
Chapter 842 A sudden awakening

"Then what's the point of killing Sun Liu? Everyone doesn't know that Sun Liu is controlled by Li Fuguo."

Dugu Ming said slowly: "In two days I will arrange for someone to break the news that Sun Liu is from Li Fuguo, and then spread some gossip that the prince was poisoned to death by Sun Liu. Everyone will think of Sun Liu being silenced by Li Fuguo , it’s just hearsay and there’s no way to investigate it, but Li Fuguo will definitely take the blame.”

Li Ye listened silently and said as if he had some realization: "Uncle San started planning it a long time ago!"

"Since the prince pretended to be poisoned and gave up on himself, I discovered the opportunity and started planning."

Li Ye thought for a moment and said, "Why don't I ask the imperial doctor Wang Jinfu to write a letter of exposure, telling Sun Liu to poison His Highness the Crown Prince to death, and then cooperate with the third uncle's gossip. This will be more reasonable and reasonable!"

Dugu Ming smiled happily and said, "This is a good idea!"

At this time, Dugu Ming remembered something again and said to Li Ye: "I got the news that the emperor decided not to adopt the emperor's plan, but to continue to canonize the emperor's younger brother."

Li Ye frowned. This news was a bit unexpected. His plan had failed. He didn't want to be crowned emperor. He wanted Li Longji to be restored and the entire history to be completely changed.

Dugu Ming advised him: "I thought about it all night last night. I have repeatedly considered that it is better not to restore the Supreme Emperor. The Supreme Emperor has a strong foundation and will vigorously reintegrate. The confrontation between the eunuch party and the ruling party that has finally been formed will be destroyed. If the Supreme Emperor dismantles it, he will re-establish a strict inheritance of the throne. At that time, you really have no hope. On the contrary, you will do everything possible to prevent the Supreme Emperor from restoring his power. Aye, do you think I am right?"

Li Ye fell into deep thought. He only considered restoring the emperor and completely changing history, but he forgot that Li Longji created the prosperous Kaiyuan era. Although he was confused in his later years and caused the Anshi Rebellion, if he wakes up and starts to govern the country again, he will The chaotic imperial succession system of the Tang Dynasty was reorganized into order, so there was really no hope for him.

Li Ye had a feeling of awakening. He knocked on his head and found that he was still a little younger! If Li Longji is restored to the throne, he may not necessarily be his opponent.

He changed his mind, "Third uncle is right, I didn't think carefully. We should really do our best to prevent the restoration of the Supreme Emperor."

Dugu Ming walked a few steps with his hands behind his back: "If I were the Supreme Emperor and I wanted to force King Yong to break up with the Emperor, what would I do?"

Li Ye said slowly: "I had a backup plan before. If the emperor continues to ennoble the emperor's younger brother, I will assassinate Li Zhen, the military commander of the Jiannan Army. He is the most beloved son of King Yong, and he happens to be in Chang'an with Cui Yuan. Once he was assassinated, the relationship between King Yong and the Emperor was completely broken."

Dugu Ming nodded, "You are absolutely right. The people sent by the Supreme Emperor must have sneaked into Chang'an and waited for an opportunity to assassinate Li Zhen. Once Li Zhen dies, King Yong will reach a compromise with the Supreme Emperor, and the Supreme Emperor will be restored and overthrow the throne of the Emperor."

Dugu Ming smiled and said, "Don't worry about Li Zhen. I'll remind him."

After leaving Anrenfang, Li Ye and his men came to Pingkangfang and stopped in front of a large house. This was the house of Mrs. Guo Guo, covering an area of ​​80 acres. It had been confiscated by the court long ago. It is now Li Ye's Prince Qi's Mansion. There are Juma in front of the gate, and two huge stone lions on the left and right, very majestic.

The steps were clean and clean, and the gatehouse was very tall and grand, with carved beams and painted pillars, and black tiles and cornices. A huge plaque hung in the middle, with the three characters "Prince Qi's Mansion" written in the emperor's handwriting, and the plaque was inlaid with gold edges.

Under the plaque are double vermillion-lacquered doors. Of course, this is not the first time Li Ye has come here. This used to be the residence of Mrs. Guo Guo. It was once the most famous palace of power in Chang'an. How many people lined up here with gifts, but now it is empty. No one.

A soldier ran up and slapped the door knocker. After a moment, the door opened. An old man poked his head out to take a look. He saw Li Ye and quickly stepped forward and saluted: "Finally, your highness is here!"

Li Ye smiled and asked, "Are you Old Man Wen?"

"The little man Wen Shengnian is responsible for guarding this house."

Li Ye entered the mansion with thirty of his men carrying tool boxes. These tools were all prepared yesterday, mainly iron crowbars, ropes and pick bars. Of course, Li Ye came to look for the wealth that Yang Yupei left in the mansion.

Speaking of which, Yang Yupei can be regarded as a strange woman. Although she has many shortcomings, she dares to love and hate, can afford it and let it go. She is bold and generous. Not only did she return the Caliphate gem to herself, but she also pointed out a treasure place to herself.

Of course, the key is that Yang Yupei is not short of money and has more wealth than she can spend in a lifetime. What she lacks now is a sense of security. She is actually using this wealth to buy herself a sense of security, as long as she does not pester herself to ensure her safety. It's not that difficult.

Li Ye asked the concierge to close the door and guard outside. He led thirty of his men to the lobby.

Yang Yupei's lobby is very famous, and there are special records in history. After the craftsman who laid the floor tiles asked her for a high price after completing the work, he left dozens of ants on the ground, and then found them all back, indicating that there were no gaps in the ground. No, there are no gaps for ants to get through.

The lobby is four to five hundred square meters, very empty, like a small palace. Yang Yupei's treasure secret room is under the lobby.

According to Yang Yupei's description, the entrance to the underground secret room was inside the sandwich wall. Li Ye led everyone to the innermost wall. This wall was seven feet thick and should be inside this wall.

Li Ye and the soldiers groped separately, and suddenly a soldier shouted: "Found it!"

Li Ye walked over and saw the soldiers peeling off the plaster wall, revealing the shape of a door, but it was blocked by bricks. This was originally a door. Before Yang Yupei left, he removed the door and sealed it shut.

"Do it!"

Li Ye gave an order, and five or six soldiers worked together to pry out the bricks one by one. Soon, all the bricks sealing the door were pried off, and an open space with a wall appeared inside. Almost all wealthy families had a wall. This is used to place ice cubes in the summer to cool down the room. There is no need to change the ice every day. Placing ice once can keep the room cool for seven or eight days.

The wall between them was two people wide. Everyone went in holding torches and saw an iron cover on the ground at a glance. There was a lock on the iron cover. The soldier knocked off the lock with a hammer and opened the iron cover. A four-foot square door appeared below. The iron door is polished very smooth and is perfectly embedded in the huge cast iron. There is no place to hold it, and you can't see where the lock is?

"Let me do it!"

Li Ye opened a buckle plate at the bottom, and an iron hole as thick as a bowl appeared, which was cast in one go. A key must be used here. Without a key, the one-foot-thick iron door cannot be opened.

Li Ye took out the copper key Yang Yupei gave him. Slowly put your arm into the iron hole, find the keyhole and insert it, twist it hard, and hear "Gaba!" ’ The sound was the sound of the lock opening.

Five iron holes appeared next to the keyhole, and just in time to put his fingers in, Li Ye shouted, 'Get up! ’ He slowly pulled up the 400-pound iron door.

Below is a large dark hole four feet wide, like a well. It feels like there is wind under it. There is a torch and an iron ladder.

Two thin soldiers held torches and climbed down, about a foot deep. The soldier shouted: "Your Highness, this is a hole eight feet wide and four feet high. It is filled with iron boxes one after another. The boxes must be filled one by one." Pull it up."

"Use a rope!"

The soldier slowly lowered the rope with the iron hook, and the two soldiers below dragged the first box out. As expected, there was a place for hanging the iron hook on the box.

"That's it!"

The soldiers worked hard together and slowly lifted the first box up. It turned out to be a dark iron box with a copper lock on it.

It took half an hour to pull out a total of twenty large iron boxes.

Li Ye took out a bag of gold coins and said to the soldiers: "Thank you for your hard work. Each person will be rewarded with thirty gold coins. Let's go outside and rest!"

The soldiers retreated one after another, and there was only Li Ye and twenty iron boxes in the back hall. What kind of wealth was contained in them?

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