
Chapter 319 Hidden dangers are hard to eliminate

Yang Guozhong left with his entourage. Li Dai stepped forward and asked, "What did he say?"

Li Ye looked at Yang Guozhong's walking back and said, "Why don't we find a place to have lunch first?"

The father and son came to the Anranju Restaurant in Guangzhaifang. The business was very good, and almost all officials came to have lunch.

It was also a coincidence that I happened to meet Li Xun's father Li Wei when I entered the door. Li Wei is currently the chief steward of four Anranju restaurants in Wannian County. He is smart and generous, and is very popular among the shopkeepers and clerks.

Li Wei was really happy and saluted: "I heard that the fifth brother is back. Does he live in the main mansion or Taipingfang?"

"I live over there in Taipingfang. My brother brings his sister-in-law and children to play together. Ye'er's mother still misses my sister-in-law and Xiaohe all the time!"

"Okay, I'll come to visit my fifth brother in two days!"

Li Ye didn't like elegant rooms very much, so Li Wei found a seat by the window on the second floor for them and his son to sit down, and brought them seven or eight dishes and a bottle of wine.

Li Ye filled a glass of wine for his father and said, "Yang Guozhong mainly thanked me for catching the assassin who assassinated his son."

"Ah! Did you catch the assassin?"

Li Ye nodded, "This case has been delayed for a long time and has seriously affected my grandfather's safety. The emperor is ready to use my grandfather to take the blame, so I have to take action."

Li Dai also heard his father talk about the assassination case. The key to him being able to retreat safely was that the assassination case was solved.

"But how did you find this female assassin?"

"This is all due to local snakes. In fact, Wang Yuanbao has been keeping an eye on him for a long time."

"The richest man in Chang'an?"

Li Ye nodded, "He is not only the richest man in Chang'an, but his brother Wang Xuanhai is the biggest local gangster in Chang'an. He controls dozens of martial arts schools. The three religions and nine schools in Chang'an all depend on his face."

Li Dai's heart moved, wouldn't it be more necessary for him to get acquainted with local snakes when he was appointed as Jingzhao?

"How do you know Wang Yuanbao and Wang Xuanhai?"

"The first time I got to know them was through His Highness Prince Si Ning. The Ning Prince family has always been Wang Yuanbao's biggest supporter, but it's different now. I have a good friend named Zhang Ping. My father must have seen him. He is tall and fat. Father, do you still remember?"

"From what your mother said, it sounds like his name is Xiaopang!"

"Yes! That's him. He is now Wang Xuanhai's adopted son. He is the real adopted son and works for Wang Xuanhai."

Li Dai said slowly: "I want to get to know the Wang brothers and Zhang Ping. I'm afraid I will deal with them often in the future."

"No problem. When I have time, I will take my father to visit them."

"I'll make some arrangements! It'll be tomorrow."

At this moment, Li Dai's expression changed and he stared at the stairs. Li Ye looked back and saw several young men going downstairs one after another.

"Who did father see?"

"A man came down just now, it seems to be Yuwen Huaide."

Yuwen Huaide was Li Dai's former son Li Huai. He followed his mother to the Yuwen family and changed his name to Yuwen Huaide. After Yuwen Siwu's death, he became very low-key and it was difficult to hear news about him. Unexpectedly, he was actually in a restaurant. Met.

Li Ye looked out the window and said to his father for a moment: "Father is right, it's him. If father wants to see him, I will bring him back!"

Li Dai shook his head, "I heard that after Yuwen Siwu's death, Yuwen Hui regarded him as his biological son, and his name was hung in the Yuwen family ancestral hall. Last year, your grandfather celebrated his seventieth birthday, and he didn't show up at all. He was completely different from Li Dai. It’s irrelevant.”

"In that case, why should father care about him?"

Li Dai sighed and said, "I don't want to care about him, but after all, he called me daddy when he was a child, hey!"

Li Ye did not speak. He also knew that the blood relationship between father and son could not be eliminated. Yang Guozhong reminded himself to be careful of the Yuwen family and the Wu family. Although Yang Guozhong was not sincere, these two families were indeed a hidden worry, especially this one. Yuwen Huaide, once he is not handled well, he will become a disaster sooner or later.

After lunch, Li Dai went to Jingzhao Mansion, while Li Ye came to the mansion of Hanzhong King Li Yu. Li Yu's mansion is located in Xuanyangfang and is a mansion covering an area of ​​more than ten acres.

Li Yu is currently serving as the imperial minister, replacing Wu Xin who was dismissed from his post. However, Li Yu is not very keen on officialdom. When he goes to the official office to look for him, he most likely cannot be found. All chores are left to his subordinates, while he himself Likes to wander around.

Li Yu's greatest advantage is that he is well-informed, and nothing in the court can be hidden from him. Li Ye came to him today to inquire about some information.

Li Yu was in the mansion today. When he heard that Li Ye was coming, he personally invited Li Ye to the guest hall.

"Is Mr. Qinglian here?" Li Ye asked with a smile.

"What a coincidence. At the invitation of Wang Wei, he went to Wangchuan Villa in Lantian County as a guest. He left yesterday. It seems that several poets also went there. I know that Du Fu and Gao Shi also went, and maybe Wang Changling was also there. They also invited me to go, but I don’t have the taste for it.”

Li Ye felt a little regretful, but it didn't matter. He didn't come to Li Bai specifically.

"Mr. Qinglian came to Chang'an this time to find a job, right?" Li Ye asked again with a smile.

Li Yu nodded and said with a wry smile: "He came to apply for a job, but I recommended him to teach in Taixue, but he said that was not his ambition and declined my recommendation. There was nothing I could do.

He actually wants to govern the place, but his personality is really not suitable for him. What he does depends entirely on his mood. If he is in a good mood, he will handle a few official tasks. If he is in a bad mood, he will be too lazy to do anything. He will drink all day long and the official tasks will pile up. I I would rather give him a sum of money than recommend him as an official. "

Li Ye smiled slightly and said: "Last time Mr. Qinglian and I talked about Suiye. I invited him back to Suiye to have a look. In fact, I invited him to work in the Hezhong Dudu Mansion. I may not have made it clear at the time, so I will talk to him in person today. Mention it to him and see if he is interested?"

Li Yu shook his head, "It's unlikely. He hates tedious chores. Unless he commits a crime in the Central Plains, it's possible to hide in Suiye, but under normal circumstances, I don't think he will go. Of course, I will Tell him your intention and let him make his own choice. I just want you not to have high expectations. In fact, a person who writes poetry well often does not do well in officialdom. The only person who can be an official and write poetry well is Zhang Jiuling. .”

At this time, two maids walked in and filled them with freshly brewed milk tea, and a strong fragrance of milk hit their faces.

Li Ye smiled and said: "I really miss the milk tea in Prince Ning's Mansion!"

"Try it. This milk tea was improved by me and has a strange aroma."

Li Ye picked up the hot tea cup and took a sip. Indeed, in addition to the fragrance of milk, there was also an indescribable aroma, a bit like the smell of Persian rose oil.

"Not bad! The taste is so tempting that you can't stop eating it."

Li Yu chuckled, "Actually, I just put a little edible rose oil in it and add a little salt, so it's just right sweet and salty, and it has the fragrance of roses, so it tastes very special."

Li Ye nodded, it was indeed rose balm!

The two returned to business. Li Ye pondered for a moment and asked, "What is the situation of the Yuwen family now?"

Li Yu smiled and said: "I guess you will pay attention to the Yuwen family. Last year, Chen Xuanli discovered a group of soldiers in the Yuwen family's Hedong manor. This incident killed Yu Wenjing. Yu Wenjing died and was announced to the outside world. He died of illness, but in fact he committed suicide out of fear of guilt.

The emperor spared the Yuwen family because Yu Wenjing committed suicide, but all the main members including Yuwen Tong and Yu Wenhui were removed from their posts, leaving only the title. The Yuwen family hated you to the bone, and Yuwen Tong was even at home. It was said at the banquet that your grandfather will never live until next year. The Yuwen family is quite extreme and very vindictive, so I have long wanted to warn you to be careful. "

"Where's Yu Wenluo?" Li Ye asked again.

"She has become a widow again. It has only been two years since she remarried. Her husband Hou Mo Chennu died of illness last month. I heard that she has returned to her parents' home again."

Li Ye was silent for a moment and then asked: "What's the news from the Wu family?"

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