Although he had already moved his body immediately, opened the shield, and dodged forward at a high speed, he still saw a long sword piercing through the shield and coming out from his abdomen.

Who can sneak up on him silently, Ouyang Ping didn't look back, and quickly continued to dodge forward, until the feeling of danger in his heart subsided, and then turned around.

At this time, he was far away from here, but he could still see the situation there. When he found out the situation there, he couldn't help but burst into anger, his canthus cracked, and his breathing became short of breath.

The first thing I saw was Mr. Hao's headless corpse. Mr. Hao was actually dead. Judging from everyone's surprised eyes, the culprit was You Xing who had just stood behind him.

This made him never expect that they all surrendered together, how could their tested partners betray them, especially the death of Lord Hao, which made him despair.

A long sword was pulled out from the body, and was directly broken into two sections by himself.

Covering the wound a little bit, Ouyang Pin quickly returned. This injury is only a minor injury and will not affect too many actions. If he wants to live, he must capture You Xing alive, or at least kill him He, put aside his doubts.

You Xing stood where he was, but a golden light flew into the sky and exploded.

He didn't hunt down Ouyang Ping, nor did he slaughter Shura below, he just stood there, waiting for his return.

It's not surprising that Ouyang Ping was able to dodge. My focus is all on Mr. Hao, and I must kill him immediately.

Ouyang Ping just took advantage of the situation to scare the opponent away, even if he sneaked up on the opponent with all his strength and caused him serious injuries at most, Master Hao would be controlled in the next step, and if the opponent thought of it, it would be difficult for him to die at that time.

Following You Xing's action, it seemed that he had received a signal, and there was a sudden fight from other places, and a series of explosions continued to sound.

Several buildings were also affected, and then collapsed, and soon the sound of fighting subsided, and the surrounding area became quiet again.

Everyone below was dumbfounded by this series of changes, and couldn't turn their minds around. Everyone was stunned. Everything was fine just now, so why did it suddenly become like this.

Everyone saw with their own eyes that while Ouyang Ping was speaking, a long sword appeared in You Xing's hand, and he stabbed silently at the back of Mr. Ouyang in front, and suddenly a white light flashed from his waist, directly towards the back Mr. Hao's neck, and Mr. Hao was still looking at the back, not paying attention at all.

When Mr. Guo found out, because his body had not fully recovered, it was too late to react, there was no way to hide, and he didn't know where the danger came from.

Even if he reacts, he will not escape death. This is You Xing's sure-kill blow, and he will never be able to dodge it.

It directly caused Master Hao's head to shoot up into the sky, with a puzzled look on his face, not knowing that he dared to sneak attack him under the protection of two masters, the vigor attached by that ray of light directly destroyed everything in Master Hao's body, resulting in his instant death.

Master Ouyang was just stabbed and dodged, but Master Hao had already lost his vitality.

"You Xing, do you know what you're doing?" A thunderous voice woke everyone up. It turned out that Ouyang Pin had turned around and came back, shouting angrily all the way.

In the next instant, he had appeared opposite You Xing, his face was full of anger,

"Of course I know, you villain who betrayed everyone, you still have the face to say this." You Xing's face was full of calm.

Although I don't know why the situation on the other side of the stone pagoda is like this, but it is possible that Gu Zheng attracted it, and I have already swept there, and there is no trace of him.

However, the mutation on the tower is still going on, at least it shows that Gu Zheng is still alive, and there may be some way to hide it.

As for Gu Zheng, You absolutely believed that he could dodge that flying sword, and that the person with those magic weapons was specially arranged by Xiong Lao.

"What is betrayal? Originally, the person who is in charge of the current affairs is a hero. The ancestor spared everyone's life at the beginning. It is impossible to serve him. But you, not only repay the favor, but now come to destroy it. I suspect that the ghost cultivator below is also you. Shoot it out and make trouble."

Ouyang Ping couldn't help retorting sophistry, and even blamed what happened before on him.

The effect was good, hatred appeared in the eyes of everyone below, and everyone seemed to believe what they said.

You must know that too many people died underground, so you can ignore it.

"Do you have any other accomplices? When did you betray everyone and surrender to the valley?" Ouyang Ping chased after him, making it impossible for him to take off the hat. Even if it was his own idea, he had to put it on the valley.

Just because he killed Lord Hao, no one would believe what he said.

You Xing saw that although the other party was hurt a little, he was still so arrogant, he was not afraid of himself at all, he was still yelling at himself, but he didn't move forward to fight himself desperately, so he couldn't see what he was thinking.

"You want to be a dog, and you are willing to be at the mercy of others, and no one will stop you. At the beginning, I would rather die than come here and live like a dog." You Xing sneered at the other side, and he was willing to take more time.

"I bear the burden of humiliation just for today, we will be free, and you will continue to suffer in this endless hell."

Of course Ouyang Ping didn't expect that their goal was to escape, he thought they were going to the other side of the valley, and couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"You are too naive, I don't know what attracts you over there, even if you escape now, you will inevitably die sooner or later, including the other side of the valley, everyone will have to apologize for Master Hao and the sacrificed soldiers, all of them will die. "

"However, you did succeed in killing so many people. This is something you have never encountered in the past few years. You will die miserably." Ouyang Ping's tone became more and more excited, as if his own people died in this disaster. Same.

Seeing Ouyang Ping's shameless face, You Xing didn't bother to argue with the other party. Now that the entire teleportation array is blocked, the other party wants to send someone over again, and the price it will cost is extremely terrifying.

It is easy to get out, but difficult to come in. You must know that this is the defense of the ancestor, unless the other party dares to ask the ancestor to come out, then all plans are a joke.

But the other party absolutely did not dare to look for the ancestor, for fear that he would not die fast enough.

"All of you stay away from here, and go to some people to see what happened to the stone tower." Ouyang Ping directed the Shura people below.

But everyone has already left here far away, and Sheng oh ah has been affected, let alone intervene in the battle between the two big Luos, even some of the aftermath cannot be resisted by them.

Some people had already fled towards the south for the first time, and it seemed that they had tipped off the news.

"You guys have to be careful, I suspect that there are accomplices in other places, don't be ambushed." Thinking of the previous explosion, it has to be suspected that some puppets who voluntarily surrendered also participated in the mutiny.

After hearing his order, these people didn't move. They discussed with each other first, and then most of them rushed towards the stone tower.

Now there were less than a few people on the field, all of them looked at them coldly, and now Ouyang Ping couldn't make people believe it completely, who knew if the other party was acting after such a thing happened.

They are a group of people with high and low cultivation bases, in order to see the final development of the matter, and they also trust some people in Ouyang Ping.

Because if he really wants to rebel, none of the people before them can escape.

Ouyang Ping looked at all this, usually no matter what he said, the other party was willing to obey, after all, he was one of the official commanders.

Now they have to discuss, think about it, and see if there are any traps before they are willing to set off.

One thing basically wiped out all your authority.

Ouyang Ping knew that he and the other party had to fight each other to dispel their doubts, but it seemed impossible to restore to the previous level in a short time.

In order to survive, even if he was sent outside as a coolie, he was willing to do so, so that he would not ruin his life for that vague hope.

A long sword was also brought out from his hand. It was shabby to say the least. He only had a relatively good fairy sword and a few low-grade fairy swords on him. He had nothing else, and they were all taken away.

Including the weapons I am good at, and some small things, they are all in a room above the hall. Only under special circumstances, the person in charge can open it. There is a restriction under the guardian. There is no way, and I can’t break it. .

Now Master Hao is dead, don't even think about it, just go and take out your own weapon.

However, no matter how the weapon is broken, it can also exert a good power in his own hands, and the same is true for You Xing. Both of them have equal weapons, so there is no need to worry about falling into a disadvantage because of the magic weapon.

Ouyang Ping also didn't want to fight close to each other, it would be too tragic, and he was still injured, so he couldn't give full play to his level.

He was also worried that there were accomplices who were not inferior to him in cultivation nearby, such as Elder Qin and his wife. If he was seriously injured, he would not be able to run away even if he wanted to.

You Xing could also see that his prudence was exactly what he meant, as long as he supported him, his task would be completed.

If Ouyang Ping really wants to hide from him, he really can't do anything about him for a while, the two of them are at the same level, and neither of them is sure of victory.

I do everything to cover Gu Zheng, as long as he succeeds in the end, I can evacuate here at any time.

The long sword in his hand whistled softly, and You Xing's sword rolled up with thousands of golden lights.

Throwing upwards, the long sword directly hit a huge ball of flames, and everything dissipated.

A golden flying bird appeared in the air, its whole body was full of flames, and among its four three-legged golden claws, there were dots of golden clusters in it. With a wave of its wings, the sky filled with flames flew towards Ouyang Ping.

It is better to act first, You Xing naturally knows this truth, and directly controls the bird to rush over.

A burst of cyan light shot straight into the sky, Ouyang Pin waved his hand a few times until the cyan sword light came out directly from the blade, and suddenly turned into wind blades in the air, rushing towards the flame.

And the blue aura on the blade in his hand became more and more intense, and hurricanes appeared around Ouyang Ping, spinning and rising, forming even bigger hurricanes in the sky.

The cyan long sword rushed upwards in an instant, and the entire blade turned into a breeze, blending into the hurricane.

The hurricane began to blow violently, its body size doubled in an instant, and some edges kept changing back and forth.

A wind dragon not inferior to a bird appeared in the air, and its whole body was surrounded by sharp wind blades, protecting it all the time.

Some of the flames that came over by chance were blown out by the hurricane before they got close, and they couldn't even get close to them.

Ouyang Ping controlled the wind dragon, and rushed towards him directly. The wind blades all over the sky also carried a huge wind whistling, shining coldly, and rushed towards You Xing.

A long cry resounded in the air, and the flying bird rushed up. It didn't have to dodge to block the wind blade directly with its body.

Soon Asuka and Fenglong met directly in mid-air, and the two of them controlled them to fight with all their strength. Many flames and wind blades shot out indiscriminately, making holes in the ground.

The rest of the Asura quickly hid in the nearby buildings, and many arrows hit them, setting off bursts of light. These buildings have their own protection, and they can still block the aftermath for a while.

When the two were fighting fiercely, another group of Asuras was rushing to the stone tower, and there were still a few people inside who hadn't come out, so nothing should happen.

A black shadow appeared from the sky, and the leading Shura looked up, and suddenly thunderclouds appeared in the sky, which turned into billowing black clouds in the blink of an eye, covering the entire area.


The astonishing sound of thunder kept ringing, and dots of silver light kept coming in and out.

"Defense." The leader Shura shouted loudly, and at the same time stopped, looking around vigilantly.

At the same time, shields quickly appeared on everyone's body to protect themselves. They had already taken precautions, and no one panicked at all.


A thick electric arc descended from the sky and struck one of them directly. After seeing the man's shield fluctuate and muffled, he successfully blocked the attack.

Next, that bolt of lightning was like a key, unlocking the follow-up attacks, and countless thick lightning bolts struck down densely.

Everyone looked at the thunder light in the sky, like a thunder dragon exhaling, their eyes were full of silver light, and the silver arcs intertwined and flashed wildly. Everyone gritted their teeth, and the immortal energy that was continuously conveyed made their protective shields thicker.

One with a relatively high level of self-sustaining cultivation, pulled out a short ruler from his hand, shimmering brightly and dimly, and rushed up quickly from below.

As soon as it rushed into the air, thick beams of light shot out from it, rushing towards the thundercloud. Although some of them were blocked by lightning, a few beams of light successfully hit the thundercloud, and several circular holes were formed above. form.

Everyone felt that the power of the bombardment on the shield had been reduced a lot. Seeing that the attack was effective, the man controlled the short ruler to flash through the lightning flexibly again, and rushed directly into the thundercloud layer.

Others saw that there were two more decent-looking ones, and they pulled out their magic weapons, ready to directly destroy the clouds above.

Before the two of them could move, a loud sound came from above, and the short ruler was broken in two and fell from the sky.

That Shura's face turned pale, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, even the shield flickered a few times under the influence.

Suddenly there was a flash of light from above, and the Shura felt that his eyes were all covered in white, and he couldn't see anything clearly. An even bigger lightning bolt struck from above, twice as thick as before.

Aiming at the injured Shura, he pressed down hard, as if he wanted to avenge the damage he suffered before.

Although the Asura couldn't see it, the sign of death in his heart still made his heart tremble. He hastily took out a black wooden shield again, layers of black aura lingered outside, directly blocking himself.

The outer shield didn't last even half a second, and it shattered directly. The lightning struck the wooden shield directly, and a little spark kept popping out from the contact point.

The Asura man felt a kind of pressure coming from the wooden shield, which made him feel extremely tight in his chest, and couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, but he was still happy, and he managed to block it after all.

It seems that the opponent's attack is nothing more than that, there is nothing to be afraid of, and I am going to tell everyone the good news.

But he seems to have forgotten that now, except for the protection on the top of the head, everything else is exposed.

The shield has been broken, and now there is no protection at all. What's more, there is more than just this lightning bolt in the sky.

Before he could smile, all the lightning beside him gave up their original targets and turned to him.

The Shura man only felt a numb pain all over his body, and saw more lightning strikes, although he was not afraid of one or two hitting him, but now the lightning had already filled his eyeballs.

"No." A miserable cry came from his mouth, a burst of lightning surged, and when it reappeared, there was a black corpse, and there was a bit of burning smell in the air, and Qi Qiran fell down.

The wooden shield lost control, and turned around a few times on the ground, lying on the ground.

Seeing this, the two people immediately put away the magic weapon in their hands, and concentrated on resisting the lightning above, not wanting to be the first bird, so as to save themselves from being set on fire.

However, the lightning above seemed to be endless, and within a very short period of time, it was still going down non-stop. Although each bolt was not very powerful, it would consume all the magic power in the body sooner or later.

And now I still haven't seen the enemy's figure, so being beaten passively like this is not the way.

"Go forward, everyone follow me and walk out slowly." Seeing that the other party has no other changes, the back and forth is a lightning strike.

The leading Shura thought that this should be performed by several people together, and they would not have time to prepare other attack methods. Just like this, he felt that the power was a little weak, and he couldn't even break through the shield. It seemed that he had prepared hastily.

The opponent can't touch the Flame Dragon Stone at all, that is to say, there is no other aid to enhance its power.

The other party dare not appear in front of me, so there is no need for me to carry it here,

So let everyone follow him out of this dark cloud, as long as one or two people go out, finding them is their death.

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