
Chapter 1361: Top of the Guantian Tower

Li Ye's inner study moved to Wangxiantai again. The reason was also very simple. Queen Dugu Xinyue was pregnant again. In order not to affect the queen's fertility, Li Ye moved his inner study to Wangxiantai.

Wangxiantai is the tallest building in the Daming Palace in Chang'an. Its top floor is the Astronomical Observatory, where you can observe the movements of the stars in the sky.

This is where Feilong meditated. He stayed here for eight full years, searching for the secrets between heaven and earth. He spent almost all of his time in the Sky Viewing Tower. Except for occasionally letting Lie Feng in a few times, he was not allowed to do anything. People enter.

The Guantian Tower is also the most mysterious building in the Daming Palace. It was renovated in the early years of Tianbao. It was renovated together with the annex building. All the windows were sealed and there was only one entrance. Especially the last few floors were made extremely smooth without any effort. Even Liefeng and Gongsun, who are the most skilled in Qinggong, cannot climb up.

This ensures that apart from Fei Long, there will not be a second person in the Sky Viewing Tower.

But Li Ye's inner study is not in the Guantian Tower, but in the three-story annex building next to it.

This annex building was originally Feilong's warehouse. Its various treasures are placed on the first floor. The second and third floors are secret rooms. There are no windows on the third floor and no doors on the first floor. It is integrated with the Tianguan Tower. The building has a secret door and a sky-viewing tower to figure it out.

The annex building is designed with very clever vents, which are not stuffy at all, and are made of solid bluestone. The biggest secret of the flying dragon is stored in these three floors. In fact, there is only one diary, which records the reincarnation of the flying dragon. The various mental processes of annihilation.

The three floors were over a thousand square meters, but there was only one one-foot-long scroll placed in an iron cabinet. This shows the importance of this diary.

In the end, Li Ye cremated this diary together with Feilong's body.

Now the annex building of Guantian Tower has been renovated and transformed into Li Ye's inner study room. The main thing is that a door and two windows have been opened on the first floor, but everything else remains unchanged.

The first floor is a place for reading and thinking about national affairs, and the second floor is a place for rest. Only Queen Dugu Xinyue and Yang Yuhuan can go to the second floor, but Dugu Xinyue never comes, so the second floor actually becomes Yang Yuhuan's territory. .

The third floor is Li Ye's treasure room, which houses various treasures he collected, such as the remaining few Caliphate gems, the best mutton-fat jade, some of his favorite paintings and calligraphy, etc. There are about more than 600 pieces. treasure.

In addition, there are two cast iron secret doors on the third floor, leading to the Sky Observation Tower.

In fact, the large iron door of the Guantian Tower has been locked from the inside. The only way to enter the Guantian Tower is through the secret passage on the third floor of Li Ye's study.

Since Li Ye's inner study room was moved to Wangxiantai, every time it was her turn to favor Yang Yuhuan, she would not stay in her palace, but come to Wangxiantai to have a tryst with her husband. In her words, come here for a tryst. It feels like having an affair.

After a passionate moment, Li Ye saw beads of sweat on Yang Yuhuan's pretty face. He thought with a thought and said with a smile, "Why don't we go and enjoy the night breeze?"

"Want to go downstairs for a walk?"

Li Ye shook his head and smiled: "Let's go to the Astronomical Observatory!"

Yang Yuhuan pursed her lips and said coquettishly: "It's too high, I can't climb up!"

"I'll carry you up!"

"I'm lazy! And my husband is too tired!"

Li Ye pulled her and said, "Let's go!"

Yang Yuhuan had to stand up and said: "I'll put on my clothes!"

Li Ye shook his head with a smile. Yang Yuhuan blushed, bit her lip and said, "You bad guy, if you go out without clothes, what if someone sees you? And it's a bit cold at night now, and the wind is strong. , are you willing to let people get sick?"

Li Ye was right when he thought about it. He was physically strong and could withstand the cold and heat, but he forgot that his concubine's body couldn't withstand it.

He smiled and nodded, "Then wear more clothes and go up to the tower. There is a tent on it."

There was Yang Yuhuan's wardrobe in the room. She wore a few more long skirts, and Li Ye also wore a long gown and a sword. The two held hands and walked towards the third floor.

On the third floor, Li Ye opened two secret doors. When he pushed open the secret door, there was a dark attic. It had been cleaned and spotless during the renovation of the annex.

Li Ye held the lantern in one hand and held Yang Yuhuan in the other, slowly walking up and walking a few more floors.

"Come up!"

Li Ye squatted down, and Yang Yuhuan happily lay on her husband, hugged his neck, and said with a smile: "I'll get the lantern!"

Li Ye handed the lantern to her, hugged her legs with both hands, and began to stride upstairs. Yang Yuhuan hugged Li Ye's neck tightly, holding the lantern in her hand.

He whispered in his ear: "I just want my husband to carry me on his back all the time, so I should stop having fun with other women."

Li Ye smiled bitterly and said: "It's okay for a small family, but my status doesn't allow it!"

"Then you are allowed to carry me up to the tower, and you are not allowed to carry other women."

"That's fine. Anyway, you're the only one coming up to the second floor of the study."

Yang Yuhuan was so happy that she kissed her husband on the face and asked quietly: "Are we really the only ones in this tower?"

Li Ye nodded, "The gate of this tower is locked inside and outside. There is no window. You can only enter from the third floor of my study. Aren't we the only two?"

Yang Yuhuan's heart was beating wildly, and she said a few words in Li Ye's ear. Li Ye laughed and put her down. The two hugged each other, and the lantern gradually went out, leaving only the rapid breathing of the two in the darkness.

After another half an hour, the iron door on the top floor finally opened, and the two of them walked hand in hand into the astronomical observatory.

They saw the sky full of stars and the bright Milky Way crossing over their heads. Yang Yuhuan exclaimed that she had never seen such a spectacular Milky Way.

They had no maids or eunuchs around them, so they had to do it themselves. There were several tents on the top, so they could sleep on the astronomical platform.

The two opened the tent and dragged out the soft couch, which had bedding and pillows on it, all brand new. At this time, the sky became the tent.

They took off their clothes and lay down on the couch, covered with a large, thick and soft bedding. Yang Yuhuan snuggled tightly in her husband's arms, and the two hugged each other and looked at the starry sky.

Yang Yuhuan looked at the Milky Way that seemed to be right in front of her, and she suddenly felt like crying. She hugged her husband tightly and said, "Why do I feel like I am lying in the Milky Way?"

Li Ye said leisurely, "The ancients built many sky cities, which were actually built at very high places. At that time, they stood on the highest roof and looked down at the tiny ground. That feeling was in the sky. I also want to build such a sky city."

"Isn't that too labor-intensive?"

Li Ye thought for a while and said, "Now that you put it that way, I think of a good place. Jingshi Mountain in Lushi County, Guozhou, is also called Laojun Mountain. It is the main peak of Funiu Mountain. During the Zhenguan period, Yuchi Gong built a Laojun Temple on the top of the mountain and spent a lot of effort to build a mountain road for transporting supplies. I can also build a temporary palace in the most beautiful place in the mountain, and build a tower on the top of the mountain. That is the Heavenly Palace."

"Husband Does it mean that building a road will not consume the labor of the people? "

"Yes! It's just that building a road is too difficult. The mountain road has been built in advance, and various building materials can be transported up by carts. It will take at most a few thousand civilians and a few hundred craftsmen to complete it in one year. Next year, we can go there to spend the summer. Of course, important officials of the court will go with us. "

Yang Yuhuan smiled and said, "I have a way to legitimately assign Lushi to Luoyang Prefecture, so that it can be considered as an inspection of the Eastern Capital."

Li Ye hugged her and smiled, "In fact, it doesn't matter. Emperors of all dynasties have to go out to escape the summer heat. Wu Zetian also has a palace in Xixia County, Funiu Mountain, and Songshan Mountain. "

Yang Yuhuan actually knew in her heart that it was not so easy to build a palace, especially halfway up the mountain. It would take at least hundreds of thousands of civilians and two or three years to build it. It was really too laborious and costly.

She gently persuaded her husband, "In fact, there are many royal palaces near Chang'an, such as Jiucheng Palace in Linyou County, which is a summer resort, and Huaqing Palace in Mount Li, which is a place for hot springs in winter. I think there is no need to go to Laojun Mountain. If you want to experience the life of the gods in heaven, isn't it good here? My husband has just ascended the throne, so try to avoid wasting money and labor."

When Li Ye heard her mention Huaqing Palace in Mount Li, he didn't hesitate at all, and knew that she had completely thrown away the past in her heart. He was happy and really loved this rare woman.

Li Ye's hands began to move up and down, and he smiled and whispered in her ear, "Why don't we experience how the gods in heaven make clouds and rain together?"

Yang Yuhuan smiled charmingly, twisted her body gently, and her eyes moved, strongly hinting at Li Ye.

At this time, a mist came, Li Ye turned over, and the two of them began to make clouds and rain together as if in the night sky.

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