
Chapter 52: Changing coaches before battle

Of course, it is impossible for Li Ye to stay overnight in the palace. He has to practice at night. Although there is a river in the palace, he can be easily discovered. Each martial arts family has its own unique practice method, which is secret and must not be known to outsiders.

The Pei family is no exception. If Pei Min had not had a son, Li Ye would not have this opportunity.

Of course, it doesn't matter if young people like Zhang Xiaopang see it, they don't understand anyway, but if polo players see it, there may be a risk of leaking the secret.

At one watch, Li Ye climbed over the city wall and ran to the Fengshui River. There was silence all around, and no lights could be seen in a village two miles away. He quickly took off his clothes and pants, weighed them down with a big stone, and jumped with a polo club in his hand. Into the river.

Li Ye has been feeling very good in the past two days. He has a feeling that he is about to break through. Of course, it does not mean that he is going to break through the two-to-three stage, but the breakthrough in the first step of this stage.

Each stage has four steps: initiation, inheritance, transfer, and combination. The first step is "rise". Breaking through this step means that he has entered the second and third stages of life.

He practiced hard for more than a month before finally seeing the threshold.

But this is also the easiest step among the four steps. The second step is inheritance, which is relatively long and requires at least a year of hard training. It is boring and boring, but it is a bit of accumulation.

Only after you have accumulated enough energy can you attack the most critical and difficult third step.

Once the third step 'turn' is broken through, the second stage is basically successful, and the fourth step is a consolidation or an expansion.

Therefore, there are actually only two breakthroughs in the entire second stage, one is the entry breakthrough and the other is the exit breakthrough.

What Li Ye is facing now is the first breakthrough.

He floated in the water, vigorously wielding the thirteen sword techniques in the water, he was not impatient, and he tried his best to float up again and again.

When he dived into the water for the tenth time, he suddenly stood firm at the bottom of the water. The rapids under the water could not wash him down. Just like at the bottom of a well, he stood firmly on the fine sand.

Swinging the club against the undercurrent, the resistance was more than ten times greater than at the bottom of the well, but the speed of his swing was the same as at the bottom of the well. Although it was still like dancing a sword in space, it was much faster than the previous two days.

Li Ye waved seventeen times in one breath before he surfaced. He knew he had broken through, but he couldn't explain why he broke through. It was just like when he learned to swim when he was a child. After practicing for a few days, he suddenly floated. .

What a wonderful feeling.

Li Ye took a deep breath and dived deeply into the water. He stood firmly on the fine sand at the bottom of the water again, mobilized the strength of every muscle in his body, and struck out the first sword with full force. . . . . .

At this time, Pei Min was standing behind a big tree on the shore, silently watching the ripples on the water. He knew that Li Ye had made a breakthrough, but this time Pei Min was not shocked or surprised. He Having become accustomed to his nephew's genius, Li Ye's breakthrough was completely unexpected.

only. . . . It took Li Ye just over a month, but it took him a full half a year to break through.

. . . . . . . . . .

At dawn the next day, Li Ye appeared in front of the gate of Prince Ning's Mansion on time.

Qiao Xingzhong had been waiting for him for a long time and quickly led him towards the polo ground.

"Captain Gao had an accident last night!"

Qiao Xingzhong whispered: "He may be suspected of colluding with the Yang family. The prince decided to get rid of him. I only heard about it early in the morning."

Li Ye nodded, as he expected, and asked again: "Then who will be the team leader today?"

"The prince of Hanzhong County, the prince's brother, is called Li Yu. He was also a polo master when he was young. It is said that he is Feilong's apprentice. He is Taichang Shaoqing. He is just here to help today."

The two came to the stadium, and the groom had already brought Li Ye's brocade over. A painter skillfully painted a mask on Li Ye's face, two black sharks.

Another servant put on armor for Li Ye, wrapping his head, neck, arms and legs tightly. Today is serious. If you are knocked down by the opponent three times in a row, you will be sent off, and the team will have one less person. .

"Everyone assemble!"

The captain of the team shouted loudly, and the resting players stood up to assemble.

Li Ye led the horse to join the team. He stood at the edge. The uniforms of the King Ning Polo Team were blue, and as a foreign aid, Li Ye wore a white armor, which made him stand out among the crowd.

Si Ning Wang Li Lin came over accompanied by a tall middle-aged man, about thirty-five or six years old, with a short beard, eyes like cold stars, eyebrows like arrows, and he was calm and intimidating.

This person is Li Yu, King of Hanzhong. He once served as the shooter of King Ning's polo team during the Kaiyuan period.

Although Li Ye met Li Yu for the first time, he had an intuition that this Li Yu was very skilled in martial arts and was not as simple as playing polo.

Li Yu looked around at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Li Ye. Although Li Ye was very tall, his face showed that he was still a teenager.

"Gao Lian has resigned. Today I will lead everyone to face the Yang family polo team!"

Li Yu didn't talk nonsense and spoke cleanly and neatly, "I know that Gao Lian has formulated a specific plan and everyone has also trained, so I will not change the plan and everything will be implemented according to the established plan!"

Everyone was secretly relieved, but everyone was afraid that a new plan would appear and it would be too late to train again.

"The Yang family polo team is your old rival. You should know it very well. They are despicable, shameless and unscrupulous. This is the Yang family polo team. Someone will be injured today, but I don't want it to be you, so you guys let go and fight. , I will take care of everything!"

'Thumbs up! ’ Li Ye secretly cheered, this is the temperament of a commander-in-chief.

"lets go!"

Everyone got on their horses one after another and urged the horses to file forward. The nine-headed bird was at the front and Li Ye was at the back.

When passing by Li Yu, Li Yu asked lightly: "Are you the flying shark?"


Li Yu took out a golden bead the size of a sparrow egg from his arms, threw it into the air, and said calmly: "Shoot down that bird above your head!"

Li Ye swung the club and without raising his head at all, Jin Zhu said, "Pop!" ’ He flew out, only to hear a cry, and a bird fell from the sky.

Li Yu stretched out his hand and caught the falling golden beads, with a smile on his lips, "Go!"

Li Ye urged his horse to follow the team.

At this time, Li Lin walked up and said with a smile: "I said, this kid is very powerful, right?"

Li Yu nodded, "There will be a good show today!"

Li Lin got on the carriage and left. Li Yu looked at the dead bird on the ground, smiled faintly, and said to himself: "He is actually Pei Min's apprentice!"

Twenty-five teams are divided into five groups, and the top two teams in each group advance to the semi-finals, which is the top ten games.

Each group has a game this morning. The match at this time is the Ningwang Polo Team in the third group versus the Yang Family Polo Team.

In terms of strength, the Yang family polo team ranked 13th, and the Ningwang polo team ranked 15th. The two teams were about the same, with the Yang family polo team slightly stronger.

Although the Ningwang Polo Team has rookie Fei Sha as a foreign aid, there are still more people betting on the Yang Family Polo Team. All fans know that rookies generally have no experience.

The polo match is also divided into the first half and the second half. The main purpose is to give the horses water and rest. Three sticks of incense are burned in each half. One stick of incense is equivalent to ten minutes now. The half is thirty minutes, and the whole game is sixty. Incense, one hour.

Today's game was held at the Zuowei Polo Ground in Chongrenfang, the same polo ground where Li Ye first tried.

This polo ground, which can accommodate 20,000 spectators, is already packed with people. The seats in the Tang Dynasty stadium were made of bricks and stones, which were very solid and solid. However, there were no seat numbers. You could sit wherever you wanted. More people were standing around the stadium anyway. It's only half an hour, so I can't stand for long.

Soldiers stood guard at the front to prevent the enthusiastic fans from rushing onto the court.

Both sides had cheering teams, waving war flags and beating war drums loudly.

The Tang Dynasty was an era of martial arts, and the speed, power, precision and fierce competition of polo games fascinated fans.

The two teams rode into the field, and the stadium was filled with cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami. This battle between dragons and tigers was about to begin.

On Saturday, I urge all book friends to vote and reward! Lao Gao is extremely grateful.

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