How could Lu Ya's Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife be here? The black clothes were desperate.

If he knew that this guy had such a baby, he wouldn't let him go so far away from him no matter what he said, and he was still stupid because that little trap and illusion gave him enough time.

But it was too late to say anything, and now the black clothes even took out the bottom of the box.

At this time, the sound of baby please turn around reached Hei Yi's ears.

The whole body of the man in black exploded. At this time, a flash of light turned towards the man in black, and two white lights appeared in the white line, and shot directly at the man in black. However, one of the white lights seemed to encounter some obstacle. After flashing twice, he didn't wear any clothes. go through.

The top of the white light is like a hot wheel, it only turns once or twice, and then returns to the gourd with a whistling sound.

The area where the man in black was located suddenly turned into a cloud of blood mist, turning into a cloud of fog, blocking all sight.

Gu Zheng looked in front of him solemnly, the man in black was not dead, and there was still a faint aura in it. Could it be that the gourd of the tried and tested Bailing failed? There is no reason to be careless in ancient disputes.

Due to the existence of the blood mist, Gu Zheng didn't have access to all the information inside, and he didn't know what happened to the man in black, whether he was seriously injured or unscathed.

Gu Zheng felt a little uneasy in his heart. As time went by, the blood mist gradually faded away, and a mutilated figure was clearly seen by Gu Zheng.

Now the man in black is terrible. First of all, all the defensive magic weapons in front of him have been damaged, both legs have disappeared from the bottom of the thigh, and there is a severed arm on the right.

A huge wound spanned from the upper left shoulder to the waist, and the intestines were faintly leaking out. The two eyes were only black holes, and they were extremely bloody. If the wounds on ordinary immortals were to be dead, they would not be able to die anymore. .

There is also a puppet doll that is not visible in its intact arm. The doll's seven orifices are bleeding and twitching like a real person. Gu Zheng thinks that this is the key to avoiding the fatal blow.

In this way, what is the difference between the man in black and being dead? If there is no accident, don't fight to make up for it, because you can die at any time in the next moment.

At this moment, the man in black suddenly laughed, blood gushed out of his mouth continuously,

"Let's die together!"

A red light hit from an inconspicuous corner, so fast that Gu Zheng had no time to react, and instantly surrounded Gu Zheng.

In the end, Gu Zheng had only one thought. The ancient bronze fairy sword that was still on top of his head whined, spun a few times, and flew to the north with a whistling sound.

That was the direction Xueer and the others left.

The moment the red light hit Gu Zheng, a circle of light enveloped Gu Zheng from nowhere, retracted and disappeared, and Gu Zheng also disappeared together.

At the same time, Gu Zheng directly lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

"Haha" The man in black laughed louder and louder when he saw this scene, feeling that there was countless happiness in it, "I will wait for you."

The man in black began to bleed all over his body, cracks appeared on the surface of his body, and the cracking speed became faster and faster, and the breath of the man in black sank down like a roller coaster.


There was an earth-shattering sound, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up. All the places around here were submerged by the explosion, and all traces were eliminated, and nothing existed.

The man in black is completely gone, what disappeared can't disappear anymore

Only the faint energy ripples in the air know that something unusual happened here.

There is only a large pit with a diameter of several kilometers left, and some groundwater has seeped in, and it may become a lake again in the near future.

When Xueer and Zhao Man traveled a long distance, Zhao Man couldn't resist Xueer's persistence and stopped on the side of the road.

But when Xueer wanted to go back, Zhao Man refused to agree to her going back, and even stopped Xueer himself.

Xue'er was very anxious. Seeing Zhao Man treating her like this, tears flowed down her cheeks. She cried and shouted to Zhao Man, "Get out of the way, or I won't talk to you anymore."

The red-faced Zhao Man held Xue'er's hand no matter how much Xue'er begged, but hardened his heart to prevent Xue'er from going back.

Xue'er had no choice but to walk anxiously around here, searching back and forth, no matter how Zhao Man comforted her.

The devastating scene can be felt for hundreds of kilometers around, and even the aftermath of the explosion lingers in Xue'er.

Although it has weakened and only a gust of wind is left, the rage of the explosion can still be felt.

"Cousin." Xue'er fell to the ground without a sound, Xue'er felt empty in her heart, Xue'er had never met such kindness to her before, except for her grandparents, even Zhao Man couldn't compare to Gu Zheng's position in her heart .

Zhao Man was also surprised by this shocking scene, but Xueer's sadness was what Zhao Man felt most distressed about.

He had no choice but to comfort him: "Your cousin is so strong, how could something happen." Even though he said this, Zhao Man didn't believe that anyone could survive the explosion, it was really shocking.

Xue'er cried even harder, and she knew that Zhao Man was trying to comfort her, but she just couldn't control it.

Suddenly a bright light came from far away, Zhao Man shouted to be careful, and then protected Xue Er.

The light and shadow were obviously flying towards her, Xue'er also stood up, looking forward to something with her tear-stained eyes.

Hum, a trembling voice came from before her eyes, Xue'er remembered a sword that Gu Zheng used at that time.

Now there is only one solitary stick inserted into the ground, and the tail is still trembling.

There were still some wet blood stains on the sword body, and there were some rice grain-like gaps on the blade, and Xueer felt a similar aura from it.

"Damn it." This was Xueer's last thought before she fainted. Seeing Xueer fainted, Zhao Man hurriedly carried Xueer back into the carriage, thought for a while and went back to pull out the somewhat scarred fairy sword.

From Xueer's expression, it's not difficult to see that she must be in the same business with that cousin, but she found that she couldn't put her life and death into the sachet.

We had no choice but to put them in the car and head to the next stop together.

In fact, that sword was just that Gu Zheng had slaughtered many evil monsters before, and it was inevitable to get some and some wicked people.

But it caused Cher's "beautiful" misunderstanding.

At this time, Gu Zheng was standing on a vast ocean, and everything around him was a blood-red sea, and he couldn't see the edge at a glance.

Only a reef under his feet seemed to be still floating. Gu Zheng didn't know why he was here, and he didn't want to know why he was here. He didn't need to think about anything, just stood like this, and walked towards the only light.

I don't know how long it took before the reef collided with a piece of land. Gu Zheng followed his footsteps and walked forward step by step. The purpose of his wandering was drifting. When he arrived at this continent, the reef he went back disappeared, and the blood-red light disappeared. Disappeared.

The whole world was pitch black, and without knowing when, there was a ring in Gu Zheng's hand, dim purple red, strange ring pattern, surrounded by circles, exuding a strange atmosphere.

The ring in his hand is getting brighter and brighter, but the temperature is also getting higher and higher. Gu Zheng wanted to throw it away several times, but there was a voice in his heart that stopped him from doing so.

The scorching temperature made the palms sizzling, and a smell of barbecue appeared in the air. When Gu Zheng was about to endure the limit, the aperture in his hand suddenly emitted a burst of purple-red light, and Gu Zheng had to close his piercing eyes .

The eyes fell into darkness again.

With a splitting headache, Gu Zheng regained consciousness again, the first feeling was like this, like a wooden stick stirred evenly in his mind, his body was limp and unable to exert any strength, Gu Zheng continued to lie down like a silly dog.

With eyes closed, there was a faint smell of blood in the nose, and there was some soil corruption mixed in the nose, and the nausea came straight to my mind.

Enduring various discomforts, Gu Zheng's pain gradually decreased, and the feeling of dizziness gradually disappeared.

Gu Zheng turned his body over with difficulty. It was really uncomfortable to keep crawling. When he opened his eyes, a different world appeared in front of his eyes.

The whole sky is pink and cute, the sky is shrouded in pink mist, and a round of pale pink spheres the size of the sun hangs in the air.

Gu Zheng felt that if this was some girl's boudoir, he would also believe it in his heart, but it turns out that Gu Zheng thought a little too much.

A puff of mist also spewed out from the sun. Looking carefully, Gu Zheng felt more and more like one eye watching the world.

After watching for a long time, the mind of the whole person seemed to be sucked in. Gu Zheng hurriedly looked away. There were many trees with different shapes not far from him. Some trees were black, as if they had been struck by lightning. There are even pink buds.

There are also some lush, dark red leaves, densely hanging all over the sky.

At this time, Gu Zheng was also at a loss. He had never seen such a strange scene in his previous and present lives.

Gu Zheng, who regained some strength, supported himself to stand up barely, and found himself on a small hill, next to a fruit tree bearing unknown fruits, looking at the past, there were those strangely shaped trees, and there were several mountains in the distance. Except for this weird environment, it is actually similar to ordinary mountains and forests.

But Gu Zheng doesn't think this is really an ordinary mountain forest. Before Gu Zheng wanted to feel the surrounding environment, but his spiritual sense reached the limit of five kilometers, as if there was an invisible thing in the air that hindered him Own.

What about such a short distance shift? If I move with all my strength, I can run a few times. If someone ambushes me, I may not be able to react.

And when I tried to take two steps just now, there was a stagnant feeling in the air to hinder me, and I had to use twice as much strength as usual to move.

Everything around is quiet, there are no insects or birds, only the rustling of the leaves accompanied by the breeze that has never been blown before, which is very strange.

No matter what, the most urgent thing to do now is to restore your own strength first, and now your state is very different. In this place, you feel too insecure.

Gu Zheng sat down cross-legged, and took out a pill to restore the immortal energy and swallowed it. Gu Zheng felt that he was really careless, and he didn't blame himself. Who would have thought that the gourd that had been tried and tested would fail this time, and it was not a failure. .

Although it was only blocking some of its power, you must know that Da Luo has never been blocked by anyone. As long as you are blocked and turn around, it is really dead and you can't die anymore.

Gu Zheng thought about it for a second, that Asura is so powerful, he might have a chance to get a treasure that even a quasi-sage would covet, although he can't exert its full power, but he can still exert it a little bit, and it may resist some.

Thinking of this, I feel a little relieved. At least this immortal gourd is ineffective against the saint, and the effect of Da Luo Jinxian is not as strong as before. After all, it was lent to him by Lu Ya. People can't stop Slaying the Immortal Gourd at all, if they are hungry, they will die if they don't need him.

Thinking of the treasures in the man in black's body, I don't know who gave it the cheap. Gu Zheng didn't know that when he disappeared, the man in black blew himself up, destroying all traces.

There is a reason for being cruel. The man in black is afraid that Gu Zheng will have other means to return the same way. Then everything he has is not in vain. If there is no accident, he will not be able to survive anyway, and he cannot be cheap to others.

Gu Zheng was right in guessing that the man in black did have a doll that he got occasionally, and he could die for himself once in a critical moment. Even if you were an ordinary person, you could die for yourself, and he also jumped out of the five elements and was not in the three realms.

It's a pity that Lu Ya's natal magic weapon can be so easily dodged, just use some means to linger for a while, but the man in black is also happy, at least he has successfully sent Gu Zheng there.

It took a long time for Gu Zheng to open his eyes, his eyes flashed brightly. Although the injury was not fully healed, he had at least recovered. The strangest thing about Gu Zheng was that the aura absorbed here was actually poisonous.

That's right, it's poisonous. When Gu Zheng was recovering just now, not only did the outside spiritual energy absorb very slowly, but also a trace of black mist entered the body, lurking down. If Gu Zheng hadn't been so vigilant, he would have almost missed it .

This black weapon is very cunning and difficult to deal with. Gu Zheng spent a lot of effort to completely destroy it, but he also lost a lot of immortal energy in the process.

Calculated in this way, half of the absorption of the outside will be consumed on this weird black silk. Fortunately, Gu Zheng has enough restorative elixir, so there is no need to worry about it for a while.

Patting the dirt that didn't exist on his body, Gu Zheng turned his head and looked at the fruit tree beside him. This fruit tree was on the top of this small hill, within a few meters of him, and the big tree next to him was at least ten meters away from him.

Obviously, this tree has contracted all the nearby land, and it is extremely powerful.

The bright red fruit hanging on this fruit tree less than two meters high is indeed a bit novel. How long has this tree been here? Is there no one at all? Let it go.

Curiously, Gu Zheng picked an apple from under the tree. It was like a miniature version of an apple. It was so red that people couldn't help but want to take a bite. Gu Zheng approached his nose and sniffed it carefully.

"Ah Choo"

This meant that the small apples had no taste at all, but the soaring smell of blood made Work unable to help but sneezed.

Playing with this small fruit in his hand, he found that it was relatively hard. After thinking about it, Gu Zheng didn't try to eat it like Shennong did.

The ghost knows if there is any poison in it, and in line with the principle of not letting it go, take off all of them and keep them safe, just in case you meet someone who knows how to do it.

A miraculous thing happened. When the last fruit was picked, all the branches on the tree withered within a minute, and then three green branches branched out from the main trunk visible to the naked eye.

The resin sand emits a slight light of emerald green, blocking some inexplicable erosion. It grows to about half a meter, and the end of the branch touches three emerald green fruits, which are as big as a jujube. emerge from within.

Before Gu Zheng wanted to do something, the three fruits shot out in different directions in an instant. Gu Zheng only had time to intercept the one that was shooting in his direction, and the two Qiyu disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The fruit of this ancient tree that was emitting meaning seeds began to wither from the top, and died under Gu Zheng's eyes, leaving only withered dry firewood, blown by the micro-fertilizer, and disappeared into a cloud of dust.

There are all kinds of wonders in the world, Gu Zheng thought with a dazed face, no matter what, he and himself should go, put away the fruit that exudes the breath of life, and leave here.

Gu Zheng didn't know where to go, so he chose a random side and walked over.

There are tall trees tens of meters high along the way. Fortunately, most of them are black trees. Occasionally, I meet a tree covered with crimson leaves, which really blocks out the sun all day. A tree is a small forest, and only There are some low bushes living below, but there is still no other life.

Gu Zheng kept walking forward vigilantly. If he was not sure that he was walking in a straight line, he would have thought he was walking in a circle, and the scene was basically the same.

There is no sunrise or sunset here either. Whenever there is something like the sun hanging in the sky.

Stopping and stopping, Gu Zheng reckoned that he had been marching for two days, and what made him despair was that the scene remained unchanged for thousands of years.

The recovery of immortal energy here is very slow, so you must keep yourself relatively energetic all the time.

What Gu Zheng didn't know was that there was a pair of eyes looking at him not far away from him. From the first day Gu Zheng left, he was followed by a lifeless follower. And Gu Zheng didn't find it at all.

Gu Zheng stopped under a tree with leaves. During the past few days, I found that the invisible corrosion in the air is relatively small under this place. I need to spend a little bit to protect my whole body every moment on the road, although it is very little. But it can't stand the need to run all the time.

It is also necessary to maintain a higher village north, so when Gu Zheng encounters such trees, he stops to add something.

"Hissing" a huge python sticking out its tongue approached a little bit down from the tree, sticking out its slender tongue from time to time to sense Gu Zheng's position.

What's even more strange is that the sound made by the python sticking out its tongue is completely inaudible. If you see it, it will directly appear in your mind.

If Gu Zheng looked up, he could see the figure of a python from the layers of red leaves.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng didn't sense the python's appearance either through his spiritual sense or in his heart, so he still used this time to recover.

The boa constrictor was not in a hurry, it circled the thick trees little by little, and went down to the rock climbers.

A pair of green triangular eyes have revealed the last layer of leaves, and twenty meters below is Gu Zheng

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