
Chapter 301 Convincing the Wang Family

The assassination of Yang Xuangui caused a great impact on the imperial court and had a huge impact on all aspects. The emperor Li Longji was extremely angry. He first dismissed Zheng Keshan, the magistrate of Wannian County, and demoted Li Xian, the magistrate of Wannian County, to the position of prefect of Lingling.

Zhang Boji, the left minister of the Ministry of Justice who was previously in charge of the case, was demoted to Chencang County Lieutenant. Wei Kui, the young minister of Dali Temple, was demoted to Zaoyang County Lieutenant. In addition, Li Xiu, the minister of Dali Temple, was demoted to the rank of doctor of the Ministry of Industry.

But Li Linfu was not involved, but Li Linfu's safe landing was also cast a shadow. Maybe he would take the blame in the end.

Li Ye arrived at the Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall in Dongshi like a gust of wind. When he walked into the martial arts hall, he only heard shouts and shouts. Hundreds of martial arts disciples were sitting around a wooden platform. Zhang Ping was on the wooden platform talking to a burly man. flutter.

Of course, Japanese sumo wrestling was passed down from the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, sumo wrestling was an extremely popular game. Although it was not as enthusiastic as polo, there were still many loyal sumo fans.

A sumo competition is held in Chang'an every year. The first place in last year's sumo competition was Zhang Ping. Pei Min failed to train Li Ye, and Li Ye embarked on another path of becoming a fierce general. Despite regrets, Pei Min tried his best to train Li Ye. Training Zhang Ping, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, really brought out Zhang Ping.

Li Ye also saw it. Zhang Ping's lower body was as stable as a mountain, and his upper body was extremely strong, no less than himself. Of course, Li Ye's advantage did not lie in strength, but in speed, ruthlessness, and accuracy, the ultimate combination of the three. , coupled with superhuman acumen.

At this time, Zhang Ping deliberately showed a flaw. The sturdy man seized the opportunity, hugged Zhang Ping's waist, and tried to knock him down. Zhang Ping chuckled, but his lower body did not move at all. He picked up the one on his feet and threw it out hard, 'Boom! ’ There was a loud noise, and the sturdy man was thrown out of the line.

Zhang Ping clapped his hands proudly, "Who's next!"

Li Ye smiled and said, "Let me give it a try!"

Zhang Ping was startled and quickly said: "Brother, stop joking. How can I be your opponent? Save some face for me."

The disciples around were talking, and Li Ye smiled and said: "I just want to try your skills, let's stop there!"

Li Ye's implication was to tell Zhang Ping that he would not lose face in front of all his disciples.

Zhang Ping had no choice but to agree, "Brother, please show mercy!"

Zhang Ping is not modest. He is afraid of Li Ye from the bottom of his heart. He knows that Li Ye knows his background. Even his master has repeatedly told him that Li Ye is taking the path of a fierce general and is not the same as his fighting path. thing.

A fierce general pays attention to efficiency, kills the opponent as quickly as possible, and pursues results, while the road of fighting pays attention to beautiful tricks, pleasing to the eye, and the process, making it enjoyable for ordinary viewers.

If there is a real fight, the fight may be over before the fighter is ready.

Even Pei Min himself understood that his martial arts skills were better and more thrilling than Li Ye's, but in fact, he was not necessarily Li Ye's opponent.

Li Ye cupped his fists and saluted and said with a smile: "Little Fatty, it's about to begin!"

He suddenly raised his foot and kicked towards Zhang Ping. Zhang Ping's eyes flashed. Li Ye's foot was already in front of him. It was so fast that he didn't even react. Zhang Ping's face changed drastically and he instinctively fisted Cross your chest, luckily he was prepared in advance.

The move of holding the chest with both fists is called 'Feng', which is a unique defensive move taught to him by Pei Min. No matter what kind of fists and kicks, he can defend against it. Li Ye's foot kicked Zhang Ping's arm, and Zhang Ping felt a powerful force. The power surged towards him, and he reached the critical point in an instant.

Zhang Ping suppressed his blush, roared, and leaned forward with all his strength to withstand the overwhelming force of Li Ye's kick. Li Ye's strength disappeared suddenly, and Zhang Ping's rock-hard lower body was broken in an instant. He staggered and was about to fall forward when another gentle force held him up.

Li Ye took a few steps back and said with a smile: "I accept it!"

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and secretly felt lucky that his elder brother had given him face. He quickly clasped his fists and said, "Admit defeat! Admit defeat!"

Li Ye stepped forward and patted his arm and said with a smile: "I have something important to do with you!"

"Everyone, keep practicing, Mr. Wang, you will be in charge!"

Zhang Ping took a towel to wipe the sweat on his face and forehead, gave a few instructions, and took Li Ye to the next door.

The disciples were confused. It seemed that the two of them had not fought. Li Ye just kicked twice and it was over. However, a group of martial arts masters saw it. The opponent cleverly used the contraction and release of power. The host's hand has been broken by him, or in other words, by the host himself.

This is the real master. One move can determine the outcome. Everyone is shocked. Who is this master?

It seems that this person has a very close relationship with the owner of the museum.

While everyone was making random guesses, Li Ye looked at Zhang Ping with cold eyes in the room, "I know you have been monitoring that Quan Furong. Tell me, where is her residence?"

Zhang Ping's face turned the color of pig liver, and he said after a while: "I know where she is hiding, but my adoptive father wants to kill her with his own hands. Brother, I really can't tell you without my adoptive father's consent."

Li Ye nodded, "I won't embarrass you, take me to see your adoptive father!"

Zhang Ping is a brother after all. Although he could not tell Li Ye where Quan Furong was hiding without permission, he brought Li Ye to meet his adoptive father Wang Xuanhai.

Wang Xuanhai met with Li Ye in the VIP guest hall.

Wang Xuanhai knew Li Ye, the legendary figure on the polo field Fei Shark, the grandson of Prime Minister Li Linfu, an important hero in the Western Region War, the son of his adopted son Zhang Ping, and even the person who was highly valued by his backstage king Si Ning.

In any case, Li Ye is a figure worthy of close friendship with the Wang family. Wang Xuanhai asked with a smile: "Isn't it a good thing for General Li's family that Quan Furong assassinated someone from the Yang family? Why is General Li so eager to arrest her?"

Li Ye said calmly: "Her indiscriminate killing has threatened the fate of my entire family. I want to bring her to justice and hand her over to the government."

Wang Xuanhai pondered for a moment and said: "But our Wang family also has a deep hatred for her. My brother vowed to kill her with his own hands. General Li's request makes it very difficult for me to handle!"

Li Ye smiled and said: "If it was possible to kill her, I believe the Wang family would have taken action long ago. Why hasn't the Wang family taken action? Because she is from An Lushan. If the Wang family kills her now, aren't they afraid of An Lushan's revenge? ?

Secondly, this woman is extremely cunning and highly skilled in martial arts. It’s not that I underestimate the Wang family. With the warriors of the Wang family, they really can’t catch her. How many people can stop her deadly poisonous needle? "

Li Ye didn't say much, but he hit the nail on the head. Wang Xuanhai couldn't sit still. He stood up and paced back and forth in the lobby. Li Ye was right. To capture this woman, the Wang family warriors would definitely pay a heavy price. More importantly, An Lushan will never let go of the Wang family. The Wang family is a businessman after all, and they will never be able to withstand An Lushan's thunderous blow.

Wang Xuanhai was finally convinced by Li Ye, "Okay! I'll leave this woman to you."

At night, more than a hundred Chang'an County catchers, led by County Lieutenant Feng Min, surrounded a small house close to the city wall in Shengdaofang. This was Quan Furong's private residence in Chang'an. It was extremely secretive. Even Anqing Zong didn't know that it was used by the Wang family. It took three years to find this house, and bought the right and left neighbors of the small house, and closely monitored the small house.

After Yang Xuangui was killed, Quan Furong told Anqingzong that she left Chang'an, but in fact she did not leave, but hid in her own small house. She thought she was perfect, but in fact she had been pretended to be a neighbor by the Wang family's men. Close surveillance.

County Lieutenant Feng Min was extremely excited. He never dreamed that this opportunity would fall on him. Of course he was excited. The emperor had ordered that anyone who caught the assassin would be promoted to three levels in a row. As long as he caught the female assassin, he would be promoted to three levels in a row. level, then the position of Wannian County Magistrate will belong to him.

"General Li, what should we do?" Feng Min asked in a low voice.

Of course, Li Ye didn't expect the county government officials to catch Quan Furong. He had to do it himself. He smiled at Feng Min and said, "When I give the signal to light the fire, you start knocking on the door to scare the snake, and then prepare a big net. "

"I see!"

Li Ye held a sword in his hand, wore armor, and carried a bow and arrow on his back, and jumped up to the top of the city. He knew well that Quan Furong chose a small house close to the city wall, just like he did before, if there was any trouble, he could immediately climb over the city. And escape.

Li Ye took his position on the top of the city and flashed a fire stick. This was the signal.

More than a hundred trappers poured out from the neighboring houses on both sides and began hitting the giant logs against each other.

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