
Chapter 308 Not a distinguished guest

There was a row of tables in front of the Yuanzhai Mansion. The fourth child, Dugu Jue, was in charge of welcoming the guests. There were also several Dugu disciples and their servants who directed the carriage to stop.

There were five or six staff sitting behind the table, responsible for registering guest information and registering the gift list.

In addition, there are sixteen tall and burly warriors lined up against the wall. They are responsible for maintaining order and preventing anyone from coming to cause trouble. It can be seen that the Dugu family has thought carefully and arranged everything in an orderly manner.

It was the peak time for guests to arrive. Carriage after carriage drove from the city and stopped in front of the gate. The guests got off the carriage. Almost all of them were high-ranking officials and dignitaries from the court, bringing their wives, daughters and sons.

An invitation can bring three family members. The wife must bring one, and each of the children should bring one. This opportunity is rare. It allows the son to increase his connections and the daughter to meet someone she likes, and maybe a marriage can be achieved.

This seems to be what most of the guests think. They are almost all a family of four, with a capable and shrewd husband, a graceful and luxurious wife, a handsome son and a pretty daughter.

"Welcome! Welcome! I haven't seen Shilang Yu for a long time. I heard that Shilang Yu is going to be promoted. Congratulations!"

"Where! They are all rumors and should not be taken seriously. This is my wife, Dou. These two are the dog and the daughter. I have met you before, the Lord of Loneliness!"

"Yes! We met ten years ago. They were both children at that time. In a blink of an eye, they have grown up. They have a son and a daughter. Minister Yu is so lucky!"

Dugujue is currently serving as the governor of Tongzhou. He had previously served as the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple and was familiar with the high-ranking officials and dignitaries of the imperial court.

Dugujue received guests attentively and enthusiastically, and was eloquent, but there were too many guests, and he could not receive everyone. He mainly received high-ranking officials, like the Yu Qian in front of him, but he was the left minister of the Ministry of Rites and the son-in-law of Xu Guogong Dou Ci, who held real power. Of course he would receive it in person.

"Please, Mr. Yu, please, Qi Lang, take Mr. Yu and his family to Hall No. 3 to rest!"

A shrewd young man quickly stepped forward to salute and respectfully invited Shilang Yu and his family into the mansion.

At this time, Dugujue saw a tall and strong young man registering. He seemed to be coming alone. Just as he was about to go up and ask, a disciple came to report, "Fourth Master, Chen Xiangguo is here!"

It was Chen Xilie, the Prime Minister of the Left, who had arrived. Dugujue did not dare to neglect him, nor did he bother to ask the tall young man. He hurriedly greeted him.

The tall young man is naturally Li Ye. He wears a royal blue satin gown, a leather belt around his waist, and a gauze hat on his head. In fact, most of the guests are dressed like this. The burlap short coat is the dress of old farmers in the countryside. Fine linen was the clothing of ordinary people, and coachmen and the like wore fine linen black clothes.

As a guest, wearing a decent satin gown is the most basic etiquette and a sign of respect for the host. Generally, older men wear dark satin gowns, while young men wear mainly white ones with gold embroidery on them, which makes them look Just polite and personable.

Li Ye looks a little older in a royal blue satin gown, but with his tall and tall figure, he actually looks elegant no matter what he wears.

Of course, Li Ye didn't expect Dugujue to exchange a few words with him. He held a light blue invitation. Generally, purple invitations were for the third grade or above, dark red invitations were for the fifth grade or above, and light red invitations were for the fifth grade or below. One type is a light blue invitation, which represents a celebrity. Wang Yuanbao got such an invitation. Of course, being invited to attend the birthday banquet by the Dugu family is a great honor in itself.

Generally, guests holding light red and light blue invitations are very conscious and register directly before entering the house. Don't expect to receive a warm reception like Yu Qian just now.

The invitation in Li Ye's hand was for Lie Feng. If Lie Feng himself came, it would definitely be a purple invitation. But Lie Feng was in retreat, and the Dugu family also knew that it would be Lie Feng's disciples who came, so they Used light blue invitations.

However, several staff members in charge of registration did not care about this. They registered the invitation number. Li Ye took a pen and wrote his identity and name under the number: General Yunhui, Li Ye.

Then he handed over a long and flat gift box, "This is my birthday gift to the old birthday girl, a string of Buddhist beads."

Several guests in the back all said ‘Pfft! ’ I laughed out loud, actually giving Buddhist beads to the Dugu family, can I handle it?

Several staff members were experienced, but they saw that this young man was actually General Yunhui. He was a third-rank military official! And it still represents Lie Feng.

They hurriedly said: "It's enough that the general has this intention, please come in quickly!"

Li Ye also felt a little regretful. Although the string of Buddhist beads he gave was a gift from an eminent monk, they didn't know it! And have they heard of Guru Rinpoche?

There was no other way, the other party had already accepted the gift, so Li Ye had no choice but to bow and walk into the garden house.

Several staff members discussed it and decided that they should tell their master. One of the staff members got up and walked towards Dugujue.

At this time, Dugujue had already sent Chen Xilie into the house. As soon as he came out, his staff came forward and said, "Third Master, I have something to report."

"What's up?"

"There was a very tall young man checking in just now."

"I saw him just now, what happened to him?"

"His registered official position is General Yunhui!"

Dugujue was immediately startled. General Yunhui was from the third rank, and he should know all the senior military officials in the court! That young man is quite young, he seems to be less than twenty years old. How could he be General Yunhui?

"What's his name?"

"It's called Li Ye!"

Dugujue was the governor of Tongzhou. He just came back from Tongzhou. He really didn't know Li Ye.

He frowned and waved to his nephew Dugu Jinyang next to him, "Sanlang, come here!"

Lonely Jinyang walked forward quickly, "What does Fourth Uncle want from me?"

"Let me ask you, who is Li Ye?"

Lonely Jinyang was startled, "Li Ye! Is his official position General Yunhui?"


Lonely Jinyang smiled and said: "He is a young general who has become very famous in the imperial court recently. He fought against Dashi in the Western Regions and made great contributions. The emperor made him the governor of Hezhong, General Yunhui, and Duke of Gaochang. It is said that he was almost made the king of the county. "

Dugujue was even more surprised. He was actually the second-grade founding Duke of the country. His title was higher than his own. He was just an earl.

"Is he a member of the clan?" Dugujue asked again.

Lonely Jinyang smiled and said: "He is Li Linfu's grandson, he can barely be regarded as his direct grandson!"

Dugujue suddenly realized that he was Li Linfu's grandson. This background was quite strong.

He suddenly frowned, "Why did he get the light blue invitation? Was it a mistake?"

The staff quickly explained: "He took Liefeng's invitation!"

Lonely Jinyang smiled and nodded, "That's right. This boy has a deep relationship with Feilong and Liefeng. I heard that Liefeng is in retreat. It's normal for him to represent Liefeng. I guess the invitation was given to him by Suzaku."

Dugujue felt that it was very inappropriate and rude that the dignified second-grade Duke actually gave him a blue invitation. Later, his seat would be among the ordinary guests. If others knew about it, they would say that the Dugu family was neglecting guests.

"Third Master, this is a congratulatory gift from him!" The staff member handed the brocade box to Dugu Jue.

Dugujue opened the gift box. Inside was a string of Buddhist beads, which were extremely blue. Each bead had three white dots on it. They were evenly distributed and looked like three eyes.

Although Dugujue didn't know the origin of this string of beads, he knew the goods. It was the top-grade lapis lazuli, one of the seven Buddhist treasures. There were also three white spots, which were probably the legendary three-eyed lapis lazuli. It seems that Daci Temple also enshrines a string of beads. , belonging to Master Xuanzang.

He quickly said to Dugu Jinyang: "This is not an ordinary gift. Show the beads to the old lady, and then find General Li and move his position to the second level. We can't be rude. "

Lonely Jinyang nodded, "I'll go right away!"

Lonely Jinyang hurried into the house with the box.

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