
Chapter 364 Favors are like water

It was also a coincidence that as soon as Li Ye walked out of the house, he met Qiao Bin coming on horseback.

"Brother Li!" Qiao Bin waved excitedly.

He turned over and dismounted, ran over quickly, and said with excitement on his face: "My father has given me permission to go to the river!"

Li Ye smiled slightly and said, "Let's go find Zhang Ping, have a drink together, and celebrate."

The housekeeper brought an ordinary white horse, Li Ye got on the horse, and the two of them urged the horse to run towards Dongshi.

In the Anranju Restaurant next to the east gate, business was booming. The three of them sat down in front of a window seat on the second floor.

Li Ye ordered more than a dozen dishes and drank with two friends to celebrate.

Zhang Ping raised his glass and asked with a smile: "Abin, why did your father suddenly turn around? I remember last time he said he would break your legs if you dared to go to the Western Regions!"

Qiao Bin smiled and said: "It was King Si Ning who persuaded him. King Si Ning told my father that this opportunity is only once in my life. Because Brother Li is here, I can get an official rank in the Western Regions and come back after ten years. You can become a county magistrate, and you will be a civil servant in Chang'an for the rest of your life."

Li Ye nodded. King Si Ning was right. Qiao Bin was kind to him. In order to repay this kindness, only he would promote him. Therefore, this is indeed the only opportunity for Qiao Bin in his life.

After all, his father was just a steward of the palace. King Si Ning allowed his son to work as a clerk in the county government, which was already a great support. It was impossible for him to become an official. King Si Ning himself only had one official target.

"Qiao Bin, you go back and prepare, and then report to the Xuanwu Camp of Ba Shangdong Camp tomorrow and find Chen Huan. He is my staff. He is currently joining the army as a recorder. You join the army as a soldier. This is the lower level of the ninth grade. One year later, he was promoted to a full-time job in the Ministry of Personnel."

Qiao Bin's eyes widened, "Brother, it's so easy to become an official?"

Li Ye snorted and said: "Boy, this is called an opportunity. Although the civil servants in Anxi Jiedu Mansion basically have no fame, but you try to apply for a job, will you be hired?

Unless you are a Jinshi, or a world-famous poet, then there is no problem. Feng Changqing will be a meritocracy, but if you are not a Jinshi, have no fame, and are not famous as a great poet, then you have to rely on connections. Backstage, for example, if you are Li Siye's son, you will definitely be allowed in. Taking care of the children of high-ranking military officials is recognized by everyone. "

Li Ye said calmly: "Let me tell you this! People who seek connections with my father start queuing up from here and can go into Dongshi. There are more than 20 court officials alone to intercede.

Qiao Bin finally understood that he had to rely on Li Ye's special relationship to get in. How precious this place was. He quickly stood up and filled a glass of wine for Li Ye. He raised the glass and said, "Brother Li's care, Qiao Bin will keep it in mind. You Don’t worry, I will be your confidant from now on. I’d like to give you a toast to you.”

Li Ye nodded secretly. Qiao Bin's emotional intelligence is indeed very high. He can speak and behave well. If he is more smart and capable, he will be a talent.

In the Governor's Mansion in Hezhong, the Ministry of Personnel directly appoints only four officials, the Governor, Deputy Governor, Chang Shi and Sima. Other officials must be recommended by the Governor Li Ye, because Li Ye has a Jingjie and is actually the Jiedushi envoy, and the right to recommend lies with him. In his hands, neither the Ministry of War nor the Ministry of Personnel could surpass the power of Jiedu.

Of course, Li Ye can't accept just anyone. He has his own principles. The three staff were arranged by his grandfather. They are capable and loyal. He must entrust them with important tasks. Qiao Bin was kind to him and he wanted to repay him. Qiao Bin's life-saving grace to his mother.

At most, only Zhang Ping and Li Xun would agree to it, but it was impossible for others, like Du Wang, Ma Jinsong, and others, and Li Ye just talked about it, and it would not work if he was really asked to hire them.

Li Ye was very aware of the preciousness of official quotas. He had been extremely annoyed these days. How many people wanted to join the Hezhong Army or the Hedong Governor's Mansion as a civilian official and join an official establishment, but he refused to agree.

So why was there not a single civilian official in the army before? That's because the Ministry of War is preparing to transfer officials from other departments. Others are already officials with official ranks, and of course they are not willing to go to the distant river.

Those who really want to go are those people from all walks of life who do not have official ranks, including civil servants, scholars, officials' children, etc.

This also shows how precious the quota Qiao Bin got.

Li Ye immediately asked the bartender for paper and pen, and wrote a letter of appointment on the spot, "Qiao Bin, a magistrate of Chang'an County, is hereby appointed as the military commander of the Hezhong Governor's Mansion, with immediate effect, Li Ye, the Governor of Hezhong." ’

Below is the date and signature. Li Ye took his private seal from his neck, dipped it in red mud, and stamped his name.

Li Ye handed the letter of appointment to Qiao Bin, "Go there tomorrow morning. First find Dong Daying. There are four military camps in Dong Daying. You can find Xuanwu Camp and ask the roadside vendors to find out. Then you tell the gatekeepers that you My surname is Qiao, please find Chen Canjun, the recorder, he will be your immediate boss from now on."

Qiao Bin carefully put away the appointment letter. Next to him, Zhang Ping said with envy on his face: "Lao Li, we have been close buddies since we were young. Please give me a chance!"

Li Ye smiled and said, "Aren't you getting married in March?"

"After we get married, I can also take my wife to the Western Regions!"

Li Ye thought for a while and said: "If you are serious, I can give you a chance, but you have to do one thing and you must do it, otherwise you will never have a chance."

"Believe in my perseverance. As long as I am determined to do it, there is nothing I can't do. Just ask, what is it?"

"I will give you two years. Within two years, you must learn to read and write. I am not asking you to write poetry, but I will give you an article. You can at least read it smoothly. As long as you can do this, I I’ll give you a chance.”

Zhang Ping said with a distressed look on his face: "My wife also asked me to study, but I fell asleep as soon as I got the book."

Li Ye said solemnly: "Little Fatty, you are currently walking in the underworld, but you have absolutely no future and can only hang out at the bottom. If you come to my place, I will appoint you as the team captain first, and then the brigade commander and the school commander." Lieutenant, I am promoted step by step, but you are illiterate. I give you a military order, but you don’t know the words on it. What should I do? In the future, when you become a lieutenant general, how will you write a report? "

Zhang Ping punched the table, "Two years is too long, one year is enough. I will start with literacy and know ten characters a day. After one year, I will come to Hexi to find you. If you can't recognize three thousand Just one word, I won’t come!”

Li Ye nodded, "We agreed, then one year!"

At this time, the shopkeeper walked over quickly and whispered a few words to Li Ye. Li Ye was startled, "My father?"


Li Ye nodded, "I understand!"

The shopkeeper walked away quickly.

Li Ye smiled and said: "My father is looking for me for something, so let's stop here today!"

"Then let's go back first."

Qiao Bin stood up to check out, but Li Ye stopped him, "I've already paid the bill. You go back and practice your writing. I guess Chen Huan will want to see your writing tomorrow."


Qiao Bin immediately grimaced, "Then my handwriting is terrible."

"There's no need to be modest. I know your handwriting. It's very good. Besides, it's just routine, so don't worry!"

Qiao Bin nodded, "I understand!"

"And you!"

Li Ye pointed at Zhang Ping and said: "Hurry back and buy a copy of the Thousand-Character Document. Ten years from now, whether you will be the governor of Anxi or continue to fool around in the underworld depends on your choice now!"

Zhang Ping laughed loudly, "Okay! To fulfill Anxi Jiedushi's dream, I will definitely complete the Thousand-Character Literature Course!"

Li Ye saw them off and then went to the Chunlan Room on the third floor. He knocked on the door and his father Li Dai's voice came from inside, "Come in!"

Li Ye opened the door and saw only five people sitting in the room. His father Li Dai was sitting in the main seat. It was obviously his treat. Li Ye only knew one of the four people, Wang Wei, and he did not know the other three middle-aged people.

Li Ye came in to salute, and Li Dai smiled at everyone and said, "This is the dog!"

Li Dai added: "Ye'er, these are all my father's friends. Uncle Wang, you have met them."

Li Ye saluted and said, "I have met you uncles!"

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