
Chapter 1338: Conflicts intensify

On a vast undulating grassland, 20,000 Tang troops were arranged in a square formation, with sharp spears, bright armor, and murderous intent.

And more than ten miles away, a black line was faintly seen, which was the main force of one hundred thousand Tang troops, ready to come to rescue at any time.

Ren Tianling was still a little hesitant, but the opponent had a main force behind them. In name, they were facing 20,000 people, but in reality they were not.

Uncle Yelu didn't give him a chance, and shouted sternly: "The main force of the enemy army is still twenty miles away. You have enough time to defeat the 20,000 Tang army!"

Ren Tianling's heart skipped a beat, he waved his sword and shouted: "Attack!"

The Bohai Navy is all infantry. They originally had 20,000 cavalry, but after the Khitans took away their war horses under various excuses, they were never returned, turning the Bohai Navy's infantry and cavalry group into an out-and-out infantry group. .

Thirty thousand soldiers also advanced in three large square formations. The front formation of ten thousand soldiers held shields and sabers, and the two rear square formations were all spear soldiers.


The low sound of the horn echoed on the grassland, accompanied by the orderly footsteps of the soldiers.

Zhang Dian watched the opponent's team getting closer and closer, and coldly ordered: "The firearms camp is ready!"

A thousand heavy crossbow soldiers lined up in two rows, in groups of two. The bowstring of the big yellow crossbow was already loaded. One soldier was squatting on the ground, holding the big yellow crossbow in his hands and shoulders. The other soldier held the big yellow crossbow. Put the arrow mine into the arrow slot.

The arrow thunder is about two feet long, with an arrow tip at the front and a fire thunder body at the neck. It looks like a lemon. The arrow shaft is made of high-density jujube wood. The front and rear weight distribution is balanced, and there is no top-heavy phenomenon. .

The outside of the arrow mine is equipped with a match rope. It is actually an upgraded version of the gunpowder arrow, except that the gunpowder is changed to explosive. The function of the gunpowder arrow is to ignite, while the function of the fire mine is to explode and injure people. Inside, gunpowder cotton is used as the detonator, and the gunpowder Cotton burned faster than gunpowder, generated more heat and pressure, detonated better, and exploded more violently.

The mine body is filled with iron sand as big as a soybean, plus the fragments after the explosion of the mine body itself, the killing radius is two feet, and there is a strong explosion sound and thick smoke. For troops who have never seen it, the psychological damage is even greater. .

The Bohai Navy came step by step from a mile away and entered the range of 150 steps. The Bohai Navy had already seen the heavy crossbow camp and raised their shields one after another.

Zhang Dian shouted, "Launch!"

The soldiers lit fires one after another, and in a moment, five hundred arrows and thunderbolts flew out continuously, shooting at the enemy crowd, and instantly exploded in the crowd.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The swords and thunder exploded one after another in the group of soldiers. The explosion was deafening and caused the soldiers' flesh and blood to fly everywhere. The surrounding soldiers were hit by iron sand. For a moment, all the Bohai soldiers were frightened and stopped.

Immediately after the second round of arrows was fired, five hundred arrows exploded in the crowd again.

The Bohai soldiers finally reacted. They were so frightened that they turned around and ran away. The soldiers behind them followed suit. The Bohai navy was completely defeated. The soldiers were originally unwilling to sacrifice their lives, but now they saw the powerful firearms of the Tang army. They had a complete psychological breakdown.

The deterrent effect was achieved, Zhang Dian ordered the soldiers not to pursue, but to join the main army instead.

The Bohai Navy retreated fifty miles in one breath. Yelu Shuci was furious. He led a thousand Khitan troops to supervise the army and killed hundreds of people, but he still failed to stop the Bohai Navy's defeat.

He found Ren Tianling and whipped him hard. Ren Tianling was caught off guard and a deep blood mark was drawn on his face.

Yelu Shucai whipped his whip in his face again. This time Ren Tianling was prepared, grabbed the tip of the whip and said angrily: "What are you going to do?"

Uncle Yelu yelled, "Assholes! Cowards! A bunch of useless cowards. I've never seen you defeated like this. Are you still a soldier?"

Ren Tianling couldn't bear it any longer, his face turned red and he shouted angrily: "You Khitan soldiers are capable? Why don't you go to fight? You ran away and let us be the scapegoats. Do you think we are fools?"

Yelu Shuci scolded fiercely: "Raising soldiers for a thousand days, using them for a while, the Khitan has been kind to you, but when it is time to serve, you refuse. What's the use of raising you? Even a dog is better than you!"

"Didn't we send troops? Didn't any of our soldiers die? What kind of weapon do you think the Tang army used? Can you stop it?"

The more Ren Tianling talked, the more he hated him, "You yourselves know that you are no match for the Tang Army and cannot stop the Tang Army's new weapons, so you didn't dare to fight, and you all fled, leaving us to sacrifice our lives. We endured and sacrificed our lives, and What about what you promised? Have you betrayed your trust and formed an alliance with the Japanese army, and pretended that we didn’t know about it?”

Yelu Shuci was speechless. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "I won't argue with you. You can lead your army back to me right away. I'll give you one hour to rectify the army. If you don't obey orders, you must practice military law!"

After saying that, Uncle Yelu got on his horse and left with a few of his men.

"What if our entire army is destroyed?" Ren Tianling suddenly asked loudly.

Uncle Yeluji reined in the reins, turned around and said coldly: "That's your life!"

After saying that, he left without looking back. Ren Tianling's face suddenly turned pale and his whole body started to tremble.

‘That’s your life! ’

These calm and ruthless words were like a knife, smashing all of Ren Tianling's fantasies into pieces and piercing his heart!

Ren Tianling suddenly felt heartbroken and coldly ordered to his soldiers: "Find all six generals quickly!"

Soon, the six generals gathered in front of Ren Tianling. Everyone saw the bloodstains on Ren Tianling's face and asked in surprise: "What happened to the general's face?"

Ren Tianling said with a sullen face: "Yelü Shuci whipped me!"

Everyone was furious, "Do the Khitans regard us as slaves?"

Ren Tianling waved his hand, "Everyone, now the Khitans have retreated to the north. They are afraid that the Tang army will catch up, so they let us go to the front to resist the Tang army. In fact, they want us to be scapegoats. Just now I questioned Yelu Shuci. The Tang army has more than 100,000 troops. If we fight the Tang army, we will be annihilated. He said, this is your fate. Everyone understands it! In the eyes of the Khitans, we are not even as good as dogs. Dogs can retreat with their masters. The Khitans hope that we will die and use our lives to stop the Tang army and consume the Tang army. Army, it is really intolerable! ”

Everyone said angrily: "Khitan dogs, you are bullying too much, General, what do you say? We listen to you!"

Ren Tianling waved his hand to calm everyone down, and Ren Tianling said: "At the beginning, we had no choice but to surrender to the Khitan. This is a treacherous and ruthless tribe. I also put forward clear conditions. The Khitan must help us restore our country. The Khitan also agreed. Now I think it is a complete deception. If the Khitan really wants to help us restore our country, why do they have to ally with the Japanese army?

I can't tolerate the deception of the Khitans, so I thought of another plan, surrender to the Tang army, but I want your support! ”

Everyone expressed their agreement. The Tang Dynasty was originally their suzerain state. Going to the suzerain state is not called surrender, but submission.

Ren Tianling made up his mind and said to everyone: "We will kill all the Khitan troops tonight, and then go south to surrender to the Tang army!"

Yelü Shuci waited for about an hour, and the Bohai Army finally began to gather. At this time, a personal soldier of Ren Tianling came over and said: "The general has considered several combat plans. Please go to discuss with General Yelu!"

Yelü Shuci nodded, "I will go right away!"

Although he said he would go right away, Yelu Shuci had some doubts in his heart. He had just had a big fight with Ren Tianling. If Ren Tianling took the initiative to compromise, he should take the initiative to apologize to him and reconcile.

After thinking about it, he said to Diecifeng: "You take the brothers to check the morale and team situation of the Bohai Army first. I will finish writing the military report soon and come right away!"

Diecifeng did not doubt it and bowed, "Yes!"

Diecifeng took a thousand Khitan cavalry to the army assembly area of ​​the Bohai Army to check their morale and combat readiness.

Yelu Shuci was anxiously waiting for news. Suddenly, he heard shouts and killings in the distance. He was horrified and quickly jumped on his horse to look in the direction of the Bohai Army. The shouts and killings came from there.

At this time, two Khitan cavalrymen came back and cried, "General Yelu, something bad has happened. The Bohai Army has rebelled. General Diecifeng and a thousand men have been surrounded by them. Most of them have been shot dead. General Diecifeng has been shot by dozens of arrows. His life or death is unknown!"

Yelu Shuci was horrified. The thing he was most worried about really happened. He immediately turned his horse around and fled. Dozens of his men followed him closely.

"They are all a bunch of treacherous bastards!"

Yelu Shuci cursed and fled to the north.

After Ren Tianling killed Diecifeng and a thousand Khitan cavalrymen, he immediately led the army south. He sent a confidant to send a letter to the Tang army first, expressing his willingness to lead the army to surrender to the Tang army.

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