
Chapter 916 Take the initiative

The reason why Dugu Lie and Xue Wang Li Can have a good relationship is that they have a common hobby, which is fishing. Li Can is very addicted to fishing. If you tell him that he has caught a big fish, he will come even if it is a knife in the world.

In the afternoon, Dugu Lie sent a servant to Prince Xue's Mansion to tell Li Can that he had caught a large grass carp weighing 107 pounds, and asked him to come over and take a look.

The current fishing record of their group of fishing friends is held by Xue Wang Li Can. Last year he caught an 84-pound bighead silver carp, breaking the ten-year-old fishing record, which made Xue Wang Li Can quite proud.

When King Xue Li Can heard that Dugu Lie had actually caught a 107-pound grass carp, he immediately became anxious and rushed to Dugu Mansion in a carriage.

"General, don't coax me. How can there be hundreds of catties of wild fish? You must have found it in a domestic fish pond."

Dugu Lie smiled and said: "Whether it's wild or domestic, you can tell at a glance, I'm afraid you can't afford to lose!"

"Where is the fish? If it's really wild, I'll give it a try."

"Please come with me!"

Dugu Lie brought him to the living room. He pointed to the big wooden basin in the living room and said, "It's in the wooden basin. Go and have a look!"

Li Chan was anxious and ran directly into the living room. He looked into the wooden basin and saw that it was empty. There was no big fish. He was startled and the door behind him closed with a creak.

Suddenly, dozens of swordsmen and axemen appeared and surrounded him. He was so frightened that Li Chen collapsed to the ground and shouted in a trembling voice: "Why did the general kill me?"

Dugu Lie said coldly outside the door: "Someone reported that you and Li Zhen were trying to rebel. The emperor asked me to take your head!"

Thirty axemen raised their axes. Li Chen was so frightened that he cried out: "Spare my life! General, spare your life!"

The door creaked open, and Dugu Lie walked in slowly, sighing: "I begged the Emperor for you, but the Emperor refused, saying that you were one of the first offenders. What do you want me to do?"

Li Can cried so hard, "General, I am willing to make atonement for my sins, but you must save my life!"

Dugu Lie knew him well and knew that he was frightened, so he waved his hand to make the swordsman retreat.

Li Can helped him up and sat down, "Your plan has been tipped off for a long time. The emperor has not arrested anyone for a long time because he wants to know who the foreign aid is. Now it is known that it is Pugu Huai'en, his 10,000 troops in Bashang. They were also surrounded by tens of thousands of Shence troops and annihilated. All the gangsters in the city will be arrested tonight. If they are involved in rebellion, they will all be beheaded. You should understand in your heart that I have guaranteed it to the emperor. If you want to die, there is only one way. , make meritorious service and atone for your sins, do you understand?"

Li Chan nodded repeatedly, wiped away his tears and said, "I understand. General, please teach me what to do?"

"You go back to your house immediately and send someone to invite Zuo Jinwei General Xing Ji to your house to discuss important matters. There will be an army ambushing your house and arrest him directly, and then use the same method to trap others."

Li Zhan hesitated for a moment, and Dugu Lie said coldly: "You are the main culprit. If you want to die, no one can protect you!"

"I will do it! I will do it! Everything will be done according to the general's instructions."

"Also, you must honestly explain which manors have private soldiers hidden in them. Your Highness, King Xue, I want to remind you that your opportunities are really running out now. You must seize every opportunity to perform meritorious service and atone for your sins!"

At the seventh military camp in Bashang, 50,000 Shence troops surrounded the general camp, and arrows were fired into the military camp like raindrops.

The soldiers in the flat barracks were so pressed that they could not lift their heads. A close confidant, Pugu, said urgently: "The general must make a decision immediately, either to surrender or to break out. If this continues, morale will collapse."

Pugu Bin raised his head and looked at the sky. It was already dark, and the opponent's arrows gradually stopped. He gritted his teeth and said: "The Pugu family has never known what surrender means. Send my order, open the gate, and the army will march towards Jingyuan Road. Breakout!"

The gate of the military camp slowly opened, and Pugu Bin shouted, "My sons, follow me to break out!"

He brandished a broadsword and led 10,000 soldiers to break through the encirclement to the northeast. Pugu Bin fired arrows and took the lead in the encirclement of the Shence Army. The soldiers behind him shouted killing sounds and followed the general to break through the encirclement.

A cold arrow ‘Poof! ’ The shot hit Pugu Bin’s left arm, causing him to tremble with pain. Then a spear seized the opportunity and pierced his lower abdomen. Pugu Bin screamed, and the big knife clanged! ’ When he landed, dozens of spears pierced his body, and Pugu Bin was killed on the spot.

The general was dead, and the soldiers had no intention of fighting. They knelt down and surrendered one after another. General Pugu Chong led hundreds of Pugu warriors to break out of the encirclement and fled to the northeast.

Chang'an City was closed an hour in advance. Officials and dignitaries who participated in the coup were being arrested everywhere in the city. Li Yu was taken away. What's funny is that the Shenwu Army found a complete list at the residence of King Xue Li Can, and suddenly there were also Li Xiu was also captured by the soldiers. Although he shouted that he was a meritorious person, no one listened to his explanation and took him away together.

King Xue Li Can continuously trapped more than a dozen generals involved in the coup, especially General Xing Ji of Zuo Jinwu Guard. His arrest meant that the biggest hidden danger in the city was lifted.

Three manors outside the city were also surrounded by the Shenwu Army. Nearly 5,000 private soldiers trained by Zhuang Ding all surrendered and were escorted to the military camp by the Shenwu Army. A large number of soldiers, armor, money and food were found in the manor.

Prince Wei's Mansion was also surrounded by a thousand Shenwu Army soldiers. Li Zhen was sitting in the study in a daze. At this time, the housekeeper shouted from outside, "You can't be so rude!"

"Get away!"

A soldier roughly pushed the housekeeper away and rushed toward the study.

Li Zhen sighed, "The matter is not secret, so what can I do!"

He picked up the small porcelain bottle on the table, unscrewed the lid, and drank it in one gulp.

At dawn the next day, except for Li Zhen who committed suicide by taking poison, all the other 44 party members were arrested. Emperor Li Heng issued an order to deprive them of all official positions and titles, and ordered the censor Zhongcheng Jingyu to come and try the case.

Jing Yu was a notoriously cruel official. The large yoke he made weighed fifty kilograms and was called a yoke. A person could only bend over and be restrained by the yoke. He could not kneel or stand. His neck was pinched and it was difficult to breathe. It won't take an hour before the officials can't stand it anymore and start screaming.

Jing Yu also tortured people by pressing them to the ground, crushing their lower abdomen with a stone wheel, and crushing their intestines out, making life worse than death. His censors Mao Ruoxu, Pei Sheng, Bi Yao and others... He is also known as a cruel official.

In just one day, all forty-four people confessed, including Zhao Feixiong, the director of the Ministry of Industry, Chen Hong, the chief minister of Prince Chen's palace, Zhang Ang, the Sima of Chuzhou, Cao Shenjun, a member of the Youwu Guards, Jiao Zirong, Zhang Huan, a Jinshi of Guangwen in the Imperial Academy, and others. He was tortured to death without mercy.

Although Li Xiu confessed everything, he still suffered a brutal torture. Both of his leg bones were pinched and the pain was excruciating. He found an opportunity to beg Pei Sheng, the imperial censor: "Please look for Eunuch Cheng for me. They are meritorious people, they were all reported by me, Eunuch Cheng can testify!"

Seeing that he was Li Linfu's eldest son, Pei Sheng ran to ask Cheng Yuanzhen for instructions. Half an hour later, Pei Sheng came back and said coldly to Li Xiu: "I asked Eunuch Cheng for you!"

"What did he say?" Li Xiu asked expectantly.

"Eunuch Cheng said that he was not involved in the case and had no knowledge of it!"

"Ah!" Li Xiu was stunned, "What does this mean?"

"It means that Eunuch Cheng can't save you, and he won't save you!"

Li Xiu wailed, and Cheng Yuanzhen actually abandoned him.

Pei Sheng turned around and left, and Li Xiu suddenly shouted: "I am the uncle of His Highness King Qi. If you dare to kill me, His Highness King Qi will definitely cut you into pieces!"

At this time, he thought of his eldest son and that Li Ye was his nephew.

Pei Sheng was shocked. This was a problem. They were not afraid of Cheng Yuanzhen, but no one was afraid of Qi King Li Ye.

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