
Chapter 44 Another way out of town

There is a saying that goes, ‘Ideals are full, reality is skinny. ’

Li Ye had never been out of the city. He thought it was wonderful to live outside the city, but when he actually went to see it, he was disappointed. He didn't like Sanqiao Town at all. There were too many prostitutes and ruffians were rampant. The personnel composition is extremely complex, a typical urban-suburban fusion area.

As for the villages to the south, they were very quiet, like a paradise in the world. But he came to the Tang Dynasty not to be worldly, but to join the world.

More importantly, since he couldn't find his home, what else was he going to do outside the city?

Li Ye went to the palace in the afternoon and handed Mo Jinma to Steward Qiao, then got on an ox cart and went home.

The coachman, who was dressed in black and fat, was very talkative and well-informed.

"What are you doing outside the city? You don't know that once the city gate is closed, you feel like a child who has been kicked out of the house by his parents. The city of Chang'an no longer belongs to you. I have lived outside the city for twenty years, and it took a lot of effort to fight for it. After squeezing into the city, I haven’t heard of anyone willing to move outside the city.”

"You think the river water in the city is too dirty? Let me tell you, there are many clean rivers in Chang'an City. Have you ever been to the quarters where the powerful live? Check out these four quarters: Wubenfang, Xingdaofang, Guanglufang and Taipingfang. , the river water inside is so clear that you can drink it directly.”

"Young man, you are still young. You have to live in the city to have any chance. Outside the city is a place for retirement, and the people in those villages are very xenophobic. If you, an outsider, move here, you will be stared at like a thief."

. . . . . . .

Along the way, Balabala also completely gave up Li Ye's idea of ​​moving outside the city.

During dinner, Pei Sanniang asked with a smile: "How was your inspection trip outside the city today?"

Li Ye sighed and said, "Mom, I don't want to move outside the city!"

Pei Sanniang and Mu Auntie looked at each other. They were not surprised at all. Pei Sanniang said with a smile: "If you don't want to go, then don't go! We bought the land behind the river by the river. The house also has an acre of land, and then we renovated the mud walls. Build a brick wall and you will be satisfied.”

Li Ye quickly added: "Make the courtyard wall higher and fill it with broken glass!"

"What is glass?" Aunt Mu asked strangely.

Only then did Li Ye remember that the glass from the Tang Dynasty had not yet entered ordinary people's homes. He scratched his head and said, "Glass is colored glaze!"

Pei Sanniang shook her head, "That's crazy talk. Liuli can only be used by high-ranking officials, and it has nothing to do with us. But you have a good idea. You can use arrows to insert them upside down in the cracks of the bricks. I have seen someone use it, and no one dares to climb the wall. ”

Pei Sanniang never mentioned the matter of studying. She read her son's handwriting practice today and found that his calligraphy was actually very good, even better than hers. He also knew a lot of calligraphy. There was no need to go to elementary school anymore.

After dinner, Li Ye began to sit at the table and practice writing. In fact, he had practiced calligraphy in another world. Although he knew how to write, his hands were not in control, so he wrote like earthworms crawling.

Starting yesterday, he tried to practice calligraphy by controlling his mind, that is to say, letting his hands write according to his own consciousness. As long as he controlled the stability and strength of his hands, what structure should a word have and how to write it well? Consciousness is clear.

After he practiced three hundred words last night, his technique became more and more proficient, and he gradually returned to most of the levels in his previous life. This is the wonderful effect of controlling the mind in calligraphy.

Of course, the method of controlling the mind is not omnipotent. It does not mean that you can practice whatever you want in an instant. The premise is that you have worked hard and know how to write the words.

Li Ye had already thrown away his copybook and began to write about some poems he had memorized in his previous life, but he was very cautious and tried to write poems that had already appeared. The poems and articles he had memorized in his previous life were all masterpieces by famous writers, and any one of them could shock the literary world. If it spreads, it will bring him endless trouble.

The spring river tide reaches the sea level, and the bright moon rises on the sea.

The twinkling waves follow the waves for thousands of miles, but there is no moon on the spring river!

. . . . . . . .

Pei Sanniang brought over a plate of snacks. Li Ye was so focused on writing that he didn't notice his mother's arrival.

Pei Sanniang looked at his handwriting and was surprised. How could it be better than yesterday's handwriting?

"Ah!" Pei Sanniang suddenly exclaimed, "Why is it "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night", Ye'er, where did you learn it?"

Li Ye rolled up his sleeves and said calmly: "I visited a bookstore a few days ago and saw this poem. I read it a few times and memorized it."

"Do you still have a photographic memory?" Pei Sanniang was even more surprised.

"I didn't do it before. After practicing the mental method with my uncle and taking the medicine he gave me, I feel that my memory is getting better and better, and the same goes for practicing calligraphy. I can write well in just a few days by practicing the mental method. And the more you write, the better.”

Li Ye downplayed everything and attributed everything to the method of controlling his mind. Others may not believe it, but Pei Sanniang believed it.

The mental method that my son talked about was a secret skill that had been lost for many years in the Pei family. For some unknown reason, my cousin Pei Min managed to learn it successfully. Could it be that his son also had this talent?

But my son is Li and his surname is Pei! Thinking of her surname Li, Pei Sanniang suddenly thought of the handsome and gentle young man from more than ten years ago.

She slowly walked out of the room, sat on the well platform, and looked at the golden full moon in the sky. For a moment, she fell into memories of the past.

. . . . . . . . .

At the first watch, Li Ye came to the backyard of the temple and saw Zhang Xiaopang chopping like crazy. He was going to move tomorrow. He didn't know if he could learn martial arts again. He vented all his anger on chopping. middle.

Pei Min still tutored Zhang Xiaopang as usual, but Xiaopang had already practiced very well.

"I heard from Fatty that you also want to move to Sanqiao?" Pei Min asked in a deep voice as he walked to the side.

Li Ye shook his head and said, "I don't want to leave the city, and I don't want to move."


"No reason, I don't like outside the city!"

Pei Min was silent for a moment and asked, "Are you still going to practice swordsmanship in the well?"

Li Ye still shook his head, "I plan to go to Wubenfang. I heard that the water there is very clean. I can sneak into the village from the bottom of the river."

"No! The water over there is too shallow and it's easy to be seen."

Pei Min thought for a while and said to Li Ye: "Go down into the well, then climb up and show me!"

Li Ye took off his coat and jumped into the well. In just a moment, he threw the club up first, and then climbed up the well wall. When he first practiced his sword underwater, he couldn't climb up at all. The well wall was very It was so slippery that I could only climb up to the wellhead by pulling on the well rope.

But after practicing for a month, he gradually discovered that climbing the well wall was not difficult. As long as there was a little gap for him to use his strength, he could easily climb up with his bare hands.

Pei Min saw him climbing up and said again: "Climb down again, don't jump!"

It was easier to climb down, and Li Ye went down in three clicks.

"Okay, come up!"

Li Ye climbed up, and Pei Min pointed at the clothes, "Put on the clothes and follow me."

"Uncle, where are you going?"

Pei Min ignored him, turned around and left.

Li Ye had no choice but to put on his coat and follow Pei Min with his club.

Not long after, Pei Min took him to the city wall. Yonghe Square was close to the city wall. Standing on the top of the city, you could see the inside of the square.

Chang'an's city wall is not very high, only two feet, or six stories. Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the city wall has only been repaired once, more than fifty years ago.

More than fifty years of wind and rain have made the city wall very old and damaged. It looks spectacular from a distance, but when you look closer, you will find that it is scarred and full of vicissitudes of life.

Li Ye already understood what Pei Min meant and climbed over the wall to get out of the city. Isn't it just that there were no defenders on top of the city?

Pei Min seemed to understand his worries and said calmly: "There are soldiers patrolling the city during the day, but at night the soldiers have gone to find a place to sleep. There are only soldiers standing guard above the city gate. It is far away from here, so don't worry!"

He drew his sword and struck the city wall. The city bricks shattered, and a hole as big as a fist appeared. He jumped up and walked on the city wall with his feet, like flowing clouds and flowing water, extremely elegant. The iron sword in his hand kept hitting the city wall, and holes appeared one after another.

Zhang Xiaopang may be dumbfounded, but Li Ye can understand. This is the same as climbing up the wall of a well. As long as there is a little bit of leverage, his feet can step on it, and the wall is slightly A little skewed and he had just enough balance in the air.

Of course, Pei Min is much smarter than him, but Li Ye sees the direction. He feels that in just one year, he can achieve the same level as Pei Min.

Pei Min had already gone to the city and stood at the top of the city and said, "Climb up!"

Li Ye put the club behind his back and climbed extremely quickly with the help of the hole Pei Min made in the city wall. The hole in the city wall was very large, which was much easier than a small corner on the well wall. Li Ye climbed up in just a moment. Go up to the city.

It was very quiet on the top of the city. There was not a single soldier in sight. Sure enough, everyone had gone to bed. He looked back again and saw the dots of lights in the city. Under the moonlight, the endless stretches of houses were quite spectacular.

"Let's go to town!"

They walked quickly to the other side. There was no need to dig holes. There were many damaged bricks on the city wall. Pei Min was as if he was flying with a sword and descended to the city. Li Ye did not have such ability. He had to climb on the damaged parts to descend the city. , but very quickly, he came down to the city in three or two strokes.

Outside the city is a moat, about three feet wide. There are several abandoned broken boats on the riverside. The broken boats are connected together and occupy half of the river surface.

"Follow me, you can do it!"

Pei Min jumped onto the broken boat, ran a few steps, jumped up, spread his arms like a falcon spreading its wings, then retracted its wings in an instant, and landed lightly on the other side, a foot or five feet away.

‘The worst case scenario is to fall into the water! ’

Li Ye threw the club over first, rubbed his hands, and imitated Pei Min in jumping onto the boat. He jumped up in a few steps and instinctively opened his arms. He could feel the lightness of his body. He actually jumped ten to five feet and landed on the other side easily.

Pei Min's face was expressionless, but a complicated expression flashed in his eyes. Li Ye had only practiced for more than a month, and he had achieved the same effect as he had practiced hard for half a year. Could this be talent?

"Let's go! Go to Fengshui."

Pei Min ran into the darkness, and Li Ye picked up the club and followed suit. The two figures, one behind the other, gradually disappeared into the night.

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