Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 112 How to Thank You

All the doctors in the nursing home thought it was a miracle, an impossible miracle.

Other doctors, including the nursing doctors of other cadres, all went to Dr. He and asked him what was going on, and why Mr. Liang's body had suddenly changed so much.

The changes in Mr. Liang's body are not only in appearance, but also more obvious in the physical examination.

Dr. He didn't know what to say, so he could only tell the truth that Mr. Liang's physical transformation was due to diet therapy. A young man's diet therapy, just five days of diet therapy, caused a huge change in Mr. Liang's body.

This result made these doctors even more uproarious. Some did not believe it, some were puzzled, some even went to collect evidence, and some were even more curious.

On the sixth day, there were more people at Mr. Liang's side, and many doctors came. They didn't dare to enter Mr. Liang's yard, but just watched curiously outside to see who had such a miraculous diet therapy. World problems like Mr. Liang can be cured.

"Master Gu!"

Liang Zhicheng is not here today. Liang Zhiwei, the third son of the Liang family, is taking over Gu Zheng. He respects Gu Zheng very much. After all, everyone can see the changes in Mr. Liang's body. It is no exaggeration to say that if Mr. Liang's disease is really cured If so, then Gu Zheng is Mr. Liang's savior.

This kindness is indeed great.

"Why are there so many people today?"

Gu Zheng said casually, there are indeed many people on both sides, not only doctors, but also many people recuperating here have heard about Mr. Liang, and they came to see, they are very curious about Gu Zheng.

Those who can recuperate here are all retired cadres. In other words, they are all people of a certain age. At their age, no one dares to say that they have always been healthy. Gu Zheng's hand can cure Liang's old disease The diet therapy method made them very envious.

Mr. Liang's serious illness can be cured, so can their minor ailments also be cured?

No matter what your status or status is, you will respect a person who possesses miraculous food therapy, because you don’t know when you will need such a person and need the help of such a person.

If it wasn't for Gu Zheng saying that he didn't want to be disturbed, and was blocked a lot by the Liang family, someone might have come to visit.

"Master Gu, they all come here for their fame, don't worry, no one will disturb you!"

Liang Zhiwei explained in a low voice that these people did not enter their yard, and they were all quiet, and most of them were people with status. They could block these people from disturbing Gu Zheng, but they couldn't drive them away. It's close to human.

Gu Zheng nodded and went into the kitchen without talking.

There was no one in the kitchen anymore. People came in to accompany them for the first three days, but they disappeared from the fourth day. Anyone who came in was a kind of torture. In the end, if they couldn’t eat, no one followed.

Most of the younger generations of the Liang family are not here now, and it sounds like not being able to eat is a kind of torture, so it's better not to come.

On the sixth day, Mr. Liang went out for a full hour of running, but he was normally tired, and he didn't feel any other discomfort. He ate more food at night, and he didn't have any adverse reactions.

After six days of dietary therapy, Mr. Liang felt that his body had fully recovered.

The seventh day was also the last day of Gu Zhenglai's diet therapy. On this day, all the Liang family members came together again, and they all wanted to know the final result, although they could already guess it now.

From Mr. Liang's daily routine checkup, it can be seen that his physical data is getting better day by day. Yesterday, his blood pressure dropped a lot and almost returned to normal. Even when he was not sick, Mr. Liang's health was not so good.

"Old Liang, I won't come tomorrow, yours should be completely healed today!"

After Mr. Liang finished his last bowl, Gu Zheng went to say goodbye. Qi Ling said that Mr. Liang’s body could be cured in seven days. Today is the seventh day. As long as Mr. Qi Ling didn’t deceive him, Mr. Liang’s body can be fully recovered today .

And Qi Ling would never deceive him when it came to testing.

"Actually, I have already felt it. There have been different changes every day these few days. My body and feeling are no worse than thirty years ago. Master Gu, thank you so much!"

Mr. Liang personally thanked him. Now the pain in his body has basically disappeared, and he can eat again, and he can eat a lot. There is no more torture like before.

For Mr. Liang, he felt as if he had been reborn.

"It's fine as long as it's done. After you're done, you have to take good care of yourself. I'll make it for you if you want to eat in the future!"

Gu Zheng smiled, it’s good that there are changes, Mr. Liang is better, it means that his test has also been completed, which is also a good thing for him, the test is completed, let’s not talk about any rewards, at least the prehistoric space is preserved.

With the prehistoric space, he can practice faster and grow faster.

Today is Gu Zheng sent by Chang Le. Mr. Liang will do another comprehensive examination. Originally, Mr. Liang didn’t want to do it again. He believed that he had recovered, but the doctor insisted on it. He was worried that all this was just a flashback. It would be more reassuring to have an examination .

This time Mr. Liang is going to the hospital for an examination. Although the facilities in the nursing home are complete, they are still inferior to professional hospitals in some details. This time there are several professors who have seen Mr. Liang before. Surprised that he recovered from his illness, and wanted to take a look.

Mr. Liang did not object to the examination, but he also said that this was the last examination. He believed in Gu Zheng and his body.

If it weren't for the insistence of his children, Mr. Liang would have left the nursing home now and went home to recuperate. He has been to this nursing home many times, but he has never left since he came here three years ago. He has already lived in enough.

For an old man like him, there is no better home than anywhere.

"Master Gu, I don't know how to thank you this time!"

In the car, Chang Le said something to Gu Zheng. Today, Gu Zheng finished his diet and moved all his things back.

"You don't need to be polite. Without your help, I would not be able to cure your grandfather's illness if I found those two precious raw materials. The most important thing is your own credit!"

Gu Zheng shook his head with a smile, the diet therapy was over, the task was completed, Qi Ling fell silent again, and asked him for a reward when he went back.

"That's what we should do. Even with those things, without your diet, grandpa wouldn't be able to get well. We will always remember your great kindness!"

Chang Le shook his head. He was right. The entire Liang family, including their Chang family, was very grateful to Gu Zheng.

Chang Le's father worked with Mr. Liang in his early years, and they were actually all Liang's family.

Gu Zheng didn't know. The Liang family even held a family meeting to discuss how to thank him. The main reason was that what Gu Zheng did meant too much to the Liang family. It would be inappropriate if he didn't give some thanks.

Someone offered to give money, 10 million or 20 million is fine, it doesn't matter if it is less than 100 million, Mr. Liang's body is priceless, as long as the Liang family has it, as long as Gu Zheng asks for money, he can give as much as he wants.

This proposal was rejected by Chang Feng. Chang Feng is most familiar with Gu Zheng. He understands Gu Zheng's temperament, and Gu Zheng is not an ordinary person. Will not accept, and even get angry. Gu Zheng is not the kind of person who is particularly greedy for money. If he wants money, the jade tuckahoe in his hand is worth more than 100 million, and he can sell it at any point, but he has never sold it, nor does he want to sell it.

If you can't give money, then give shares. The Liang family has many properties. Doesn't Gu Zheng have a friend in Lianfeng Group? Give him the shares of Lianfeng Group.

This proposal was rejected by Chang Le, and it would be better not to give Gu Zheng Lianfeng Group shares.

Gu Zheng attaches great importance to the relationship between friends. It can be seen from what happened to Du Yang last time. Let him become Du Yang's boss. Gu Zheng is not only not grateful, but disgusted.

Giving shares in other companies is fine, but Lianfeng Group is definitely not acceptable, but it is possible to give Du Yang a promotion and salary, which may be better than directly giving Gu Zheng.

The matter of giving shares was put on hold, and only the promotion of Gu Zheng’s friend Du Yang was approved. Chang Lian said he would do it. Du Yang is still a small department head now, so he was mentioned to be the vice president of his large department first, and then Enroll him in some management training courses, and help him become a sub-department director in the future, there is no problem at all.

Du Yang is a member of the company and a friend of Gu Zheng, so he will not lose anything by cultivating him. If he is really capable, he can be promoted to a higher level in the future, and even get equity rewards.

Money and equity are not acceptable, and some people propose to marry a girl from the Liang family to him.

Gu Zheng doesn't have a girlfriend, he has such a miraculous food therapy technique, he is fully qualified to be the son-in-law of the Liang family, this can also turn Gu Zheng into a family, no matter who is in poor health in the future, he can let Gu Zheng use diet therapy techniques to aid in treatment.

This proposal was directly rejected by Mr. Liang.

He will not let his granddaughter be wronged and married because of his body, and he will not use his status to suppress Gu Zheng and let him marry his granddaughter. If there is a granddaughter and Gu Zheng who are in free love, and they really love each other and walk together, then he will definitely not object, but it is impossible to marry because of this.

In fact, very few people in the Liang family were married, including Chang Feng's mother. She also fell in love with Chang Feng's father freely back then, and they ended up together.

There is also the younger generation of the Liang family, as long as they are willing, as long as the other party's character is good, no one else is allowed to object to whoever they want to marry, and whoever they want to marry. This is also the rule of Mr. Liang.

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