
Chapter 376 The Queen Mother’s Stone

Seeing that he was useless, Zhuque felt happy in his heart. He held his arm and smiled: "Where do you think Queen Changsun's jewelry is? I just want to see that."

"This is!"

Li Ye took down a large one-foot-square jewelry box from the iron shelf, "It's dark here, let's take it outside to take a look."

"Okay!" Suzaku said happily: "If there are any other novelties on the iron rack, let's take them out to see."

Zhuque went out first, and Li Ye handed the items on the iron rack out one by one, and finally he got out.

The desk was already covered with a table full of weapons and jewelry. Suzaku picked up a dagger and looked at it for a moment. She was surprised: "Why is this also a fish intestine sword?"

Li Ye explained to her: "The fish intestine sword should be just a style, and its requirements are very high. Those slender and very sharp short swords that can cut iron as well as mud can be called fish intestine swords. They are not specialized swords." The fish intestine sword that stabbed the King of Wu."

Suzaku pulled out his dagger and compared it, "Did you take this from the secret room too?"

"This is Quan Furong's dagger. You know Quan Furong, right? Assassinate the one from the Yang family."

"I don't like her, let's get a different dagger! I want this one."

Zhuque pointed at the dagger on the table and said with a smile: "It depends on whether you are willing to do it or not. If it doesn't work, forget it."

Li Ye nodded and gave the dagger to Suzaku.

Zhuque happily put away the dagger, then picked up the Zhanlu sword and looked at it for a moment. Seeing that she was thoughtful, Li Ye asked with a smile: "Do you know this sword?"

Suzaku nodded, "I have indeed seen this peerless sword. It was originally the sword of Princess Taiping. The master killed Princess Taiping, so the emperor gave this sword to the master. Later, Feilong wanted to take it away. The master has been It’s a pity that I didn’t expect to end up here with you.”

"In that case, return this sword to your master!"

Suzaku said in surprise: "This is Zhan Lu! Are you willing to give up the emperor's sword?"

Li Ye said lightly: "It's just a sword. There's no need to let it go. Your master is kind to me, and I don't want her to regret it."

Zhuque smiled sweetly and returned the sword to Li Ye, "That was many years ago. Master won't want it now. As long as she knows that the sword is with you, she will be happy."

Li Ye patted the small leather box again, "This also belongs to Quan Furong, do you want to see it?"

Suzaku opened it, looked at it, and pushed it aside. She didn't like Quan Furong and was not interested in any of her belongings.

"Where is this box of gems?"

Li Ye pushed a box of gems to her, "This is my trophy, do you like it?"

Suzaku's pretty eyes lit up and she quickly sat down. She couldn't put it down every one of them. At this moment, she forgot all about the swords and daggers, and there were only sparkling gems in her beautiful eyes.

“These gems are so beautiful!”

"I have sold a lot of them before, and the gem shopkeepers who sold them praised them as top-grade ones, but compared with them, they are not worth mentioning."

"It seems... a little worse than the imperial concubine's." Suzaku bit his lip lightly and said.

Li Ye hesitated. He originally wanted to give it to her before leaving, but now he changed his mind.

Li Ye took out the box from his arms and handed it to Suzaku, "This is for you!"

"What is it?"

Zhuque took the box and looked at Li Ye, his eyes filled with infinite expectations.

Li Ye smiled slightly and said, "You'll know when you open it and take a look!"

Suzaku slowly opened the box and suddenly covered her mouth. A stream of extremely green, extremely bright, and completely different from the human world appeared in front of her eyes, which shocked her.

Suzaku was born in a noble family and lived in the palace for a long time. She had seen countless high-grade jewelry, but she had never seen such a fantastic gem.

She looked back at Li Ye and asked in disbelief, "You gave it to me?"

Li Ye smiled and nodded. Suzaku cheered, hugged Li Ye and kissed him on the face.

She suddenly blushed with shame and hurried to the outhouse. Li Ye touched his face, still recalling the soft and moist taste of the kiss just now.

After a long while, Suzaku came back, lowered his head and said shyly: "The one just now was just to express my inner love, and had no other meaning!"

Li Ye stepped forward and hugged her gently and said with a smile: "I also want to express my love. Do you have any other intentions?"

Suzaku punched him twice on the chest, "You bad guy, you just want to take advantage of me!"

Li Ye still kissed her pretty face and asked in a low voice: "Do you like Gemstone?"

Suzaku nodded slightly, her beautiful eyes sparkling with joy. She sighed, "I don't think any woman can refuse it. It is... the Heshi Bi among gems. Where did you get it?"

"It originated in Persia. It was once a sacred object of Zoroastrianism. Later it became the gemstone on the crown of the white-robed Caliphate, so it was called the Caliphate gem. Later, it fell into the folk due to the war. After several times, it was transferred to Bakhna, and the secret of Bakhna was preserved. Decades later, the news was leaked, which led to a war. King Bakhna could not keep it, so he gave it to me in return for my defense of Bakhna."

Zhuque looked at Li Ye and said softly: "Why are you willing to give me such a precious thing? What if?"

"Nothing goes wrong. You are my woman. If anyone dares to take you away from me, even the emperor, I will definitely kill him."

These words melted Zhuque's heart. She put her arms around Li Ye's neck. Li Ye lowered his head and slowly approached her. Zhuque did not refuse this time, but greeted her gently, giving the girl's most precious first kiss to her beloved man. .

After a long time, the two slowly separated. Zhuque looked at the gem on his palm and whispered: "Aye, is this the token you gave me?"

Li Ye nodded lightly. Suzaku took off a string of beautiful jade beads from his neck and hung it on Li Ye's neck. "This is what my mother gave me. If you wear it, you will think of me all the time!"

The two hugged and kissed again. After a long time, they separated. Li Ye whispered in her ear: "Come to Broken Leaf with me!"

"I must go, but I have to make arrangements for my master and my grandmother. She is not in good health. I have thought about it and I will definitely come to you."

"Any plans?"


Suzaku smiled slyly and said, "I'm trying to convince my cousin to let her go to Beiting with her father. Then I'll go with her. I'll definitely go find you. I'm thinking of a way!"

Li Ye smiled and nodded, "I will definitely come to pick you up!"

Suzaku put the gem on his chest again, tilted his head and asked, "Do you think I should make it into a necklace or a bracelet?"

"Don't do anything for now, just hide it. Once this gem appears, it will cause a big stir. First of all, Mrs. Guo will chase me with a knife."

Suzaku was startled, "Why?"

Li Ye smiled bitterly and said: "She saw the gem from the imperial concubine, and then she came to force me. She also wanted this kind of gem. I didn't break up with her, so I coaxed her and said, I don't have it in my hand. It's in the Great Guangming Temple in Samarkand. Yes, I promised to get it for her, and we agreed on a two-year period."

"Can you find it?"

Li Ye smiled and said: "There is never the best thing like gems, only better ones. When the time comes, find a similar one for her. If you want it, don't let her down."

Zhuque looked at the gem in his palm and asked with a smile like a flower: "Does it have a name?"

"Yes! It was originally called the Caliphate Gem, but I think it should be renamed. The gem was obtained in the West, which is the territory of the Queen Mother of the West, so I call it the Stone of the Queen Mother of the West."

"The Stone of the Queen Mother of the West, this name is so beautiful. This gem is indeed too dazzling. It cannot be taken out, and it cannot be set by craftsmen for the time being. What a pity!"

"So I prepared a gem to solve my regrets!"

Li Ye pulled Suzaku to sit down, put the gem box in front of her and said with a smile, "You can choose from it to make necklaces or bracelets. If you like it, you can take them all away."

"Is it okay to take them all?" Zhuque's eyes flickered and he glanced at Li Ye.

"Take whatever you like!"

"I'm not that greedy! I can just pick a few and make a necklace."

Zhuque happily selected the gems she liked, and opened the jewelry box of Empress Changsun from time to time. She was amazed by the various jewelry left by Empress Changsun.

"how about this?"

She picked a jade hairpin and inserted it into her hair. Li Ye stood behind her, holding her shoulders with one hand and holding a mirror in front of her with the other.

Suzaku nestled in Ailang's arms and looked in the mirror. At this moment, her bright and pretty face was filled with a joyful smile. She felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

Every girl in love is the happiest.

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