
Chapter 54 Fighting between the Dragon and the Tiger (Part 2)

At the beginning of the second half, Li Ye finally came on the field. Pei Sanniang recognized her son at a glance and shouted excitedly: "You brat, be braver!"

Aunt Mu was so anxious that she stood on half of the big rock, her golden rooster standing alone. She clenched her fists and shouted: "Aye, we must win!"

Fei Shark's appearance made the whole audience roar. After all, he was the new champion, especially the disciples who defeated Fei Long and Lie Feng. Fei Shark's name had already spread throughout Chang'an.

Both sides deployed their formations and took their respective positions. Li Ye stood at the center line. As a shooter, he had to rush to the front.

The opponent player closest to Li Ye is the shooter Xiao Li Guang, but Xiao Li Guang doesn't care about him at all. Everyone has a clear task. The players responsible for dealing with Li Ye are Dahuang Nu and Wu Ying, both of whom are at fifty paces. Line, one is on the hundred-step line, staring at Li Ye eagerly.

The referee Han Zhong waved the battle flag, and the polo fell from the sky again. The game began. Everyone galloped on their horses. The emotions of the surrounding audience were aroused. The cheers, shouts, and drums were thunderous, shaking the heaven and earth.

No one caught the first landing point of the polo. The polo landed and bounced high. The passer Black Panther grabbed it and hit it out. The polo flew quickly in the air and chased Li Ye's back. go.

According to the rules of the game, interception of the offensive player is not allowed when the ball is still behind the offensive player. It can only be intercepted when it reaches the offensive player's head or in front of him. Premature interception will result in a penalty kick.

Although interception is not allowed, you can chase the ball. When chasing the ball, you are actually chasing people.

The interceptor at the 100-step line, Evil Eagle, galloped toward the polo from the opposite side. When he reached the 120-step line, Li Ye had already galloped to the 150-step line.

The polo ball landed next to Li Ye accurately. Huang Nu, the team leader in front, suddenly understood that the opponent was passing the ball from the 150-step line, and Fei Shark was going to shoot the ball from the 150-step line.

It is stipulated that the hole must be shot between the 150-foot line and the 30-foot line to be valid, but the 150-foot line shot can only be seen in the semi-finals, and rarely in the preliminary rounds.

The Yang family polo team does not have this defensive plan.

"Throw the club and hit him!" Big Yellow Crossbow yelled anxiously.

But the evil eagle did not react. He had already rushed to the 130-step line and rushed towards Li Ye.

At this time, Li Ye hit a shot on the 150-step line, ‘Bang! ’ The club hit the polo, and the polo rose into the air and flew towards the hole in the distance amidst the roars of the audience.

Even the evil eagle didn't care about attacking Li Ye. He reined in the reins and turned around to look.

The polo flew one hundred and fifty steps and hit the hole accurately.

The whole audience immediately burst into joy. It was so awesome. He shot the ball from 150 steps!

Pei Sanniang and Mu Auntie were so excited that they hugged each other and almost fell down the boulder together.

Li Yu, the prince of Hanzhong County, stood up suddenly, waved his fists with both hands in excitement, and shouted: "Well done, let's do it like this!"

Even the steady Li Lin almost jumped up, but he restrained himself, stroking his beard and laughing, "Okay! Good fight!"

Li Ling Lin Fu narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "This sword move goes off the edge, which is really unexpected!"

At the beginning, Li Ye scored one point, five to two.

Next, the Yang's polo team served. Yang Xuan put his hands to his mouth and shouted, "Everyone, calm down, don't mess up!"

The polo was flying around the field like lightning, and everyone was trying to get the ball away without dribbling.

The opponent's shooter Xiao Liguang received the ball and hit it a hundred steps away. However, he was interfered by the Ningwang team's tackler Buck, and the ball hit the edge of the hole and bounced out.

He was grabbed by another Ning Wang team's tackler and hit the midfielder with a swing. Two passers reached him at the same time, and the two clubs went 'dang! ’ There was a sound of intersection, the two horses crossed each other, the Black Panther passed the ball first, and the opponent’s little flying dragon hit the Black Panther hard on the back.

The black panther swayed and almost fell off his horse, so he hurriedly moved his horse to avoid it.

The Black Panther's ball passed over Li Ye's head. Li Ye galloped on his horse, and the big yellow crossbow came from the diagonal stab.

He ignored the ball and kicked Li Ye's waist very fiercely.

The whole audience exclaimed, and someone yelled: "Shameless!"

Li Ye has broken through the entry level of the second stage, and his perception, strength, speed and other aspects have improved.

Although the opponent's kick was fast and hard, in Li Ye's eyes, it seemed like the opponent was in slow motion.

He reached out and grabbed Dahuang Nu's feet, pushed hard, and Dahuang Nu's body flew out, falling heavily and dismounting.

Li Ye immediately blocked, 'Dang! ’ There was a crisp sound, and the club blocked the sneak attack of the evil eagle behind him. The evil eagle hit his neck hard, obviously trying to break his neck.

Li Ye raised his leg and kicked it extremely fast. He kicked the evil eagle in the stomach and heard 'Bang! ' With a sound, Evil Eagle's ribs were almost broken by the kick, and his internal organs rolled. He screamed in pain, turned over and fell off his horse. He couldn't recover from this kick until he lay down for a few days.

After knocking over two interceptors, Li Ye calmly hit out with one shot. The polo went into the hole and scored another goal, five to three.

Fans supporting Yang's polo team booed and cursed, while fans supporting Ning Wang's team cheered loudly and beat drums loudly.

Yang Xuan's expression changed. Two people were flanking each other, but one of them was not his opponent. Could it be that the opponent was Lian Jiazi?

Yang Xuan realized that Fei Shark not only knew how to play polo, but was also very skilled in martial arts.

At this time, the game stopped, and several servants ran up to lift the injured Eagle down.

"What happened to him?" Yang Xuan asked angrily.

"Young Master, the evil eagle was kicked by the opponent and his ribs may be broken. The opponent was too cruel."


Yang Xuan cursed fiercely and said to an extremely strong golfer: "Grizzly bear, break his neck for me!"

It was only five minutes after a cup of tea, and the Ningwang team scored two goals in a row, making it 5-3. At this time, no one was sure that the Yang team would win. Everyone held their breath and watched nervously. Watch the game on the court.

The game continued. At this time, the Yang Jia Polo Team scored a goal and regained a point. However, before everyone cheered, the Yang Jia Polo Team committed a foul.

The offender was a grizzly bear who had just come on the field. The polo ball was still behind Li Ye, so he rushed up and swung Li Ye. Although he was as strong as a bear, his speed was far inferior to that of the big yellow crossbow, and his brain was not bright enough.

This stroke did not hit anyone, but Li Ye slapped him hard on his face, which was full of flesh. His face immediately swelled up.

The grizzly bear was beaten so dizzy that it was spinning around. He was about to fall off the horse, but he was so frightened that Dahuang Nu held him up and let him hug the horse's neck.

"Poof!" The grizzly bear spat out three bloody teeth on the ground.

Dahuang Nu's heart went cold. Just now, he was grabbed by the feet and thrown off the horse by Li Ye. In fact, he knew that Li Ye was merciful. The opponent's hands were like pliers, so powerful that they could directly break his ankles. Crippled for life.

Grizzly Bear is so strong and has never suffered a loss, but he knocked out three teeth with one slap. This guy is so cruel, he is only fourteen years old! Simply a monster.

At this time, referee Han Zhong raised a flag to signal a foul to the Grizzlies. In this kind of game, both sides are powerful and no one can afford to offend. The best way is to enforce the law impartially.

The Grizzlies fouled at 120 steps, which means that the opponent has to serve at 120 steps. From this distance, you can shoot directly.

Li Ye urged his horse to run for a few steps and hit a stroke. The polo went into the hole, 6 to 4. He had just widened the score, but was caught up again.

Yang Xuan was so angry that he punched the table and asked him to break Li Ye's neck instead of asking him to commit a foul. What a fool!

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