
Chapter 1179 Secret visit to the drug store

In the lobby of the Huaixi County Prince's Mansion in Hefei County, Luzhou, Li Xilie looked at five porcelain bowls from left to right. He frowned and asked, "Is this Iron Fire Thunder?"

Yang Shaoan said quickly: "Return to my lord, this is the porcelain fire thunder. Guan Longjun used this before he invented the iron fire thunder. It is mixed with quenched iron nails, and no one is spared."

"Why is there no iron fire thunder?" Li Xilie suddenly asked dissatisfied.

Yang Shaoan smiled bitterly and said: "Iron Fire Thunder is the top secret of the Guanlong Army. It is stored in a special warehouse and kept by dedicated personnel. It is used by specialized soldiers. Each Iron Fire Thunder has a number and is supervised by a dedicated person. Not to mention it is a humble position, even a third-grade high-ranking official. It’s impossible to find out that these five porcelain fire thunders were left out of the mass destruction after Guan Long’s army was eliminated, and they were bought for three hundred pieces each.”

"What about the craftsmen? Can't you get any?"

Yang Shaoan shook his head, "The Department of Firearms and Powder is not in Chang'an at all. No one knows where it is? It is probably hidden in a deep ravine. At least I know that there is a Department of Firearms and Powder. Many officials in Chang'an don't know that it exists. Existence, my lord, I think as long as we understand their principles and change the porcelain bottle into an iron shell, isn’t it the same thing?”

Li Xilie felt depressed and could only nod his head. At this time, a soldier reported in the hall: "The military advisor is back!"

The military advisor was Zhang Luanzi, and he came back just in time. Li Xilie immediately said: "Please come in, the military advisor!"

Not long after, the Taoist priest Zhang Luanzi hurried over, bowed and said: "See my lord!"

"How is Wang Zhongsheng doing?"

"Reporting to my lord, Wang Zhongsheng's situation is not good. Xi Wanli led his army to pursue Xuzhou. Wang Zhongsheng was defeated in two battles and fled to Sizhou with 8,000 remaining troops. He wants to lead his army into Haozhou and begs the prince for permission."

Li Xilie thought for a while and said, "You can let him in, chop off his head and give it to the Tang army. We have collected his army, and there seems to be a prince with him!"

"Yes! Li Tan, the king of Shu, has been with him all the time, but this person is a source of trouble and has no value. What does the prince want him to do?"

Li Xilie said calmly: "He has the succession edict in his hand. He can use him to negotiate with Li Ye and ask Li Ye to keep me safe for three years."

Zhang Luanzi felt that the prince thought too simply, how could Li Ye care about this King of Shu who had long been worthless, but he couldn't tell the truth, so he could only nod silently.

At this time, Li Xilie pointed to the five porcelain fire thunders on the table and said: "These are the five porcelain fire thunders that Mr. Yang got from Chang'an. It is said that they were developed by Feilong back then. This is left to you. You are responsible for copying it." ”

Zhang Luanzi had a headache. He had only heard of this thing but never seen it. He didn’t know how it worked. How could he imitate it?

But he had no choice. Even though he was a military strategist, Li Xilie was known for his willfulness and was a murderer. He would kill people if he was upset at all, so it was better not to provoke him.

Zhang Luanzi had no choice but to nod, "Let's give Ji Zhi a try! Please give me more time."

"How much time do you want?"

Zhang Luanzi swallowed dryly and said, "It will take at least half a year!"


Li Xilie nodded, "I'll give you half a year. If you can't make it, don't blame me for turning against you!"

At noon the next day, Yang Shaoan hurried to a drug store in the west of the city. He looked at the signboard, 'Jishitang Drug Store', and that's where it was.

This is the Chang'an Intelligence Department's intelligence station in Hefei, which was moved from Luoyang.

There was a long queue outside the drug store, filled with people seeking medical treatment and medicine. Many patients were staring at Yang Shaoan, who seemed not to want to queue.

"Master, you have to wait in line to see a doctor!" A patient shouted from behind.

"I'm not here to see a doctor!"

Yang Shaoan turned around and waved his hand, then walked directly into the drug store. The lobby of the drug store was quite large. There was a row of long cabinets on the west end. Behind it, several clerks were busy grabbing and weighing medicines. Next to the wall was a medicine cabinet with a The pattern of densely packed small grids has not changed until later generations.

Finally, a waiter noticed Yang Shaoan looking around and came up to him, "Who are you looking for, uncle?"

"I'm looking for you, shopkeeper Miao!"

The waiter became alert, glanced at Yang Shaoan and said, "We only have shopkeeper Mo here, not shopkeeper Miao."

"Then I misremembered, it might be Mr. Miao!"

The guy nodded, "Please follow me!"

He took Yang Shaoan to the shopkeeper's room in the back room. The shopkeeper was Miao Qi, who was sent to Luzhou from Luoyang.

"Shopkeeper, relatives from Chang'an are here."

Miao Qi raised his head and glanced at Yang Shaoan. He saw a sign in his hand. He stood up and said, "Please come and sit in the inner hall!"

Miao Qi led Yang Shaoan to the inner hall. They sat down and the waiter served tea again.

Yang Shaoan then said slowly: "I am Yang Shaoan, Li Xilie's staff. I went to Chang'an not long ago, surrendered to the inner guard, and was sent back to Fei."

Miao Qi immediately understood that this Yang Shaoan was arrested when he went to Chang'an to investigate intelligence, surrendered to the internal guards, and was now sent back.

Miao Qi nodded and smiled: "I have heard of Mr. Yang. Li Xilie has seven aides, and Mr. Yang ranks fifth."

"I'm ranked fourth now. I got the Porcelain Fire Thunder Merit and moved up one place."

"What does Mr. Yang care about now?"

"I still continue to be in charge of military equipment. All craftsmen are under my charge, but the copy of Porcelain Fire Thunder, Li Xilue, was handed over to Zhang Luanzi."

"Can it be made?"

Yang Shaoan shook his head, "The inner guard told me, it's absolutely impossible!"

Speaking of this, Yang Shaoan took out a booklet and handed it to Miao Qi, "This is the defense map of Li Xilie's army. He has a total of 55,000 troops. They are currently deployed in nine counties. He is likely to annex Wang Zhongsheng's remaining army. The number will increase to more than 60,000, and I will give Manager Miao detailed information at that time."

"How could Sir get this secret?" Miao Qi asked, looking at the map.

"I have a nephew who joined the army as a sergeant. He is currently responsible for updating Li Xilie's sand table. He gave this to me."

Miao Qi smiled happily and said, "Thank you very much. Mr. Yang can contact me at any time!"

Yang Shaoan immediately returned home. As soon as he entered the door, he felt something was wrong. He was about to turn around, but his arms were held by two strong men, one on the left and one on the right.

"let me go!"

Yang Shaoan felt anxious and hurriedly looked for his family. He saw his wife, children and mother trapped in the kitchen, looking at him anxiously. There were several big men standing at the door.

Yang Shaoan was dragged up to the lobby, only to see Zhang Luanzi sitting on a chair, looking at him with a sneer on his face.

"What are you doing, military advisor?" Yang Shaoan glared at Zhang Luanzi.

Zhang Luanzi waved his hand and asked several of his men to step back.

He glanced at Yang Shaoan and said calmly: "You can hide some things from Li Xilie, but you can't hide them from me. For example, you just went to Jishitang Pharmacy. If I guessed correctly, it was Guan Longjun's intelligence point in Hefei. That's right. Bar!"

Yang Shaoan was immediately shocked.

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