
Chapter 371 Sanniang’s treasure hunt

In the evening, Li Dai came back and brought back a letter of approval for his son. Wang Changling and Gao Shi both decided to go to Hezhong, one as a judge, and the other as a military envoy in the recording office.

Li Ye was overjoyed and took two bags of 500 gold coins each, handed them to his father, and asked his father to give them to the two of them as settlement expenses.

Five hundred gold coins can be exchanged for 500 guan at the counter, but can be exchanged for 600 guan on the black market. Both of them have wives and children to support. This money can be used as settlement expenses for the two of them, which is enough for their family to live for several years. It allows the two of them to go to the Western Regions without any worries. This is also a sign of respect for the two of them.

At dawn the next day, Li Ye set off for the Bashang Military Camp. Not all the soldiers in the Xuanwu Camp went home. There were also many soldiers who did not want to go home for various reasons and stayed in the military camp. There were probably more than a thousand soldiers. people.

Three staff members are busy in the military camp, Chen Huan, Qiu Xuan and Yang Shaohua. They each have their own division of labor. Chen Huan joins the army as a recorder and is in charge of the daily affairs of the military camp.

As for Chang Shi and Sima appointed by the imperial court, they were officials of the Hezhong Dudu Mansion and were in charge of the government affairs of the Hezhong Dudu Mansion, while the three staff were officials of the Hezhong Army and were in charge of military affairs. The two parties had no relationship. Soon Wang Changling and Gao Shi came, They were also civilian officials of the Hezhong Army.

Yang Shaohua was about forty years old, shrewd and capable, good at financial management and material management. Li Ye appointed him as the financial envoy and Cang Cao to participate in the military affairs.

The business envoy and the field envoy are not the same thing. The camp envoy appointed by Gao Shi is responsible for farming, grazing, and breeding, so that the army can support itself by itself.

The financial envoy Yang Shaohua served as was in charge of trade and gold and silver mine development. To put it simply, it was about making money.

Qiu Xuanze was in charge of intelligence. Not all of the 12,000 people were stationed in Suiye, only 6,000 were stationed in Suiye, and the other 6,000 were scattered to various places. They contacted Suiye through Yingxin. They not only sent themselves What's more important is that they should report the situation of their respective stations to Suiye regularly. Li Ye specially set up a staff camp, with Qiu Xuan as the Sima of the staff camp, who was also in charge of all external affairs of the Hezhong Governor's Mansion.

Li Ye met Qiao Bin in the military camp. Qiao Bin did not go home last night and stayed in the military camp. He was busy registering military status. Chen Huan found two literate soldiers to help him sort out the scattered information.

Qiao Bin wore the official uniform of a civilian officer, which was very similar to the official uniform of the court. The main difference between the two was that the court official wore a fish charm on his waist, while the military civilian officer wore a military badge.

Qiao Bin quickly stood up and saluted, "See you, Governor!"

This is what Chen Huan taught him. He must strictly abide by the etiquette of superiors and subordinates. Don't think that just because you have a good relationship with the governor, you can break the etiquette. This kind of person is the stupidest and is destined to fail in the long run.

Li Ye nodded and said with a smile: "Have you started sorting out your military registration?"

"Exactly, the Ministry of War sent dozens of boxes of soldiers' information, and I found that many of them were duplicates and different. Moreover, many soldiers had different military service times, and I couldn't find the person to verify it."

Li Ye asked: "Then what do you base it on?"

"Beizhi asked Chen Canjun for instructions. He suggested that the latest one should prevail. Beizhi also thinks so."

"What's the reason?"

"Both Bei Zhi and Chen Canjun believe that it is normal for occasional copying errors to occur, but if there are a large number of inconsistencies, it means that special revisions have been made to correct all previous errors, but the erroneous information was not destroyed in time, and the wrong information was not destroyed in time. They were sent together, so we were very passive.”

"How many people can be registered in a day now?" Li Ye asked again.

"About six to seven hundred people. Once you become more proficient, you will be able to do it faster!"

Li Ye nodded, "Take it easy, your father will definitely miss you when you go home today!"

"I'm going home at night from my humble job!"

Li Ye then discussed with several civilian officials the issue of celebrating the New Year for the soldiers left behind. This was also the main purpose of Li Ye coming to the military camp today.

While Li Ye was inspecting the military camp in Bashang, Pei Sanniang and Zhuque arrived at Taipingfang's house in a carriage. Both of them were dressed smartly today. Zhuque wore a pink and white narrow-sleeved jacket and a tight-fitting white fox fur coat. A, wearing a dark red pleated skirt.

She has a double-ring bun on her head. She has jet black hair, bright eyes and white teeth, and her skin is as crystal clear as jade. She has specially dressed up today. Yesterday she was a handsome young man. Today she is a soft and pure girl. It really makes Pei Sanniang look more and more. The more I like it.

Especially when she learned that Suzaku's mother was also Wenxi Pei, Pei Sanniang was even more surprised and happy. Speaking of which, they were somewhat connected by blood.

"Ah! We forgot to get the tools." Pei Sanniang slapped her forehead.

"It's in Aye's study!"

Suzaku quickly went to Li Ye's study and took out two wooden sticks and two small hammers.

Pei Sanniang looked around and asked with a smile: "How did you find it yesterday?"

"We mainly looked for sandwich walls, roofs, and beams yesterday, but we didn't look for anything else!"

"Didn't you find it on the ground?"


Suzaku shook his head, "If you look for it on the ground, it won't be that difficult."

Pei Sanniang smiled and said: "It shows that you are inexperienced. The treasure should be placed in a secret room or underground, not on the wall. That is where ice cubes are placed in the summer. It is easy to be discovered by servants, and it is even less likely to be found on the roof beams." , do you think you can cast a roof-crouching beast out of gold?

The shining gold will attract the thief. I am sure it is in the inner house and under the floor tiles. Let's look for clues together. "

"Auntie, where do we start looking?"

Pei Sanniang thought for a while and said: "We have lived here and found nothing unusual. It is unlikely that there are treasures. However, there is a small courtyard that has not been opened and is relatively remote. Let's go there and have a look."

The two came to the most remote courtyard. The courtyard was only three-thirds of the way. It was very small. There were three rooms in a row and a small wooden house, which looked like a small warehouse for storing sundries.

The two walked into the room. The room was very clean, but very cold. No one had lived in it for many years. It was bitingly cold. There were long ice hangings under the eaves. Pei Sanniang took a wooden stick and knocked twice here and then there. Poke on the side, looks very experienced.

Suzaku asked curiously: "Auntie, have you ever looked for treasure?"

Pei Sanniang nodded, "When Ye'er was five years old, I searched for it for several months. I practiced medicine during the day and went treasure hunting at night. There is a group of treasure hunters in Chang'an. Do you know?"

Suzaku shook his head and Pei Sanniang said with a smile: "They are all people who dream of getting rich. There are about a thousand people from all over the Tang Dynasty. They are divided into two factions. One is the underground faction, and the other is the underground faction. To put it bluntly, the underground faction is tomb robbers. I am an above-ground sect because the above-ground sect does not break the law and is relatively safe. Unlike the underground sect, which is easy to be arrested by the government, and people often die, mainly because the cemetery collapses and they are crushed to death inside."

"Then what are the ground faction looking for?" Suzaku asked with great interest.

"Looking for abandoned houses, monasteries, and some houses for sale that are uninhabited and vacant. In fact, we are looking for property that has been left behind by the owners."

"Anything gained?"

Pei Sanniang smiled bitterly and said: "After seven months of searching, I found a total of eighty-three pieces of money, all of which were found in the house in Kongguan."

"Why wasn't my aunt found again later?"

"Two reasons! First, Mrs. Mu advised me that looking for wealth in someone else's vacant house is actually stealing, but I don't think it is a sneak attack, because the original owners have moved away, and the money left behind will only be in vain. Cheap new owner, Suzaku, do you think it’s theft?”

How could Suzaku dare to say it was theft? She shook her head quickly, "It belongs to ownerless property!"

"That's right! I think so too. If the owner gives up, it doesn't belong to anyone."

"Then there's another reason?"

"Another reason is internal strife. I worked alone and found a lot of treasures. Several gangs were dissatisfied with me. They said that if I didn't quit, they would attack my family. I was afraid that Ye My son was in danger, so I quit."

While Pei Sanniang was recounting the past, her hands and feet kept searching the room, not missing any corner.

Pei Sanniang shook her head, "Let's go! There's none here."

Suzaku glanced at the wall again, but it was also empty.

The two came out of the room and searched in the nearby sundries warehouse, but found nothing.

She had no choice but to leave the courtyard and when she closed the courtyard door, Pei Sanniang suddenly stopped and said, ‘Hey——”

"Aunt, what's wrong?"

Pei Sanniang pointed to the sundries warehouse, "Why didn't I notice it just now?"

The two treasure hunts are not the main thing, the important thing is to use the treasure hunt to cultivate feelings.

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