
Chapter 858 Tubo movement

After a moment, Xin Yunjing walked in quickly, bowed and saluted, "See you, Your Highness!"

Li Ye smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work, General Xin. Please sit down!"

Xin Yunjing sat down and Li Ye asked slowly: "Will the Tubo army launch an offensive during my absence?"

"There are small-scale harassments, such as hundreds of people, more than a thousand people, etc., but there are no large-scale attacks. It feels inferior. Tubo seems to want to establish the dividing line of Taoshui and let us psychologically recognize the capital west of Taoshui. Belongs to Tubo."

Li Ye sneered and said: "Taoshui has never been a dividing line. My goal is to return to the dividing line of Tianbao for thirteen years and press the dividing line to Jishi Mountain, but this will take time. After the spring of next year, I will We have to lead the army to the east, and in about half a year, the defense of Taoshui will be handed over to General Xin."

Xin Yunjing bowed and said: "Protecting the home and the country is a humble duty!"

Li Ye smiled and asked: "Have there been any changes in the Tubo army recently?"

Xin Yunjing pondered for a while and said: "Not long ago, I got a piece of news from my post. It was told to me by a businessman. I don't know whether it is true or not. It is said that Ma Chongying led the Tibetan army to attack Tianzhu."

Li Ye smiled and said: "General Xin has been in Longyou for a long time, how do you take this news?"

"Your Highness, the veterans of Longyou all know that the Tubo people have always used Tianzhu people to train new soldiers, and let the new soldiers fight against the weaker Tianzhu army. I feel that if the news is true, there are two meanings in it. The first is that Tubo lacks They went to Tianzhu to plunder grain, and secondly, new soldiers from the Tubo court came out."

"What you said makes sense. If it is commanded by Ma Chongying, it will be the army directly under Tubo Zampu. It is estimated that Tubo Zampu will also take the opportunity to use us to weaken the power of the Tibetan nobles."

"Your Highness, the thirteenth year of Tianbao was when Tubo was at its weakest. It has been four years now. The young men at that time have grown up, and recruits must have come out. It is completely reasonable and reasonable to go to Tianzhu to train troops."

Li Ye walked a few steps with his hands behind his back: "According to your experience, how long will it take for the new Tibetan soldiers to join the Longyou battlefield?"

"It will take at least two to three years. The characteristic of the Tubo army is to attack the weak first, and then force the armies of other weak ethnic groups to lead the battle for it. Your Highness has also seen that the people we are fighting are basically Tubo Hans and Tuyuhun people. The real Tubo There are not many people, so if one day a large number of Tianzhu soldiers appear across from us, it would not be surprising at all."

Li Ye nodded, "Winter is coming soon. We will soon have a group of Hebei recruits, about 80,000 to 100,000 people. Get ready for training!"

Xin Yunjing was overjoyed. He had been looking forward to the new recruits for a long time.

Xin Yunjing left, and then Li Mi walked in with a smile. Li Mi stayed behind in Longyou, and it was impossible for all the officials to go and resettle the refugees.

"Congratulations to Your Highness on the birth of your son!"

Li Ye smiled and nodded, "Invite Inspector Wang to have dinner with you at noon. I'll treat you!"

Li Ye asked him to sit down, and Li Mi pondered for a moment and said: "I received a message from Liu Yan from Shuofang the day before yesterday. The total number of refugees may exceed 1.5 million, which is unexpected!"

Li Ye nodded, "Actually, it's normal. Hebei has always been one of the most densely populated areas in the Tang Dynasty. It has been the highest in taxation in the Tang Dynasty for more than a hundred years. Although it has been massacred and destroyed by An Lushan and Shi Siming, , more than half of the population has been wiped out, but the foundation is very large, and it is not surprising that there are one or two million refugees, but everyone is frightened. When they heard that the Uighur army was coming to plunder the population, they were frightened."

Li Mi sighed, "But with so many people, we may not have enough food!"

Li Ye pondered for a while and said: "This is indeed a big problem. Fortunately, these people fled after the autumn harvest and had some food in their hands. I asked Chen Huan to estimate before. By the time of next summer's harvest, we will probably need One and a half million shi of grain.”

"I estimate that we need this kind of food, but here's the problem. We have a total of two million shi of food, and after deducting military rations, we will only have 1.2 million shi of food left at most. The shortfall is at least about 500,000 shi. To make up for it, Does Your Highness have any ideas about this gap?"

Li Ye said calmly: "The actual gap is far more than 500,000 shi. We will go to war next year. The gap is about 800,000 shi in food. The Guanlong nobles will support me with 500,000 shi, and then the food from Jiangnan will be shipped." Four hundred thousand dan, in addition, the military advisor has to consider a large income, which is war dividends."

"Your Highness, you mean Luoyang?"

Li Ye nodded, "I have been fighting in the south and north for so many years, and the biggest piece of income is the war dividend. Think about it, the military advisor, the wealth accumulated by the Tang Dynasty was plundered by An Lushan. Later, I regained Chang'an, the prince regained Luoyang, and I don’t have much money. Where did the money go?

It was moved to Xiangzhou by An Qingxu, and finally fell into the hands of Shi Siming. Some of it was in Youzhou, but most of it was in Luoyang. Where is Shi Siming, where is the money? There are also millions of stones of grain in Luokou Cang and Liyang Cang, which are also stored in Luoyang, so I must pick this big peach next year. "

Li Ye had more than thousands of years of historical accumulation than Li Mi, and he saw things more thoroughly and profoundly.

For example, Li Ye knew that during World War II, Japan plundered all the wealth accumulated in China over thousands of years, as well as the wealth in Southeast Asia. Why did the United States later send troops? They are eyeing this wealth.

Most of the wealth that Japan worked so hard to plunder from China was plundered by the United States. Of course, some of it remained in Japan, which laid the foundation for the prosperity and strength of the United States and Japan after World War II.

Li Mi sighed. Although he lacked a little morally, in order to become stronger quickly, some shortcuts had to be taken.

At noon, Li Ye invited Li Mi and Wang Changling to have a drink at the Yellow River Restaurant.

Wang Changling was old and in poor health, so he did not go to Lingzhou. However, as the supervisor of Helong, Wang Changling also sent several of his subordinates to Lingzhou to supervise refugee matters. One was to monitor whether power was used for personal gain and enriching one's own pockets, and the other was to monitor officials. and whether the military abused its power and violated the victims.

Wang Changling took the initiative to fill the wine glass for Li Ye and asked: "Has Your Highness considered how to resettle the refugees?"

Li Ye nodded, "I'm considering placing 500,000 in Shuofang, 300,000 in Hexi, and the rest in Longyou."

Next to him, Li Mi said: "Shuofang has settled 500,000 yuan. Does Your Highness also consider Fengzhou?"

Li Ye shook his head, "Shuofang is not just Lingzhou. Of course, Lingzhou is the focus. Most of the cultivated land in Lingzhou is idle. If we reclaim all of it, there will be no problem in feeding millions of people. There are also Fengzhou in the north and Fengzhou in the south. There is so much arable land in Yanzhou and Xiazhou in the east, not to mention Longyou, with a mild climate, moist rainfall, and fertile land."

Wang Changling pondered for a while and said: "With a population of 1.5 million, the pressure is still a bit high, but considering that most people will return to Hebei in the future, they can do other things, not necessarily farming."

Li Bi said with a smile: "Actually, I suggest that we make good use of them to develop Fengzhou and follow the example of the Eastern Han Dynasty in setting up settlements. Hundreds of households will set up a settlement and reclaim tens of thousands of acres of land. These hundreds of households will help each other and build houses together." , take care of each other, and if they don’t want to leave, just give them the land directly and implement tax exemption. I think Guangfeng Prefecture can accommodate 200,000 people and set up 300 settlements.”

"Are there any suitable officials? Who is better to implement this plan?"

"I recommend Xin Yunye for this humble position. He is both civilized and military and can stand alone."

Xin Yunye is Xin Yunjing's third brother. He is currently serving in the army in the Helong Jiedu Prefecture. Li Ye also thinks highly of him. Xin Yunye is also resettling disaster victims in Lingzhou. Li Ye happily said: "You can give it a try!"

At this time, the bartender brought another bottle of Weinan Shaochun, which is the best wine in Longyou. An old craftsman who had been brewing wine in Jiannan Shaochunpu for 30 years returned to his hometown of Weizhou and opened it by himself with his children and grandchildren. Liquor shop, the shochu brewed is no less than that of Jiannan Shaochun, and is well received.

Li Mi poured a full glass of wine for Li Ye and said with a smile: "Try Longyou's Shaochun, it's no less good than Jiannan Shaochun!"

Li Ye drank it all in one gulp, his throat was burning, it was indeed the taste of distilled liquor.

At this time, Li Ye suddenly remembered something and said to Li Bi with a smile: "Find me a great craftsman who can make shochu and recruit him at a high price. If he doesn't work, you can become an official for him. I got one in Yanzhou." To make fire oil, you need to use the technique of brewing shochu to purify it.”

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