
Chapter 861 Refugee Forum

Li Ye stayed in Shuofang for three days, visited many refugees, asked about their situation, and cared about their sufferings. Everywhere he went, he aroused huge responses from the refugees.

On the fourth day, Li Ye was preparing to return. In the morning, Liu Yan arranged a final discussion at Li Ye's request.

More than twenty old people were invited to the big tent. These old people were randomly selected by Li Ye. They were basically over sixty years old. Each big camp was represented by two old people.

Li Ye smiled at everyone and said: "I invite you all here today just for a chat. Don't worry about anything. Speak freely. I believe everyone has something to say in their hearts. Even if you say it, if you miss today, you may not have the chance to say it in the future. ”

After a moment of silence, an old man raised his hand and said: "His Royal Highness King Qi, please say a few words first!"

"Excuse me, where is my father-in-law from and what is his name?"

"The villain is from Tangyang County, Jizhou. My surname is Sun. People in my hometown call me Sun Niutou. I am very stubborn."

Li Ye smiled and nodded, "Master Sun, please tell me!"

"That's it. I saw a notice posted at the gate yesterday. It said that they were going to open up wasteland in Fengzhou. Each household would be granted one hundred acres of Yongye land and be exempted from tax for twenty years. Your Highness, is it true? Is there anything else? condition?"

Li Ye smiled slightly and said: "Grant Yongye 100 acres of land, tax-free for 20 years. This is the most basic. If my father-in-law has children and grandchildren serving in our army, the land grant will be 200 acres, tax-free for 30 years. If you make a decision Military merit, tax exemption for life.”

"But will the imperial court recognize His Highness's plan?"

Li Ye nodded, "This is a good question. In fact, you don't have to worry. Since it is a land grant, you will definitely get the land deed. This is the land title unified by the imperial court. Even if the Tang Dynasty is gone and another dynasty is changed, you The title deed is also valid.

Why do you say this? It's very simple. Any dynasty needs people to colonize the border and maintain the vitality of the border. It will inevitably treat the people on the border preferentially. Your hundred acres of fertile land did not fall from the sky, because you bear the responsibility of guarding the border. So got rewarded. "

Old Man Sun nodded, "Xiaomin understands, so is Fengzhou's security not very good?"

Li Ye laughed, "From the Sui Dynasty to today, the people of Fengzhou have never been robbed or massacred by foreigners. Within a thousand miles north of Fengzhou, it is the sphere of influence of the Tang Dynasty, and there are various small tribes that are friendly to the Tang Dynasty. , such as Sijie tribe, Pugu tribe, Ba Yegu, etc., they are like the barrier of the Tang Dynasty.

Once a powerful tribe invades the south, these small tribes will bear the brunt. Shuofang's army will get the news and start deploying north to fight the invasion. At the same time, they will move the people south, so don't worry. Sometimes, the border is safer than the inland, like Anlu Shan and Shi Siming rebelled, Hebei and the Central Plains were brutally destroyed, and everyone fled to Longyou. "

Old Man Sun was silent. His family has been tenant farmers for generations, and land has been the dream of generations. This time they finally saw hope. The whole family did not want to let go of this opportunity. If the eldest son and the youngest son separated, then the two would be separated. One hundred acres of land!

At this time, another old man raised his hand and said: "Your Highness, I am from Zhaozhou. My surname is Guo. My old wife is not in good health and is very afraid of winter. Seeing that winter is coming, I wonder if your Highness can help. Everyone’s measures to survive the winter.”

The millions of refugees in Shuofang have gradually formed a consensus that it was King Qi who helped them and allowed them to leave Hebei for refuge, not the Longyou government, and it had nothing to do with the court, so they all said, what about King Qi? If they feel dissatisfied , and it was King Qi who was scolding him behind his back.

Li Ye nodded and said with a smile: "It is already early winter, and people's winter survival is actually my biggest concern. We have taken many measures, and everyone must have discovered that starting from yesterday, hot water has been opened to the public. In the past, wood burning , there is relatively little wood, and there is always not enough fuel. Now we have switched to burning coal. Longyou is rich in coal. I believe you have also seen that hundreds of iron pots in each district boil water together day and night. We have enough coal. , we don’t have to worry about fuel issues, but we are afraid of causing fires, so private use of fires is not allowed.

Second, starting from tomorrow, sheepskins will be distributed. Each household will have three sheepskins. If there is an elderly person over 60 years old in the family, there will be one more. One sheepskin costs several thousand dollars. With a population of 1.5 million, this is millions of dollars. , it is impossible for any government or court to come up with it. This is a concrete manifestation of our sincerity and love for the people.

The third is the tent. There are two types of tents, sheepskin tents and wool tents. Leather tents are much warmer, but there are not many of us. We will give priority to the elderly and the weak. My husband and wife are not in good health. Someone will come in two days. After registering, the big tent you live in will be changed to a leather tent. Of course, the leather tent is much smaller, but warmer. "

Li Ye's reply received warm applause, and everyone became active and kept asking various questions. Li Ye patiently answered them one by one. The symposium lasted for a whole morning, and the elderly were invited to eat mutton noodles at noon. Send someone to take them back.

In the afternoon, Li Ye was about to set off back to Jincheng County. He was going back to Jincheng County by boat this time. It happened that 600 vehicles and ships were transporting grain to Jincheng County. Among them was a two-thousand-stone main ship, which was temporarily transformed into a Qiwang boat. .

From Lingwu County to Jincheng County, Tang Jun had traveled this route many times. A large amount of supplies were transported by waterway, and he knew the hydrological conditions very well. The water surface itself was relatively flat, and there were no whirlpools or undercurrents.

But the biggest problem is power. There are canyons all along the way. There are more than a dozen large and small canyons. On both sides of the bank are deserted cliffs. It is impossible to walk or stretch. We can only rely on the power of the boat itself to move along the current. Fortunately, if you go in reverse direction, it is usually a large raft with a sail hung up and powered by the wind.

As for the fact that there are very few boats in Longyou and they all use rafts, that is just a matter of habit, and there are also deficiencies in shipbuilding technology. Using rafts is easier, but it does not mean that the boats are not good.

Now that there are cars and ships, the problem of power has been solved. The appearance of cars and ships is unprecedented in Longyou.

The car and ship had made three trips back and forth, and the route was familiar. Amidst the rumbling waves, the fleet left Lingwu County and headed south.

The next morning, the fleet sailed in a wide canyon. Li Ye stood on the deck with his hands behind his hands, looking at the steep and towering mountain walls on both sides. The dark mountain walls were covered with thick vines, as if Countless giant snakes are entangled together, and tens of thousands of people have not set foot here for thousands of years.

At this time, Qingyu took out a cloak and put it on her husband.

"I'm not cold, come and put it on!"

Li Ye put his cloak on Qing Yu, wrapped her up, put his arm around her shoulders and pointed at the mountain wall and said with a smile: "Look at those vines, do they look like countless big snakes entwined together!"

Qingyu nodded, "It's really similar. We also have a thousand-foot cliff like this in Lushan Mountain. Master can jump off it in the air. Those medicine collectors say that Master is an immortal. In fact, Master walks on the mountain wall and his martial arts are superb." "

Li Ye thought that in the past, Pei Min also stepped on city bricks up and down the city. They all had the same martial arts skills, and he was much weaker in this aspect.

"Then you have followed Master for more than ten years, have you learned anything about Ling Feng going down the mountain?"

"I'm lazy and greedy. I haven't learned my master's medical skills, nor my martial arts. My senior sisters are competing to do vegetable gardening, so I just play around, feed squirrels, feed deer, and take care of injured birds. "I can't do anything. Are you disappointed, husband?" Qingyu tilted his head and looked at Li Ye with a smile.

Li Ye hugged her tightly and said with a smile: "As long as you can have children!"

At this time, a gust of cold wind blew, and Qingyu shivered.

Li Ye quickly said: "It's a bit cold, let's go into the cabin."

He helped Qingyu into the cabin.

Five days later, the fleet arrived in Jincheng County.

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