Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 101: The Raw Materials Are Ready

The requirement of secrecy was raised by Gu Zheng, not only for Zhao Min, but also for Chang Feng.

Gu Zheng's performance yesterday was too dazzling. He killed such a big wolf abruptly with his bare hands. When he came back, Chang Feng pestered him, asking him how he did it, and wanted to learn from him.

In the end, Gu Zhengcai said that he had a master. The master was very powerful. He not only taught him cooking skills, but also taught him ancient martial arts. He used ancient martial arts, powerful ancient martial arts to deal with giant wolves.

It is a bit unrealistic to say that cultivating immortals is a bit unrealistic. It is better to talk about Gu Wu. Gu Wu was proposed by Chang Feng himself. When he asked him if he would, Gu Zheng nodded vaguely. As a result, Chang Feng was very excited and said that he already knew There are such people, and the army actually has them. It is very mysterious. He asked his uncle before, but it is a pity that his uncle refused to tell him on the grounds of being top secret. Now it has finally been confirmed.

The reason is very simple, that is, not long after he joined the army, when he was still young, in his teens, by chance he sneaked into a top-secret area that was usually not allowed to enter.

There, he saw several people training, fighting very fiercely, and some people jumped several meters high, which he regarded as heavenly beings.

It's a pity that it was only that time, and he has never seen these people since then, but in his heart, he has always believed in the existence of such people, and he has always wanted to prove it, and today he finally got the proof from Gu Zheng.

Regarding what he said, Gu Zheng was just puzzled, and didn't think too much about it. How could there be such a person, even he, an immortal cultivator, can't jump a few meters high now.

Maybe he can achieve great success in immortal cultivation, but after he has achieved great success in immortal cultivation, he can fly directly, so why jump.

After instructing Zhao Min to take away the check, Gu Zheng and Chang Feng were also about to leave, and Chang Feng still seemed a little excited when he went back.

In the beginning, the eldest brother let him get in touch with Gu Zheng. In fact, he was somewhat repulsive in his heart. After all, he is a high-ranking official son. He must not be happy to let him follow someone who is younger than him and who is inferior to him in everything.

But for the sake of grandpa, he is willing to do it, he is willing to listen to Gu Zheng's orders, and he will have the respect that Gu Zheng should have, but these are only on the surface, not in his heart.

In fact, he also wondered in his heart whether Gu Zheng could really cure his grandfather's anorexia, which is a disease that all famous doctors in the world have failed to cure, and it is simply impossible to cure it by diet therapy.

But even if there is only one percent hope, you have to try it, not to mention, Grandpa did eat the fried eggs made by Gu Zheng, and there was nothing wrong with it. He ate four in one go, which is a gift They have a glimmer of hope.

But it’s different now, Chang Feng’s heart has become extremely confident, he believes that Gu Zheng can cure his grandfather’s illness, Gu Zheng is no ordinary person, this is a master of ancient martial arts, and Gu Zheng said, he The cooking and martial arts are taught by one person, and the prescriptions for diet therapy are also provided by this person.

Gu Zheng's master must be a secluded expert, such an expert's method will certainly be able to cure his grandfather's disease. At this time, Chang Feng has almost become a fan of Gu Zheng. No matter what Gu Zheng says, he Believe it all.

"Master Gu!"

At Shencheng Airport, the plane landed slowly. This was the private plane they took when they went to Jiangxi, and it was the same when they came back.

"Mr. Chang, you are back!"

Outside the plane, Chang Le was already waiting. He had received a call from Chang Feng before, and Chang Feng told him that they had found a useful auxiliary material, and the quantity was sufficient. Now there is only one auxiliary material missing, and the required raw materials are all in place. up.

Gu Zheng and Chang Feng actually found one, which surprised him and surprised him at the same time. In this way, if the things he found in the Northeast this time are available, it means that the raw materials are ready. Next, let’s look at Gu Zheng’s diet therapy method Is there any use in the end.

It really works, even if it can't be cured, as long as it can improve, then he is a great hero of the family.

"Get in the car first, let's go back and talk!"

Chang Le nodded with a smile. He came in a commercial car, the one that picked up Gu Zheng last time. Both Gu Zheng and Chang Feng got into the car, and they also carried a big box. The harvest, a whole box of jade tuckahoe, the quality of jade tuckahoe has reached the ordinary level.

"This is a wild ginseng I found from a friend in the Northeast. He said that this wild ginseng has grown for more than 500 years. There was a thousand-year-old ginseng over there. Unfortunately, it was used by people in the early years. Now I can find it. This is the longest one!"

In the car, Chang Le carefully took out a box. Inside the box was a long wild ginseng.

Gu Zheng took it, and Qi Ling automatically identified it.

"Ginseng, inferior level!"

The quality of this ginseng is only inferior, which makes Gu Zheng a little disappointed. Such a large ginseng is actually inferior, and ordinary-grade ginseng is even more rare.

Although it was inferior, Gu Zheng was taken aback by Qi Ling's words after that.

"Ginseng grows naturally for 703 years. After improving its quality, it can be used in this test!"

This inferior ginseng can be used unexpectedly, but the quality needs to be improved first to reach a common level. In addition, the age of this ginseng is not 500 years, but 700 years, which is nearly two years longer than what Chang Le knew. century.

Ginseng is different from Jade Poria. First, ginseng needs to grow for a longer period of time. Good ginseng is only a hundred years old. The second is that ginseng is too famous and people know too much. Over the years, as long as humans have stepped into the mountains, this kind of wild ginseng has basically disappeared.

Third, ginseng is mostly produced in the Northeast, where the development is more severe than in Jiangxi, so there are fewer good ginseng. It is not easy for Changle to find such a ginseng plant that is more than 700 years old.

"It can be used, but I have to deal with it first, it will take about ten days!"

Gu Zheng calculated in his mind, then nodded and said, the raw materials are all ready, this test is basically no problem, the weight of this wild ginseng is enough, and there is still some left for Gu Zheng to keep to fuse the rice marrow.

With jade poria cocos and wild ginseng, there is only one raw material for Guzheng's fusion of rice pith.

Gu Zhengzhi proposed more than ten days because he had enough supplementary materials, but his main ingredients were not enough, and those fairy chickens were still in the growth stage, even if he used fairy power to ripen them, it would still take more than ten days , so I specifically said that.

"Okay, ten days is ten days, I have waited for so many days, don't care about these ten days!"

Hearing that Gu Zheng said it can be used, Chang Le also heaved a sigh of relief. The raw materials are all ready, and then I look forward to the effect of Gu Zheng's diet therapy. His requirements are really not high, even if it does not meet what Gu Zheng said, he can be cured , as long as it can be improved a little, so that grandpa can eat more.

"I'll take the things back first, and I'll find you in half a month!"

This time I told Chang Le about the matter. With their help, it is indeed much better than finding the ingredients by myself. Whether it is jade poria cocos or this wild ginseng, both Chang Le brothers have contributed a lot here.

It was Chang Le who found the wild ginseng by himself, and it was he who discovered Yu Fuling first, but without Chang Feng’s help, how could Qiao Fei cooperate so much? He didn’t know when he would be able to find out. Even if he could find out by himself, Zhao Fei Zhao Min is not so cooperative. If Zhao Min does not cooperate, he may find these jade poria cocos.

He understood Chang Feng's role in finding Yu Fuling, so he proposed that he only needed one-third of Yu Fuling, and the remaining two-thirds would be given to Chang Feng. .

Zhao Min took the money and didn't want Yu Fuling, so he only needed one-third of it.

One-third of jade poria is enough for him to use for a long time.

What he didn't expect was that Chang Feng actually refused the jade Fuling worth tens of millions. Only by hand can it play its due role.

Since this is the case, there is no need to waste it with him. All the jade tuckahoes will be taken away by Gu Zheng, but he also made a request, that is, if Gu Zheng uses the jade tuckahoe to make any delicious food in the future, he must give it to him. Prepare one, he has heard many times that Gu Zheng's cooking skills are good, but he has never tasted it once.

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