
Chapter 884 Half-crossing and attacking

In the evening, Shi Chaoyi led an army of 60,000 and rushed to Gong County. At this time, he had learned that there were pursuers behind him, which made him anxious. Shi Chaoyi immediately boarded the boat with his trusted generals and civilian advisers, and the soldiers behind him also rushed to board the boat. In just a moment, more than 100 medium-sized cargo ships were packed with more than 20,000 people.

At this time, dust was flying in the distance, and the cavalry of the Tang Army came to kill. Shi Chaoyi shouted anxiously, "Sail the ship! Sail the ship quickly!"

The boat staggered towards the middle of the river. This is where the Luoshui River enters the Yellow River. The river is very wide and the water is very deep. Boats full of soldiers sailed away from the shore. The scramble to get on the boat became crazy. The soldiers on the ship drew their knives and chopped off the fingers that were holding on to the edge of the ship. There were shouts and screams everywhere. At this time, a ship with too many people was shaking violently during the struggle and capsized amidst the screams.

There were still a large number of soldiers on the shore who were unable to board the ship, and their cries were loud. At this time, the cavalry of the Tang Army came. They did not attack the crowd immediately, but surrounded them from all directions, cutting off the Yan Army's escape. A general shouted loudly Said: "King Qi has an order, those who surrender will avoid death!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers on the shore were just waking up from a dream, kneeling on the ground and raising their hands in surrender.

The cavalry of the Tang Army were still very vigilant. A small spark at this time would cause a big commotion. The top priority was to disarm and take off their armor.

"Everyone put down their weapons and armor and go to the front to line up. We will provide dry biscuits and water to satisfy your hunger!"

All the soldiers had not eaten for a day and were already hungry and thirsty. When they heard the Tang army's shouting, they put down their weapons, took off their armor, and lined up in front. The Tang army's cavalry quickly took them away in batches.

As long as they don't have weapons and armor in their hands, there is no fear of them turning the world upside down.

Tens of thousands of people were taken to an open space three miles away and sat on the ground. Each was given a large bowl. Then soldiers scooped each of them a bowl of hot vegetable soup and gave them two pieces of dry biscuits. The soldiers broke the dry biscuits into pieces. The food was placed in vegetable soup. Although the meal was very simple, every soldier ate it extremely deliciously.

After eating here, the armor and weapons have been put away over there.

The prisoners of war began to line up and were escorted back to Luoyang City by the Tang Army's cavalry.

After taking the city of Luoyang, the Tang army immediately implemented martial law throughout the city and temporarily prevented people from going out. They continued to clear out the remnants of the Yan army in the city. Many Yan soldiers hid in people's homes and kidnapped their owners to threaten them.

But these Yan soldiers could not escape the capture of the Tang army in the end. Although they kidnapped their master, the situation was generally known to the neighbors, and they reported it to the Tang soldiers in time.

The soldiers of the Tang Army rushed directly into the house, ignored the shouts of the soldiers of the Yan Army, knocked him down and arrested him.

In one day, more than 3,000 remaining soldiers of the Yan army who were hiding in various places were captured. All of these soldiers were executed by the Tang army, leaving no one alive.

Soldiers of the Tang Army continued to search for the remnants of the Yan Army in the city. Liu Yan led more than 40 civilian officials, assisted by thousands of soldiers, to take over all the warehouses in the imperial city and conduct an intensive inventory.

Li Ye came to Shi Chaoyi's palace with three hundred soldiers. According to hundreds of years of battlefield practice, the opponent's coach's personal belongings were the personal trophies of his own coach.

All the property and food in the palace's warehouses are trophies of Helong Jiedu Mansion, except for the property of Prince Shi Chaoyi's Mansion, which is Li Ye's personal trophy.

Of course, there are also the mansions of Gaoshang, Cai Xide, Luo Yue, Cai Wenjing, etc. These mansions have special soldiers who are responsible for ransacking the houses, and their belongings are rewarded to the generals. This is also customary.

Shi Chaoyi's dozen wives and concubines were all imprisoned together and left in a hurry. None of the women took them with them, but Shi Chaoyi's two sons were taken away by him.

Shi Chaoyi has a treasure house, which contains treasures collected by his father Shi Siming, most of which were seized from An Lushan and his son.

The treasure house is about more than one hundred square meters, and there are no windows. The iron door is locked, but the big lock has been broken open by the soldiers of the Tang Army, and the treasure house has been opened.

Li Ye walked into the treasure house holding a lantern. The treasure house was divided into two parts. There were more than a dozen rows of iron shelves in the front and hundreds of large boxes in the back. Shi Chaoyi only took out a small part of the treasures and placed them on the iron shelves for viewing.

Li Ye opened a sandalwood box covered with dust. Inside was a set of secret porcelain tea sets produced by Yuezhou official kilns. It was the favorite of Tang Ruizhi and Li Dan. It was extremely precious. I wonder why it was not buried with it in the Qiao Tomb?

Li Ye opened another box. Inside was a piece of red-skinned mutton-fat white jade seed material that looked like a large mango. Li Ye recognized it at a glance. It was the beloved thing of his grandfather Li Linfu. It had been placed on the desk in the study and was later used. The emperor Li Longji got it, but unexpectedly, it returned to his own hands by some strange combination of circumstances.

Li Ye handed the box to the soldier beside him, "Take this for me and put it in my luggage bag."

At this time, a soldier came forward and whispered: "Your Highness, Liu Sima, please come over, in Hanjiacang City!"

Li Ye nodded and ordered the soldiers: "Put all the items on the shelves into boxes and send the boxes to the camp."

Walking to the gate, Li Ye ordered: "Shi Chaoyi's wives and concubines are allowed to leave with their belongings. Don't embarrass them."

"Follow the order!"

Li Ye got on his horse and went to Hanjiacang City with a hundred soldiers.

There are four warehouse areas in the Luoyang Palace, including Jiacang City and Yuanbi City. The temporary food area is where grain and other ingredients are stored. There are three icehouses in Yuanbi City, which store a large amount of meat and alcohol.

At present, the grain in Liyangcang and Luokou Cang has been moved to Luoyang and stored in Yuanbi City and Hanjiacang City. According to the imperial court's estimation, there should be more than 6 million shi of grain.

Li Ye rushed to Hanjiacang City, and Liu Yan was already waiting for him at the gate.

Li Ye turned over and dismounted, stepped forward and asked with a smile: "Is there anything abnormal?"

Liu Yan shook his head, "Nothing unusual. It's about as expected. There are about 5.2 million shi of food. There are still some details that we haven't considered."

"Like what's the problem?"

"Chen Liang!"

Liu Yan shook his head and said: "We found that there are many grains in Luokou warehouse that are more than five years old."

"Is there any mold that affects the food?"

Liu Yan still shook his head, "They are all edible, but the taste is just a little bit worse."

Li Ye asked again: "How much is the total amount of Chen Liang?"

"About one million stones."

Li Ye immediately said: "Since it does not affect food consumption, leave all the old grain to the court, and leave another 300,000 shi to Luoyang. We will take the rest with us and send it to Lingwu on a large leather raft."

"Then we will start transporting it tomorrow. There is still a lot of money and supplies."

"How much money do you have?" Li Ye asked again.

"The gold and silver have not yet been counted, but they are estimated to be more than one million taels. There are about five million copper coins, and there are countless silks, cloths, copperware, medicinal materials and other materials."

Liu Yan whispered again: "There is also wealth looted by various palaces in Chang'an. They are all in boxes. They have not been opened yet. The numbers on the boxes can be traced back to the source. They are all the wealth of various palaces in Chang'an. How do you plan to deal with them?"

Li Ye thought about it and asked: "Only the numbered bookkeeper knows, the person who returns the warehouse account book knows, and no one else knows."

"Take everyone who knows the information to Longyou, destroy all the account books, and start packing tomorrow. I will bring back all the cars and ships."

Liu Yan hesitated and said: "I understand the humble position, but do you want to leave some copper coins for the court?"

Li Ye said coldly: "It's enough to leave them a million shi of old rice. If you leave too much, they will only hate us more. When they beg us, they will send people to Longyou." of."

Liu Yan nodded and said, ‘If you win with kindness, you will fight with hatred.’ This sentence is really insightful and it analyzes human nature incisively and vividly. I really don’t know how His Highness came up with this saying.

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