
Chapter 327 Group Incident

Although there are few clues, more than thirty bounty hunters have signed and pledged their signatures. It is like reaching an agreement. After signing the agreement, everyone must try their best to find it, but regardless of whether they can find it or not, they will get fifty coins of carriages and horses. Money, this is also the rule. The money for carriages and horses is usually 10% of the reward amount, and the maximum does not exceed fifty guan.

After getting a drawing of Wu Ying's appearance and the fifty thousand carriage money advanced by the Wang family, more than thirty bounty hunters set off on their own. Most of them went straight to Fuping County. That was Wu Ying's starting point. Maybe they could After finding more clues about him, everyone suspected that Wu Ying had not gone far and was near the manor, and would probably come back.

But Wu Ying was very cunning. He disappeared completely as if he had evaporated from the world. It was really hard to earn two thousand guan.

In the blink of an eye, it’s November again, and Chang’an has entered the early winter season.

Yunyang County is a subordinate county of Jingzhao Prefecture. This year, it has suffered from severe pests and diseases. The autumn harvest was not good, and a cloud of sadness has enveloped both inside and outside the county. Like other counties in Guanzhong, the wheat fields in Yunyang County are basically divided up by more than a hundred manors. However, less than 10% of the land is owned by farmers. The vast majority of farmers are tenants of the manor. They have to pay taxes and rent, and the rest is their own.

Taxes and rents are fixed. If the weather is good and the harvest is good, there will be more food left. But if there is a disaster, it will be miserable.

This year's wheat has encountered severe pests and diseases, which is destined to be a very difficult year for farmers in Yunyang County.

There is a shrine in the south of the county, which usually worships a few shrines. However, a group of people came here these days. The leader is a middle-aged fat man named Yuan. He has a pair of big ears that attract wind, and his nickname is Yuan Maitreya. He was a rogue leader in Yong County, Qizhou. He discovered that there was an opportunity to make a fortune in Jingzhao Mansion, so he rushed to Yunyang County with a group of younger brothers.

Yuan Cheng shaved his head, put on a cassock, and claimed to be the reincarnation of Maitreya. He could accurately tell the family situation of each believer and the condition of the deceased old man during his lifetime. This caused a sensation in Yunyang County, and people from all over the country came to kowtow and worship. Even a large number of people from the surrounding Jingyang County, Sanyuan County, and Yueyang County came to worship.

In just two months, there were more than 100,000 followers. If it was just to defraud money and make money, this group of people took the opportunity to avenge their personal revenge.

The third son under Yuan Cheng is a native of Yunyang County, named Li Taotao. When he was threatened by his enemies over a woman, he fled to Yong County. Now that he has money and so many followers, he begins Thinking of revenge.

Li Taotao's enemy is the fifth son of the Guan family in Yunyang County. His name is Guan Wei. When he was young, he was also a playboy who spent all his time playing horses and fighting chickens. But ten years later, Guan Wei gradually became more sensible and stopped his bad habits, so his father Find him a job and become the steward of Wanma Manor.

Wanma Manor has a great background. Its owner is Princess Huo, the sister of Emperor Li Longji. Guan Xu, the head of the Guan family, was the school boy of Princess Huo's husband Pei Xuji when he was young. Later, he followed his master and was exiled to Xinzhou, Lingnan. Pei Xuji After his death, Guan Xu brought his master's ashes back to Chang'an. Princess Huo was extremely grateful to him, and the Guan family gained great support from then on.

Guan Weini is well-spoken and smart. Princess Huo also likes him very much and promises to let him be an official if she has the opportunity in the future.

Although Guan Wei had a bright future, at this moment, the trouble he caused when he was young came to his door.

In the evening, Li Taotao came to the door with hundreds of warriors. Guan Wei was very frightened and led dozens of villagers to confront Li Taotao. At the same time, he sent people to ask his father and the county government for help urgently.

Many misunderstandings occurred like this. Most of the thousands of tenant farmers in Wanma Manor were followers of Yuan Mile. They were all worried about paying rent and taxes. When they heard that Yuan Mile's people were confronting the manor, the tenants took advantage of it. People came with hoes and sticks to cheer. In the night, the densely packed torches outside the manor gate formed a sea of ​​fire.

Thousands of tenant farmers shouted in unison: "Free from rent! Free from taxes!"

This was their voice. More and more tenant farmers joined the team, and the angry denunciations became louder and louder. Li Taotao was also a little scared. He wanted to run but couldn't. At this time, the gate of the manor was overturned. Thousands of tenants rushed in, Guan Wei was trampled to the ground, and the manor was in chaos.

Early that morning, Li Dai received news from Yunyang County officials that a mass incident had occurred in Yunyang County. Mass incidents are the most feared thing by all officials. If you are not careful, they will cause trouble and turn into a large-scale mass incident. Even if you rebel, you will lose your head.

Li Dai hurriedly took the head catcher Peng Haiyan and more than a dozen catchers to Yunyang County.

In the evening, when Li Ye returned home, he heard his mother's panicked voice, "Get A Ye back quickly!"

Li Ye walked into the yard and asked, "Mom, what happened?"

Pei Sanniang said quickly: "Just now someone from the government office said that a letter was sent from Yunyang County saying that your father was besieged by thugs and the situation was dangerous. What should we do?"

"Don't worry, I'll go to Yunyang County to have a look."

"You can't go, you're too young and you're in danger!"

Li Ye smiled and said: "Mom, I was surrounded by tens of thousands of troops and I was killed. What do you think of a group of thugs?"

Pei Sanniang had no choice but to think about it and agreed, "You must be careful!"

Li Ye nodded, "I'll prepare!"

Li Ye put on his armor, took his bow and arrows, throwing knives, and swords, got on his horse and ran towards Yunyang County.

Yunyang County is located about eighty miles north of Chang'an. When entering Yunyang County, Li Ye felt a tense atmosphere. Although it was two o'clock at night, there were many pedestrians on the official road, and farmers in twos and threes were walking in a hurry. It can be seen that many of them are from other counties.

Li Ye's heart moved, and he followed them quietly. There were also many people riding donkeys and mules, and they were dressed in all kinds of strange ways. Some were wearing moldy leather armor, and some were even wearing extremely rare cloth armor. Li Ye was single. , mixed in with the crowd of people riding animals, and it was midnight, no one could see his appearance clearly, so no one suspected him.

Not long after, Li Ye followed the flow of people to the Wanma Manor. He saw that the place was crowded with people, at least more than 100,000 people. Most of them were bare-handed, but there were also many people holding hoes and wooden sticks.

Dozens of warriors stood at the gate, questioning everyone.

Li Ye quickly took off his helmet, took out a cloak, wrapped it around his body, and walked inside.

"Where did it come from?" a warrior asked him.

"I'm from Xinfeng County, looking for relatives!"

There are still some differences in the accents among the counties in Jingzhao Prefecture, but the accent in Xinfeng County is exactly the same as that in Chang'an.

"Ha! Ha! People are coming from Xinfeng County too. After entering, go along the wall to the right. When you go to the end, you will see many people on horseback. Just stay with them and someone will greet you."

Li Ye was not suspected and urged his horse into the manor. He had not gone far when someone caught up behind him and whispered: "Master Li! General Li!"

Li Ye was startled. When he turned around, he saw a tall and thin man with his head wrapped in clothes. He approached Li Ye and opened the clothes wrapping his head. Li Ye recognized him at a glance. He was the arrester of his father's men. Head Peng sea salt.

"Brother Peng, why are you here?"

"Li Shaoyin asked me to rush back to the capital to ask for help. I managed to get out and happened to see the young master."

"How is my father's condition?" Li Ye asked anxiously.

"It's okay so far, but it will be hard to say after daybreak. He and his brothers are trapped in the warehouse."

"Take me there quickly!"

Peng Haiyan carried a big bag on his back and said with a smile: "These are the bows and arrows I stole while they were not paying attention. The brothers only have knives. Once they launch an attack, they will not be able to stop them!"

He led Li Ye along the high wall. When Li Ye saw a sea of ​​people, he asked, "What happened? Why are so many people gathering?"

Peng Haiyan sneered: "A group of people who don't know where they came from are pretending to be the reincarnation of Maitreya. Yesterday, tens of thousands of farmers started a riot, demanding rent and tax reductions. Then these people took advantage of the farmers' dissatisfaction and falsely claimed that they were the reincarnation of Maitreya." The edict called on the people to gather and prepare to confront the government. I heard that hundreds of thousands of people would be gathered to march to Chang'an."

"These people are so ambitious!"

"It's ambitious!"

Soon, they approached the warehouse. The warehouse was a tall, flat-roofed building made of blue bricks. It covered a large area and was filled with grain.

Hundreds of warriors gathered in front of the warehouse, surrounding the warehouse door with a sandbag wall and covered with torches. The fire illuminated like daylight. The warriors held spears, bows and arrows in hand, staring at the door dozens of steps away.

Peng Haiyan whispered: "I climbed out through the rear transom, or I climbed in again and opened the door to meet the young master."

Li Ye said coldly: "No, I will open a way for you!"

Li Ye threw away his cloak, put on his helmet, got on his horse, waved his sword, and charged towards the warrior in front of him.

The mass incident was a real thing that happened in the mid-Tang Dynasty. The Maitreya believers rebelled very fiercely. Lao Gao changed the time and place.

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