
Chapter 380 Desire is hard to satisfy

Gao Lishi smiled and said: "But there were people in the clan who were in favor and opposition, and there was a lot of trouble. Li Linfu divided the ancestral hall into two, which was actually a separation of families. The East Temple made Li Dai the chief, and the West Hall continued to make Li Xiu the chief. , so there is a nursery rhyme in Chang'an, where Li Xiangguo split the roots of his descendants before his death, and it was talking about the division of the Li family's temple."

Li Longji narrowed his eyes and asked, "Then who owns Li Linfu's Lancui Building?"

Gao Lishi's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly understood that the Holy One was well prepared today.

"To Thirty-eighth Lang Li Ye!"

Li Longji nodded, "That's right, he regards Li Ye as his heir."

Li Linfu's descendants are still unclear, but people like Li Longji and Gao Lishi who stand tall understand how to determine who is Li Linfu's heir. The others are just empty. The key depends on who Li Linfu gives the Lancui Tower where the treasure is hidden. , the second is to look at the succession of the title, but this cannot be decided until after his death.

"How long can Li Linfu live?" Li Longji asked again.

"The imperial doctor said that he has run out of energy and is now relying on ginseng to survive, but he will not survive for long."

Li Longji frowned, "How long will it take to live? How long exactly?"

"The royal physician said he would not live to see the spring."

Li Longji said coldly for a while: "When he dies, Li Dai and Li Ye will not be allowed to mourn and continue to serve. All other descendants and sons-in-law will be removed from office to mourn, and even if the mourning period expires, they will not be allowed to serve again.

"Old slave understands!"

Gao Lishi understood that the emperor used mourning as an excuse to dismiss all Li Linfu's descendants from office. Only Li Ye and his son were exempted. This should be because of the guarantee of the imperial concubine.

Li Longji walked a few steps with his hands behind his back: "Go back to Li Ye and collect the items from Cuilou. He can take away ten items and then give me the inventory!"

Gao Lishi sighed secretly in his heart, he knew that the emperor had long been eyeing Li Linfu's Lancui Tower.

"Old slave obeys the order!"

Li Longji also felt that his appearance was too ugly, so he said: "Tell Li Ye again that I will not treat him badly. After the spring, I will let his father be appointed as the Minister of Rites, and his grandfather's title will be inherited by his father."

On the afternoon of New Year's Eve, Li Ye came to the ancestral hall in Changlefang. Today is the family sacrifice day, and every household has to be busy making sacrifices. Generally, the sacrifice time is at midnight, but it does not necessarily have to be, and it must be adapted to local conditions.

For example, there is a curfew in Chang'an City. How do people gather at the ancestral hall and how do they go back after the sacrifice?

For another example, there is a New Year's Day on the first day of the first lunar month, which will start before dawn. If the officials living in Chang'an worship during the Yin time, how can they go home to change their official uniforms and catch up with the New Year's Day? These are very real and big problems.

Therefore, in the countryside or in small counties, sacrifices can be held at midnight, but the custom in Chang'an is to worship ancestors in the evening before dinner. After the sacrifices, everyone goes home to have New Year's Eve dinner. Some families even offer sacrifices on the fifth day of the first lunar month. This is for convenience. Tribesmen who came back from other places to worship their ancestors.

When Li Ye walked to the alley, he suddenly found that the ancestral hall was a little strange. It seemed to be bigger than the last time he came. When he looked carefully, he realized that the house of the old couple next door had also become an ancestral hall.

Li Wei walked up and smiled: "This old couple returned to their hometown of Hanzhong and sold their house to us. We just needed a rest area for our tribe, so we transformed their yard into a rest area. It was just completed yesterday."

The door to the old couple's yard is no longer there and has become a wall. There is only one door to enter the ancestral hall, and then a door from the side of the yard to the rest area.

"I remember their house is not big?" Li Ye said with a smile.

Li Wei nodded, "It's only five cents of land, but it also cost a thousand dollars."

Li Ye walked to the gate and saw that the plaque had been hung up, 'Li Family's Yuanzhou Landlord Ancestral Hall'.

"Is the West Ancestral Hall over there at Pingkangfang?"

Li Wei shook his head, "They haven't changed anything. They still use the original plaque. This is a bit disgusting. It's as if they are the master and we are the slave."

"Li Xiu! His heart is so big."

"There's one more disgusting thing!"

Li Wei lowered his voice and said, "Do you know about Li Huai?"

Li Ye nodded, "I heard what my father said."

Li Wei sneered: "Your father definitely didn't tell you the most disgusting part."

"Uncle Eighteen, tell me!"

"Li Huai donated a thousand dollars to the ancestral hall, but it was divided among the four of them. Then they unanimously agreed to accept Li Huai back to the clan. This matter was originally very secret, but Li Linhao drunkenly revealed it, and there was a scene in the West Temple. It was a complete mess, but in the end it was definitely settled, as several people refused to admit it, and Li Linhao also said that he was drunk and talking nonsense."

Speaking of this, Li Wei smiled again and said: "From now on, just call me Uncle Seven. We held a clan meeting yesterday and unanimously agreed to cancel the family ranking, so as to save those legitimate sons from always using rankings to suppress us, which is very cowardly. "

Li Ye understood that this was a complete separation of the family. In the past, in the same family ancestral hall, the legitimate concubines had to be distinguished. Now that the family has been separated, the legitimate descendants in the West Temple are no longer qualified to use the legitimate concubines to suppress others. Canceling the family ranking is Cancel the concubine.

"Then how to divide it now?"

"Now it's been re-arranged. Come and take a look."

Li Wei led Li Ye into the ancestral hall. A large wooden board on the left was covered with small plaques, distributed in a branch shape. This was the clan plaque. The top was the patriarch Li Dai, and below were Li Dai's family members, his wife Pei, and his son Li Ye. The second row is for the chief of family affairs. The sign is Li Wei, the seventh man. The lower branches are his children. If there is a red letter on the top, it means that he is married, such as Li Wei's eldest daughter.

If someone has passed away, the sign will be turned over and hung up to ensure that all clan members are here. This is the intention of the clan leader Li Dai. Married daughters should also hang up to show respect for their parents and win the unanimous support of the clan members.

The next row is the other eleven brothers. They have been rearranged. The eldest brother is the original seventh brother Li Song, the second brother is the ninth brother Li Wei, the third brother is the fifteenth brother Li E, the fourth brother is the sixteenth brother Li Xun, the fifth brother is Li You, and the sixth brother Li Zhi, Qi Lang are the clan leader Li Wei, Eighth Lang Li Qi, Nine Lang Li Lan, Tenth Lang Li Yu, Eleventh Lang Li Qi, Twelfth Lang Li Qiao, etc. Below are their wives and children.

In addition, the clan leader does not participate in the ranking.

This is tantamount to abolishing the legitimate concubines and treating everyone equally. Of course, this does not mean that the legitimate concubines will no longer exist. Their descendants will have legitimate concubines. This is inevitable.

Everyone's salary and treatment are the same. Of course, there is no need to distinguish between superiority and inferiority. We are all brothers.

This was also something that Li Linfu regretted more in his later years. The difference between the concubine and the concubine caused many disputes and conflicts in the family, and the brotherhood was torn apart by the competition for interests.

So Li Dai took this opportunity and decisively corrected this mistake, while Li Xiu's side was still strict with the three levels of concubine and concubine. This is because Li Dai and Li Xiu's tolerance and realm were different.

"Then how to manage and discuss affairs?" Li Ye asked again.

"The trivial chores are usually handled by the clan leader, who also changes every year. I will be the first one next year, the eldest uncle Li Song the year after that, the second uncle Li Qi the year after that, and the cycle continues like this.

As for the discussion, it is convened by the clan leader, and all twelve clan members must participate. Except for matters that must be decided by the clan leader, other matters are decided by everyone's vote.

Then comes the expenses. Expenses above a hundred thousand dollars are decided by the clan leader, and below one hundred thousand dollars the chief of the clan is responsible for it, and they have to reimburse everyone every month. "

At this time, Li Xun ran in and whispered a few words to Li Ye nervously. Li Ye was startled and hurriedly greeted him out, only to see Gao Lishi standing at the door with a smile and several entourage.

"I've been looking for you everywhere, I guess you're here!"

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