
Chapter 854 The Battle of Shahe (Part 2)

But soldiers never tire of deceit, so Li Ye's appearance to motivate the soldiers was not a tactic to lure the enemy.

He used himself as bait to attract the enemy's elite cavalry.

Seeing the enemy troops approaching, he shouted in a deep voice: "Split up the troops!"

The ten thousand spear soldiers separated like waves, revealing five thousand heavy armored infantry. Under the leadership of the chief and deputy generals Hei Spear and Tian Zhen, they formed a mountain-like formation and walked step by step towards the rushing cavalry.

The black spear raised the sword to the sky, and the two thousand heavy armored infantry in the front row squatted down, touching the ground with the tail of the sword, and the sharp blade pointed upward at a 45-degree angle.

There were 1,500 heavy armored infantry in each of the two rows behind, arrayed like a gable.

Behind them were ten thousand infantry, including two thousand spear throwers, each holding five short steel spears.

At this time, Cai Xide suddenly discovered that the opponent turned out to be Mo Daojun. He secretly complained in his heart, but he could no longer change the route at this time. As long as there was a slight mistake in coordination at this time, a large-scale series of tripping incidents would occur.

One hundred steps...fifty steps...thirty steps, Tang Jun could already clearly see the fear-deformed face of the opponent's front army.

At this moment, a drum sounded, and the two thousand spear-throwing troops divided into two steps, struggling to throw the short steel spears in their hands at the cavalry thirty steps away.

The steel spears turned into a storm and shot towards the galloping Yan Army cavalry.

The Yan army's cavalry suddenly fell on their backs. Nearly a thousand cavalrymen and their horses were shot through with short spears and nailed to the ground. The cavalry behind them could not slow down enough and hit the fallen horses in front.

Although the Yan army's cavalry were well-trained and overcame the obstacles in front of them, their speed slowed down significantly and the impact on the Modao formation was also reduced. However, the cavalry still rushed into the Modao formation without hesitation. Hundreds of cavalrymen He was instantly pierced by the sharp Mo Dao and died on the spot.


Tian Zhen roared, stood up first, and slashed hard at a cavalryman. The horse's head flew away, blood flew out, and the horse and man fell to the ground. Before the cavalryman could get up, he slashed the horseman into two pieces with another knife.

Five thousand Modao troops lined up, wielding Modao and fighting the enemy cavalry. However, this was not an evenly matched battle, but a one-sided massacre, including accurate shooting by spear throwers, and the casualties were increasing rapidly.

The battlefield on the other side was also in full swing, with nearly half of the 6,000 crossbow troops suffering casualties.

After all, the Yan army was once one of the powerful armies of the Tang Dynasty and was well-trained. Although the six thousand crossbowmen on the left wing were unable to resist the Anxi cavalry and were unable to exert the power of their crossbows, they quickly followed the change of the military flag and retreated quickly. withdraw.

At this time, a large formation of 4,000 Yan army spearmen advanced towards the 10,000 Anxi cavalry on the left.

Bai Xiaode immediately ordered: "Yuan Li led three thousand cavalry to continue chasing the crossbowmen and did not give them a chance to fire arrows!"

Li Fei Yuanli swung his ax and shouted: "Brothers from the Third Battalion, follow me!"

He led three thousand cavalry in pursuit of the retreating crossbowmen.

The biggest weakness of the 10,000 most elite Laluohe army is that they cannot keep up with their physical strength. They are generally in their thirties and forties. Their indulgent eating, drinking, and playing and enjoying have gradually emptied their bodies. Under heavy armor, Under the slaughter of the infantry, they could not resist at all and were retreating steadily.

Cai Xide was heartbroken when he saw that more than half of the 10,000 elite Draguohe army had been killed or injured. He also realized that the Tang army he encountered was not the 600,000 Tang army led by Yu Chaoen, but a force that was even stronger than them. The Tang army even had five thousand heavy armored infantry.

After the heartache, he became frightened. If he continued to kill like this, his whole army would be destroyed.

Cai Xide was heartbroken and ordered a retreat, "Send my order and the entire army retreats!"


The long sound of antlers sounded, which was the order for the Yan army to retreat.

The remaining cavalry and infantry of the Yan army fighting two miles to the south began to break through and retreat south.

But how could Li Ye allow the brutal cavalry in front of him to escape? He immediately ordered: "Send 10,000 infantry to surround the enemy and prevent the cavalry from escaping at all costs!"

Fifteen thousand troops surrounded the remaining approximately 5,000 cavalry regiments. The cavalry rushed left and right, but could not break out of the encirclement. Cai Xide finally led hundreds of cavalry to fight a bloody road and fled hastily to the southeast.

The Tang army pursued them all the way and refused to accept surrender. They killed the Yan army soldiers until they howled like ghosts and howled like wolves. Corpses were scattered all over the fields. Many of the Yan army infantrymen who fled were also killed by the people of Mingzhou and Xiangzhou.

In this battle, Cai Xide's 30,000 troops lost nearly 90%, leaving less than 4,000 troops who fled back to Xiangzhou. Since the Tang army did not accept prisoners of war, even the injured Yan army soldiers were killed.

All the more than 26,000 people who did not escape back to Xiangzhou were killed, and no one survived.

Cai Xide ran back to Luoyang and cried to Shi Siming. Tian Chengsi did not send troops to cooperate with him, which led to the destruction of his entire army.

Shi Siming was furious and accused Tian Chengsi of ignoring the overall situation. Tian Chengsi complained repeatedly and sent his son Tian Hua to Luoyang to explain that they were restrained by Tian Shengong's army and did not dare to send troops northward, but they still sent out 15,000 people, but because Cai Xide failed to send intelligence in time, and their army rushed towards Zhaozhou. As a result, they were ambushed by 20,000 Tang troops in Nangong County, Jizhou, causing thousands of casualties and being forced to retreat.

Of course Tian Chengsi was talking nonsense. He bet that Shi Siming would not send someone to verify it. Even if he went to verify it, it would be useless. Nangong County had been massacred twice and it was already deserted. There were hundreds of people around and there was not a single human being. Who could he ask to verify it? ?

Tian Chengsi, an old fox, had already thought of his words and even told them that it was Cai Xide who failed to provide Tang army intelligence in time, so they took the wrong route and were ambushed.

Shi Siming couldn't find anything to do with Tian Chengsi, so the matter had to be settled.

But Li Ye did not stay in Shahe for long. Just after the war, he immediately led Nan Jiyun and 10,000 cavalry to the north. He received news that the refugee camp in Zhending County, Hengzhou was attacked by a group of hundreds of warriors. The refugees Thousands of people were killed and injured, and this team of black warriors fled into Hengshan.

Li Ye immediately realized that this was most likely a warrior sent by Ashina Chengqing of Youzhou. He was using another method to carry out a terrorist attack on the Tang Army's refugee reception and destroy the Tang Army's refugee plan.

Two days later, Li Ye rushed to Zhending County. Zhending County is the command center of the refugee reception operation. The civilian officer is Jia Shen, the refugee commissioner. The military commander is Gao Xiuyan. He leads 8,000 soldiers to protect the safety of Jingxingkou and Zhending County. .

Li Ye came over in a hurry and was extremely sleepy. He sat down in the tent. Gao Xiuyan came over in a hurry, bowed and clasped his fists and said, "The refugees were attacked due to the poor protection of the humble officer. The humble officer is willing to bear all the responsibilities."

Li Ye waved his hand, "I traveled three hundred miles a day to come here, not to hold you accountable. I want to know how things happened and what is the problem?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, there are three refugee camps in Zhending County. There are currently 300,000 refugees. Generally, they are refugees from various places. After resting in the refugee camp for three days, they then set off to Jingxing. They keep walking and coming.

The incident occurred in the third refugee camp, which is a little to the north. The group of refugees who were attacked were mainly old and weak, about 3,000 people. They were on their way to Jingxing. We had 300 soldiers to protect them along the way, because they were all old people. Weak and walking slowly, the team got longer. The last group of people were attacked, and our soldiers rushed over. As a result, the refugees in front were also attacked. At that time, they were focused on one thing and the other, and they were very passive. In the end, more than a thousand refugees died unfortunately. "

"Is there a fight? With those men in black." Li Ye asked again.

"There was a brief battle. Four of us were killed and more than ten were wounded. The other side lost thirteen people and wounded twenty-seven. Eight of the wounded were captured by us."

"Is there an interrogation?"

Gao Xiuyan nodded, "We interrogated them that day. They came from the Illuminati in Youzhou and were sent by their national advisor Ashina Chengqing."

"It's that damn bastard again!"

Li Ye was really annoyed. The entire Anshi Group did not pose any threat to him, but Ashina Chengqing posed a huge threat to him.

Li Ye's face was ashen and he asked again: "Where did these black warriors retreat to Hengshan Mountain?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, they have a lair in Hengshan Mountain, but none of the arrested people know where the lair is? The closest information is that it is near the Qili Valley of Hengshan Mountain."

Li Ye nodded. The other party did not retreat to Youzhou, but hid in Hengshan Mountain, indicating that they would launch an attack.

Li Ye immediately ordered: "Go and find me the scout general Zhang Dian!"

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