
Chapter 315 Don’t reveal your wealth

With the warning from the guard, Li Ye did not rush back to the house. He ran in from the alley of Li Xun's house, climbed directly up the city wall, and ran towards his house.

Unfortunately for him today, he only brought an ordinary decorative long sword, a dagger and four throwing knives. The Qinglong Dao and Dao Shu were both in Taipingfang.

Li Ye suddenly felt something in his heart. He had been staying in Taipingfang these past few days and had no intention of coming to the old house. Today he came to the old house temporarily because he didn't have enough time.

The address he registered with the government was Changlefang. Only people with close connections knew that he actually lived in Taipingfang.

This shows that this group of people did not plan in advance to assassinate him, but it was a temporary act. They did not even know that they lived in Taipingfang.

Running to the top of the wall, Li Ye looked towards his yard from the city wall.

The alley was very quiet, not a single person was seen, but the house was equally quiet, not a single person was seen, and nothing unusual could be seen.

Li Ye turned around and found that Li Xun's light was still on and he was still studying hard in the room.

Li Ye observed for a moment more, but there was still no movement in his house. He slid into the courtyard from the wall, pulled out a flying knife and clasped it in his hand, and entered the inner courtyard along the wall.

There was still no movement in the yard. He looked towards his room and was shocked. His window was pried open and the door was ajar. Someone had indeed come.

Li Ye simply hid in the dark, calmed down, slowly closed his eyes, as if he was in the river, and listened to all the subtle movements with his heart.

At the bottom of the river, he could feel the subtle changes in various currents, and in the yard, he could also feel various extremely subtle sounds.

He could even feel the sound of Li Xun pacing back and forth in the house five feet away, as well as the various noises and voices from the surrounding neighbors, but his yard was quiet.

After feeling for a moment, there was still no movement, not even the rattling sound of a mouse. Li Ye flicked his hand and shot a flying knife through the window and into the house.

There was indeed no one in the house. Li Ye got up and walked into his room. The room was in a mess. The cabinets were overturned. All kinds of shabby clothes were scattered all over the floor. The pens, inks, papers and inkstones on the desk were also smashed. Throw it on the ground.

The bed was also erected, and all the broken items under the bed were turned over in a mess. These were old things they moved from Yonghefang and kept as souvenirs, including the small wooden stick he had used since childhood.

Li Ye went to Aunt Mu and his mother's room again, but it was also messed up.

Li Ye finally understood that the other party was not actually here to assassinate him, but was taking advantage of his attending the birthday banquet to look for something. However, these people found nothing and left in a hurry.

Li Ye glanced at the city wall. The other party must have crossed the city and left before he came back.

"not good!"

Li Ye secretly screamed something bad. Could it be that the other party had already been to Taipingfang. They didn't find what they wanted in Taipingfang, so they came to Changlefang again.

Li Ye suddenly became anxious and immediately went out to Taipingfang. Although the gate of the square was closed, for many people, the night had just begun. They would not be restricted by the square wall at all. Climbing the wall would be like a flat ground. Only ordinary people would be trapped. Trapped by the square wall.

In less than half an hour, Li Ye ran to Taipingfang in one breath, climbed over the wall and entered the square, and came to his house.

"Bang bang!" Li Ye knocked on the door, and for a moment Uncle Kou's voice came from inside.


Li Ye suddenly felt relieved, "Uncle Kou, it's me!"

The door opened, and the gray-haired old Kou held up a lantern and said with a smile: "The gate of the square is closed. I thought the young master would never come back."

"Is there anything unusual at home?"

"No, I just took a look around, just like usual."

Li Ye walked around the inner courtyard and looked around. There was indeed nothing unusual, so he felt relieved.

"The old house in Changlefang was broken into by thieves and it was turned into a mess. I'm worried about this place."

Lao Kou quickly shook his head, "No, there's nothing unusual here, it's very quiet!"

Li Ye returned to his study and took out two large boxes from the closet. All his wealth was packed in these boxes, including more than 20,000 dinar gold coins, a large bag of gems, two thousand taels of silver, and several One hundred taels of scattered natural gold.

He put the two hundred taels of gold into the box. Was it because he had won the prize for defeating An Shouren this afternoon, or because Gao Xianzhi had asked An Qingxu for it as a reward for himself.

But what gives Li Ye a headache is that the secret room will not be opened until three months later. His belongings cannot be stored in the secret room. His secret room only stores the nine Caliphate gems, some high-quality gems, and his long hair.

After much deliberation, Li Ye could only temporarily store these belongings in Baoji Cabinet.

But who are these men in black? Li Ye couldn't figure out what they wanted to steal.

The residence of Yang Yupei, the wife of Guo State, is also in Pingkangfang, not far from Li Linfu's house. It is also a mansion covering an area of ​​30 to 40 acres.

At this time, in the inner hall, his nephew Yang Hui knelt down and reported: "Aunt Qi, we went to his house and rummaged through the boxes and cabinets. We only found some copper coins and rags, nothing valuable."

Yang Yupei slammed the table and said angrily: "Incompetent idiot, you can't handle this little thing, what use are you?"

Yang Hui was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word. Yang Yupei's face, Shi Jingzhong, advised him from the side: "It's not necessarily that the third young master is incompetent. Maybe the other party stores all the valuable things in the cabinet. The treasure that the lady wants should also be there." In it.”

"Is that so?" Yang Yupei glared at Yang Hui.

"It's possible, but my nephew thinks the other scenario is more likely."

"what's the situation?"

Yang Hui whispered: "Maybe he has another place to live?"

"why would you say so?"

"Because there is no one in the house, and there are no servants. There are spider webs in the stove, and the yard is full of one-foot-high weeds. It has obviously been uninhabited for a long time."

Yang Yupei said dissatisfied: "Did you say that he lives in Changlefang?"

"My nephew has checked the county government records. His address is indeed in Changlefang. The record of the official department is also in the third lane of Changlefang. But I don't know if he has any other houses. My nephew will think of a way. Go check it out.”

Yang Yupei gritted his teeth and said: "You are really an out-and-out idiot. What's the use of finding out? He has already alerted the snake, will he still put the things at home? He only had one chance, and you wasted it."

Yang Hui quickly knelt down and kowtowed, "My nephew is incompetent and has delayed Auntie's important event!"

Yang Yupei was a little tired, waved his hand and said: "Forget it, it's not a big deal, just go ahead!"

Yang Hui kowtowed, and Yang Yupei said again: "But you still have to find his real address. You don't know, but someone must know it. Ask Yang Xiu, and then don't act rashly!"

"My nephew understands!"

Yang Hui left in a panic.

Shi Jingzhong whispered: "How about I buy one for Madam?"

Yang Yupei slapped him in the face, "Idiot, who am I? What I like can still be bought in the market?"

Shi Jingzhong bowed and said: "Yes! Yes! The villain made a mistake."

Yang Yupei sighed again, "The concubine's gemstone is simply indescribable. It is like the condensation of the sea. It is extremely pure and intoxicating blue. I have so many jewelry. Compared with it, it is like garbage. "

Shi Jingzhong said cautiously: "Maybe he only has this piece and dedicated it to the imperial concubine!"

"Of course it's possible, but what if he still has it? I don't care, the concubine has it, and I want a piece of it too."

"How about letting the emperor oppress him?"

Yang Yupei nodded. This was her last step. If she really couldn't do it, she could only use this method.

Early the next morning, Li Ye deposited all his personal belongings in Baoji Cabinet.

He then found Zhang Ping and told him that his old house in Changlefang had been robbed last night.

Zhang Ping frowned, "He is definitely not an ordinary thief. The thief will definitely visit the place in advance. The thief will never ask the guard. I guess he is here for you. Your address in the government records is Changlefang. Lane 3, do you remember?”

Li Ye nodded. When the government sent the Qiu Shou notice, it was sent to Changlefang.

"I want to know, how many people know about my house in Taipingfang?"

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "Actually, if you think about it differently, your accommodation in Taipingfang will be easy to find!"

"How to say?"

"When your parents got married, their new house was in the Taipingfang house. No one else knew, at least the Li family knew. Isn't your parents' residence your residence?"

Zhang Ping is right, Li Ye nodded, "That's right, actually, I'm not afraid of them, I just want to find these little thieves. What do they want to do, what do they want to find from me?"

"Of course what the other party wants is a treasure. Do you have any treasures?"

Li Ye pondered for a moment and suddenly thought of the ten Caliphate gems. He was too meddlesome and gave one to Concubine Yang. The news must have been leaked.

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