Nodding their heads to show that they understood, Elder Qin and his wife reluctantly bowed their hands and went back to their own camp, directly issuing the latest order.

This is already extremely lucky for those with relatively low cultivation bases. By coincidence, all eyes are on the three captains in front, because their strength is the strongest, and all expectations are on them.

Gu Zheng also heard this news, relatively speaking, it should not be a big deal, because if there is a big melee, there will not be many people left on the side, so the best situation is that everyone can defeat the other side, and the loss is not too big. OK.

In the second battle, the opponent was on the trumpet, and he conceded in time, adopting such a wretched tactic.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to defeat five people in a row? You must know that even if the opponent is close, there is a limit. Whoever is a simple person who has reached this stage, Gu Zheng threw a few pills into his mouth and stepped up to absorb them.

Gu Zheng had a hunch that he would be ranked up if he didn't say well. There were only three on his side, so why did he send five? Maybe the insider here had already passed on his news, so the biggest suspect is, Gu Thinking about the battle two days ago.

Everyone here can think of what Gu Zheng can think of, even if he was a little slow, seeing everyone looking at the three people in front of him in a complicated situation, they all realized that this is actually putting their lives in their hands.

If they fail, then forty companions will die, with no value at all. For them, the pressure is like a heavy mountain pressing on them.

"Come on, just do your best." Mrs. Qin comforted them one by one, for fear of disturbing them, "Ji Yi, you will be the first one to appear later, how about it?"

"No problem, Elder, I'm ready." Ji Yi had already prepared in his heart. As the captain of the second team, he had to fight the first battle by himself.

"Well, come on." Mrs. Qin didn't dare to look at Ji Yi, for fear that she wouldn't be able to come back in the next moment.

Shura's response to this news was quite enthusiastic. For most of them, watching this kind of life-and-death battle is also helpful for improvement, it just depends on their own understanding.

Even though the five people had gaps in their hearts, they would not show it at this time. The order had already been set by default, and there was no need to fight.

After the arrangement was completed, Ouyang Ping and You Xing each took out a half-bowl-shaped magic weapon, one for Master Hao, and the other for Elder Qin. Both sides activated the magic weapon together, and soon, an extremely huge transparent protective shield formed .

Everyone retreated to the edge of the forest. The protective cover was mainly to prevent the energy of the fighting inside from leaking out. After all, there were still many people with relatively low-level cultivation outside, so as to avoid accidental injury.

The protective cover covers only a few square kilometers, not very large. After all, it is similar to a ring battle and cannot escape, so it does not need such a large space.

After the two shots were ready, Ji Yi walked into the shield with steady steps, holding a simple and unadorned long spear, which was the treasure of Ji Yi's sect, and Ji Yi was also an elder of his sect, he was no longer young , his face is also a bit vicissitudes, and he has seen countless things along the way, and this little battle can't shake his heart at all.

Sheng Bo walked into the shield without hesitation when the other party came in. He was surrounded by a cold aura, holding a pair of blood-colored gloves, and a turquoise wall extended to his shoulders. Careless, fully armed and waiting to start.

At this moment, Wu Xiaofeng muttered to himself outside, "I'll be good at the first match, and I'm also very good at melee combat, otherwise Brother Ji will be at a disadvantage."

Hua Long glanced at Wu Xiaofeng, "Just you, you are not as good as Ji Yi."

Wu Xiaofeng was embarrassed for a while, knowing what Hua Long said, he was much stronger than himself when looking at the other side, unlike himself who relied on a brute force to get to this point bumping and bumping.

The brilliance of the shield overflowed, completely sealing off the surrounding area, and no one here could break through the defenses under the four big Robes.

"Ji Yi."

"Sheng Bo"

After exchanging names with each other, the two sides occupy one side, separated by the width of a road, but everyone can clearly see the actions on the other side.

Ji Yi looked at Sheng Bo's face opposite, it was Shura's iconic face, not as ugly as the rumors, but it was still relatively ugly in other eyes, recalling the scene of the flames soaring into the sky.

The spear in his hand was getting tighter and tighter, Ji Yi slowly closed his eyes, his thoughts seemed to return to the scene before he was captured.

"Elder, elder, it's not good, the Asura army is coming." The blood-colored disciple rushed in.

"What?" Ji Yi picked up his weapon, looked at the flames all over the mountain, and screamed endlessly before he died. I don't remember how many enemies he killed that day, but most of them were under Shura's subordinates. In the end, he was directly attacked by several Shura masters. He was seriously injured and fell into a coma. He came here after waking up again.

Thinking of the deaths of thousands of people in my family, especially the eyes of my favorite little grandson, still flashing in front of my eyes, as if I was blaming my grandfather for not saving me, isn't my grandfather the most powerful.

There is an indescribable pain in my heart, it hurts deeply, like being held tightly by a hand, and I can't breathe.

I thought I had forgotten it, but the nightmare was still haunting me. Here, my partners died one by one in front of me, but I couldn't avenge them. This damn world.

The endless hatred was churning in my heart, there were forty partners behind me, and they must not die like my senior brothers just because of me, absolutely! No! allow! May!

Originally, Sheng Bo still underestimated the other party. When he saw the other party, he knew that it was the same as the group of ethnic groups who were stuck at this step. They would never make further progress and had no future, but they still had an infinite future.

But every second passed, Ji Yi's body felt an indescribable desolation, as if he was telling his master's sorrow, the clothes on his body moved automatically without wind, and a terrifying feeling floated from Ji Yi's body.

Ji Yi will let everyone know how terrifying Ji Yi is when he goes all out. Finally, Ji Yi opened his slightly confused eyes, and an astonishing light shot out from his eyes. See your own death.

"Hmph, what's the use of deceit and arrogance, let me show you what a gap is."

Sheng Bo said that he was still a little surprised, and he hypnotized himself to ignore the influence on him.

Although the flaw disappeared in a flash, but who was Ji Yi, he leaped up with a spear in his hand in an instant, such a long distance passed by in a flash, and the next second the shining spear tip pierced the void and attacked Shengbo Xingkong.

When you come in, the battle has already begun.

Faced with this lightning strike, Sheng Bo didn't panic. Suddenly, Sheng Bo's body swayed like a leaf, swaying back and forth along the airflow brought by the gun body, making Ji Yi unable to judge his position at all.

Sheng Bo's body jerked violently, and disappeared in front of Ji Yi. A ghost appeared from Ji Yi's left side, and a pair of fist gloves hit his waist fiercely.

Seeing Sheng Bo disappearing in front of his eyes, Ji Yi knew it was not good. You must know that Shura has an extraordinary talent in melee combat, especially faster and stronger than other people. Ji Yi immediately retracted the spear and felt the left side There was a strong stabbing intent, he raised his spear, turned around, just in time to block the punch.

When the two collided, there was a huge sound of gold and iron clashing, and Ji Yi was directly sent flying by the turbulent force.

A black light flashed on Sheng Bo's body, leaving an afterimage on the spot to chase Ji Yi, going back and forth to be indecent, Ji Yi stabbed repeatedly in the air, forming a series of illusory spears, shooting at Sheng Bo like sharp arrows, to block Sheng Bo.

It's a small skill, this kind of attack is still a little bit useful on other people, but in front of him, Sheng Bo smashed the spears one by one, and continued to charge forward without losing his body.

Ji Yi waited until the strength in his body disappeared before he controlled his body to stop, and only then did he realize that this person's level was really on par with his own.

Seeing that the phantom spear had no effect, he immediately stretched out his hand and waved the spear, preemptively striking. Blossoming white lotus flowers kept blooming in the air, spinning and flying towards Shengbo at a very high speed.

Sheng Bo's face, which was stimulated by the energy of the lotus, was as painful as a needle prick. The sound of the lotus cracking.

With Sheng Bo's sight covered by the lotus flowers all over the sky, Ji Yi stretched out his spear from the side, and slammed it fiercely. With the help of short-term acceleration, he directly slammed at Sheng Bo.

Sheng Bo just emptied all the lotuses. He didn't expect to be attacked from the side, and it was too late to return to defense. He dodged sideways at extreme speed, trying to dodge by relying on speed, but he didn't expect the speed of the spear to be faster, and he didn't dodge at all. Draw to the far side like a meteor.

Ji Yi didn't chase after him, although he hit the opponent, but under the tension and relaxation of the opponent's muscles, most of the force was canceled out, and it didn't cause much damage.

Sheng Bo saw that the opponent didn't come after him, but stopped cautiously on the spot, so the back move prepared for him in his body was scattered, and he adjusted his body shape when he was about to fall to the ground.

The temptation is over, it's time to learn the opponent's marksmanship.

The cheers from the ancient battle outside the arena shook the sky. Everyone felt encouraged when they saw that their side had the upper hand. They couldn't feel any sound from the outside. It was like watching a silent movie, so most of them didn't know How many things happen in a short period of time.

Only those whose strength has reached a certain level will understand that Elder Qin has a serious face and is ready to rescue at any time.

But Mr. Hao was much more relaxed, talking and laughing with the side, when he heard the movement over there, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth, "Hey, some people are just making fun of it, as if they are going to win, who knows what will happen in the end?" What happened, right?"

"Yes, this is just the beginning, it's just an appetizer, look at our side, some people are too unstable in comparison." You Xing echoed

They didn't avoid Elder Qin at all. Hearing what they said, Elder Qin's face became more angry, and he could only stare closely inside, hoping that Ji Yi would use his own skills to defeat him.

Only victory can shut everyone's mouths.

There are still many people outside the court who are cheering for Ji Yi loudly. Even if he can't hear him, they hope that he will make persistent efforts to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

Everything outside the court has nothing to do with the inside. Sheng Bo's fists collided with each other, making a huge sound wave, and the red light on the metal glove on his fingertips lit up little by little, and he walked towards Ji Yi step by step ferociously.

Shengbo is like a heavy mountain, every step will leave a footprint, and the invisible momentum will increase step by step.

Ji Yi knew that he couldn't let the opponent gain momentum, so he wielded his long spear and approached at high speed, and the guns went straight to Sheng Bo.

Sheng Bo sneered, and also emitted red rays of light from his hands, which disappeared when the opponent's spear collided with each other, and said sarcastically, "You only have this strength, I am so disappointed."

Ji Yi was furious. He didn't speak, but he was faster. He raised his spear obliquely and pointed it at the top of Sheng Bo's head.

Seeing that the other party saw through his tricks, Sheng Bo didn't hide it. A phantom as high as ten feet flashed on his body, a Sheng Bo with one head and six arms roared above his head, holding different weapons in his hands, knives, swords, hammers, A whip, and a shield, were waved back and forth.

In this way, several weapons can be aimed at him at the same time. Ji Yi is not afraid, and continues to speed up. As the speed gets faster and faster, a bright light is emitted from the body of the gun, emitting a brilliant brilliance.

This kind of light made Sheng Bo very uncomfortable. He felt as if he was being penetrated from the inside out. He controlled the phantom shield to meet him, and the other five weapons smashed his head and face.

At the same time, Sheng Bo's eyes suddenly turned blood red, which was actually the same color as his gloves. At this time, in the glove, each fingertip raised a finger, like a miniature dagger, and the whole person turned into a streamer , rushed towards Ji Yi, each finger tore through the air, and grabbed Ji Yi's chest.

At some point, a shield appeared in Ji Yi's other hand, shining golden light, directly blocking Sheng Bo's palm, and the huge force entered his body along the shield, his body shook, and a gust of blood gushed out Ji Yi forcibly swallowed it down his throat, held up a spear in his hand and crushed the phantom's shield and the weapons behind him one by one, piercing his chest with a shot, leaving a hole the size of a bowl. Dao Shiying was directly smashed into broken shadows by one blow and disappeared.

The two people passed by each other, Sheng Bo was shattered by the unfinished spell, and was directly vomited by the backlash force, Ji Yi was shaken by the strong force, and the viscera were displaced, and the injuries were not serious. A little internal injury, barely a tie.

The two of them recovered for a while, and they both rushed towards each other by coincidence, both thinking of a quick solution.

Relying on his faster speed, Sheng Bo kept his fists close to the opponent's vital points. Every time he punched, he would set off a burst of wind blades, which continued in the air, and the red light shone back and forth.

Although Ji Yi was not as fast as the opponent with the long spear in his hand, every time the spear was stabbed, the opponent was forced to return to defense, and the white lotus in the sky was constantly falling.

The light flashed on the two of them, and all the defensive measures had been used. In just a few fights, the two of them no longer had defensive shields, because they both realized that if they put some energy on it, it would be difficult to get rid of the other side. beat.

Next, the battle became intense, and the two of them kept churning, from the far left to the far right. Wherever they went, the ground was cracked, turning and moving, fists and feet, and strong winds.

The crowd was dizzying to watch, one of the two had the upper hand for a while, and the other for a while, the white vigor and the red torrent collided constantly, and the brilliance flickered.

This made the people on Gu Zheng's side terrified, and no one was sure that Ji Yi would win.

Although Gu Zheng is recovering with his eyes closed, he still knows from the worried words next to him that this battle is not easy to fight, and his wish of defeating two opponents by one person at first may not come true, and the opponent is not ordinary either. generation.

Wherever the two of them went, there were flying sand and rocks, and the sky was covered by sand and dust. From time to time, a burst of gunfire shot into the sky, blowing away all the surrounding wind and sand, revealing two tragic situations.

As for Shura's side, what they saw was that everyone was excited, as if he was already in the middle of a big battle, and he wished he could go up and fight.

The two separated again, and now both of them were in tattered clothes, their faces were extremely pale,

Sheng Bo's eyes no longer had the original look of arrogance, and now there is a blood hole on his left leg that is continuously flowing with blood, and the gunfire in it keeps preventing it from healing, and his body is full of wounds of all sizes.

"Old guy, you're still pretty good." Sheng Bo panted heavily, and had to say, this old guy is really difficult to deal with.

However, Ji Yi is not much better. In contrast, Ji Yi's fatigue is even more obvious on the face. The high-intensity battle made Ji Yi consume more immortal energy, his face twitched unconsciously, and his body twitched. His injury is more serious than the opponent's, but it doesn't look that serious on the outside.

"Hmph, junior, do you know that your demeanor was very annoying just now, and it is even more annoying now. A bratty kid, showing someone the appearance of being the best in the world, do you think you are very annoying?" Are you strong? I know that there are people out there who are even stronger than you, and you are far behind." Ji Yi sarcastically said, taking advantage of the time to speak, he quickly regained his strength.

"You're looking for death!" Among the younger generation, Sheng Bo didn't let him down, even if some of his seniors didn't say such embarrassing words to himself, he was actually despised, which made Sheng Bo feel uncomfortable , the blue veins on his forehead jumped up and down a few times.

"Why, come out to hang around every time the milk is cut off, go home if you are not happy, don't cry here." Ji Yi continued to hit the other party's heart while the iron was hot.

"Do you only know these verbal disputes? It seems that your age is also on the dog." Sheng Bo replied not to be outdone, his lungs were about to explode.

"The mentality is messed up." Mr. Hao said in a regretful tone, "I was picked on in a few words to be impetuous, it seems that I still lack experience."

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