
Chapter 911 The arrival of the old man

Li Ye smiled and said: "Don't be so nervous, Chief. I do have conditions, but I'm not harsh!"

"Your Highness, please speak!"

"I have three conditions. First, Tuyuhun must be recognized as a tributary of the Tang Dynasty and send an envoy to Chang'an to submit documents of dependence to the court; second, the chief's son must be arranged to study at Chang'an Taixue; third, the Helong Army will have a meeting There will be about 20,000 troops stationed west and south of Chiling. Please Tuyuhun bear part of the supplies!"

Murong Daoming was startled, "Twenty thousand people's supplies?"

Li Ye shook his head, "We bear the military rations ourselves, but you need to provide the meat consumed by the army!"

Murong Daoming breathed a sigh of relief. It was just an auxiliary supply, so it was not a big problem. He nodded, "Your Highness's three conditions are indeed not harsh. I will send the eldest son and the elders to Chang'an to attach themselves to the Tang Dynasty. In addition, my own Xihai Department I own more than a dozen salt lakes, and in return for His Highness, I will give the salt lake with the highest salt production to Your Highness!"

Li Ye smiled and said, "Thank you so much, Chief!"

Of course, Li Ye could understand the selfishness of the other party. Murong Daoming went to the 15,000 salt households and gave the salt lake in his territory to the Helong Army. These 15,000 salt households were naturally his subjects. , In this way, his strength is still the first among all the tribes. In the future, when the Tuyuhun Kingdom is restored, he will be the king.

Li Ye could understand this selfishness, but it was also normal. Li Ye hoped that Tuyuhun would become stronger as soon as possible with his support, become a barrier between Tang Dynasty and Tubo, and block Tubo on the plateau.

The Tang Dynasty should not have dismembered Tuyuhun, but should have continued to support Tuyuhun and confront Tubo with the support of the Tang Dynasty. Then it would be difficult for Tubo to become a serious problem for the Tang Dynasty, and the century-old Tang-Tibet war could be completely avoided. This can be regarded as the end of the Tang Dynasty. A major strategic mistake by the DPRK.

Now I can only make amends, hoping to save the second half.

Murong Daoming and several elders returned to Tuyuhun. Li Ye left 30,000 troops to Xin Yunjing, appointed him as the governor of Shanzhou, and led his army to take control of Shanzhou.

Li Baozhen led his army back to Hexi, and Li Ye also led an army of 70,000 to return to Jincheng County.

Gao Lishi has been here for two days at Dongsheng Inn in Jincheng County. Because Li Ye went to Shanzhou, he stayed at the inn and waited patiently for Li Ye to come back. He did not disturb Helong Jiedu Mansion. None of the officials knew Gao Lishi had arrived in Jincheng County.

Gao Lishi brought several confidant eunuchs who had followed him for many years as his entourage. While waiting for Li Ye, he was also secretly investigating the whereabouts of the imperial concubine.

That afternoon, Gao Lishi's confidant eunuch Xia Zhiming hurried back from outside. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Ah Weng, there is news!"


Gao Lishi glared at him fiercely. Xia Zhiming was so frightened that he quickly shrank his neck, quietly closed the door, walked to the window and whispered: "We found something!"

"Tell me what you mean."

"On the pretext of my humble position, I found a cousin who was a monk and gave the county clerk twenty guan. He showed me the list of female temples in the county. There are three female temples in total, the Plum Blossom Temple outside the city and the Shanglin Temple in the east city. There is also the most likely Baiyun Temple, also called Taiqing Palace, which is right behind the palace, close together, and the owner of the temple is Tengkong Zhenren."

Gao Lishi laughed, "Zhenren Tengkong must be Li Tengkong! Li Linfu's daughter, the aunt of His Highness King Qi, we know who else is there."

"There is also Zhenren Gongsun. It is said that he is extremely powerful in swordsmanship. I suspect that he is Gongsun Auntie."

"That must be her."

Gao Lishi knew it well, Gongsun Auntie was there, and the imperial concubine must be there.

"Who else?"

"There is also a real person named Yuzhu, who is said to be very mysterious. Aweng, is it possible?"

Gao Lishi nodded lightly, "Try to find out more information about this real person Yuzhu, but you must not come in. You are a eunuch. Aunt Gongsun can recognize you at a glance. If she finds out, your life will be in danger. What will happen?" If not, I will lose my life, remember?"

"I remember it, I will pay the pilgrims to find out."


Gao Lishi gave him another fifty taels of silver, and Xia Zhiming hurried away.

Gao Lishi paced back and forth in the room. Didn't the imperial concubine follow Li Ye? Is he really a monk, or is it just a cover-up?

Gao Lishi actually didn't intend to tell Li Longji the truth, lest he start thinking wildly again and cause trouble, but Gao Lishi himself wanted to know the truth.

At night, the eunuch Xia Zhiming came back, and Gao Lishi quickly asked: "Have you heard about it?"

Xia Zhiming nodded, "I found a woman who sells groceries nearby. She is a devout pilgrim from Baiyunguan. She often goes to Baiyunguan and knows the place very well.

According to her, there is indeed a very quiet courtyard in the innermost part of Baiyun Temple. The door is closed all year round and pilgrims are not allowed to approach. It is said that there lives a Jurchen who is a pure practitioner and a enlightened person.

After asking around, she knew about Master Tengkong and Master Gongsun, but she didn't know about Master Yuzhu. From this, she inferred that the person who cultivated the Qingxiu in the small courtyard was Master Yuzhu. "

Gao Lishi understood in his heart that the person who has achieved great enlightenment is the imperial concubine. She has experienced the world's first-class glory and wealth, and experienced life and death, and has completely understood life. She can be called a person of great enlightenment.

But Gao Lishi was a little confused, and he was not sure whether the imperial concubine had really become a monk.

At this moment, another of his men exclaimed from the window, "Aweng, we are surrounded!"

Gao Lishi was startled, and hurriedly walked to the window, looked down, and saw countless soldiers surrounding the inn where he was. The soldiers wore black clothes inside and leather armor outside. This was the attire of an internal guard.

Gao Lishi sighed in his heart. Wherever he showed his flaws, the other party's internal guards actually discovered it.

He put his head in and shouted: "We are not spies, please come up, your leader!"

Not long after, the shopkeeper walked quickly with a female general and a dozen internal guards. Li Chenghua appeared at the door and waved his hand for the shopkeeper to step back.

She asked coldly: "I am Li Chenghua, the commander of the internal guards. Who are you?"

Gao Lishi cupped his fists and said, "I am Gao Lishi, and I come to see your King Qi on the order of the Supreme Emperor."

Li Chenghua was startled. It turned out that the old man was Gao Lishi, who had great power in the past. But she could calm down and said calmly: "It turns out to be Eunuch Gao. I'm sorry. Since we are on a mission, why don't you go to Guanyi?" ? But come here to stay in an inn, His Highness King Qi will blame us for not treating guests well."

Gao Lishi smiled slightly and said: "I am on a secret mission. The Supreme Emperor does not want the court to know. Once he ascends the throne, the government will know about it. It will easily spread to the court and it will cause serious problems."

"I see, please let me check my identity?"

Gao Lishi took out the Emperor's gold medal and handed it to Li Chenghua.

Li Chenghua nodded, "I can be a guarantee, so Eunuch Gao doesn't need to register. I will only tell Li Changshi and Liu Sima."

"Okay! I'll clean it up."

Gao Lishi asked curiously: "How did I reveal my fault? Commander Li, can you tell me?"

Li Chenghua said calmly: "There are our spies everywhere in the city. Several of Eunuch Gao's men are asking for news about His Royal Highness King Qi's wife and children. This is first-class sensitive information, and we received the report immediately."

Gao Lishi suddenly realized, "That's it, hey! They are too careless."

"Eunuch Gao, please!"

Li Chenghua took Gao Lishi and his entourage to live in the VIP Inn. Sure enough, with Li Chenghua's guarantee, Gao Lishi did not need to register.

Li Chenghua immediately reported the news of Gao Lishi's arrival to Li Mi and Liu Yan.

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