
Chapter 1391 Meeting at Suiye

Forty thousand Geluolu cavalry came towards the Tang army along the slope. It was like a flood breaking the embankment, and like the sky and the earth falling apart. The momentum was extremely terrifying.

But Xi Wanli did not change his expression inside, and kept his eyes fixed on the 40,000 galloping enemy troops. The enemy's forward had already reached three miles away. Xi Wanli ordered: "Fire signal arrows!"

Nine gunpowder arrows flew into the sky and exploded in the sky. More than a hundred scout cavalry ambushing the enemy on both sides suddenly appeared.

In fact, Sabat had already seen these more than a hundred scout cavalry, but because the number of them was too small, he didn't take it to heart.

More than a hundred scouts and cavalry raised their bows and fired together. Hundreds of gunpowder arrows shot into the enemy crowd. The burning gunpowder arrows fell to the ground and immediately caused a fire on the ground.

The Tang army allowed the Geluolu cavalry to occupy the condescending and favorable terrain, but the downside was that the Geluolu cavalry could only run along fixed routes.

Tang Junpu sprinkled three thousand barrels of kerosene and planted hundreds of large iron fire mines.

A raging fire suddenly ignited beneath the 40,000 Geluolu cavalry, instantly engulfing the 10,000 cavalry running in front. The cavalry suddenly screamed, and then hundreds of iron fire thunders exploded one after another, "Boom! Boom!" "

There was an earth-shattering explosion on the grassland. The soil and grass were blown everywhere. Pieces of enemy cavalry were blown to pieces, and even men and horses were blown away.

The fire and explosion caused the Gallolu cavalry to fall into hell in an instant. Thick smoke billowed, flames surged into the sky, and the horses neighed wildly. They couldn't stand the fire and fell down. Countless people were burned until they howled like ghosts.

The cavalry at the back turned their horses and fled. The thousands of cavalry in front could not turn back and escape, so they had to bite the bullet and continue to attack the Tang army's cavalry. What greeted them was a head-on attack by 30,000 cavalry.

The Tang army did not use explosive arrows because the grass was very soft. If they landed without explosion and were stepped on by the Tang army's cavalry, the gain would outweigh the losses.

The Geluolu cavalry was defeated, and 30,000 Tang troops pursued them all the way, killing nearly 25,000 of the enemy. Sabat led more than 14,000 people and fled north in a hurry. They fled Yili with the Geluolu people. River valley, fleeing back to his home base of Xuanhai area.

In this battle, Ge Luolu was severely weakened. A few years later, the Kunjian army went south, defeated the Ge Luolu army, and annexed most of the Pogo Ge Luolu army. A few remaining troops retreated to the west of Yibohai, and Sa Bart was also killed by his son.

Ge Luolu became the whetstone for the re-emergence of the Kunjian tribe.

Ge Luolu's army was defeated, and Li Fei Shouyu's army was responsible for cleaning the battlefield. The 40,000 Tang troops continued to advance westward and passed Gongyue City a few days later.

Gongyue City was a military city built by the Tang army to monitor the Yili River Valley. There were 300 defenders. Although the Geluolu people occupied the Yili River Valley, Shaya Khan did not dare to fall out with the Tang Dynasty. They did not harass Gongyue City.

Although the new Khan Sabat strongly opposed the Tang Dynasty, his time in office was too short and he was defeated by the Tang army before he had time to deal with Gongyue City.

Gongyue City got its name because it was built on Gongyue Ridge. The logistics of the three hundred Tang Army were originally supported by the three Tuqi Shi tribes. Although the Geluolu people annexed the three Tuqi Shi tribes, they had not had time to separate and digest them.

As the Geluolu people fled north in haste, no one from the three Tuqishi tribes took care of them. They came back with some of their cattle and sheep, and resumed living and grazing on the land where their ancestors lived, reproducing their offspring, and once again taking on the responsibility of supporting and guarding the border. Tang Jun's mission.

Since most of the Tuqishi men were killed by the Geluolu people in the war, there was a serious shortage of young men. The soldiers of the Tang Army in Gongyue City became the hope of the Tuqishi tribe to reproduce their descendants.

For ten years, five consecutive Tang army defenders married Tuqishi girls and lived in the Yili River Valley.

Decades later, a Tuqishi tribe with obvious Han ancestry formed in the Yili River Valley, known as the Tuqishi Han people. The leader of the tribe, Yuchi Mingyuan, was named Gongyue Khan by the Tang Dynasty and served as General Yili. , he and his people have lived in the Yili River Valley for generations.

At this time, Bai Xiaode, the commander-in-chief of the Western Expedition, had already led an army of 20,000 to Suiye, and Guo Xin and Li Chenghua had also entered new roles.

Guo Xin served as Sima of the Western Expeditionary Army, while Li Chenghua was granted the title of Censor Zhongcheng and took on the post of supervisor of the army.

Although Li Chenghua is a woman, she is the commander of the inner guards. With her qualifications and skills, no one dares to treat her as a woman, and no one dares to look down upon her.

Li Chenghua lived in Suiye Inn, which became a temporary official office of the internal guard. She had nearly 500 internal guard soldiers under her command.

Thirty-five hundred girls from the Tang Dynasty also temporarily lived in Suiye City. They were taught to read and write every day. Li Fang was also learning to read and write. He could speak fluent Chinese and had learned the Thousand-Character Classic, but he was far away. not enough.

There are many scholars in Suiye. This is a good foundation laid by Wang Changling. He was taught reading by a government professor named Li Jinhua.

Li Fang likes reading, especially reading. Not only does he devote himself to studying with his master, but he also spends most of his time reading.

Li Fang also lived in Suiye Inn, and Li Chenghua found an old servant to take care of him.

In the afternoon, Li Chenghua came back from outside and saw Li Fang sitting alone in the pavilion reading. Li Chenghua felt really pity in his heart. This child was obviously a teenager, but he always treated him as his little wife.

This child was too quiet and quiet. He was rarely seen talking. He almost didn't speak a word on the way from Samarkand to Zhiye.

Now that everyone is familiar with it, things are a little better.

Li Chenghua walked into the pavilion and asked with a smile: "What book are you reading, Master?"

Li Fang unfolded the cover and looked at it. It turned out to be "Zhuangzi". Li Chenghua smiled and asked, "Do you like it?"

Li Fang nodded, and Li Chenghua sat down next to him and said with a smile: "The news about your father should arrive in the next few days. It is estimated that you will return to Chang'an with more than 3,000 young ladies. Are you looking forward to it?"

A trace of worry flashed in Li Fang's eyes, and he whispered: "Auntie, are you going too?"

Li Chenghua was startled. This child actually had a slight dependence on him. The motherly love in her heart suddenly aroused, and she said softly: "I'm afraid I can't leave. Your father just appointed me as the supervisor. I won't be able to leave until the war is over." Go back to Chang'an!"

Li Fang lowered his head for a while and said, "I can also go to Chang'an after the war is over!"

Li Chenghua nodded, "Okay! I make the decision this time."

A smile appeared on Li Fang's face, and he asked with some uneasiness in his eyes: "Will Auntie be punished by my father?"

Li Chenghua chuckled, "No, your father and I have a very good relationship. He is my lord, but he is also my friend. Others can't persuade him about many things, but I can persuade him."

"But I read in a book that emperors are terrible, and accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. Is my father very fierce?"

Li Chenghua said softly: "Your father is different from other emperors. Although he has royal status, he came from a poor family and relied on his own ability to conquer the world step by step. Your father is very tolerant and has a broad mind. He will definitely like you. , you also have your grandfather and grandmother, especially your grandmother, she loves her grandchildren very much. "

"But I'm a barbarian?"

Li Chenghua shook his head and solemnly said to the young man: "Remember, whether you are a Hu or not depends on your father. If your father is Han, you are Han. If your father is a Hu, even if the mother is Han, the child will also be a Han. This is the rule of us Han people, do you understand?"

"I see!"

Li Fang nodded slightly and said a little embarrassedly: "Auntie, I have two little ladies, can you?"

Li Chenghua understood immediately. The two little maids who had been serving him had grown up together and had a very good relationship.

"Okay! Tell me their names and I will pick them up."

Li Fang pulled out a delicate piece of paper from the book and handed it to Li Chenghua, "It's the two of them!"

Li Chenghua took one look and couldn't help but laugh. One was named Wang Xiao'e and the other was named Wang Xiaoya. They were both thirteen years old.

"I know, I'll find it for you tomorrow!"

At this time, a female internal guard soldier walked over quickly and bowed: "To the commander-in-chief, General Bai invites you to come over. The 40,000-strong imperial army has arrived!"

Li Chenghua was overjoyed that 40,000 reinforcements finally arrived.

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