condition began to improve significantly. Agu said that as long as she doesn't go out for a month and takes good care of herself, she can recover."

Yang Yupei also adopted a half-year-old little girl last year, named Yang Wenjing. She was very lively and cute. However, she caught a cold a month ago and fell ill. She probably had pneumonia. Her condition was critical. Even Li Tengkong thought that the child could not be saved. , but Yang Yuhuan sent a life-saving pill from Li Ye, and the child's fever gradually subsided after taking it three times. With Li Tengkong's full treatment, the child began to improve.

"My third sister said that I should thank my husband for saving my life."

Li Ye quickly shook his head, "Thank you if you want! It has nothing to do with me."

Yang Yuhuan covered her mouth and smiled: "Are you afraid that the third sister will give you your body?"

Li Ye rolled his eyes and smiled: "Your third sister is so rich, if she is willing to donate some money and food to the Salesian Home, I will not object!"

"Okay! I'll tell her, she will definitely be willing."

After Li Ye finished washing, he leaned over and kissed Yang Yuhuan hard, and then left quickly.

Yang Yuhuan's eyebrows were full of spring, and her whole body was soft and weak. She ordered the maid: "Arrange hot water, I want to take a good bath!"

Today is a holiday. If it is a rare day off for ordinary officials, it does not matter to senior officials.

Today Li Ye is going to inspect the newly completed textile workshop, and the time has been arranged.

After several senior officials met at the official office, they set off in several carriages.

The textile industry in Longyou has always been relatively backward, but the tanning industry is very developed. The only textile industry that exists mainly uses wool to weave carpets and tents.

This time, Li Ye bought 3,000 looms from Zhaozhou, Hebei through his connections with Duguye. After some modifications, he established a government-run cloth workshop and recruited skilled workers to weave cotton.

The steward's name is Zhang Liuchen, a native of Zhaozhou, Hebei Province, who came with the loom.

Nowadays, cotton cultivation in Hexi and Shuofang is very large, close to 50,000 hectares, and the output last year reached 12 million jins. This has fully satisfied the needs of filling and heating, and we must start to weave.

Three thousand pieces of woven fabric are placed in five large warehouse-like factories. Three thousand workers are operating the machines, all of them seem to be skilled, and the factory is filled with the sound of machines.

The steward Zhang Liuchen introduced: "Your Highness, weaving is not difficult, but spinning is difficult. It requires very technical skills. First, it is peeling off the cotton seeds. Now it is a water-powered cotton gin. Two copper rods rotate to squeeze out the cotton seeds. Not bad, but it still needs a little manual cleaning to pick up the residue.

Then there is the bombing. Use a longbow and a mallet to completely loosen the cotton, make it fluffy and clean, and leave no knots at all. This must be done by men and requires very high skills.

The third step is to roll the cotton thread. This also requires high technology. It must be tight and even in thickness. It cannot be like a snake eating eggs, one by one. It must be thin. Only when the yarn is thin can the fabric be thin. This is The key; the fourth step is spinning, which must be evenly spun on the cotton spindle."

"Is there a spinning workshop here?" Li Ye asked.

Zhang Liuchen shook his head, "We don't have one, but there are three or a few small spinning workshops that specialize in spinning for us. It didn't work at first, but after practicing for a few months, the quality of the cotton thread is getting better and better. There is a foot-operated spinning machine." , three threads can be spun at the same time.”

Liu Yan smiled and said: "Manager Zhang, do you have any woven cloth for us to see?"

"Yes! Yes! Please go this way."

The steward took them to the warehouse. The warehouse was paved with wooden floors. It was very clean and spotless. They had to put on soft cloth shoes before entering.

The warehouse is full of wooden shelves. The wood is polished very smooth and covered with leather. Then pieces of cloth are neatly stacked on the shelves. The cotton cloth is thick and white, with even grain and straight edges. At first glance, it is a high-quality cloth with a very good texture.

Zhang Liuchen said proudly: "We even sent people to Gaochang to learn weaving white cloth. Now the cotton cloth we weave in Longyou is finer and better than Gaochang cloth."

"Where's the capital?"

Li Ye asked: "How much does a piece of cloth cost?"

"About three hundred dollars!"

Li Ye quickly calculated in his mind that the current market price of a piece of fine linen from the Central Plains is only 1 guan, silk from Jiangnan costs 5 guan, and cotton cloth costs at least 2 guan in the market. This The price is between fine linen and silk, but the quality is better than fine linen. Ordinary people will definitely choose fine linen, but middle-class people with better conditions will probably choose softer and more breathable cotton.

Liu Yan next to him said: "This is just the cost of white cloth. If you add bleaching, dyeing and coloring, the cost will be even higher."

right! He actually forgot about the dyeing part. Li Ye calculated again and found that the market price would be two to five hundred cash per horse. Only wealthy people could afford it.

However, cost is related to output. Li Ye asked: "What is the current monthly output?"

"It's about 30,000 horses. Once I'm skilled enough, I can increase the monthly output to about 50,000 horses. I estimate that the cost will be reduced to the same amount in the end."

"How much do these workers get paid per month?" Li Ye asked again.


[Today, Lao Gao went to get a driver’s license extension physical examination and spent a long time on it. Sorry, there are only two chapters today]

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