
Chapter 814 Uighur Khan

On the vast grassland to the north of Yinshan Mountain, a Uighur army of 50,000 people was slowly marching south, followed by more than two dozen tribes providing supplies. The team was vast and stretched for hundreds of miles.

This Uighur army is the royal tent army of Gel Khan, that is, the army directly under his administration. Although the Uighur army is known as an army of 400,000, it is to defeat the armies of the nine Uighur tribes, as well as the Pugu tribe, the Beyegu tribe, and the Sijie tribe. When all the dozen or so Tiele tribes are gathered together, there will be more than 300,000 people, known as the 400,000-strong army.

The Uighurs occupied the best part of the Mobei grassland, which is today between the Hangai Mountains and the Kent Mountains, south of Lake Baikal, and the intersection of several large rivers near Ulaanbaatar. It covers an area of ​​thousands of miles, with abundant water and grass and numerous rivers. .

Another highlight of Mobei is the Jinshan Prairie, which is now the territory of Geluolu, the Uighur’s mortal enemy. The two grassland forces have been eyeing each other for decades.

Now there is another force rising, that is, the Xiongasi tribe in the north, also called the Jiankun tribe. The alliance between the Jiankun tribe and the Geluolu people has threatened the rule of the Uighurs.

In order to fight against the two hostile forces, the Uighurs urgently needed to supplement their population, wealth and supplies. At this time, the Uighurs set their sights on the Tang Dynasty, which was experiencing civil strife.

The prosperous Central Plains dynasty has always been a fat sheep coveted by the grassland heroes of the past dynasties. Especially the wealth of the Tang Dynasty was coveted and envied by the Turks and even the Uighurs.

Now that there is an opportunity, the time has come to plunder the wealth of the Tang Dynasty. Of course, the Uighurs must plunder justifiably. The Uighurs have reached an agreement with the Tang Dynasty and sent 10,000 troops to help the Tang army retake Luoyang.

According to the agreement, Luoyang and the surrounding land belonged to the Tang Dynasty, and the women and wealth belonged to the Huihe.

The Uighurs not only want wealth and materials, but also a large number of women. They are not to reward the army, but to send hundreds of thousands of women back to the grasslands to give birth to children for them. Only in this way can the Uighur population increase rapidly and strengthen their strength. In the next year, he was able to destroy the Geluolu and Xigasi people.

It can be said that this is the national policy of the Uighurs, but their national policy is based on the death of countless Han families and the miserable lives of countless Han women. The Uighurs will not care, nor will the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. The powerful ministers of the Tang Dynasty will only sigh and acquiesce. .

But someone must stand up to prevent this tragic history from happening. Li Ye stood up. He would never allow his compatriots to be insulted and spend their lives in misery on the grassland like animals.

In the afternoon, the Uighur army stopped going south and set up the royal tent camp by the Hunyi River. They had already reached the edge of the ruling center. If they went south, they would be far away from the ruling center. Once the royal city was empty, Xiaoxiao would definitely be triggered. of spying.

The entire Mobei grassland is a world of wolves. As long as there is a chance, the wolves will not let go of the unguarded delicious food.

Gele Khan was actually seeing off the troops of the Southern Expedition. The 10,000 Huihe troops were led by Prince Yehu. They would enter the Tang Dynasty from Shuofang and go south from Xiaoguan to Guanzhong.

As for the Tang Dynasty's hope that they could regain Lingzhou by the way, Gel Khan just laughed and didn't answer. They were going to plunder wealth and women. How could they fight for the Tang Dynasty like servants? What's more, the opponent was the Tibetan army, and they didn't want to provoke them. .

In the king's tent, Gel Khan was explaining some important matters.

At this moment, there was a rapid sound of horse hooves outside, and then General Meili quickly walked into the tent and knelt down and said: "Qi Khan, a team of tribesmen came from the south. They are soldiers and officials from Fengzhou. and herdsmen, about 8,000 in number, were expelled from Fengzhou by the Tang army and returned north in a hurry."


Gele Khan stood up. He couldn't believe his ears. He was expelled from Fengzhou by the Tang army?

Next to him, the eldest son Ye Hu said solemnly: "Father Khan! Maybe they made a mistake. I think it is more likely that it is the Lingzhou Tibetan army."

General Meili shook his head, "I asked very clearly and confirmed again and again that it is indeed the Tang army, not the Tubo army."

Gel Khan waved his hand, "No matter so much, let the army leader come to see me!"

The eldest son Ye Hu asked anxiously: "What about me leading the army to Chang'an?"

Gel Khan was upset and said: "Wait a moment and figure out the situation first."

Prime Minister Dagan said from the side: "Khan, if the opponent is really the Tang Army, something will happen to Shuofang."

"That's not the problem, it will mess up my plan!"

Gel Khan said irritably: "Shut up now and ask about the situation."

Everyone in the big tent fell silent.

Not long after, a captain of thousands was brought into the king's tent. He knelt down and said, "Fengzhou guard Yantuo pays homage to the Khan!"

"Tell me clearly, whose army entered Fengzhou and drove you away?"

"Report to the Khan, it's the Longyou Tang Army!"

Gele Khan frowned, "Didn't the Tang Army of Longyou be buried in Tongguan by Ge Shuhan?"

Prince Ye Hu whispered: "It should be their newly established Longyou Army."

"Who is their Jiedu envoy?" Gel Khan asked.

The captain shook his head, "We don't know, and the other party refuses to say anything."

"How many troops do they have?"

"About two thousand people."

Gel Khan was furious, "Will two thousand people kill you to pieces?"

At this time, the second son of Gel Khan moved forward and said: "Father Khan, I am willing to lead five thousand cavalry back to Fengzhou and completely wipe out this Longyou Tang army."

Prince Ye Hu said anxiously: "Father Khan, we'd better communicate with the Tang Dynasty, maybe it's a misunderstanding!"

General Di De said coldly: "Have they ever communicated with us when they attacked Fengzhou? They are unkind, why should we accommodate them?"

Prime Minister Dagan also advised: "If we start a war rashly, it will destroy the agreement reached by the two countries, and we will lose the opportunity!"

"We have the same chance if we form an alliance with Shi Siming!"


Gel Khan shouted angrily, interrupting everyone's debate.

He asked the commander again, "Can they kill our soldiers?"

The commander nodded and said, "We had a sneak attack on our military camp. The soldiers resisted and more than a hundred people were killed."

Gel Khan gritted his teeth and said: "If you dare to kill my soldiers, then there will be nothing to negotiate. If you move to the ground, General You and Didi will lead five thousand cavalry to go south immediately and kill the two thousand Tang troops!"

As soon as it was getting dark, five thousand cavalry, led by the second prince Echiken and the right-killing general Teide, rushed toward Fengzhou, thousands of miles away, at lightning speed.

Yidijian was the Mouyu Khan in history, also known as Dengli Khan. At this time, he was not the prince. The prince was his elder brother Gushu, who served as the guardian of Huihe, second only to the Khan.

Of course, Yijijian was ambitious and wanted to replace his brother as the prince, but he didn't have much chance. However, his father Khan loved him very much and had publicly announced that he would succeed his brother as Khan.

In fact, the Uighurs are also divided into two factions. One is the main militant faction, which advocates joining forces with Shi Siming to carve up the Tang Dynasty. The second prince Yi Dijian is the representative of the main militant faction, including General Yousha Di De, who also supports Yi Dijian. Main war faction.

The other faction is the moderate faction headed by Prince Ye Hu. Prime Minister Dagan supports Prince Ye Hu. They advocate cooperation with the Tang Dynasty and seek the greatest benefits for Uihe on the basis of consensus between the two parties.

The two factions nominally had different attitudes towards Datang, but in fact, they were secretly competing for the position of Khan.

At present, the moderates have the upper hand, convincing Gel Khan to form an alliance with the Tang Dynasty, and legitimately reap benefits for Huihe.

However, the sudden Fengzhou incident gave Yi Dijian a glimmer of hope. He could completely tear up the agreement with the Tang Dynasty by taking advantage of the battle with the Longyou Tang Army. Huihe turned to cooperate with Shi Siming, sending a large army south to carve up the land with Shi Siming. Tang Dynasty.

How could Yidijian be satisfied with the mere population and wealth of Luoyang?

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