The opponent's speed was getting faster and faster, pressing over like Mount Tai, an obviously thick fist began to gather momentum, and the golden light on it became more and more intense.

Feeling this vigorous and turbulent power, Gu Zheng was not afraid, and also punched.

The two fists intersected, but he didn't feel the strength of the opponent. This contrast made Gu Zheng's body surge and he almost vomited blood.

"I've been fooled." Gu Zheng had this thought in his mind.

Oops, the other party wanted to take Shuang'er to be buried with him, thinking of this, Gu Zheng turned his head to look, and a figure suddenly turned towards the unconscious Shuang'er.

The pen that had already been ready to go pierced the figure's head in an instant, and it would pierce through the figure's head in about a second, but the figure could reach Shuang'er's position in 0.5 seconds, and crush Shuang'er's body by the way.

"It's over." At this moment, Gu Zheng hated himself so much. It turned out that the various performances of the figure before were just to anesthetize himself, even at the expense of seriously injuring himself.

From the very beginning, Human Shadow knew that he couldn't beat him, but he still thought he had the chance to win.


Just when a tragedy was about to happen at the very moment, four red lights flashed in the empty eyes of even a guard and shot at the figure. In just a split second, the figure was fixed in place, even if the raised feet were away from Shuang'er. Only thirty centimeters short.

But it was locked like this, and in the next second a pen directly passed through the sky cover of the figure, and the figure completely lost its vitality.

Coincidentally, Shuang'er just woke up from a coma, and saw a big foot in front of her eyes, and screamed in fright.

"It's okay, Shuang'er." Gu Zheng hurried over to get Shuang'er up. At this time, Shuang'er's condition was not very good, she was injured and frightened, and she felt sick all over.

The figure was still entangled by the four red shadows, motionless, but the breath had disappeared. Gu Zheng can assure you that he is too dead to be alive.

Suddenly a bright light rose from the figure, and then a faint figure floated up.

Gu Zheng was about to attack subconsciously, but a voice stopped him.

"Fellow Daoist, please be merciful."

Gu Zheng squinted his eyes and looked at this figure. His face looked the same as before, but his face was not as cruel as before, but full of warmth, which made people know that he was a kind person at a glance.

"What's the matter, your body has been wiped out by me, what else do you want to do with this little phantom." Gu Zheng knew that he didn't need to make a move. With the passage of time, it will dissipate between heaven and earth.

"I have nothing else to do, I just want to thank my fellow daoists for eliminating demons for me." Xu Ying bowed in the air.

Gu Zheng is a little puzzled, what kind of logic is this to thank you for killing the enemy.

Xu Ying saw Gu Zheng's doubts and continued: "I am a powerful ancient cultivator, that is, the so-called body cultivator." His tone was full of confidence

"Just a few hundred years ago, due to some accidents, the inner demons took root in the heart. You know that our body cultivators are much less resistant to inner demons than those regular immortal cultivators."

"At that time, I was going to solve this problem here. There is a karst fruit tree below, which can help me a little bit, but unfortunately it failed in the end. My friend helped me set up a big formation here before. First, I thought that the enemy would find me. It's about trapping me here for good if I fail."

"Of course I also left behind. The destroyed palace can be sealed, and these two puppet guards can temporarily suppress the demons."

Gu Zheng thought, no wonder the figure was restrained by the puppet just now. At this time, the puppet guard had turned into dust, and the figure still maintained that posture, but lost its breath.

"Unfortunately, the power of the demon is beyond my imagination. I failed, and my spirit hides in the deepest part of my mind. Maybe I will disappear completely for a hundred years. At that time, the demon will completely control my body. Confused a hunter who came here, used his body to destroy the villages near here, and wanted to attract a powerful immortal to help him out of trouble."

It was all his own memory, Xu Ying knew it clearly, but Shuang'er burst into tears when she heard the news, she didn't expect him to be the culprit in her village.

"It's okay, he's already dead, and he's already avenged your father and fellow countrymen." Gu Zheng comforted Shuang'er.

"This is the survivor of the destroyed village, I feel very sorry." Although it was done by the demon, Xu Ying still feels guilty.

"I didn't expect to attract Your Excellency. No one has discovered your hidden cultivation level. Seeing that Fellow Daoist is so powerful, I took the opportunity to come out and entangle him, making him unable to use fairy arts."

Only then did Gu Zheng understand why the other party hadn't used any magic tricks from the beginning to the end. It was impossible for him not to know one magic spell. It turned out that the original owner was helping him.

"Where are my two friends?" Gu Zheng wanted to know the whereabouts of Xueer and the others.

"His target is you, your friend is out in the hole, and nothing happened."

Gu Zheng let out a sigh of relief, as long as it's okay.

"Girl, I'm sorry for what I've done. There's not much I can do. I should make up for my old self-cultivation."

A pure spiritual power is linked to Shuang'er from the phantom, Shuang'er can't see it but still feels a power from her body, which makes Shuang'er very scared.

Gu Zheng gave Shuang'er a reassuring look, this is the person who burned his remaining life energy to wash Shuang'er's tendons and marrow.

"Please ask for your friend's name." It doesn't sound like he is to blame for this matter, it's all a trick of the inner demon.

The old man shook his head, his figure became fainter and fainter, and finally disappeared in this world, truly ecstatic.

At this time, Shuang'er has already reached the second level of Neijing after some empowerment, but unfortunately her aptitude is not good, and the forced cultivation level has been like this for a lifetime.

But for Shuang'er, it was a good result.

"Let's go," Gu Zheng pulled Shuang'er who was still a little dumbfounded. At this time, the phantom formation had been closed by the old man, and he slowly returned to the original path.

When passing by the branch of the karst tree, Gu Zheng directly destroyed the vitality with a sword. This was the fruit used to lure people before. Once he stepped into this hall, there was no way back.

When they got to the hall, they saw Shuang'er and Zhao Man passed out on the ground.

Gu Zheng went up to wake them up.

As soon as Xue'er woke up, she found Shuang'er and Gu Zheng, her somewhat confused head woke up suddenly, and she ran to Shuang'er in surprise, touched up and down, which made Shuang'er blush.

"What's the matter, you look like a ghost." Seeing Zhao Man's strange expression, Gu Zheng asked angrily.

After confirming that Shuang'er is normal, Shuang'er breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Isn't that nonsense, just now we saw that you were dead, and countless wild beasts besieged us, if it weren't for our strength died."

Xue'er puffed out her chest and looked proud, while Zhao Man laughed beside him, until Xue'er gave him a look before closing her mouth and looking serious.

It seems that their relationship has deepened a lot after an incident in the previous environment.

Xue'er was puzzled again: "What exactly happened? Later, our eyes went dark, and when we woke up, it was you who woke us up."

Gu Zheng briefly talked about what happened just now, but said that by chance, he helped in the battle between the demon and the old man, and downplayed himself.

The key point is that Shuang'er has received the old man's teaching, and now she is very powerful.

At this time, Xueer and Zhao Manwei were in front of Shuang'er, and they said that this was a short time, and Frost Er had two layers of cultivation.

It would be great if it was me, Xueer and Zhao Man thought at the same time.

But they didn't expect that if they estimated that people would ignore them.

But still happy for Shuang'er.


"Look quickly" Zhao Man pointed to the back.

The original passage behind is gradually collapsing, everything is buried in the mountain, and the entrance of the cave is tightly blocked.

A ray of sunlight leaked in from the outside, and the original disappearing mouth reappeared.

Insects chirped and birds chirped, the breeze blew through the woods, and the sky was clear.

By the time the group of people came out again, it was already the morning of the next day. Except for Gu Zheng, everyone was greedily enjoying the bright sunshine, fresh air, and the sounds of wild animals in the distance.

"Look, that's our tent." The equipment that was missed before is still in place. It was built by Zhao Man in a place that is slightly sheltered from the wind and rain to prevent the storm.

I walked over and saw that there were still many things that hadn't been lost. Although I didn't care about these things, there were some changes of clothes in the tent.

"I said Brother Hu, I'm right, they must be around here, so they're back." A voice came from the direction of the woods, and it was specially amplified in order for them to hear it.

"Hey, sister rabbit, you are still smart." A rough voice sounded

When the two of them came back from other places, they found their little junior sister.

Two figures gradually came out from the woods, one was burly and the other was petite.

Xue'er looked at the two senior brothers and waved happily: "Senior brother, senior sister, what a coincidence, why are you here?"

At this time, Xue'er didn't know that the two senior brothers were going to capture her and go back.

In fact, Gu Zheng didn't know, but at this time the four of them were not in a good state, except for Gu Zheng, who was better, and the others were more or less embarrassed.

Shuang'er's face was pale, and her clothes were torn. Zhao Man had been bare-chested just now, and his pants were a little rotten, all worn out from the illusion battle just now.

As for Xue'er, her jet-black hair had already fallen apart, and what's more, the tiredness that radiated from her body was too obvious.

Come out of the scary cave just now, can you not relax.

The Tiger Demon and the Rabbit Demon came over with a smile on their face. After investigation, one was on the fourth floor and the other was on the third floor. Although it was a bit tricky, they would not fight if they could not fight.

As for Gu Zheng and Shuang'er, they have been completely ignored.

She thought that something happened to them in the storm yesterday that made Rui Ci feel embarrassed, and she never thought about what they went through.

"Master misses you, and wants you to go back." According to the previously discussed countermeasures, the rabbit demon first checked to see if the junior sister knew the inside story.

Zhao Man and the others saw that Shuang'er knew each other, so they didn't care to pack up their things directly.

Gu Zheng also pretended to help, but actually pricked up his ears to hear what the hell they were up to.

Xue'er jumped up happily, "Is the master back? It doesn't mean that he went to recover from his injuries, so he will be back soon."

The rabbit demon nodded slightly towards the fox demon, reminding him that his junior sister might know something inside,

Regardless of whether his master is present or not, but first of all, his own life is the most important thing. The rabbit demon asked tentatively: "Yes, the master also invited the expert who rescued him. Thank you very much. I didn't come in time at that time. What's the matter?" No, send us out to find you, Junior Sister."

The tiger demon also echoed: "Yes, we must thank that expert. Although our strength is low, we can still do something within our capabilities."

What the tiger demon said was sincere, anyway, Xueer was deceived.

Gu Zheng's heart moved slightly, and the sound transmission told Xue'er to tell them that the expert had left because of something urgent.

Although Xue'er didn't know why, she still told them the truth based on her belief in Gu Zheng.

The tiger demon and the rabbit demon were overjoyed at first, and then their faces darkened again. Without the presence of an expert, the curse in their bodies could not be lifted. Dato is too big to take away the junior sister.

The rabbit demon's ears moved slightly, alert to everything around him.

Next is the tiger demon, after all, as a big brother, he still has some authority.

"Since the expert is not here, let's go back first, Junior Sister." Tiger Demon laughed.

At this time, Xueer felt a little vigilant. Her senior brother used to dislike her, because the master liked to take care of herself the most. Who made herself and the master have the same origin? Now that she treats herself so gently, there must be a demon .

"You go first, I will go with my friend, I will go there later, and I will apologize to the master at that time."

"There is no danger around here. Is it appropriate for you to let the master wait? Besides, the master must let us call you back. Don't let the master down." Pull towards Cher.

Xue'er took a step back, avoiding the hand of the rabbit demon, and said vigilantly: "Impossible, you lied to me, the master can't treat me like that." Xue'er decided to cheat the other party, anyway, except for the fourth senior brother, everyone else treated her badly .

"What's the matter, Xue'er said she won't go back with you guys." Zhao Man saw that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, so he hurried over and said with staring eyes.

If you dare to bully me, Xueer, you have to pass me first, and Zhao Man's momentum suddenly rose again.

Looking at Zhao Man who seemed to have taken aphrodisiacs, the tiger demon and the rabbit demon were also stunned. This is not a big deal, is this a burst of seeds?

The rabbit demon secretly made a gesture to the tiger demon, indicating that he would do it directly.

It was decided before that if things go a little bit wrong, they will act directly.

The tiger demon took two steps forward on purpose, "What's the matter, we need you outsiders to take care of our own affairs." Before he finished speaking, he directly attacked Zhao Man's heart.

The right palm slashed across the air, and the body also rushed forward like lightning. The surging monster energy made a harsh sound of piercing the air, and the strong and strong palm force faintly heard the sound of wind and thunder.

In order to succeed in this blow, the tiger demon used all his might.

Fortunately, Zhao Man was a little vigilant before, but he couldn't use his full strength in a hurry, so he could only cover his face with his hands in time, and concentrated his internal energy to defend.


Like thunder, vigorous energy surged around, and Xue'er was forced to swipe back.

"Zhao Man." Xue'er yelled sadly

"It's done." A palm hit, and the feeling in his hand made the tiger demon sure that the opponent was seriously injured at the lowest point. If he was lucky and almost died, it's not impossible. If it wasn't for this guy's high alertness, he would be dead.

Well, Zhao Man thought so too at the time, such a short distance, and a well-planned blow, even if he had a little time to defend himself, he would not be able to escape death in the end.

So when the charged attack hit, Gu Zheng was already in despair.

But when that fist hit the opponent himself, he didn't feel that kind of pressure. It seemed that after some obstacles, the original strength was attenuated by half.

"Zhao Man." Xue'er ran over directly, and Zhao Man was already lying motionless in the distance.

"Cough cough..." Zhao Man's chest finally felt better after vomiting out the blood in his body.

Xue'er knelt down and put Zhao Man's head on her lap. Looking at the bleeding from the corner of Zhao Man's mouth, she desperately wanted to heal Zhao Man.

Smelling the body fragrance of the woman he loves, Zhao Man was so happy that he forgot who it was, and he didn't even remember, he even forgot all about the injury he suffered just now, and he just wanted to continue like this.

Feeling Xue'er's anxiety, Zhao Man didn't want to waste Xue'er's combat power, besides, there were still two enemies to deal with, so protect Xue'er from being captured by them.

Infinite fighting spirit emerged in Zhao Man's heart.

Zhao Man, who had his eyes closed, opened them, and said to Xue'er who cared about him, "I'm fine, I'm just a little bit out of breath."

After saying that, he stood up, expanded his chest, stretched his legs, well, there was no big problem, and took out his own weapon, the "Purple Pattern War Spear", which was specially made in Fengcheng by the apprentice of the first craftsman.

Of course, the materials were brought by myself, but many precious materials were incorporated.

Look at the tiger demon who sneaked up on you with both eyes, dare to sneak up on you, let you see how powerful grandpa is.

A strong fighting spirit radiated from his body, shocking Xue'er who was at the side.

I didn't expect this usually gentle and gentle person to have such a side.

Gu Zheng said that he didn't know about all this. Although he put the protection on by himself, he just took Shuang'er and watched behind him honestly, so that no accidents would happen if he was involved.

On the contrary, Shuang'er was in a hurry, but it's a pity that she has no brute force now, so she can't do anything.

The tiger demon that the rabbit demon was complimenting had already lost the most powerful fighting force on the opposite side, and it was a matter of ten and ninety, and suddenly saw Zhao Man stand up as if nothing happened.

Pointing at the back of the tiger demon, he said in amazement: "Brother Hu Hu, that man has woken up again."

"What, how is it possible." The unbelievable Tiger Demon turned around and looked at Zhao Man, who seemed to be fine, and stared at him dumbfounded. His strength was obviously lower than mine, so it didn't matter why he was hit with all my strength.

Seeing the two of them in a daze, Zhao Man would not miss such a good opportunity. He stepped forward and attacked first, stabbing the tiger demon with a big gun.

The tiger demon also took out a big knife of his own, and the two fought each other, getting faster and faster.

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