
Chapter 396 An appointment at dusk (4)

"Why are you laughing?" Pei Sanniang asked in confusion.

Li Ye said quickly: "Mom, you are the wife of the Minister of Etiquette after all. For one hundred wen, you ask dad to bargain for it. He is the dignified Minister of Etiquette!"

"so what!"

Pei Sanniang curled her lips and said: "What daddy owes me, I want him to pay back one by one. I am not the wife of the minister now, I am Dr. Pei from Yonghefang Yitie Medical Clinic. I also have a son who is very good at eating. Every day I can’t make ends meet, I’m so poor!”

Zhuque's nose felt sour, and she was suddenly moved. She quickly stepped forward and took Pei Sanniang's hand and said, "Auntie, let me accompany you to go shopping for lanterns!"

Pei Sanniang patted the back of her hand and said with a smile: "No, you can go shopping by yourself and have fun!"

At this time, Li Ye discovered that not far away, his father Li Dai secretly gave a copper hairpin to a seven or eight-year-old girl. He quickly diverted his mother's attention.

"Mom! I have booked the white jade room in Anranju Restaurant in Pingkangfang. If you are tired, you can go there to rest, both today and tomorrow. There is also Dazhu's carriage parked on the left side of the West Market gate. We can No more sitting."

"You guys can take the carriage by yourself. I'll take your father's carriage. I won't go to Pingkangfang. I don't like it there."

Li Dai came back with a smile and said, "Madam, the copper hairpin has been returned."

He turned around and saw his son, "Hey! Why is Ye'er here? Miss Zhuque is also here."

"Okay, you go and play! We won't disturb you."

Pei Sanniang pulled her husband and walked quickly. After a dozen steps, she waved to them, "Go to the West Market, there is a big lantern tower!"

Watching the two of them walk away, Suzaku sighed, "I know now that your mother is having a hard time. No wonder she wants to go treasure hunting!"

"What treasure hunt?" Li Ye was confused.

Zhuque let it slip, and she couldn't hide it anymore, so she had to explain: "Last time your mother and I went treasure hunting in Taipingfang, she told me that when you were a few years old, life was really hard, so she went treasure hunting at night, and turned over Lao Zhaizi competed with many people and had grudges with many people. Later, she was afraid that those people would hurt you, so she stopped going treasure hunting."

Of course Li Ye didn't know that this was something from his previous life, but he knew about his mother's hardships. No wonder she was so experienced in treasure hunting at Sun Laizi's house last time and knew that there was a small snake hidden in the earthen jar.

He sighed softly and said, "I'm not in the capital. Please stay with her for me."

Suzaku nodded silently, and Li Ye smiled and said, "Let's go! Let's go to the West Market."

The two of them admired the lanterns and headed towards the West Market

The lanterns in the West Market are also wonderful. There are lanterns with red light everywhere. They are of various shapes and designs. The revolving lanterns in the shapes of dragons, phoenixes, tigers and leopards fly, jump, stroll and spin in the strange night. , so pleasing to the eye, fantastic and charming, it can be said to be unprecedented.

In the open space in the West City, a wooden lantern tower with a height of twenty feet was built. It was tied with silk and satin. Fifty thousand colored lanterns were hung on it. The brilliance was dazzling. It was also surrounded by gold, silver, jade, Pearls and other treasures, the early spring breeze blows, the pearls and jade gently collide, and the elegant sound is like the sound of nature.

This lantern tower is also called the ‘Emperor’s Light Wheel’. It was built at the request of Emperor Li Longji himself. This is the first giant lantern tower he has built since he came to the throne. Each lantern tower consumes huge financial and material resources.

Not to mention the waste of silk and wood. Each lantern is lit with large candles and torches, which will need to be replaced after a short time. There are thousands of people responsible for replacing the lanterns and lighting candles. The cost is so high that it is jaw-dropping.

The replaced torch, still carrying residual flames, was thrown from the tall building, like meteors streaking across the night sky.

Thousands of people gathered under the lanterns, and someone started to play music. Thousands of people held hands and danced and sang around the lantern tower. This was the Ta Ge. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, the most grand event for ordinary people was to light a bonfire after the autumn harvest. The villagers formed a circle, danced and sang together, enjoying the joy of the autumn harvest.

This cultural form of step singing has been completely destroyed by the invading foreign races in the Han areas, but it is still preserved among the ethnic minorities in the southwest. Dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people hold hands and dance and sing together. Don’t think that this is a minority ethnic group. This custom is the culture of our ancestors and has been preserved by ethnic minorities.

Li Ye led Suzaku up to the lantern tower. They stood at the top of the 20th floor, looking at the bright and beautiful Milky Way in Chang'an City. Suzaku's heart was intoxicated. She put her arms around her lover's neck, and they kissed passionately. It was as if they were the only two people left in the world.

The two sat next to each other until the third watch, then slowly went down from the lantern tower. They walked out of the west market gate and prepared to go to Pingkangfang.

"Suzaku!" Suddenly a young woman's voice came.

When Suzaku turned around, he saw a man and a woman walking hand in hand, followed by several attendants leading horses.

"Ah! It's Princess Guangning." Suzaku recognized the other party at once.

The man next to him, Li Ye, also recognized him as the consort Cheng Changyin.

"Brother Cheng, why did you come just now?"

Cheng Changyin smiled bitterly and said: "Participating in the emperor's visit banquet just ended."

"Is the Linguang Banquet interesting?" Li Ye asked with a smile.

Cheng Changyin forced a smile, "It's not bad! The lamp is beautifully made, but it has some shortcomings."

"Too deserted?" Li Ye hit the nail on the head.

Cheng Changyin nodded, "For two whole hours, everyone stayed silent and just kept their heads down eating and drinking."

At this moment, there was a rush of horse hooves, and someone shouted rudely, "Everyone, get out of the way! Get out of here!"

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen horses rushed over like a strong wind. The big man on the horse brandished a long whip and whipped anyone he saw. The people were so frightened that they screamed and stumbled away.

They were the ones leading the way, followed by several carriages, traveling very fast.

"Suzaku watch out!"

Li Ye discovered that Zhuque and Princess Guangning were within the range of the Han's long whip.

Suzaku quickly pulled Princess Guangning back, and the leading man suddenly saw two beautiful young women on the roadside. With evil thoughts all his life, the tip of his whip suddenly lengthened, 'Pop! ’ There was a sound, and it was slapped on Princess Guangning’s left shoulder.

Princess Guangning cried out in pain and squatted down.

Li Ye could see clearly that this big man was deliberately whipping people. He was furious, rushed forward, grabbed the whip, jumped on the horse's back, wrapped the whip around the big man's neck, and dragged him off the horse with his hands up and down. With a "click", the bones of the big man's back arm were cut off.

The big man screamed and lay on the ground unable to move. Li Ye stepped on his back and looked at the other twelve evil slaves coldly.

"The idea is great, let's do it together!"

Twelve big men drew their swords and rushed forward. The leader of the big men slashed Li Ye in the face with a fierce sword. Suzaku exclaimed, "Ah Ye, be careful!"

Li Ye smiled coldly, and with a flash of his body, the big man slashed into the air with his sword, but he couldn't close the sword in time. The sword hit the big man's head on the ground. The big man screamed and died instantly.

"Brother, he is Ksitigarbha!"

A big man suddenly recognized Li Ye and shouted in fright.

More than a dozen big men retreated in fear. The nickname "Ksitigarbha Demon" was particularly frightening to the Yang family warriors. Word of mouth spread that they all knew about Li Ye's ferocious killings. Regardless of Huining County, Yunyang County, or Heyang County, they They all feel it deeply.

When the leading man saw a flying knife appearing in Li Ye's hand, he screamed in fright, turned around and ran away without even bothering to pull out the knife on his companion's forehead.

At this time, Li Ye had calmed down. He saw the owner of the other party and several people got out of the carriage. The leader was Yang Guozhong.

The people around were talking a lot, 'It turns out that Wuyang is here, no wonder he is so arrogant and arrogant. ’

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