
Chapter 73 Naturalization and Return to the Clan

Early the next morning, Li Ye rode a donkey to the gate of Li Mansion in Pingkang Mansion, and saw his father waiting at the gate from a distance.

It can be seen that he is very nervous, and the smile on his face is a bit unnatural.

"Ye'er, I was worried that you would be late, but you came just in time!"

Li Dai saw that his son's face was not very good, his face was sallow and without blood, and he quickly asked: "Ye'er, you don't look very good. Did you not get any rest last night?"

"I'm a little uncomfortable, but it's okay. I can hold on."

Li Dai nodded, "Then it will end early, and you can go back and rest early."

"Father, what's wrong with your face?" Li Ye finally couldn't help but ask.

There were two blood stains on Li Dai's face yesterday, but today there were three blood stains, and his right eye also turned black and blue.

Li Ye didn't want to ask more questions, but he was obviously violent.


Li Dai covered his face and squeaked: "I was not careful when washing my face..."

"Fifth Master, the Prime Minister is urging you." A servant in the mansion shouted.


Li Dai handed the donkey to a servant and said to Li Ye, "Let's leave quickly!"

The father and son did not enter the mansion, but passed directly through the side alley. The ancestral hall was not in the mansion, but on the side.

Arriving in front of a large courtyard, Li Ye looked up at the plaque above. There were five characters on the plaque: "Yuanzhou Fang Ancestral Hall"

At this time, a laughing voice said: "We are the first branch of the Li family in Yuanzhou, let's get closer to the royal family!"

Only then did Li Ye notice a tall and thin old man standing in front of him, with a majestic aura, but a smile on his face, and he looked very kind.

Li Dai was startled and said quickly: "Father, this is Ye'er!"

He gently pulled his son again and said, "Ye'er, this is your grandfather, hurry up and salute him!"

It turned out that this was Li Linfu. Li Ye quickly knelt down and kowtowed, "My grandson, Li Ye, pay my respects to my grandfather!"

"Not bad! Not bad! You are very polite. Get up quickly."

Li Linfu asked his grandson to stand up with a smile. Li Ye stood up. Halfway up, he suddenly covered his chest, swayed and almost fell. Li Dai quickly supported his son.

Li Linfu was stunned, "Ye'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Reporting to my grandfather, my grandson was injured by the Yang family last time, and the injury has not fully healed yet."

Li Linfu's face sank and he snorted: "The Yang family has gone too far in bullying others. I will settle the score with them sooner or later!"

He expressed concern again: "You are not feeling well, why don't you salute another day?"

Li Ye shook his head, "I have already arrived in front of my ancestors. Even if my grandson crawls over, he still has to kowtow to his ancestors!"

Li Linfu was greatly moved, "Good boy, as long as you have this heart!"

Li Dai was also really moved. He didn't expect his son to have such respect for his ancestors. Alas! Huai'er is too far behind on this point.

Li Linfu personally took Li Ye into the ancestral hall and introduced him to his ancestors.

Li Linfu's ancestor is naturally Li Hu, the ancestor of the Li royal family, but Li Hu is enshrined in the Imperial Ancestral Temple, and they cannot enshrine him here.

The earliest ancestor they worship is Li Yi, the king of Xun, who was the sixth uncle of Li Yuan, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

The second person to be enshrined is Li Shuliang, Prince of Changping County, Li Linfu's great-grandfather and cousin of the great ancestor Li Yuan.

Then there is the former governor Shi Li Xiaobin, Li Linfu's grandfather.

Then there was Li Linfu's father, Li Sijie, who was appointed governor of Yangzhou and joined the army.

There are many other tablets, including several of Li Linfu's uncles.

Today is May 15th, the ancestral hall’s open day.

That is to say, family members sit together to discuss clan affairs, such as whether to increase the annual income, such as the harvest of the manor, etc. Because it involves many important matters of interest distribution, no one will be absent. Almost all the clan members are here, and everyone is together.

But the first major event today is that Li Ye recognizes his ancestor and returns to the clan. This was decided by the head of the family, Li Linfu, and it was hard for everyone to ask more questions.

The master of ceremonies shouted: "The seventh-generation grandson Li Ye recognizes and returns to the clan, performs a great ceremony, kowtows once, twice, and three times!"

Li Ye knelt down and kowtowed to his ancestors three times.

"After the ceremony, note the score!"

The master of ceremonies handed the pen to the head of the family, Li Linfu. Li Linfu personally added Li Ye's name to the family tree, the forty-eighth grandson Li Ye.

In fact, the ceremony is very simple, just kowtow three times, add the name in the family tree, and it's over.

Then comes the ceremony, mainly for grandfather Li Linfu, father Li Dai, then several cousins, and four uncles, who kowtow one by one, and the following twenty uncles also kowtow as juniors.

"Kowtow to the elders!" the master of ceremonies shouted.

Li Ye first knelt down and kowtowed to Li Linfu. When he stood up, he held his chest and couldn't hold on any longer.

Li Linfu said quickly: "Keep it short, just kowtow once, no need to kowtow three times."

"My grandson obeys!"

The second person should be Li Linfu's brother Li Shaoan, but Li Ye knelt down and kowtowed first to his father who was standing aside. In any case, this was what he should do.

He was about to stand up, but suddenly he pressed his chest, his body went limp and fell to the ground, and he fainted.

Li Linfu was shocked and said quickly: "Go to the doctor quickly!"

Li Dai and several brothers struggled to carry Li Ye out of the ancestral hall and sent him to the hospital.

There was a group of elders sitting next to him, waiting to kowtow to him!

Is this head kowtow or not?

Li Linfu waved his hand and said, "This child is not feeling well today and has already behaved very well. You can make up for this gift later!"


In the study, Li Linfu was thinking about how to ask Li Ye to play ball for Gao Lishi.

He had too many grandsons, and it didn't matter if he had more or less grandsons. But there was only one Gao Lishi, and he had to pay tribute to this high Bodhisattva.

At this time, the housekeeper said at the door: "Master, Dr. Sun is here!"

"Come in!"

A doctor walked in and saluted respectfully, "See you, sir!"

His name is Sun Jixiu, and he is Li Linfu's family doctor who specializes in treating the children of Li Linfu's family.

"How is the child?" Li Linfu asked with concern.

Sun Jixiu looked embarrassed, "It's a bit hard to say."

"Is there anything you can't say? Is the injury serious?"

"Reply to the master, he is fine!"


Li Linfu was stunned, "What do you mean it's okay?"

"The child is very strong and has no problems. His face is sallow because of the dye."

"Ah!" Li Linfu couldn't close his mouth for a long time.

"Why is he pretending to be ill?" Li Linfu was a little confused.

"Master, he said something to me, but I don't know what it means."

"What did he say?" Li Linfu asked hurriedly.

"He said that he kneels to heaven, kneels to king, kneels to ancestors, kneels to parents, and other people are not qualified to ask him to kneel down!"

"Oh I got it!"

Li Linfu suddenly realized that he started acting as soon as he entered the gate of the ancestral hall. Li Linfu stroked his beard and nodded secretly, "This kid is so scheming! He even hit me in the eye."

Normally, when an elder encounters something like this, he will definitely become furious and even use cunning tactics in the ancestral hall.

But not Li Linfu. He originally didn't care much about Li Ye returning to his clan and recognizing his ancestors. It didn't matter to him whether he had this grandson or not. He had too many grandsons.

Li Linfu agreed to Li Ye's return to the clan just because he wanted him to play ball for Gao Lishi and become a tool for him to curry favor with Gao Lishi.

Of course, Li Linfu himself is an extremely cunning person, so instead of being angry, Li Linfu was quite appreciative of it. The child knew that he could not hide it from him, so he specially told the doctor this sentence, which was also an explanation for himself.

No one can deceive him. This is the first time he has been deceived. It is his fourteen-year-old grandson. Li Linfu can't figure out why he didn't realize it?

Maybe it was his age, and I was deceived by his age, what else? Li Linfu suddenly remembered that Li Ye deliberately mentioned the Yang family when he was pretending for the first time. This was the key and diverted his attention.

Does this child know about the holiday between him and the Yang family? If that's the case, he's a bit too powerful.

Li Linfu couldn't help but be a little impressed by this new grandson.

Li Linfu thought for a while and asked Dr. Sun: "Who else knows about this matter?"

Doctor Sun shook his head quickly, "The villain didn't say anything to anyone!"

"His father doesn't know either?"

"The villain didn't tell him!"

"Then don't say it!"

Li Linfu told him: "Only you and I know about this matter today, and you are not allowed to tell the third person!"

"The villain understands and must keep his mouth shut!"

Li Ye's naturalization was not very sincere in the first place, and as a modern man, he was quite resistant to kneeling down to a bunch of inexplicable elders.

It is normal to use some tricks to get rid of kowtow.

As for whether it would anger Li Linfu, it actually didn't matter. Li Linfu wanted to use himself to play polo, so he wouldn't care about such small details.

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