
Chapter 851 Planning

Shi Siming frowned, "Why?"

"Li Ye is the governor of Helong, thousands of miles away from Hebei. It is simply unrealistic for him to attack Hebei. Unless the emperor of the Tang Dynasty appoints him as the governor of Hedong again, he has Hedong as his back. It is possible to attack Hebei, but The emperor of the Tang Dynasty would not give him Hedong, and it would be meaningless for him to attack Hebei."

Gao Shang nodded: "Your Majesty, Zhang Xiangguo is right. Li Ye was in conspiracy with the Tang Dynasty court. Li Ye was also afraid that the Tang Dynasty emperor would stab him in the back and engulf Longyou while he was fighting in Hebei. So at this time he would not If you stay in Hebei for a long time, you should just accept the refugees and then retreat."

Shi Siming came to the sand table, stared at the sand table with his hands behind his hands for a long time and said: "Even if Li Ye is accepting refugees, Hebei is my territory. He can come and leave whenever he wants, and he robs me of my population. How can I tolerate him?" So unbridled, I ordered Xiangzhou Cai Xide to lead 30,000 troops to the north, ordered Weizhou Tian Chengsi to lead 20,000 troops to fight with Cai Xide, and then ordered Ashina Chengqing to lead 30,000 Youzhou troops to go south and besiege the Helong Tang Army on three fronts."

Gao Shang said quickly: "Your Majesty, the Youzhou army should try not to move. If the Tang army sneaks into Youzhou from Feihuxing, it will be in trouble."

Zhang Tongru also reminded meaningfully: "Your Majesty, Youzhou is not stable, it is best not to mobilize troops."

Shi Siming knew very well that once the army was mobilized, his son Shi Chaoyi might take advantage of it, so he could only nodded, "The Youzhou army will not move for the time being. Cai and Tian's troops are enough. I will let him eat." I can’t walk around in circles!”

Feihuxing is an important Taihang passage from Hedong to Youzhou. It enters Hebei from the Wutai Mountain area today. The famous Yanmen Pass and Pingxing Pass are also located here.

Feihuxing, like Jingxing, was half occupied by the Tang army and half by the Yan army. Feihu County, the only county in Feihuxing, was also controlled by the Yan army, making the Tang army relatively passive. Feihu County is today's Laiyuan County. Taking Feihu The county will also seize the initiative, and the Yan army will be on passive defense.

In the evening of this day, an army of ten thousand people was marching rapidly in Feihu County. The leader was called Zhao Kuan, a general who was left behind in Taiyuan for Dugujue. He entered Feihuxing on Dugujue's order and captured Feihu County.

This was a plan agreed upon by Li Ye and Dugujue in advance. Dugujue sent troops to pretend to attack Feihuxing. This made the Yan army in Youzhou dare not act rashly and went south to Jingxing to attack the Tang army and refugees.

The Youzhou Army currently has two armies, each with 30,000 troops. One is in the hands of Prince Shi Chaoqing and is commanded by Ashina Chengqing. The other is commanded by Pinglu Jiedushi Wang Xuanzhi and is loyal to Shi Chaoyi. The two armies, one to the east and one to the west, maintain a balance of power. In fact, neither army will go south. Once they go south, they will lose their balance and be taken advantage of by the other side.

However, Dugujue did not know the balance of power of the Yan army in Youzhou, so he proposed a plan to enter Feihuxing, and lure the Youzhou army in Feihuxing without attacking.

The intelligence point of Helong Jiedu Mansion in Youzhou had already sent this information to Helong. Li Ye knew the situation in Youzhou, but for the sake of safety, he agreed to Dugujue's plan.

The garrison in Feihu County was not large, only two thousand people, which was also the upper limit of the garrison that the county could bear. At the third watch, the Tang army arrived one mile outside the county.

A scout came to report, "Report to General Zhao, for some reason, the county gate is wide open?"

Zhao Kuan frowned, what was going on? Did the Yan army defenders find their own army and escape in advance?

At this moment, another soldier came to report, "The general, the county magistrate and the county magistrate are here!"

"Invite them over!"

Not long after, two officials were led to Zhao Kuan by soldiers of the Tang Army. The two officials bowed and said, "Feihu County Magistrate Zou Tao and County Prime Minister Kong Wensheng, please see General Zhao!"

"Are you officials appointed by the imperial court?"

"We all have to succumb to the traitor army in order to protect the people!"

Zhao Kuan waved his hand, "I don't care about this. I just want to know what is going on in the city and where is the Yan army?"

"Reporting to the general, there are actually only three hundred soldiers in the city. The other soldiers were transferred back to Youzhou a month ago. I heard that Shi Siming's two sons have a tense relationship and both want to control Youzhou."

Zhao Kuan nodded, "Where are the three hundred enemy troops in the city?"

"They've all run away. General, please look!"

Zou Tao pointed to the southwest, and Zhao Kuan looked back, only to see a blazing beacon on the top of the mountain, which was particularly dazzling.

"It's easy for these thieves!"

Zhao Kuan cursed bitterly and ordered: "Enter the whole army into the city!"

The scouts had determined that there was no ambush in the city, and 10,000 Tang troops immediately entered Feihu City.

In Hebei, hundreds of thousands or even millions of Hebei people from Shenzhou, Dingzhou, Zhaozhou, Jizhou, and Mozhou began to flee to Hedong on a large scale because they were afraid of being kidnapped by Huihe.

For the Tang army, there were only two biggest difficulties in establishing a refugee channel. The first was to open up Jingxing, and the second was to face the Yan army in Hebei. They had to defeat the Yan army and protect the safety of officials and refugees.

As for mobilizing the people, it is not difficult. As long as you repeatedly preach and describe the horrors of the Uighurs, and make money with everyone's words, it will inevitably arouse strong fear among the people, leading to a large-scale fleeing of the people.

The official road was full of fleeing refugees, and it was endless as far as the eye could see. The cavalry of the Tang Army kept handing bags of dry biscuits to the people who were short of food, and told the people that they would have food supplies when they entered Jingxing.

The main camp of the Tang army was located in Gucheng County at the junction of Hengzhou, Dingzhou, Zhaozhou and Shenzhou. Li Ye's Chinese army tent was also here.

In the big tent, Li Ye stood in front of the sand table and said to the generals: "The Hedong Army will seize Feihu County and contain the Yan Army. There are deep internal conflicts in the Youzhou Army. We don't have to worry. I will find a way to persuade Tian Chengsi of Weizhou." He, the main thing we have to defend against is Cai Xide’s army in Xiangzhou in the south.”

Lei Wanchun reminded: "Your Highness, please do not underestimate Tian Chengsi. Those who underestimate the enemy will be defeated. This is what His Highness warns every general."

Li Ye nodded, "General Lei reminded you in time, I will consider it carefully!"

At present, Li Ye also has an army of 50,000, which is similar to the number of the Yan army in Hebei. The key depends on how the troops are used.

Tian Chengsi was named the Jiedushi of Weizhou during the late Anlu Mountain period and commanded 30,000 troops to guard the southeast of Hebei. When An Qingxu was besieged in Xiangzhou, he asked him for help many times, but he turned a blind eye and even evacuated the army to Dezhou. On the front line, stay away from the battlefield and secretly surrender to the court.

After Shi Siming replaced An Qingxu and captured Luoyang, Tian Chengsi surrendered to Shi Siming again. Shi Siming reciprocated the favor and made Tian Chengsi the envoy of Weibo. He ruled the four states of Weizhou, Bozhou, Beizhou and Dezhou, and continued to command an army of 30,000.

Tian Chengsi's opponent was Tian Shengong's army stationed in Zizhou, Qingzhou and Qizhou. Tian Shengong was originally a subordinate of Dong Qin, the pinglu military envoy of Youzhou. Dong Qin led his army south, and the two parted ways. Dong Qin went In the Central Plains, Tian Shen's power army was active in southern Hebei and northern Shandong.

Tian Shengong currently leads his army to garrison in the Ziqing area of ​​Shandong, with more than 50,000 troops under his command. The Anshi rebels were unable to attack Shandong because of Tian Shengong's garrison.

In fact, Tian Shengong was the same as Li Ye in nature. He was also a semi-independent warlord. He did not follow An Lushan in the rebellion and recognized the imperial court. However, his army and finance were independent, and he appointed many officials.

It was precisely because of Tian Shengong's presence in the south that Li Ye dared to judge that Tian Chengsi did not dare to act rashly.

That morning, Tian Chengsi received letters from Shi Siming and Li Ye at the same time.

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