On the second day after Gu Zheng and Shuang'er left, two figures wandered furtively outside the door of the pharmacy.

A big man with thick eyebrows and big eyes has been going back and forth several times, and every time he passes by, he takes a peek inside the super drug store.

"It's very strange, why haven't I seen my junior sister these two days." After the big man returned to his hidden stronghold, he thought of the woman next to him and complained.

There is a pair of cute miniature rabbit ears on the head, which is really cute.

"Brother Hu, why do I feel that something is wrong." Since I came here yesterday, I haven't seen my junior sister until now, it shouldn't be.

The pharmacy was still open, why did the person disappear, and one of the attendants from that day is still in the store now.

The big man didn't dare to go in for fear of being recognized. The security in this city is still very strict now, especially that Lin Zui, who hangs around the street when he has nothing to do, so scared that the big man doesn't dare to use force.

Even the two of us combined can't beat him.

"Then what do the patients you ask say." The girl asked with other hopes.

"They all said that Junior Sister is not feeling well and has been inside." The big man touched his head, "And they all swore that they heard Junior Sister's voice in the room."

"Really?" The girl always felt that something was wrong, she should have gone by herself if she knew it earlier, suddenly the girl thought of something, and hurriedly asked, "They all said that, all of them?"

"Yeah, that's basically what they said." The big man also felt a little strange

"Stupid, you've been cheated." The girl said angrily, and this kind of thing happened because she was lazy, "Go, go, go to the backyard and have a look."

"Ah, oh." The big man didn't want to understand how the girl knew, but who made her smarter than him.

I also don't want to think about a big man in the big waist garden asking about Xue'er's whereabouts with mischievous eyebrows. At first glance, he is not a good person. These residents have received Xue'er's favor all year round, so naturally they will not give the answer given by Shuang'er.

Xueer went to Fengcheng to study with a better doctor.

I just fooled him into being in the backyard, and then he was the first to sign and ran back secretly to tell everyone, so an abnormally standard answer appeared. The big man didn't know that he was cheated, and thought it was true.

Sure enough, as expected, the girl and the big man sneaked into the backyard and found many traces indicating that the junior sister might have left here.

A pair of small canine teeth protruded from the girl's lips, and she said fiercely: "Chasing, they can't go very far."

At this time, Xue'er didn't know that someone was looking for her, but four days passed, and the sorrow of parting has been reduced a lot. Now the best hobby is to listen to all kinds of strange things.

In fact, it's nothing, but Gu Zheng looked at Xue'er a little unhappy, so he picked up some fairy tales he knew, and his own stories on the earth.

Unexpectedly, Xueer was fascinated by listening to it, and pestered Gu Zheng all day to tell herself about those flying machines, ships that can move by themselves, and many other delicious foods.

Although Gu Zheng has become a lot of magic in the process of talking, at any rate, Feijian will automatically find his way here. Unexpectedly, Xueer said that he would go back to Gu Zheng's hometown with him in the future, and he would not be afraid even if he was far away.

Gu Zheng frightened her that the place was far away and would take tens of thousands of years. Of course Xueer didn't believe it, and even joked: "If I die on the way, please take my ashes there, I really want to see those things."

There was an emotion called longing in his eyes, which made Gu's heart tremble.

The journey just before leaving the city, the distance to the next one this time will take about five days. At this time, the last city in Anhua Kingdom, except this city, will enter the territory of the next kingdom.

Bored in the car? Gu Zheng is not boring. I immerse myself in observing the subtle changes in the body every day, and realize the different feeling from the past. In the past, my strength would increase every day, but now it will decrease every day, although the magnitude is very small.

As for Xueer, when she was bored, she either pestered Gu Zheng to tell herself stories, or went for a run around to see different scenery.

In Xue'er's words, she has never traveled so far, and every difference is fresh.

While driving well, a big tree next to it suddenly crooked, blocking the road in front of it tightly.

The coachman stopped his horse, fearing that this was a gang of bandits. You must know that there are many bandits on the border.

If it weren't for the fact that the customer gave him enough money, and watched the girl knock down a tree with his own hands, he wouldn't have done the work alone.

If you go back, you must go with the big caravan, it's too unsafe to be alone.

The cranky coachman had no chance to see the next scene, Gu Zheng directly knocked the coachman unconscious, as if he was frightened and unconscious.

"This coachman is so timid." Xue'er did not forget to mock the coachman when she got out of the car.

Two familiar figures stood behind the big tree blocking the way. They turned out to be old acquaintances, the rabbit demon and the tiger demon, Xueer's senior brother and senior sister.

This ambush was really painstaking. In fact, the two had chased them a day earlier, but they were afraid that Zhao Man would be ambushing them, so they followed for a whole day before they were sure that there were only three junior sisters.

The Rabbit Demon and the Tiger Demon came out from behind the tree carelessly. They didn't need to be so ostentatious at first, but they didn't care about these things when they had the winning ticket, and they were still blocking them from farther back and forth.

There is no such a road leading to the border, and this road has a higher chance of encountering bandits, which does not save much time. Many people do not pass through here. Who let there be so many woods next to it, hiding hundreds of people No one can find out.

"Hey, little junior sister, let's meet again, I didn't think your blindfold would fail." The tiger demon smiled triumphantly.

Although Tu Tuyao complained about the stupidity of the tiger demon in his heart, is that a trick? They didn't hide it at all, okay, otherwise we would know where the little junior sister went if we casually inquired at the gate of the city.

But the rabbit demon did not forget his mission. Thinking of the punishment last time, the rabbit demon trembled in his heart, it was too painful.

"This time there is no man named Zhao Man to protect you, what's wrong, the little lover who abandoned you eloped."

Xue'er vomited blood in her heart, who did she elope with, whose little lover!

But this time the tiger demon and the rabbit demon came prepared, Xue'er directly put her weapon across her chest.

"Where did you get this treasure?" Xue'er couldn't help asking as she looked at the pair of iron claws in Rabbit Demon's hand. This pair of iron claws could be seen as high-end goods, not worse than the stick in her hand.

Moreover, the iron claw's claw tip is still shining with blue light, which is highly poisonous at first glance.

Generally speaking, for impoverished demons like them, a good weapon is a treasure, and a weapon made of some rare materials is called a treasure.

Although Xue'er had a lot of good things in her hands, and even most of them were magic weapons, not to mention a few low-level magic weapons, she didn't change her mind for a while, and asked subconsciously.

"Haha, don't think that you are proud because you have it, the one in my hand is not worse than yours." The tiger demon also proudly took out a big knife.

A smug face was reflected on the mirror-like blade, and a cold light condensed in the middle of the high burning blade on the blade, as if it was flowing non-stop.

This is a bad game and there is no good weapon, so he deliberately licked his face and begged for it. With this weapon, the tiger demon thinks it is good to mix with the man in black.

As a wild loose demon, no one hurts, no one asks, in this world where strength is the most important thing, he is really no more than a human casual cultivator.

The Rabbit Demon is not as vulgar as the Tiger Demon. He just bought a weapon, and he needs a suit of clothes anyway. The Rabbit Demon looks at Xueer's equipment and needs a bracelet, clothes and earrings. The more he looks at it, the more annoyed he becomes.

This time the man in black said that it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies, but he must see people, and his fighting spirit rose to the sky.

"Come on, Brother Hu, don't talk nonsense with him." The rabbit demon preemptively rushed up, and those things were all his own.

Gu Zheng on the side was directly ignored, and the tiger demon also strode forward, two to fight one, and it was stable, and the little junior sister was cleaned up by himself.

The rabbit demon rushing forward suddenly stopped, and looked up at Xue'er's head in horror, and the tiger demon did the same, which made Xue'er who was about to fight wonder.

In the next second, a large gun full of electric light fell from the sky, and it was inserted directly in front of Xue'er. With a bang, the entire ground was smashed into a big hole, and then there was a clanging sound.

The rabbit demon watched this scene with trepidation. If he hadn't noticed it early, the gun would have been stuck in his body.

The tiger demon next to him also had a dignified expression, and there was an astonishing aura galloping towards him in the distance.

A group of people stopped in front of Xueer like a gust of wind, and upon closer inspection it turned out to be the sixth prince Zhao Man.

The Rabbit Demon and the Tiger Demon had bitter expressions on their faces. They had scouted cautiously here, but they were still missing something.

I have a powerful weapon, but the weapon in Zhao Man's hand seems to be even more powerful.

"Zhao Man is late, please don't blame Miss Xue'er." Zhao Man said in a deliberately proud tone.

Gu Zheng looked at Zhao Man, who was looking straight at the gun with his arms crossed, was he showing off? Gu Zheng vaguely recalled that if he had such a posture on the earth, everyone would give him a sentence - don't pretend to be coercive, pretend to be struck by lightning.

Gu Zheng remembers a friend who was always bored and bored when he was working, but when he got together with friends, he would make witty remarks, as if he was alone. He said that his status in the company did not allow him to Doing that is like wearing a mask, and only when you are with friends can you restore your original face.

It seems that Zhao Man also broke free from that mask, but it seems that he took off a little too much.

The Rabbit Demon and the Tiger Demon would not care about this, seeing Zhao Man's indifferent look, and the door was so wide open, the Rabbit Demon and the Tiger Demon tacitly attacked from left to right together.

The sharp claws of the iron claws stabbed at Zhao Man, and the tiger demon also brandished a big knife to block Zhao Man's retreat. In their view, Zhao Man had to pay some price for his arrogance this time.

Since Zhao Man dared to do this, he would definitely not put himself in danger.

Zhao Man stepped on the ground with his left foot, and the big gun with most of his body on the ground jumped straight up. Zhao Man hooked the tail of the gun with his right foot, and the whole gun rotated 360 degrees in the air, and the gun just hit the rabbit from the side. With the iron claw in the demon's hand, the rabbit demon was directly sent flying, breaking several big trees nearby.

On the front, it is impossible for the Rabbit Demon to sneak attack on Zhao Man. It only needs a light blow, and the Rabbit Demon flies out together with the people. The demon becomes a demon again.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Man ignored the big knife that was about to be cut on his body, stretched out his right hand and held the gun a little back, and the tip of the gun touched the handle of the big knife. Before the tiger demon's serious surprise fell, the weapon in his hand was knocked away.

Zhao Man turned around at 180 degrees, and the gun directly slammed the tiger demon's abdomen along with the strength, and the tiger demon was also thrown flying out while spitting blood.

Gu Zheng gave Zhao Man a compliment in his heart this time. The last time he fought against the tiger monster, he was defeated cleanly this time.

Although it was because they wanted to take advantage of the openings to attack and because of the power of Zhao Man's weapons, it was undeniable that Zhao Man was stronger than before, because of the improvement in strength and skills.

Seeing Zhao Man heading towards the tiger demon, Xueer couldn't bear to teach Zhao Man, "Zhao Man, can you let them go, after all, they are my brothers and sisters."

Although the rabbit demon and the tiger demon wanted to kill Xue'er this time, in Xue'er's view, the danger was over before it happened.

So I thought that I wanted to arrest myself like last time, and I didn't have the idea of ​​hurting myself. If I knew what they were thinking, they wouldn't stop Zhao Man.

Hearing this, Zhao Man stopped in his tracks, and shouted at the struggling two demons.


The two demons ran away in a panic and ran away. This time, they lost a lot and couldn't help being injured. They also lost their ordinary weapons. They really lost their wives and lost their soldiers.

The tiger demon didn't dare to go back to ask for weapons. What if he couldn't come back? If he wanted to talk about the man in black, he wouldn't be able to ask for a moment.

Zhao Man removed the big tree blocking the road, woke up the driver who was unconscious, and got into the carriage together on the road.

The coachman saw that there was one more person in a blink of an eye, and there were some traces of fighting beside him, so he didn't dare to say anything, and continued to drive the carriage tremblingly. Focus on issues that shouldn't be.

Some of the crowded carriages became even more crowded after Zhao Man came, and the shots from the long guns shot out directly from the windows.

There was no other way, the carriage was too crowded and the body of the gun was too big, so I had no choice but to make a bad move.

Xueer was a little puzzled and asked, "Don't you have a small storage space?"

"No, it seems that there is only one small one in our country, and it was given by a friend of my great-great-grandfather passing by." Zhao Man was also very puzzled, this thing is so precious, even if he has money, he can't buy it, so how could he have it.

Well, Xue'er thought about it, and it seems that her own is also given by her master, and her senior brothers seem to have none.

Sticking out her tongue, Xue'er finally understood how precious the bracelet Gu Zheng gave her was, and the space inside was ten times larger than her own yard.

Thinking of this, Xue'er unwrapped an exquisite small sachet from her waist. The sachet was sewn with five-color silk thread, with a golden phoenix engraved on it, and there were little phoenix flowers on the side, exuding a little fragrance.

At this time, the master gave it to me, and I liked this sachet very much. Judging from the expression of the master at that time, this little sachet also has a story.

Xue'er was a little bit reluctant, but she still pretended to be grand and said, "You are blessed, Nuo, I will give you this."

Zhao Man didn't understand why, so he stretched out a trembling hand, took it carefully, and said stutteringly: "I, I will keep it well."

Xue'er blushed, she was indescribably attractive, and said fiercely on purpose: "Don't think about it, I used to store things in the past, but I just gave it to you because of your pity."

It's a pity that the fierce look on his face didn't have any deterrent effect, but it made Zhao Man feel even more cute.

Zhao Man thought it was a token of love given to him by Xueer, and it was customary here to accept a handsome girl who would shyly throw a sachet to the opposite side if she liked it, to show her affection.

But even if it wasn't, it was still Xue'er's personal belongings, and it seemed that there was still some Xue'er's smell lingering at the tip of his nose, which made Zhao Man's heart flutter.

Zhao Man happily put away the sachet, anyway, this is also a symbol of the progress of the relationship between Xueer and himself.

Xue'er covered her face with one hand, she was really speechless, and said with anticipation: "Didn't you hear what I said? Put your things in there, especially your long gun, don't you think it's in the way?"

"Oh, oh." Zhao Man hurriedly agreed, to be honest, I really didn't hear what Xue'er was talking about just now.

Then I looked at the sachet carefully, and I jumped when I saw it. There are as many rooms as there are living rooms in it, much better than my own home.

"This..." Zhao Man looked at Xue'er with a questioning look.

Xue'er proudly stretched out her white wrist, "See, mine is bigger, my cousin gave it to me, and my old one is given to you."

A radiant bracelet came into view. This bracelet can also hide the light. It looks like a better bracelet when you don't want to be so conspicuous. Whether it is so eye-catching depends on the owner's will.

Zhao Man looked at Gu Zheng with his eyes closed beside him in surprise, and looked at Gu Zheng carefully in disbelief, giving him the feeling that he was an ordinary person who could not be ordinary.

Is this really an ordinary person? If so, these things are not something that an ordinary person can have.

Zhao Man suddenly remembered that since we met, it seems that this cheap cousin has never shown any frightened or frightened expression on his face.

Whether it was the original Yong Yu letter who came to find fault, or the two monsters coming out of the cave, Zhao Man always had a calm expression, and Harper never had anything to do with him.

And at the beginning, Dongdong himself was hit by the illusion, and he was in a mess. He brought Shuang'er, who had no strength at all, and came out unscathed, and even Shuang'er got great benefits.

Thinking of this, Zhao Man didn't care to take back the long spear that got in the way.

This cousin is really a god-level ah!

Zhao Man looked at Xueer with seeking eyes, Xueer nodded heavily.

Well, this time Zhao Man started to groan in his heart, he was really blind, thinking of how he swore to protect him before, Zhao Man wanted to sneak in.

Zhao Man, who was hit, put the spear in, and his good mood of getting a baby was not blown away.

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